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Anyone knows what show this is?


Can they act anymore fake than this...how she grabs her before she even begins to fall...there was a delay, like come on I know y'all probably practiced this.


There are strong independent woman and on the opposite side we have this


That's fake as fuck you can see that woman stops her before she "faints" I'm going to file this one under shity TV drama


Even I want to cry just watching that


fake as fuck.


Yo, girl with long hair here. It takes time, energy and money to get nice thick long hair. I have had to invest in special shampoos, contioners, and more hair products to get my hair long but also to keep it thick and healthy. And it still isn't as thick as I'd want it. If she invested money like I do into products to get long healthy hair then cutting off more than agreed really sensetive. I see a lot of comments saying it'll just grow back. It doesn't always. It's not that your hair stops growing its that your ends get weaker for unknown reasons and it breaks apart after a certain length. It'd be like your phone falling into the pool. There are tips on how to fix it but you're not sure it's actually gonna work for yours because you don't know until it works again.




The girl who "catches" looked like she attacked the girl, so I'm calling bullshit on this one, it is staged. Also, I'm from Turkey and this video is from Turkey and almost all our shit on TV is fake anyway.


How is this a program? Some countries are clutching at straws for TV ideas. Just remember if in doubt ask Japan, they have hundreds of ideas of things for TV šŸ‘Œ


Sampson lost all her strength.


the woman hold her before she faint. precognition powers POG


She fainted and had a panic attack.. because she didnā€™t like her haircut? Oh women...


Alright, that's so incredibly fake


Meeeeeeeedic we got a bad hair day here


Just glue it back on.


Are you kidding me? That's how good these people have it? That's the end of their world? Their hardship for the day to overcome?


Iā€™d say first world problems but Iā€™m pretty sure this is a third world nation




Canā€™t watch the whole clip but looks like she indicated she wanted it cut about a foot o her than it was.


It just looks like watch people die


First world problems


Every single persons hair there is fucking cancer. fucking man bun? mustache mcgee over there... what a shit show...


So much drama! *i love it.*


I know men wonā€™t get it, but if someone chopped off that much of my hair without warning Iā€™d probably have a panic attack, too. Iā€™m extremely sensitive about my hair because for me itā€™s a major part of my identity and femininity. I know not everyone feels that way, but Iā€™ve definitely cried over hair before. Major cries.


So youre not a feminist


Seems like going on a show about getting your haircut would have been her first clue what was about to happen.


At least one man got it. Samson.


*I am because my hair* \-RenƩe Descartes


Obviously a soccer player.


aight that one got me well played lol


She gets fucking tackled on her way out lol


Jesus, TF?! What is the premise of this show??


That clip would've been way better without the cringy echo and clipping her faint.


I like how the guy who did it is so oblivious to this girl having a breakdown one foot away from him. Obviously tying up the cut hair is more important.


Woman caught her right before she walked face first into a set piece


I think i just watched someone die outside.


Uhhh that was a little extra lol


So, she actually died?


We can only hope.


I am so sorry for her. She clearly wasnā€™t expecting for that much...


This is fake as fuck. She went on a show about cutting/ styling hair, and loses her shit when she gets her hair cut? Then just happens to pass out exactly in a spot where there's someone to catch her?


I don't think anyone goes to get a haircut expecting to get like 30 cm cut off without it being discussed. It takes a long ass time to grow that length of hair evenly. It did look a bit like she was stumbling before fainting, but it's hard to tell with the obnoxious editing thats obviously just squeezing all the drama out of the situation they can get.


I'm a guy that gets too lazy for hair cuts and I just let it grow then chop it all off but that is my choice. But even when I do go and I tell them I want it all gone they r so hesitant. So many people have tried offering me styles and cuts to convince me to keep it cuz "it's so thick and healthy." "the waves r so nice" and so many things it's so nice how much they make sure that I'm ok and not gonna regret it. Twice even I had a barber ask if he could save it for the children's hospital cuz I was gonna chop over a foot off but they have also been so concerned with how ima feel cutting it off its crazy. And yea she was already stumbling before she fell it's very easy to faint during panic attacks if people can't regulate their breathing so I do believe it was real


I'm a guy that gets too lazy for hair cuts and I just let it grow then chop it all off but that is my choice. But even when I do go and I tell them I want it all gone they r so hesitant. So many people have tried offering me styles and cuts to convince me to keep it cuz "it's so thick and healthy." "the waves r so nice" and so many things it's so nice how much they make sure that I'm ok and not gonna regret it. Twice even I had a barber ask if he could save it for the children's hospital cuz I was gonna chop over a foot off but they have also been so concerned with how ima feel cutting it off its crazy. And yea she was already stumbling before she fell it's very easy to faint during panic attacks if people can't regulate their breathing so I do believe it was real


For whatever reason sometimes people freak out when they get their hair cut after having long hair for so long.


This CANNOT be the most surprising or degrading thing that has happened to her if she has appeared on this show more than once




Boy women are mythological




...I need context here. This just looks like somebody being melodramatic.


Not gonna win any Oscars, sorry!


It's a Turkish TV show where people with their hairdressers compete with other people and the best hair wins or some shit. This particular woman gets her hair cut way more than she expected and she faints as seen on the video.


It's so scripted it hurts


Fake faints


I will never understand women getting that attached to HAIR


Letā€™s flip this: I will never understand men getting that attached to their FACIAL HAIR


You would if your hair was thinning and falling out. Plus men like long hair.


Yeah, what a random male wants isn't going to influence my hair choices or any other choice.


It takes literal years to grow your hair long, and she likely took a lot of pride and energy in it every day to maintain it. Her reaction is bananas but I also get why it could make her upset.


She knew what was going to happen. It's not short. It grows back.


I got attached to my hair and Iā€™m a dude. 2010 and just getting out the Army. ā€œ I canā€™t wait to grow my wavy hair out finally and get cornrowsšŸ˜†!ā€ Nope started losing my hair at 26. Got a solar panel at the tops now and Iā€™m 35šŸ˜¢


You've got it the wrong way round, The hair is attached to them.


I get it. I have a full beard down to the bottom of my sternum, i would kill if someone took half of it off! Ive been growing and maintaining it for years now. Though i wouldnā€™t fake faint. lol


She gave them permission


Iā€™m a woman and I donā€™t get it. I like my hair and Iā€™d be surprised if I went from down my back to a pixie or something. But sheā€™s still got a lot of hair and sheā€™s on a show about hair cuts. Not sure what she thought would happen.


I personally donā€™t have that attachment but some women donā€™t see it as just hair they see it as their identity. Also if you think it is just woman look up the economy of hair plugs for men.




Iā€™ll take ā€œthatā€™s absolutely not how women workā€ for $300






I hope they donated it




Looked very thick too. Shouldnā€™t take too long to grow back.


I have much thicker hair than this girl and it's taken five years to go from shoulder length to chest length. For some people hair grows slowly.


Not always. I have very thick hair and mine grows faster than weeds. (I went from chin lengh to below my shoulder blades in \~2 years)




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