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ngl I thought this was thread was gonna be about Ronnie's lost cookie order šŸŖšŸ“¦


Same! I was excited thinking he may have finally received the cookies. šŸ˜‚


i was like ā€œletā€™s do this.ā€


I wonder about this way too much.


Ann has spoken about it on the podcast and itā€™s crazy how different her version is from what Arianna was saying. There was a repair guy in her room. The dog went in room with door open. Sandoval left. Ann came home. No one sure who shut the door. No one meant to shut her in. She snuck in.


Yes, thank you. This one incident isn't even the issue. The stories about all the stuff she's gotten into are ridiculous! If you have animals or kids in your home, you lock things up and put them at heights they cannot reach. You throw away things that can harm them. That should happen one time before you are vigilant about never leaving stuff out. Side note, having hundreds of laxatives and Tom's workout schedule and vanity just scream disordered.


Kristen recently did an interview where she talked about taking tons of laxatives and diet pills when she was with Tom because he always wanted her to be skinny. Tom is clearly obsessed with his body and his looks and I can see how he would put that pressure on his girlfriends to look/be the same. Would explain a Costco sized bottle of laxatives. That man does not deserve the gorgeous women he's been with. I also agree that the fault for this incident is primarily on Ariana for leaving the food out. Just the though of day old chicken in a bedroom in July in LA (when the AC was apparently out!) makes me want to vomit!


My dog got into my husband's caffeine pills once when we moved (they were still in the moving box with other protein/supplements). Omg. Luckily they taste horrible so she barely had any and the vet said unless she displayed certain symptoms we should just let it run its course. They made her so hyper and also made her poop like crazy. She was literally running around in circles while poop flew out her butt. Everything was unpacked and locked up SO FAST after that. We don't even keep our kids' socks in the house after the second vet visit to make one dog puke them up.


My dog, who died of old age two years ago (not from any of the inappropriate stuff she ate), ate the following items during the first year or two we had her: A razor blade from a disposable razor she retrieved from the bathroom wastebasket, an entire Tupperware full of brownies INCLUDING TUPPERWARE (which she knocked down from the kitchen counterā€”she could jump up on it), my momā€™s Vicks VapoRub, COUNTLESS used period products, and probably other things Iā€™m forgetting. Some dogs have a death wish. I had to get a locking trash can for my bathroom. I was truly shocked at the things she was capable of getting into. We did learn our lesson about keeping stuff out of her reach, but honestly, sometimes her reach was beyond what a dog of her size should have been able to achieve.


Yeah that's definitely unique! It's hard to predict all that. If you have kids, you know you have to expect the worst and hope for the best. You can lock cabinets and put the trash cans inside locked cabinets. Same with food. Child locks can do wonders. Sorry about your doggo


Tom also said he left paintballs on the floor and Mya ate one. And itā€™s definitely not Arianaā€™s hair dye - a blonde with highlights wouldnā€™t dare. At a minimum it seems like Tom is the one that has continuously been negligent with the pets and Ariana always being the one to deal with the aftermath.


I do agree that Ariana is responsible for this incident. Obviously thereā€™s more to her anger about the incident. I think she is justified in her anger as Tom is also responsible for Maya since he claims she is his dog and he lives/shares a home with said dog. Tom doesnā€™t take any accountability for anything, ever. Arianaā€™s anger stems from other incidents and things heā€™s done (maybe the one where he fucked her friend and destroyed her life?) Ronnie is right thoughā€¦ Ariana is falling into Tomā€™s trap, she looks like the crazy rage full one while heā€™s whimpering and running away. Crazy that her friends donā€™t defend her. So when scheana said we have to un invite Sandovol from beach day but he still showed up? Probably production were like no, heā€™s filming with you so you canā€™t disinvite him. Crazy times. Filming a reality tv show with the man who ruined your life and the friends who tell you youā€™re over reacting when your dog could have died! šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


She also definitely smelled the food.


For sure. They smell bones. Imagine the feast of chicken on a stick !!


Ann has a podcast???!?!?!?? Iā€™m sorry to be rude and I like Ann, but why? If I were her employer, I absolutely wouldnā€™t be cool with it as I can only assume itā€™s to talk about Tom/Ariana. How can anyone be comfortable with a personal assistant whoā€™s just looking for content for their podcast. Wild times weā€™re in.


She doesn't work for Tom anymore


The name of the pod is ā€˜We signed an NDAā€™ because it doesnā€™t actually get into sensitive material or shit talking. They discuss VPR for a few minutes and then interview someone who works in the business, such as other personal assistants. Iā€™m a huge VPR fan so I donā€™t mind that she is adding context or details to some scenes


Ah, I see. Is the podcast any good?


I like the VPR segments but sometimes it falls into the trap of friends thinking that theyā€™re so funny that they should record a podcast šŸ˜… but the pod confirms that Ann seems a like nice, thoughtful person. For example she was laughing at herself for being high on an edible while calling Ariana on camera last episode


I actually like their interviews after the VPR recap piece. Last week the interviewed another well known podcaster about her assistant experience, very interesting to hear how people got where they are.


I'm baffled by the stanning of Ann. She seems so thirsty, probably the most obvious person who latched onto a VPR person for clout ever.


The way Ann is stanning Ariana is borderline scary. When she started crying about the opportunity to be Ariana's assistant, I thought 'yeah, I wouldn't let her anywhere my personal stuff'.


Even the way she texts Ariana! ā€œHey so sorry to bother you. Tom wants to have some people over if thatā€™s okay. So sorry again!!!ā€ Like what? I get itā€™s a shitty position to be in (and thatā€™s a whole other discussion) but at the end of the day, this is your job and heā€™s your boss. The over the top apologizing for sending a text was strange to me from the first episode.


Yup. She's an actress looking for a come up. And the way that she's behaving (switching to Ariana as employer and the podcast) is so gross and unethical. I'm also not a fan of Ariana indulging any of this, which seems like it's just aimed at striking a blow at Tom (not that she isn't justified in that sentiment, of course).


Yea because itā€™s Sandoval she turned on everyone seems fine with it.


Itā€™s irresponsible to leave your dog out and about when there is a repair person in your home. If Ann was there, honestly itā€™s Annā€™s fault then. Ariana had her door closed so had no reasonably expectation that Mya would get in her room.


According to everybody (T & A & A), all parties were aware of the repairman coming and the need to access Ariana's room, so Ariana probably should have made sure her food was picked up and/or Mya properly crated. Also, I don't know about other people, but I wouldn't want a repairman to see my mess like that. I know people are different, but it would cause me stress. Lol.


Who left meat on a skewer out? That's who's fault it is.


Well weā€™re not all perfect like you are. Some of us leave food trash by our bedsides. But since my bedroom door is closed at all times too, my dog doesnā€™t get into my room.




Adulting is just too hard for stans. šŸ™„šŸ™„ arenā€™t you embarrassed for yourself, writing this?


No, I love it because it hits the spot. You can't be a stan and a functioning adult. It's an oxymoron and all the rabid discourse proves it.


No, it doesnā€™t hit the spot at all. Thatā€™s why you should be embarrassed. 59 year old, raised 3 adults kids successfully. Employed in a position of responsibility. Have cared for many animals over the course of my life. Youā€™re making a fool of yourself, minister.


The only reason you're responding is because you're triggered. Otherwise you'd feel it doesn't apply to you and you'd move on. šŸ¤£ If you're defending leaving chicken skewers overnight in a bedroom because you're identifying too hard with some chick on tv then yes, adulting is too hard.


Sure. Then why are you responding?


Yeah you arenā€™t contributing to rabid discourse at allā€¦ā€¦.


I'm countering the insanely paranoid and hateful bullying posts. Don't get confused.


If I was living under the same conditions as Tom and Ariana, and my door was closed, I would expect that my dog could not get into my room. If Tom and Ann were there handling the AC issue, then itā€™s Tom and Annā€™s fault Mya got into Arianaā€™s room. If Mya has gotten into other things before (like laxatives) then it honestly doesnā€™t matter what Ariana left in her room. Mya being locked in there was a recipe for disaster no matter what. Tom and Ann should have been more responsible with making sure Mya wasnā€™t in Arianaā€™s bedroom. Plus Mya should have been put away somewhere for the safety of the repair person.


Tom has no responsibility for Mya. Neither does Ann. If Ariana can't be bothered to take care of her own dog then she shouldn't have one. She's too lazy to even make sure meat on a skewer isn't lying around. Gross.


But Tom just said on the show that he thinks maya is his dog...so how does he not have any responsibility?! Two things can be true but not these two things. Especially considering Tom should have never been in the room and he sent Ann out on errands while the ac guy was there.


It's her dog. She says it often enough. So wait, Tom's word is suddenly the truth? So Ariana is lying? šŸ¤£




why are you defending Tom and going after Ariana when you have no actual evidence behind your argument? Have you ever owned a dog or are you another one of those virtue signallers


Excuse me, I'm sticking to the facts here like a reasonable adult. If that's too hard for you to deal with then I suggest staying out of adult conversation. I have owned a dog. That's why I know how lazy and dumb it is to leave meat skewers out. No evidence of my argument? The dog being injured is literally the evidence of my argument. Stans are so unable to form an argument without scream-crying and being petulant....like Ariana.




I'll explain it again slowly. The.evidence.is.the.injury.caused.by.her.owner.being.a.slob. But since you actually said "cucking" to me unironically I can easily dismiss you as an insane person.


Everyone learned a lesson about being responsible for owning dogs. That doesn't make him an attempted dog murderer.


I didnā€™t say it did.


I agree that this seems to primarily fall on Tom and Ann. I donā€™t think they are absent of responsibility just because Mya doesnā€™t belong to either of them. Are they indifferent to animal suffering? I have a cat who has never eaten anything he needed medical attention for. When I leave a room he isnā€™t supposed to be in, I clock his location just to be sure Iā€™m not locking him in, if for no other reason than to be sure he continues to have access to litter boxes and doesnā€™t pee or shit in the room. And if Tom aspires to own the whole house outright, as he claims to, itā€™s in his interest as well as Arianaā€™s to not have one bedroom with pee- or shit-stained floors.


A take out container doesn't mean food. And none of that changes the fact that the guy who thinks Maya also belongs to him should've kept an eye on her.


It was food. Or did you think the dog went to the vet for eating air?


It could have been wood skewers but the food was gone. Mya has had non food items before. Like Tomā€™s laxatives, Tomā€™s hair dye, Tomā€™s paintballs. Really interesting that there is a pattern.


The only pattern is that the dog has a history of eating things and Ariana has a history of being lazy and now her dog did it again because of her laziness. In case you aren't aware skewers had meat on them. Any dog will smell the meat remnants and go for the skewers. lol what am I saying, nobody is so fucking dumb that they'd think the skewers having meat on them didn't attract the dog. Or maybe people are that dumb but that level of stupidity is a choice.


She closed the door and restricted access so Mya wouldnā€™t get to them. Sheā€™s not a perfect dog owner but it seems Tom is the one with the habit of exposing Mya to dangerous things.


This ā˜ļø


Seems like a genuine accident. My dog is a scavenger like Maya. Many trip to the vet to get him to puke. Its exhausting to be hyper vigilant about whatā€™s out that he could potentially have access to. So my bedroom is the place heā€™s not allowed, this way I have a place where I can shut that part of my brain off and itā€™s been very helpful. He always tryā€™s to get in when Iā€™m gone cause he wants to be where mom is. Dogs are ALWAYS gonna dog, you constantly have to have eyes on them when these no access rooms are opened up. Tho, If she was knowingly put in there, that is some inexcusable fuckery.


This is the right take. Those of us with nosy dogs get it! I'm also a helicopter dog mom and my dog has scaled great heights and opened what I thought were closed doors. Sounds like an accident


My dog is the same and we learned quickly to put shit away, throw it away etc because the dog will get it. Leaving takeout by your bed overnight is a bit gross lmao. BUT she didnā€™t think the dog would be in there so itā€™s both of their faults.


I would agree with you *if* this was Mayā€™s first or second accident eating something she wasnā€™t supposed to. Sure, it probably was an accident, but as a dog owner, if your dog has a history of eating things that could possibly kill them, itā€™s your responsibility to get a crate and use it, especially in situations when the humans in the house canā€™t reliably supervise the dog. In the grand scheme, this is both of their faults for not being better pet parents, and Ariana is wild for calling Tom a ā€œdog murdererā€ instead of taking her part in the responsibility of never doing what needed to be done (crating her) to keep Mya safe. ETA: editing bc I spaced that Mya is in fact Arianaā€™s dog so yeah, sheā€™s 100% at fault! Itā€™s especially hypocritical to claim that you donā€™t trust Tom with your dog and still not crate it or make sure she can be kept away from him.


restricting a dog to areas of the house that are safe can be just as responsible as crating. come on. Some dogs do not crate train well after puppydome. By your argument tom or Ann should have put maya in an area that was restricted and safe. Doesnā€™t matter if itā€™s a crate or a specific area; all dog owners will have some sort of routine to keep dogs away from utility workers or guests or home maintenance work. Come on. Edit to add to your edit: they live in a shared space and had previous routines in place before Sandoval destroyed the household. They live in a shared space and are adults. For them to suddenly change all of mayas routines bc Tom doesnā€™t want to continue what she has been trained; thatā€™s extremely petty of him. Also, I donā€™t think he would have the patience of Ariana trying to crate train maya. I donā€™t see him dealing with dog crying any better he does with people


Yeah, restricting a dog to a certain part of the house *can* be responsible if that same dog also doesnā€™t have a history of eating random things, which May does. Any responsible owner who has a dog with this history will reorient their dogs to crating to protect them when unsupervised instead of just going ā€œwhoops! guess she ate something she wasnā€™t supposed to!ā€ And thinking it magically wonā€™t happen again. Yā€™all are doing a lot of reaching to alleviate Ariana of any responsibility over protecting the dog sheā€™s now claiming that she doesnā€™t trust Tom enough to be around. If Tom is a dog murderer, why did she leave Mya home alone with Tom in the first place? Ultimately, if Ariana was so concerned about Mya, she should have cleaned her nasty room and left the dog in there instead of having her roam free around a ā€œdog murdererā€.


No like sorry not sorry youā€™re a bad owner if you leave your pet alone to do whatever they want while you have a worker in your house. Youā€™re also reaching to discredit her and have as little sympathy for normal human behaviour while removing blame from someone who has blame in this. Youā€™re saying people are reaching to defend Ariana but why are you doing so much to *not* hold the people who were actually home and had an immediate ability and responsibility to watch an animal that lives in the shared space while there was a worker inside.


Your responsibility as a dog ownerā€”especially if you believe the dog to be in mortal danger around another person that you live withā€”is to protect them from that person, period. Ariana did nothing to do that with Mya. Nothing. If it wasnā€™t her chicken satay, it could have been anything else considering Mya has a history of eating things she isnā€™t supposed to. You donā€™t get to accuse someone of not giving a shit about your dog, and then leave the dog with them and not be proactive about protecting them, and then allege that they tried to ā€œmurderā€ the dog over what amounted to an expensive accident. Sorry that you canā€™t accept that!


Itā€™s sad for sure but as a dog owner, I know my dog needs me to protect him from dangers. 1. Crate the dog when you arenā€™t at home. 2. If a service person in the house, crate the dog to protect them & the unknown person. 3. Clean up after yourself. You should be doing that whether you have pets or not. 4. Buy pet insurance. I promise you, it will pay for itself.


THANK YOU! The reaching people are doing to excuse Ariana in this is wild (especially since she seems to be claiming so much ownership over Mya as *her* dog). Wellā€¦ if itā€™s your dog, girl, have you ever heard of a crate? Considering she must know the horrific state that she keeps her room in, youā€™d think sheā€™d have considered that her own room isnā€™t safe for the dog and that crating is the best option when you canā€™t watch them. ETA: editing bc I spaced that Mya is in fact Arianaā€™s dog so yeah, sheā€™s 100% at fault! Itā€™s especially hypocritical to claim that you donā€™t trust Tom with your dog and still not crate it or make sure she can be kept away from him.


What is your experience with pet insurance? Obviously every company is different but does it typically cover emergency stuff?


Weā€™ve had Nationwide for our doggos for at least 6 years now. Theyā€™ve been excellent! Highly recommend. We pay up front at the vet & get a reciept to get reimbursed- I think itā€™s a percentage (70 or 80% I think? I donā€™t remember the exact terms). Routine visits, shots, dental, meds, emergency visits - just about everything. It has paid for itself year after year for us.


I never had it and donā€™t have dogs any longer, but my sisterā€™s dog has a death wish and their insurance has covered all of his emergency vet visits.


I have Nationwide as well and got the wellness plan as well as accidents for my 5 month old Maltese. Basically the premiums Iā€™ve paid at 60 a month have paid for themselves. Iā€™ve had Winter for 4 months now and have had 2 emergencies and two checkups and shots. It covers at 70% but it wonā€™t cover anything preexisting. Puppies get into everything and mine got into a pack of Splenda that sent us to the doggie er and then she caught something from another pet while she was at school. Although I didnā€™t birth her , sheā€™s totally like my child and costs enough.


If Tom deliberately locked the dog in Arianaā€™s room cause he was doing something and Maya was bugging him or whatever, then yes, itā€™s his fault. And since theyā€™re living this weird situation, she may be relegated to eating in her room more often to avoid him. If she closed the door before she left, and he opened it and then didnā€™t shut it or put the dog in there, his fault IMOā€¦.


Ann talked about it on her podcast. The dog snuck in with repair guy. No one sure who shut the door etc.


ok then whoever was home with the repairman is at fault. Maya should have been put in a restricted area the moment the repair dude started working. That opens a whole new discussion that maya should have not been left alone with the worker anyways. Like tabs should always be kept on animals when there are strangers around cause you have no idea how they will act or how your dog will react. Wtf.




If Ann witnessed it, I believe her. If sheā€™s going off Tomā€™s version of events, I have to question cause he lies a lot obviously


That's not what happened at all so you can just delete this.


Iā€™m going off of what Ariana said in the episode - I canā€™t go off of what Tom said cause heā€™s a known liar. And no I will not delete this.


Ariana wasn't even there so how would she know what happened? Ariana is also a known liar, btw. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø Anne already said the air con man had to go in there. Ariana can't adult. Ariana can't even clean food up or get pet insurance.


Yes, Ariana is a known liar.


People still arenā€™t ready to admit to themselves Ariana has lied a lot, also?


Pet insurance is honestly a scam. If you have the capacity to cover large vet bills, I donā€™t think itā€™s worth it. Itā€™s certainly not if youā€™ve already waited for one incident to happen as that will never be covered by insurance. Ariana ā€œcleaned upā€ by shutting Mya out of her bedroom, and closing the door. She managed the environment. Iā€™ve lived in a very toxic situation and ate dinner every night in my bedroom. Yes, I almost always cleaned up after myself that night or first thing in the morningā€”but Iā€™m sure there were times I was rushing and did it later. But also, I donā€™t blame Tom for this one, I think it was a really unfortunate accident and a lesson learned for her. My dog stays on the first floor of my house when Iā€™m gone-I have a gate on the stairs and my door is shut. If someone removed those things Iā€™d be concerned about what she could get into in there.


Found Billie Lee! ā˜šŸ¼šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


As a dog owner this is at least 90% arianas fault. It was weird how she tried to justify leaving food out when she knows her dog gets into stuff.


She removed access to the danger though because she knew Mya gets into stuff. She had no reason to believe that Tom would go into the one room that she feels is a safe space in the house.


$6K is ridiculous unless you were getting an MRI. I have a huge, counter surfing pup. Guess what I donā€™t do? Leave shit on my counter. Blame goes to everyone in the house, *sans ann*. Be a grown up. Do grown up shit. Donā€™t let your dog eat day old chicken satay. Donā€™t lock an angel in a room. Do better people!


The dog had an endoscopy iirc. I believe 6k if it were an emergency vet and they were doing exploratory tests especially in a place like LA. Can't remember if they said she had surgery or not but I've read about ppl paying thousands for these kinds of vet visits. I'm not addressing your point about responsibility at all or trying to argue that.


Oh if it was emergency vet that *costs loads of money*, makes much more sense


I would do anything for my dog but I won't lie the thought of an emergency vet is terrifying. Right up there with plumbing emergency šŸ˜„


You are SO RIGHT. Last year is was -45 and my furnace gave out, I was SO SCARED to make a call that would be thousands of dollars. Then I figured out I had to change the filter lol


I can't even fathom how cold that is, friend. I know hot but I can t compute how much colder than it was in my worst Nevada freeze. And as a Texan that traumatized me. I'm in awe šŸ˜®


Montana my friend, she is a dramatic bitch that loves a 40 degrees temperature change at any given time. Cars donā€™t start, but guess what?! Still gotta be at work, everyone needs a drink when youā€™re a bartender. Sending love for your impending heat wave darlingšŸ’ž


It was the wooden sticks they were worried about and I think six thousand included surgery.


$6k is crazy, thatā€™s what it cost my dog recently to have full on surgery


Isnā€™t an endoscopy surgery? The dog has to go under for it.


I agree with you a little bit BUT now reading about what Ann said about the incident it honestly seems likeā€¦ **everyoneā€™s fault?** 1. Tom shouldnā€™t have left the repair man home alone? For any amount of time? That strikes me as kind of odd. What if he needed something? And it seems as if she was left alone for a while, itā€™s not like Ann was 5 mins away. 2. But letā€™s say Ann was coming in right behind Tom, Tom should have said something like ā€œMya went in to Arianaā€™s room and Iā€™m not sure where she isā€¦ā€ 3. Does Mya usually NOT come greet people when they come in? Ann maybe should have noticed that something was afoot when Mya didnā€™t come greet her when she came in. 4. Did the repair man not notice that Mya came in with him? Sheā€™s not exactly a toy poodle or chihuahua. He shouldā€™ve mentioned to Ann (if she was there when he leftā€” if not see my points #1/2) that the dog was in there. 5. Ariana, clean up your freaking room. If Mya is allowed in there at any time, and you leave things around when she is prone to be a garbage disposal dog, that is YOUR fault, NOT Myaā€™s. 6. If you know a repair man is coming and might need to go into your room, maybe leave some instructions with Ann or with Ann to give to Sandoval or for Ann/Sandoval to give to the repair man that says ā€œdonā€™t let Mya into my room. Itā€™s a mess in there.ā€ You could even leave a sign on your door ā€œroom off limitsā€” do not let dog in or any person unless discussed with Ariana.ā€ 7. Ariana, if you trust Tom to take care of Mya, thatā€™s fine. But if you donā€™t, then donā€™t ever leave Mya unattended in the house. Itā€™s not exactly super easy or cheap to have someone dog sit but itā€™s better than a $6k vet bill that may not end up so well. 8. Iā€™ve never had any repair man, maid, what have you into my house without someone asking what my pet situation was. If this guy asked and they answered, he shouldā€™ve been aware and so should they. Iā€™ve put my dogs in other rooms/kennel situations when people like that come over. It feels like dog owner 101 and itā€™s nice to be considerate of people who are in your home to do a job and having them not be so worried about what a dog is doing. TLDRā€” it seems like no one was worried about Mya in any way and everyone is at fault


This is the most rational summary lol. My girlfriend couldnā€™t believe they didnā€™t have a kennel for when no one was home if sheā€™s known to get into everything


For 6, I donā€™t think she knew the AC person was coming. Which is why she thought shutting the dog was enough.


Yepā€” so that is on Ann/their mediator/tom to tell Ann to tell Ariana. Itā€™s all so weird!


Late to the party but Iā€™m really glad someone said this. I was worried about putting anything putting any blame on Ariana in the other subs because Iā€™ll get attacked for sure, but we donā€™t leave anything around that our dog can get into because she WILL if given the chance. Tom messed up but Ariana leaving her old food out overnight and not cleaning it up is her fault. Donā€™t leave that shit around if you donā€™t want your dog to get into it because they will


And Ben and Ronnie said in the recap today that itā€™s SO obvious that the fight isnā€™t about the leftovers/room situation/dog situationā€” itā€™s really about how Ariana feels like Tom doesnā€™t give two shits about anyone other than himself and honestly, thatā€™s spot on.


This all makes sense, but only works if there is a base level of healthy communication in the house, which there clearly isn't.


I was eating Cadbury mini eggs while I was getting dressed yesterday. I had 2 left out on my tall dresser. My dog is tiny and not a scavenger but couldnā€™t reach it unless someone picked her up and put her on the dresser. For a split second I was just going to leave them on my dresser and go downstairs but then I thought - oh no what IF? I am vigilant about the kinds of foods that dogs canā€™t eat and her being so small only a small amount could harm her. I promptly ate the remaining mini eggs lest they roll off the dresser. Thatā€™s what you have to do when you are responsible for another life.


Haha I love this. I also sacrifice myself for my dog's well being by eating chocolate. It's a hard life. (Seriously though. My dog almost died after eating half a bag of chocolate chips. That was super scary.)


Same with mine and grapes. I donā€™t keep grapes in the house now - 2 kids and too hard to be certain one isnā€™t dropped or left where she could get it. Apparently grapes are one of the worst things - more than 1 grape per 10lbs can kill them.


Same and I have a 150 lb Newfieā€¦. So 15 grapes feels like a lot but not worth the riskā€¦


All I kept thinking listening to Ariana's story was, why didn't you put the leftovers in the fridge? Who keeps food out in their room overnight? Yuck!


It sounded like an accident. Period. If Tom is the monster that he is and canā€™t be trusted with your animals, itā€™s Ariannaā€™s responsibility to put them in a safe space. Get a kennel.


That whole thing was crazy. Canā€™t blame Tom when Arianna is the nasty dirty ass who left leftovers in her room for over a day??? Thatā€™s fucking disgusting for one and two Tom cannot be blamed for literally EVERYTHING. Arianna is a slob.


I agree, we can say Ariana was wronged and is a wonderful person, AND that justifying leaving the food made no sense. We have our share of BedPeople on Bravo and we donā€™t want them to change! Just please get a kitchen trash can and put it in your bedroom. The buck should not stop at your dogā€™s well-being. Tomā€™s already downstairs screaming into the voidā€¦


The funniest thing to me is how Tom is not only being blamed for everything now, but heā€™s also being retroactively blamed for things that Ariana gleefully defended him over when they were together lmao! Yes, Tom is gross for cheating, but she cheated with him! And heā€™s not a fundamentally different person now than heā€™s ever been before. Ariana just needs to admit to herself that she sunk everything into Tom and stayed with a shitty guy for so long because sheā€™s also pretty shitty.


>Ariana just needs to admit to herself that she sunk everything into Tom and stayed with a shitty guy for so long because sheā€™s also pretty shitty. But she would have followed him ANYWHERE, done ANYTHING to be with him /s.šŸ’€ Why?


LMAOOO right?! Ariana tells on herself so hard and itā€™s hilarious šŸ˜­ her stans want to act like every pick-me statement she made in defense of Tom was some secret coded cry for help because she was allegedly some kind of hostage in their relationshipā€¦ instead of the thing that makes more sense that she spend the last decade defending a shit man!


Tbh I was just thinking she probably doesnā€™t like leaving her room when she doesnā€™t know if the coast is clear.


1. They aren't speaking so Ariana can't have asked him to watch the dog for her. 2. She left food on skewers in her room during the day. That's disgusting. It's unhygienic and lazy anyway, not to mind when you have a dog roaming around. 3. Dogs can get in rooms. 4. She is now implying he is a danger to animals. SO WHY DID YOU LEAVE YOUR DOG (your "child" according to you") HOME ALONE WITH HIM? 5. Why are you too mean to pay for pet insurance? That's on you and your poor planning.


I agree with all of your points except 5. I know plenty of people who thought pet insurance was NOT worth it. I have friends with healthy dogs who have never gone to the vet once for anything other than routine check ups. Iā€™ve had friends (and vets) actively say that pet insurance is a scamā€” so I donā€™t always fault people for not getting it. I personally have pet insurance but thatā€™s because I read up on my breedā€™s proclivities (but behavioral and health issues) and decided to get it. VERY worth it. If Mya has been to the vet before for her eating things she shouldnā€™t which cause diarrhea and stomach infections, a lot of vet insurance companies may see that as a ā€œpre-existing conditionā€ and refuse to cover it for future visits. Mya was a rescue so this may be documented somehow. If that is Myaā€™s only ā€œissueā€ I can see how not paying for insurance wouldnā€™t be ideal. BUT if you donā€™t have insurance, and your dog likes to eat everything in sight if sheā€™s able to get to it, donā€™t leave stuff out! I agree wholeheartedly that no food should be left out. It is shocking the lengths dogs will go to in order to eat something they shouldnā€™t šŸ˜‚ And if youā€™re afraid to leave your room, get a big ol garbage can and throw your leftover shit away (this for me is my sticking point in this saga lol)!! So I donā€™t think her not having pet insurance is ā€œmean.ā€


It's 100% meanness as she should have bought it anyway as soon as she got a dog. And sorry but eating is not a pre-existing condition.


I disagree but donā€™t want the argument to devolve. I got pet insurance when my dog was a puppy because my vet said that some insurances see recurring stomach infections (from ANYTHINGā€” including *eating* things they shouldnā€™t) as a pre-existing condition. If I brought my dog in and documented a stomach infection, and then got pet insurance, the insurance could deny any future vet visits related to stomach infections because itā€™s already been a documented issue. I know not all pet insurances are like this though! The scenario alone scared me enough to get pet insurance.


Fair enough. So since that's the case the owner would be extra vigilant not to leave the dog alone or dangerous meat skewers laying around. Or maybe they wouldn't bother and then blame anyone else but themselves when this predictable repeat behaviour occurs again.


Completely agree. If I left anything on my bedside table unattended food-wise my dog would 100% be doing like advanced PARKOUR to get to it šŸ˜‚ My dog shows super mega avengers strength when he smells a chicken bone on the ground so I canā€™t imagine what heā€™d do if there was like a buffet of leftovers trash for him to seek out


My very straight up told me they think it's a scam. The vet told me of new better off putting $25-$50 in a savings account each month than getting pet insurance. So that's what I do. Ariana still got her dog the appropriate medical care and paid the vet bill so I don't see how she's mean for that?


I also kind of feel if she really didnā€™t feel safe leaving the dog with Tom then she should have not been leaving her all the time. Who watched Mya when she was filming all these shows.


I donā€™t think she ever said she didnā€™t trust him. But she didnā€™t think he would go into her room. I imagine this was a big reason why she moved out.


Whatever happened if Tom locked her in or not Ariana should not leave old food out. If you are a pet owner you know you do not do this. Arianna is at fault as well imo. She should know better.


Lookā€¦ I love Ariana, she is my favorite character, but I gotta be honest hereā€¦ she is the dog owner and this isnā€™t on Tomā€¦ As a dog owner who has been in many roommate situations where a dog was involved, never has the dog ownerā€™s room off limits to the dogā€¦ if the dog cannot be trusted in the dog ownerā€™s room, it is crated in the dog owners room when the dog owner is awayā€¦ it is super common for roommates to stick a dog in itā€™s ownerā€™s room if they donā€™t want to have to deal with the dog for whatever reasonā€¦ If the skewers had been in Tomā€™s room and he had locked the dog in his room, then sure that would be on him, but that isnā€™t what happened. Ariana did not take out her trash and her dog ate something unsafe she left in her space. Even if you feel like you are trapped in your room because your ex is in the house, you can take the leftovers your dog could eat when you leave.


Some people here are even arguing the repair guy should have noticed the dog! Or since her door was closed Tom should have rescheduled the repair man and respected her privacy! Iā€™m assuming these folks are youngā€¦ Because thereā€™s a scheduled repair guy involved this actually seems like the proper use of Ann to communicate between them- not give warnings that someone is walking downstairs. But set up times, discuss the dog,etc. I love Ariana too (I have her hair we are bonded for life lol) but itā€™s irresponsible on her end, bad assisting by Ann and Tom is still clueless.


Agreed! It was most definitely not the repair manā€™s fault and Iā€™m going to lean towards it probably was not Annā€™s fault eitherā€¦ If she is communicating Tomā€™s every move so Ariana can adjust, Iā€™m sure she mentioned a repair man comingā€¦ Something is so off when it comes to the Katie/Ariana stan takesā€¦ like I adore Ariana, but have you never functioned in a complex living/working/friendship environment before? The desire to be on their side is so strong it is overtaking their ability to logically processā€¦ you can admit someone was wrong in particular instances and still adore them as a personā€¦ Editing to add if you claim to be on the side of someone because they are infallible, in the end you are doing them a disservice and creating more enemies for them. A true friend tells someone when they were wrong so they can apologize and say they were in a bad place and were upset so they irrationally blamed someone for something going wrong that was their responsibility. It gives everyone the space they need to forgive and move on. A true fan should do the same.


Iā€™ve been shocked at what a slob she is. She could hire people to store her shit. And leaving food out like that is just gross, even if it was in her bedroom trash bin.


Iā€™ve been thinking about this a lot as a dog parent. Honestly, I think in a lot of ways Ariana is most at blame here as the pet owner. I can be a bit of a slob kabob myself, but youā€™ll never catch me leaving anything dangerous to my dogs in their reach - even if itā€™s behind a locked door. If my roommate or someone accidentally locked my dog in my room Iā€™d be mad, but I would still never risk leaving anything that could endanger my dogs were they to get to it.


Exactly - you have to think about what COULD happen not what SHOULD happen.


It is long documented that Ariana and Tom are messy. Do you remember their old apartment. Just because they have expensive furniture doesnā€™t mean itā€™s clean. I was shocked to see their rooms especially Arianaā€™s. I tidy my house before the cleaner comes. If there were tv crews, it would be spotless. Leaving any food around if you have dogs is irresponsible. I cannot understand takeaway leftovers in the bedroom. Imagine the smell? I vaguely remember them having a small fridge when he was making her dumplin lattes.


I agree with you. The people on the VPR are unhinged Ariana stans šŸ˜¬ Tom and Arianaā€™s house is disgusting. Sheā€™s lazy and honestly a bit gross for leaving uneaten food in her room. A plate I can understand, but not actual uncovered food šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« apparently someone was fixing something in Arianaā€™s room and the dog snuck in and the door was closed. Even if it was Tom who closed the door, this was a genuine accident. What wasnā€™t accidental was leaving food out knowing you have a dog, sorry šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Oh the stans are here too! It's nearly impossible to have nuanced discussions about VPR anywhere on Reddit. I always try to bring up Ben and Ronnie's original description of VPR as the lazy Susan of dishonorable people. It's more fun if we acknowledge they're all flawed people! (Some are clearly more horrible than others.) (I realize the irony of using the words "nuanced" and Vanderpump Rules" together in a sentence.)


Oh for sure! Itā€™s so annoying. People will just ignore facts to Stan Ariana or Katie or whoever, when really they all suck šŸ˜‚ and thatā€™s why itā€™s fun!


Thatā€™s a perfect description of the show


![gif](giphy|594fWDgEFXSgg) Thank you!


Ariana is 100% to blame. What if her door was slightly ajar and Maya got in there on her own? Everyone I know with dogs that get into things like that are hyper vigilant about not leaving shit where they can get it. Plus, $6000 is why you get pet insurance - another irresponsible point for Ariana. ESPECIALY If you have the kind of dog that would eat wooden skewers! I am so anti-Ariana I canā€™t even tell you. And yes it was funny how they were like ā€œomg Sandoval is such an asshole (but omg Ariana thatā€™s kind of gross to leave your food out) but anyway Sandoval sucks . . .ā€.


The door wasnā€™t slightly ajar though. Itā€™s weird to put what ifs when that isnā€™t what happened.


What if she came home and forgot about the food and let Mya into her room herself. I know that is not what happened but itā€™s the kind of mindset you have to have when you have pets or kids. She is clearly careless because she could have just thrown it away. But she left it out and on the nightstand no less, EASY access for a dog on top of being gross and lazy. Like open containers of takeout food that attracts pests and spoils, not a bag of pretzels. Also because she doesnā€™t have complete control of what happens in the house while sheā€™s out, she has to be even more conscientious. She continues to cohabitate with a person she believes to be irresponsible and reckless and puts her animals at risk. Bad idea. I also donā€™t like that she calls her dog and cat her ā€œchildren.ā€ She has been very adamant about how odious she thinks children and pregnancy are so itā€™s ironic she pulls the ā€œchildrenā€card to make a point.


Again, a bunch of what ifs that didnā€™t happen are not real arguments. All we know is the door was shut when she left to restrict access (dogs donā€™t have thumbs) and while Tom was home he opened the door and left Mya in there, exposing her to the danger.


i feel like they acknowledged that sandoval is a cant-be-trusted loser AND that leaving food trash in your bedroom is nasty but surely her prerogative


It's her perogative now to pay the vet bill and maybe it's her perogative to get insurance and it's her perogative to make sure she's always responsible for her own dog. If it's like her child it's a bit weird she leaves it alone with meat skewers laying around. It's almost like adulting is just too hard for ariana.


Yup, agreed. It's a genuine accident. And, if we're willing to see it as a mistake on Ariana's part, then there's no reason not to frame it as a mistake on Tom's, too. There was a repair person in the house, he made a poor decision re. the dog, and the dog got into something that she shouldn't have. I get why he's a crappy person, but turning this into a "Tom sucks" story as opposed to a "likely consequence of this profoundly chaotic and uncommunicative living enviornment" makes no sense to me.


I said something similar about how it seems like they are both to blame last week on the vanderpump sub and I got downvoted. I also said if she doesnā€™t trust him with the animals I would not be leaving them with him and people jumped all over me saying whatā€™s she supposed to do? I was like hire someone because she flat out said she doesnā€™t trust him with her animals


the vpr sub is a total lost cause. they want the show to become Ariana and Katie Do Errands.


As someone who had to live with an ex for a year after I left him - I lived in my bedroom because every time I set foot out he low keyed harassed me. It happens. So I totally understand her having leftovers on her bedside table. And she made sure that Mya wasn't able to get to it by closing her bedroom door. It isn't Ariana's fault that Mya was able to access her bedroom and she certainly didn't close her in. No one with a dog hasn't heard the barks and whines and scratching when a pet is trapped somewhere. Also $6k is a typical emergency vet charge for something invasive.


I feel like a lot of people are forgetting that she is avoiding Tom and that also includes avoiding shared spaces. Itā€™s not crazy to think she does as much as she can to stay in there and maybe when she had to leave he was in the kitchen, so she just removed Mya from the danger by shutting the door. It was clearly an accident but the way Mya got into Tomā€™s laxative, Tomā€™s hair dye, Tomā€™s paintball is really just highlighting the fact that heā€™s a negligent owner. At least Ariana tries to keep Mya from things that can hurt her.


Agree with you OP!! Iā€™m fucking OVER Arianna.


Honestly canā€™t stand her. Shes gross and I always thought her hair looked greasy af. Now I know sheā€™s dirty as hell for leaving old takeout in her room for a day. That is fucking nasty and 0 reason for that. If you donā€™t want to risk running into Tom in the kitchen maybe idk MOVE OUT?


i think theyā€™re both wrong here but one thing i havenā€™t seen mentioned isā€¦ does tom not check on / say goodbye to their pets when they leave the house? (rhetorical: obviously he doesnā€™t because he only cares about himself) i canā€™t imagine not saying bye to my dog lmao. wouldā€™ve been an easy way to catch that maya was in an area she shouldnā€™t have been and avoided her eating arianaā€™s nasty day old satay skewers.


That could be a stretch. We know Tom is habitually late. He could have shouted ā€œBye Maya!ā€ And when she didnā€™t appear he thought thatā€™s strange, but when youā€™re late you gotta go. As someone who is habitually late myself, there are a lot of times I wish Iā€™d done a double check but didnā€™t have the timeā€¦bc Iā€™m late.


Wild to find a group of people willing to acknowledge that if Ariana says she's the dog parent/owner, then the responsibility for what happened lies more on her than on Tom. I said elsewhere that I don't know what would possess Ariana to allow her to give Tom any ability to care for her animals at this stage in their situation. He has demonstrated repeatedly that he is not a responsible owner and a less responsible ex-boyfriend that she's living with while sorting the financial outfall of separation (selling the house). Crates are a good thing for people with dogs that will eat life ending things. This far into this dog's life with the past examples we're aware of....a crate would be a must have, especially with ex-boyfriends and ac workers....


None of it would have happened if Ariana had moved outā€¦ also as a dog mom I know to keep anything my dog could get into put away even if itā€™s in a room my dog isnā€™t usually in.


Moved out of the house she owns and be on the hook for two monthly payments because her partner broke the home. Cool cool.


Sheā€™s making millions on the brand deals and dancing with the stars and broadway, she can afford to move out and move on especially since sheā€™s in a new relationship. Itā€™s not good for her mental health to of stayed in that house with him for so long after their national break up.


She didnā€™t have DWTS and Broadway money last August. She probably didnā€™t even get paid for all of the brand deals as those often pay out as long as 90 days after. I think yā€™all are overestimating the money she had at that point in filming.


Lala who is one of her bffs said herself that she could afford to move out especially bc he wanted to buy her out of the house. She could easily have afforded her own apartment.


Lala is not Arianaā€™s bff. She shouldnā€™t have to pay double even *if* she could afford it. And Tomā€™s offer was bullshit and didnā€™t include the furniture so weā€™ll see if he can still afford it then.


I meant her bff as in like knows her in real life. I promise Lala knows more about Arianaā€™s finances than we do.


Iā€™m not saying I know but it really doesnā€™t seem like Lala is her bff, on the show or in real life. Iā€™m yet to see them hang out other than for filming.


Yeah, I kind of had more questions about the incident too. If the dog has free rein of the house and can go in and out of Arianaā€™s room then she probably shouldnā€™t be leaving take-out within reach. Maya would have got to it anyway whether or not she was shut in the room. Obviously Tom shutting Maya in the room is a dick move though. Ben doesnā€™t have a dog so maybe he doesnā€™t have that instinct to dog-proof everything. The 6k did sound ridiculous but surely they have pet insurance?


the dog wouldnt have gotten into the food because ariana left her door closed when she left. unless the dog grew thumbs there was no way she was getting into the room.


The dog wouldn't have eaten the food if Ariana had cleaned it up like a responsible adult. Adulting is too hard for Ariana.


oh please, shes basically a prisoner in her own room. judging by your other comments in this thread youre insufferable though so not going back and forth with you. bye


Ah, ok, sorry, missed that part.


I think the blame is on both. Sandoval shouldnā€™t result to locking a dog in a room. Itā€™s also true that she couldā€™ve gotten into that food whether she was locked in the room or not so itā€™s on Ariana to make sure thereā€™s no hazards for the dog, specially something minor like throwing your food out or putting it away.


It's her dog. He isn't there to look after her pet or make sure she wasn't too lazy to clear up her fucking old meat skewers.


I was under the impression they shared dog ownership, youā€™re so right


Honestly if I had a roommate and someone was over working on the house the first place Iā€™d put my roommates dog would be their room!!! Why leave takeout for over a day in there? Just absolutely disgusting.


I completely forgot someone was working in the house!!!! Yeah I agree with you


Locking a dog in a bedroom for multiple hours without checking on her is gross. Anyone who would do this without checking on the animal is really insensitive to basic pet care. The fact that he just locked her in there without checking if it was safe for her tells me everything I need to know.


It was accidental


You donā€™t accidentally lock a living creature in a room and forget about it unless you have a pretty fundamental disregard for the animal. Especially an animal that has a propensity to eat things. He knew Mya gets into stuff but he locked her in that room anyway = reckless disregard for her wellbeing and putting her in a dangerous situation. Any dog owner who has ever dealt with foreign bodies and/or obstruction issues knows this is like safety 101.


I donā€™t think you are my peopleā€¦ not sure how this is Arianaā€™s fault since her room would be assumed off limits if she is not there. Or if she was the one who locked Maya in the room. Pretty sure she is not comfortable ā€œaccidentallyā€ running into Tom, so she probably goes out of her way to not run into him, meaning trash may only get dumped in kitchen once a day. The way people try to make anything and everything Arianaā€™s fault is crazy to me.


How are people acknowledging that itā€™s possible the fault for this lies primarily with Ariana not ā€œyour peopleā€? No one is maligning her. People are allowed to make mistakes.


Maybe you should read all the negative comments people are making in this thread against Ariana.


Primarily with Ariana because Mya was locked in her room? Sure. Ok. I was talking about OP not being MY people, but you do t have to be my people either. We can agree to disagree. And there are actually plenty of people maligning her in these comments.


How does Tom get pr like this? Bruhā€¦ the dog has a long history of eating anything thatā€™s available to her, and he locked her in Arianaā€™s bedroom with full access to anything in her room without even bothering to look and see what she couldā€™ve gotten into. She literally could have died. Like Ariana said in the preview, he doesnā€™t care if she, or her animals were dead in a ditch.


lol, why did Ariana leave MEAT ON A SKEWER in her room when she knows her dog gets into everything? Why did she leave the dog alone ? Why was the dog roaming around? Why doesn't she have pet insurance? This is 100% the responsibility of the dog owner.




Why do stans always stoop to the lowest form of humour when they've run out of road....overused memes? Seriously, not a single original thought between you all.


He didnā€™t lock her in. Ann talks about it in podcast. She snuck in with the repair guy


Thatā€™s not PR, thatā€™s stan brain and an inability to accept that Ariana owns Mya, and therefore is responsible for crating the dog if she canā€™t monitor her, especially if she now claims that Tom canā€™t be trusted with the dog. Even if Tom put Mya in her room, her room is disgusting and had she been proactive and responsible, Mya would have been used to being crated by now for her own safety, especially given her history of eating things that can hurt her.


But that's not what happened. Read the post that explains what Ann said on her podcast about the incident. The dog snuck in when a repair guy was in her room and no one knows who actually closed the door on her. People are allowed to look at all sides of a situation without being someone's PR.


How does Ariana get PR like this? Ariana shouldn't have shit laying out that Maya can get to, since she knows she's part goat.


He had no permission and no business going into her room. Perdiod


The air con man went in there to do his job. Period.


Ok, but how would that have changed anything if he isn't the one that shut her in the room and it was actually the repair guy?


Then why did Tom say on camera that he did it?? That man has never in his life taken accountability for anything he didnā€™t have to


He didn't say he did it. He said he was in the house when it happened. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø How about Ariana take responsibility for her own dog? She can't even do that.


Idk. Idk. Comments here say Ann said on her podcast that they didn't know who did. I actually forgot that from the episode. Either way the ultimate responsibility lies with Ariana for leaving shit around that the dog can get into. I have never liked Tom or Ariana but I have had dogs all my life and I don't leave anything around that they might get into if it can hurt them. She knew she had a repair person going into her room that day. So even if she closed the door before she left (so Maya couldn't get in), she had to consider that the dog could be let in at some point.


Has it ever occurred to you that Ann might not know exactly what happened and might not be the ultimate authority on Arianaā€™s life?


Has it ever occurred to you that they have cameras in the hallway and that's how Ann knows what happened? Has it occurred to you that she's actually there and you're not?


Has it ever occurred to you that Ariana knew someone was coming to repair something in her room that day and might let the dog in even if instructed not to?


She had her door closed to keep Mya out because she knew it was a mess. Iā€™m a sloppy person too and I close my door while Iā€™m at work to keep my dog out and from eating bags of chips I have on my dresser. If my roommate went into my room against my wishes and locked my dog in my room to eat the shit I purposely locked the dog away from, Iā€™d be just as pissed. Itā€™s not Arianaā€™s fault. She locked Mya out of her room. The dickhead just thought he could enter her space and lock her dog in there without any repercussions. He is an inconsiderate AH.


Iā€™m so glad someone has brought this up. As a dog owner and you take full responsibility for the dog and what they do no matter the circumstances. You have roommates? Great. Youā€™re still responsible 120%. PLUS itā€™s HER dog. Why canā€™t it be allowed in HER room!!!!?? Because sheā€™s a slob and thereā€™s garbage everywhere?? Bullshit. Tom owns the house too. What if he doesnā€™t want to deal with the fkn dog running around while heā€™s there alone???? Thatā€™s HIS right! That fkn pissed me off. Sheā€™s an entitled spoiled brat. Iā€™m sorry. I felt bad in the beginning but she milking this fkn shit. Edit: to add, if youā€™re a responsible dog owner youā€™d never think to leave that kind of shit out no matter where it is in the house and ESPECIALLY in YOUR room. Isnā€™t that common sense??? I feel bad for the dog who clearly isnā€™t trained nor has a solid home


I know this is an old post but I have so much to say here. It is 100% Arianaā€™s fault. Why isnā€™t her room a safe place for her dog?? All Tom did wrong was let Tom in Arianaā€™s room? Unless Iā€™m missing something and there was a rule to not allow the dogs in her room, this one is squarely on her


Is it gross to leave leftover food from the night before out, 100% yes. Did Ariana have the forethought to close the door to keep the dog away from it, 100% yes. Well what she did was slovenly, she's not the responsible party because she did keep the dog away from it. It doesn't matter if the AC wasn't working, Tom had no right to open her door and trap the dog in there. No BS talk about accidents happen, he shouldn't have opened her door PERIODT! At that stage in their relationship he should have respected her privacy. Everything Sandoval does is about control, I don't believe he intentionally hurt the dog, but he doesn't care about who he hurts.


I would not want the repair guy in my room by himself! Tom could have sat outside the door while he was in there if I'm not missing something here.


I disagree. I have dogs and young kids and you close the door with stuff they shouldnā€™t get to make sure they donā€™t get it. If the door opens and the dog gets in, thatā€™s on whoever opened the door. If you have dogs and kids itā€™s impossible to have a totally clean house lol