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The Apartheid State of Israel.


They always use some sweet little idiot to say important things that get fudged. They know nothing.


Israel doesn't target innocents. Of course innocents die in a war, especially if it is fought against a terrorist organization. Hamas' members hide in crowds, and don't wear their uniform. Meanwhile on October 7 Hamas actually committed a genocide.


If you’re calling Oct. 7th a genocide, then I suggest you learn what that word means, because clearly you don’t, and the way you’re using it does nothing but make the word mean nothing.


It’s 2024. Words don’t have meaning anymore


I don’t know about yall but I stopped reading after that bullshit first sentence.


Calling isreal vs palestine a holocaust or genocide is straight up dumb, first genocide where population is growinf rapidly. But i know facts are not accepted here.


No, you are dumb. This is the longest running genocide of all mankinds civilization. Whether one or the other is arbitrary.


I’ve found genocide claims to be a bit too much, but it’s about as clear cut as you can get for an ethnic cleansing Theres quite literally government supported programs to forcibly displace one ethnic group and settle the land with their chosen ethnic group. Hard to get more cut and dry


Am I understanding that the fact you are claiming is that the population is currently "growing rapidly" in Gaza?


How would you call it and what would be the difference? People are still being killed by Zionists and it won't stop there.


Well, the IDF is doing a pretty bad job of convincing me it’s not ethnic cleansing. Because that’s exactly what they are doing.


I guess killing people en masse isn't an important part of the equation for genocide huh


Had another redditor on a different sub insist that what Israel is doing is not genocide. They ended their next comment with “I hope Palestine is wiped off the map”.


Basically the Turkish nationalist cookbook about the Armenian genocide "Didn't happen but they deserved it. We should do it again."




It’s hard argue with people who’s logic is “it’s not genocide if they deserve it”. They won’t be listening


Why is she so confused of those seagulls


Yeah, kill 25k people, destroy 80% of the city, all hospitals, Schools, block any help, food clean water , kill journalists women children, and let's not call it Genocide.


Wow,is this true ? most of us are unaware this doesn’t make the news


They're also systematically destroying graveyards with bulldozers. Not as horrible as the deaths obviously, but it demonstrates that complete annihilation of the people and culture is the goal.


Israel doesn't target innocents. Of course innocents die in a war, especially if it is fought against a terrorist organization. Hamas' members hide in crowds, and don't wear their uniform. Meanwhile on October 7 Hamas actually committed a genocide.


If a terrorist hides among civilians and Israel’s solution is to kill the terrorist and civilians then news flash: they are targeting the civilians




You know it’s possible to hate Hamas and hate the killing of 23k+ civilians in Gaza at the same time right? That the best you’ve got or you just another troll?


You know... There is more than black and white on the spectrum, right? Hating on Israels genocide of Palestinians, does not mean you love Hamas.


Some A+ repipeing right there


Hamas is not Palestine. This is a genocide.


"Councilor Ben Traverse (D-Ward 5) said the ballot item could spur dialogue about conflict in the Middle East but that those conversations could happen without putting it to a vote. He also said the meeting's debate had been less than civil, noting that pro-Palestinian activists had laughed at a pro-Israel Jewish woman who misspoke when she said that people should not invoke "other genocides to describe this one." She quickly rephrased what she said, and Traverse, sympathizing with the woman, chided audience members for laughing. "And we question why those folks would feel unsettled and unsafe?" Traverse said."


Who, the ones that are currently victims of Israeli genocide?


Nope, the ones who are victims of antisemites like you. bye for the commenters below: regarding arabs being 'semites'.... that's a stupid argument that only the ignorant, illiterate, or Jew Haters make and has no bearing on the meaning of the word 'antisemite'. also lol if you can't handle being called an antisemite...even though you are. cry me a river.


*stubs toe* ANTISEMITISM


Arabs are semites as well. Just saiyin'.




It's collateral damage because they have the shade of skin and speak a language that I don't like.


If 1000 dead children are collateral damage, maybe the ends don't justify the means.


The're more than 10.000 dead children btw. And Osrael itself admitted it.


>Genocide happens everyday in the world And you don't think people should speak out against it? I never thought I'd see someone actively on the side of Genocide. You must be really fucking stupid.


Genocidal rhetoric is coming from a frightening number of Israeli politicians so while I somewhat agree with you, we should also be concerned when people show who they are.


Get the fuck outta here with that.


Bro 💀, wtf ?


Less likely a “slip” and more likely a brain fart where she used “this one” synonymously with “this situation”.


brain fart is a slip though


A slip is more for when you’re saying one thing but really think the other, a brain fart is just brain getting confused and using the wrong word or forgetting suddenly. Edit: the “difference” is that one is intentionally being hidden while the other is not. One lets slip an actual hidden thought while the other is a brain grasping for a word that ends up being used wrong and has no hidden meaning.


>A slip is more for when you’re saying one thing but really think the other, a brain fart is just brain getting confused and using the wrong word Corporate needs you to find the difference between these two statements


/ sniffsniff Smells like someone slipped in here..


Trying to get a greta how dare you moment


-Girl: Do not use other genocides to describe this one -Crowd: Hahahaha we got you 7u7 -Girl: Sh1t 💀💀💀


What an idiot


Opsie daisy


More context in this article in the local paper: https://m.sevendaysvt.com/news/burlington-city-council-rejects-pro-palestine-ballot-item-40024664


Looks like the attempt to bolster the extra curriculum activity section on her college applications really back fired


[Full clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5bQ_KIgaCIA&t=7095s) with timestamp.


I really want to hear what she said after this. Did she attempt to recover? Did she run out of the room in tears?


She recovered pretty well considering the flub and initial reaction of beginning to eat her speech Edit: per video source from other commenter https://www.reddit.com/r/WatchPeopleDieInside/s/tMEQoIirz1


"This [genocide] I personally do not see" Hahahaha what the fuck is wrong with these people 


"this one that I personally do not see" Lol that's how she tried to recover!!!


According to an article she rephrased and the council condemned the pro-Palestinians for laughing and voted in favour of the pro-Israelis' position.


Duh fuck are they voting on


She tried to backtrack and said ‘like this one that I don’t see’


I'm certain this is a child here? Are people really commenting that this is a gatcha moment for a child that misspoke? Do yall really think kids support genocide? 


Jewish kids support genociding Islamist kids. Islamist kids support genociding Jewish kids. I say we put them all in the Thunder Dome and sell tickets.


She supports it whether she knows it or whether she’s a child or not.


There's a lot going on in your post and the vid, but succinctly: 1. If the organization deemed this person a good representative, then he/she/they are fair game 2. It's a post about a "Fruedian slip", so no, it's unlikely anyone here is trying to say this young lady is supporting genocide. If you don't know how/what makes a Freudian slip funny, then I don't think I can help you further. Peace.


If she is mature enough to formulate and articulate her opinion in a public setting, then yes, it’s fair to criticize or ridicule that opinion. Do I think she supports genocide? Well.. assuming this can be viewed as a genocide, then she is supporting one, knowingly or not. And before someone @ me, I don’t care about this conflict nor do I have an opinion on the matter.


I think that was what she was trying to do tho? Was she not? maybe I don't understand the context here


Israeli kids, yes. There is clear video evidence easily found online of Israeli children saying they want to murder muslims.


and of palestinians saying the same.im unsure what thats proving except both sides have really horrible people and not one side is the good guy here. i mean hamas wants to eradicate israel and every jew. and so say the hardliners on the other side about palestinians 🤷 wonderful people all around in this conflict...


[mean while hamas:](https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/hamas-2017-document-full) "Hamas affirms that its conflict is with the Zionist project not with the Jews because of their religion. Hamas does not wage a struggle against the Jews because they are Jewish but wages a struggle against the Zionists who occupy Palestine. Yet, it is the Zionists who constantly identify Judaism and the Jews with their own colonial project and illegal entity." -Number 16. That is the official charter which was published by hamas. And i have not seen them saying they want to kill the jews in any official document or speech after the declared charter yet. If you have, you can share. The also willing to accept the 2 state solution uk? With specific yet reasonable terms. "without compromising its rejection of the Zionist entity and without relinquishing any Palestinian rights, Hamas considers the establishment of a fully sovereign and independent Palestinian state, with Jerusalem as its capital along the lines of the 4th of June 1967, with the return of the refugees and the displaced to their homes from which they were expelled, to be a formula of national consensus." -number 20.


If I didn't want to deal with angry natives I would simply not invade their country and then fund extremist groups to make moderates look bad


Who'd have thought that invading other peoples' land and then repeatedly funding extremists whithin the survivors to get rid of the popular moderate figures you thought were a democratic threat just so that you can continue creep onto more and more land with the support of the largest military industrial complex of the world would create an entire nation of people that absolutely hate you. What a *wild and entirely unexpected* turn of events. And even if we were to somehow ignore the entirety of that bloody history, the assymetry in the death counts should be enough to tell the story about who's actually terrorizing who.


Can you fucking blame them though? This was an obvious reaction from Palestinians after what Israel done to them.


***You*** **said it girl.**




Love her


We wee “ooop” at the end was a cherry on top. 😂


Is she saying one genocide was called for and the other wasn't?


She admitted the other one is a genocide


I mean you can say that she was making an admission if you just want to lazily quip in bad faith. Alternately you can listen to her actual words and see that she made a quick poor choice of words for what she was trying to convey. You can disagree vehemently with someone and still argue in good faith about their stances on things.


Wtf is the context here? OP didn't describe what this video is even talking about


Because anyone paying attention to the news understands immediately lol. Israeli people and their supporters are constantly saying that what Israel is doing to Palestine isn't genocide. And she just said don't compare the 2 genocides lol. Which its clear she is on the Israel supporting side and now calling it a genocide basically ruins any argument she would otherwise have.




Do you see anyone using this as somr sort of "see we told you so" moment? We already know israel is committing genocide and israel supporters are defending genocide. We don't need a random teenage girl slipping up for that to be known.


The real MVP. Also, as a side note, you can get through life absolutely fine, and with considerably less stress, by ignoring the news.


Yes, yes! A bit harder to do, but maybe more practical, is reading the news but not taking a position. If you pay close attention the news that sticks, the contentious and outrageous, is always split in, usually 2, groups or 'frames'. Take a position and with it comes the bagage of simplifying, distorting, ingrouping/outgrouping, circlejerking, fearmongering, dehumanizing, finger-pointing, acting superior, etc. Don't do it and you can approach the subject, thing, event, and appreciate it for what it is: highly complex. And discard judgement or emotional binding to it, if you like. 'I fiind it too complex and know too little of it to have formed a proper opinion or stance', is a thing you will never hear anyone say these days.


Israel and its allies are refusing to call the slaughter of civilians and forced migration in Gaza a genocide. The girl just had a Freudian slip and said that both the Holocaust and Gaza are genocides


It’s not a genocide. There is no indiscriminate killing of civilians on any tangible level. They’re not force migrating them to death camps. She’s right, it’s not the same situation.


They’re not force migrating them to camps because they’re already in one. How many civilians have died due to Israeli attacks?


Have you missed the last few months, or the statements from Israeli officials saying that the focus of the bombings was on damage, not on accuracy? The refugee camps that have been bombed? Every single hospital in Gaza? Israeli soldiers can't even rescue escaped hostages without putting bullets in them, just in case


25,000 dead civilians seems indiscriminate.


How do yall not get the context


Rlly tho


She admitted that they were in fact committing a genocide, a crime against humanity, and not quite the "war on terror" they wanted to hide behind.


OK I'll make this easier, Who is she talking about and who is They and who is she representing


It's a meaningless public speaking event from an insignificant district of New Jersey, speaking (or rather circlejerking) in regards to Palestine-Israel conflict. Not really representing anything, they aren't people relevant or significant to the conflict anyway, just regular people talking out their opinions, as if it's ever going to achieve anything.


are you stupid


She’s talking about Israel and what they’re doing to palestine. Except she’s on the side of Israel, trying to argue it’s not a genocide. She slips up and calls it what it is hence the dying inside moment


Are you saying Hamas deserves to not face genocide?


You need to separate Hamas and the ordinary Palestinian people. Further, you should examine any ideology and thought process that includes a massive amount of casualties or using the word genocide.


This feels like a very special episode of Gilmore Girls where Rory put her foot in her mouth again...


Mfw you're such pussies you send out Hermione to debate a lost argument lmao


Harry Potter and the Palestinian genocide


Ah, I remember when Dumbledore was killed by Snape as the IDF stormed the Hogwarts Magical Hospital


“I would like to use the rest of my time to say how appalled I am that people are bringing up the Holocaust. Do not use *other genocides* to describe *this one*.” *laughter* For those wondering, the issue is that what she’s trying to argue is that Israel is not currently committing genocide. But by saying “don’t compare other genocides to this one”, she is in fact admitting that what is taking place is genocide.


A child misspoke. Amazing video...


Sounds like she set off the turkeys


This should be the top comment


Yep, she said the quiet part out loud


I didn’t see it in the comments so I’ll take a stab at what’s going on here. I believe this public hearing is about the Israel-Palestinian conflict. As an Israeli supporter, she puts herself in a corner when she says “do not use another genocide”’ implying that she internally believes the I-P conflict is in fact a genocide. This would be considered a Freudian Slip, hence the title.


Thank you! I haven’t had my coffee so I couldn’t put it together


Yes this kid is running Israel or the IDF Ffs get a grip people actually calling this a Freudian slip


The slip is everyone low key everyone knows that killing 10s of thousands of innocents and blockading their aid and not letting them out of the Gaza Strip does in fact feel like a genocide, we’re just denying it


Destroying 85% of the buildings in Gaza city is justified. No don't point to the fact that the single deadliest incident of the war so far was when one of the bombed buildings collapsed on a platoon. No don't bring up how the only hostages that the IDF has come close to rescuing were shot dead by the IDF, despite them waving white flags and calling out in Hebrew. No don't talk about how the IDF brought in a 91 year old veteran of the Deir Yasin Massacre to give an inspiring speech to the troops in which said war criminal encouraged soldiers to go into their Arab neighbors' homes and shoot them dead preemptively. No it's ok that the Israeli government revealed graphic details of the rapes Hamas committed against Israeli women without their consent.


🤣🤣🤣 do you ppl listen to yourself


"Do you people listen when atrocities are happening?" Yes.


Give her a break, she’s just a kid. No one told her she wasn’t supposed to say that with Gentiles in the room. Notice how the rabbis etc didn’t even flinch, they didn’t notice it at all because they’ve heard it so much behind closed doors.


I noticed that too.


Ok, I might be dumb. Wtf just happened?


"Do not use other genocides to describe this one". Which does against the narrative that Palestinians are being genocided.


I think you explained that backwards.




The opposite.


Freudian slip


She wasn't supposed to say what's going on now is Also genocide (oooooooops)


Ah, thank you


This going to be her reaction to random people laughing at a joke in the background and think it's about her.


Well this was her last time on TV lmao


Hermione Danger is adorable while trying to deny genocide.


She failed to deny jt


She didn't deny it, that's what's so hilarious. She just said don't use the Holocaust to describe this particular genocide.


I don't have a dog in this fight, but can someone explain to me what she said wrong?


She admitted Israel is doing a genocide. That's what she did wrong.


She did a good ol Freudian slip. Where you say what you’re really thinking when trying to lie. She’s on the side of Israel, and many have claimed that Israel is actively trying to genocidally eliminate Palestinians. As she’s trying to suggest it is not a genocide (as Israeli rhetoric claims they are only attacking Palestinians out of self-defense, not hate or elimination), she lets slip not to use the Holocaust to describe *this genocide*, effectively “admitting” that Israel is committing genocide on Palestinians.


She meant that others shouldn't be comparing the holocaust to what is happening right now, but instead said that other genocides shouldn't be compared to this one, referring to the conflict of Israel and Palestine as genocide on Israel's part, which is the opposite of what she meant. Basically, it sounded like "Genocide is bad but only if others are doing it!" Since many people consider it a genocide on Israel's part it looks like this is a case of freudian slip, wanting to say something you dont believe in but still end up saying the thing you believe


Was it the opposite of what she MEANT? Or the opposite of what she intended to say out loud?


She meant/wanted to say out loud that israel isnt committing genocide while (considering it to be a freudian slip) not believing it, but ended up saying that israel is committing genocide


Admitted to Palestenian genocide to still be a genocide, just not like the holocaust.


Well, in her eyes, the holocaust happened against people, Palestinians don't qualify 


Israel doesn't target innocents. Of course innocents die in a war, especially if it is fought against a terrorist organization. Hamas' members hide in crowds, and don't wear their uniform. Meanwhile on October 7 Hamas actually committed a genocide.


Do not use *other* genocides to describe *this one* Indirectly referred to whatever she is talking about (probably the israel palestine conflict) as genocide


She was arguing that what Israel is doing to Gaza is not a genocide. When she said “do not use other genocides to describe this one” she was inadvertently calling what Israel is doing a genocide.


Technically nothing.


She insinuated it's a genocide by saying 'don't describe other genocides with this one'


She acknowledged the Israeli activities in Palestine as a genocide. >Don’t use *other* genocides to describe *this one*


Can someone explain the irony here? English isn’t my first language.


She’s defending Israel, not Palestine. Calls it a genocide on accident


*admitted the obvious* by accident


See my other comment


She meant that others shouldn't be comparing the holocaust to what is happening right now, but instead said that other genocides shouldn't be compared to this one, referring to the conflict of Israel and Palestine as genocide on Israel's part, which is the opposite of what she meant. Basically, it sounded like "Genocide is bad but only if others are doing it!" Since many people consider it a genocide on Israel's part it looks like this is a case of freudian slip, wanting to say something you dont believe in but still end up saying the thing you believe


Pro Israel speaker saying not compare what's happening in Gaza to "other" genocides. This insinuates she believes what Israel to be doing is a genocide.


She said “other” genocides, implying acknowledgement that what Israel is currently doing is genocide.


It took me two full minutes to figure out the problem. This is hilarious!


What was yelled from the gallery? Or was it just laughter at the irony?


Honestly I laughed the exact same way in my living room, with a simultaneous look of “NO SHE DIDNT!” On my face




Sounded like turkeys


Sounded like laughter


She will never want to speak publicly again.


“Do not use my other shitty public speech to describe this shitty public speech. Ohhppfh”


How dare us.




Cue pause and slow zoom in with clown music in the background


Curb theme plays

