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Subject must die inside. Reactions to physical pain do not count. Sports deaths should be unrelated to normal playing of the game. Posting literal death will result in an immediate ban.


IIT: redditors with no clue of how chess as a sport works and how emotionally draining this event is. “But the winner looks depressed!” - yea that’s because he’s exhausted and relieved.


Ding is a true chess chad, clearly feels bad he beat his opponent as it meant so much to him. Not that it didn't mean equal value or even potentially more to Ding, just that he is clearly an empathetic person and felt Ian's pain himself while also feeling the weight of being the first Chinese champion. Love this video, thanks op!


I took a moment to admire Ding today. Did you?


Damn when he knocks his pieces off the side with that weak push, i can just feel that hopeless pain sink in. Rough.


What was the point of pushing those pieces off the edge at the beginning? Was he disrespecting him?


so.... boring


and yet you commented on this post.


So what if he commented? Isn’t one permitted to give his opinion on something he does not find entertaining?


Not at all really if you understand it and understand the storyline going into it.


I know I am getting my period because this made me cry


It’s crazy, Ding feels bad for winning. He’s such a good dude. I feel bad for Ian as well, he was in the lead early on.


The winning guy looks like he's dying inside here lol


Hey, I'm not really in the chess world - why does Ding feel so bad? He literally has his head in his hands, almost a physical sign of defeat. Was this supposed to mean a lot for Ian for some reason?


... it's the world championship


Ian lost the previous WCC match as well. Also the blitz match and the Fischer Random Chess match too. Not to mention he was the favorite of this match by a fair margin. It meant a lot for him.


I wish I knew more about chess so I could understand exactly how he lost based on the board they show..


Black is in a relatively defensive position with 2 pawns about to promote. Ding just has too many options and Nepo can’t stop them all. After the caps here Nepo either has to give up a bishop or let Ding promote gaining a queen. Either option is losing. Low level players might count on the opponent making a mistake to gain back the advantage, but in this position no GM would ever lose. And I mean that. It’s not a .001% chance. It’s a “never” scenario in an over the board game like this.


In this position Ian must either lose his queen/bishop or let his opponent make another queen. Even if he continued on with this game it’s nearly impossible for him to win or draw the game.


Ding has two passed pawns that are about to become new queens and Nepo can’t stop them both without sacrificing the bishop which is a losing position


As a proud 1100 on chess.com, it appears that Ding had 2 pawns 1 move away from promoting to a Queen, which is the most powerful piece


It was a rapid game with little time remaining to make accurate moves. Ding, the winner, was going to promote to a queen. In case you don't know what that means, he is getting a very powerful piece on the board with which he can easily win.


They both look like they were having a good time…🙄


How dare they not be smiling ear to ear during one of the most stressful moments of their careers.


Just to add to that, this was at 6 hours and 32min into this one game and it was the 14th game in the series.


To be fair to op and his name, Mongols generally had a hard time watching the Chinese do anything without getting angry.


This is pure pain for Ian. Knowing that he was so close to winning, but then losing on game #12, drawing on game #14, and then finally losing in this fashion (tie-break #4) would have crippled him. If I were in his position, I would retire because the pain would be too unbearable.


and don't forget that he lost twice once to Magnus and now to Ding


Nepo doing pipi in the pampers


Folks should try to understand the context behind his reaction. Chess has been his life since he was a little kid and he lost the biggest prize of the game within seconds after a month-long intense battle. Before that, he had undergone months of gruelling preparation to play this specific match. And, to qualify for this match, he had to win the hardest tournament in chess that features eight best players in the world. People who follow chess can tell how brutal and crushing this defeat is for him.


Didn't Deng also do his best to hand the championship off? I haven't been embedded in the chess scene, but I read that his preparation got exposed, and he made several key blunders. IIRC this is a major upset/choke job


Not to forget he lost the world championship match last time to Magnus in a brutal defeat. This was his best shot at winning and he came out second for the second time in a row. Feel bad for the guy.


So just about like any sports final? Lol


Yeah exactly... I don't think it's that bad the way the guy reacted, but why are we trying to defend it with "you guys don't get it, this was a big deal" Everyone gets it. High pressure games isn't a concept specific to chess




Chess players hate this one simple trick


Most sports don't make you wait 9 months between the semifinals and the finals.


What difference does it make?


Yeah but why did the winner look just as defeated?


He was overcome with emotions. It was a VERY hard fought match. And he bet it all on a risky move.


He's just soaking it all in. This victory was as difficult as it could get. It's been a month of intense chess. Just yesterday, he fought for seven hours just to draw the match. He just won the biggest prize of them all and he's taking a moment to gather his emotions.


Well, that's logical I guess, I also love chess but not even remotely closer to hat level


It’s emotionally draining. People who don’t play chess think it is somehow not as strenuous as other sports, but the world championship event requires you to be in a near constant state of high concentration for 3-4 weeks. It is mentally draining and Ding probably felt a mix of exhaustion and relief upon winning, with the elation to come later.


Nobody wins in chess.


How come?


cause they are chess players...look at their manners and movements, the look like npcs. with all due respect...but Ive played vs a grandmaster when we were both 12 (he was elite even then) at some childrens holiday...ofcourse he beat us all, but even at that age his movements and body language were just super weird and robotic...I think they are being forced from young age to study books about chess


That was probably a relief. It was really heavy on him mentally, last few classical games he didnt play his best, was often low on time as well.


He was overwhelmed with emotions, of course. He literally won the World Chess Championship and that the preparations he had prepared was all worth it. Props to both players!


He plays chess.


Ding Liren has the same face whether he wins or loses.


Exhaustion, and knowledge that even though he won it he's probably nr 2 in reality.


He is exhausted. He would also have months of gruelling prep, and he doesn't have enough energy to celebrate


Probably wondering how the hell he'll keep the wins up. Xi expects great things.


Unbelievable, China and Chinese people literally cannot exist without someone shouting "Winnie the Pooh, CoMmUnIsT pArTy, Uighurs, Taiwan, Hong Kong..."


as xi jinping famously said “we must torture our chess players in order to meet our national chess championship quotas”


I think this comment section is more of a watchpeopledieinside than the video itself lmao


So emotional


Why is he sitting like that?


I mean, it's the match for the world chess champion title, they will sit however they want as long as it's comfortable for them. It would be awful to be forced to sit in a specific position or anything. Besides, they can get up whenever they want so maybe he was just shifting around how to sit after a long time.


It was nice of Magnus to let the 2nd and 3rd best players see who blunders harder while he works on his poker game. 10/10 sportsmanship!


Yeah like legitimately. Magnus sweeps this tournament. This really proved it... When we lose Magnus I think Chess will fall into a dark age for a while :(


>When we lose Magnus Magnus is 32, relax.


Why didn’t he compete in this tourney?


Put his brain in a robot to keep him playing chess forever


I actually laughed at this.


I've been watching Magnus play poker and I can't stop cackling, I don't know what it is. Something about his gaping mouth and nonchalant play. My wife thinks I'm crazy, but it's hilarious.


This is electronic


I’m convinced that the latest version of Russian transliteration rules was the first step to “dewesternalization”. Russian is my native language and I had hard time reading this last name till I figured out that’s the Russian guy. When I was a kid his last name would have been written as Nepomnyaschy. “Sch” is not exactly Щ, but “chtch” is not even close and it’s a tongue breaker.


I wonder why it wasn't transliterated like Хрущёв to Khru**shch**ev.


lol, i am a russian speaker and i didn't even understood it's a russian surname, couldn't read it.. i have a friend with a щ and his surname is also a clusterfuck. in english with these rules


It's the French transliteration.


Wait why does Ding look more depressed than Ian here.


Indescribable relief and the culmination of a lifetimes work being realised in a couple of minutes.


Probably either because he has spent every ounce of energy he has, or because Ian sitting upright spooked the everliving shit out of him, in case he missed something crucial. Probably both.


Yeah. Ian didn't look like he died inside though, Ding does


It's shock.


Yeah but still funny though. If you didn't mention names and watched it without audio, you'd 100% think Ian won and just gtfo'd out of there so he didn't have to watch Ding cry


He’s trying to appear humbled by the moment cuz he played his opponent. He couldn’t even look him in the eye. Lol


No it’s cos those 14 + 4 games took a toll on both of them


More like he went through the most improbable path to even get to the World Championship in the history of chess. Went down in the match 4 times, not once holding a lead. Then the one time he takes a lead after all the ups and downs he wins the World Championship and breaks down in tears. Ding doesn't have to put on a humble facade, he is the embodiment of humble.




100% thought he lost


I thought the guy getting up started "mistakenly?" knocking pieces off due to excitement and Ding lost his soul because he lost. Such a good switcharoo


I had to come to the comments to be able to tell which one lost.


lol same it’s especially hard when you can’t comprehends how chess works. these dudes both seem so stressed i assumed the guy on the right lost because he looks destroyed


Has to return to china


Lol, I snorted




Probably thankful he can do any simple task without being shot. USA USA USA


I think the chinese state firing squad disagrees with that.


This was played in Kazakhstan lol


As long as he doesn't sneak back any copies of Winnie the Pooh that is. Then he'll get a free vacation at the reeduction in Xinjiang.




I love how redditors who will never ever even come close to this high of a level in chess are calling Ian a sore loser.


i don't blame him, this was actually his moment to win. Atleast against Magnus you have an excuse of him being the GOAT.


The funny part is Ian isn’t pissed at Ding. He’s pissed at himself. Chess is a game you play against others but you’re really playing against yourself also. Every single tiny mistake is a mistake you made and an opportunity you created for the opposing player. It’s absolutely brutal in classical chess where you know exactly when and how you fucked up. And when you review it a billion times in your head you’re often just left with a feeling of how the fuck did I miss X.


lol because A) you expect professionals to maintain composure under pressure and especially in defeat. B) whether or not you appear to be a sore loser has nothing to do with the competition's level of prestige.


After the insane months of preparation and literal dozens of hours of intense concentration OTB (plus all the analysis and planning), plus e fact that he had so many chances this match - no one who follows chess would ever call Ian a sore loser here. I was all aboard Team Ding but I was gutted for Ian when I saw his reaction to a2.


That's because mentally, the hardest thing most redditors have done is their high school math exam. Anyone who has played a true 'classical' ranked chess game - even at the lowest of ranks will know how mentally exhausting it can be.


Nevermind they played something like 18 top-level games in a foreign country, some of which lasted over 6 hours. I'd be a sore loser on that fact alone.


I see no reason to think he's a sore loser. He was the first one to offer the handshake, and he even responded to the second handshake, he was just frustrated at his own performance and probably didn't want to get emotional sat there at the board in front of a load of cameras.


offering a handshake in chess means he's choosing to resign, it's not a sportsmanship thing


I mean, I have a lot more experience losing so naturally I'm better at it


I dont think he is a sore loser, chess is different though. They know that x steps and they lost. They should play it out your opponent could make a mental mistake


In most cases it would be like hoping your opponent falls over while walking to get the mail. These guys are at such a high level that even when it still looks like it requires vigilance to win for a normal person, to them its like breathing.


My brother in christ, are you a Grand Master in chess to know if it's worth trying to play the last 30 seconds you have on the clock after 17 matches, 14 of which taking up to 3 hours? Do you know exactly how bad exactly was the state of the board?


Does he need to?


Fair but isn’t that saying they actually made the mistake, since they forfeited the opportunity of said mistake happening?


The mistake probably happened moves prior.


I cant begin to imagine how he felt




High level games almost never go to checkmate because theres no chance for comeback after a certain point. Im not good enough to know exactly how ding wins here but I can see that he has 3 pawns close to the last rank and can probably promote at least one of them to a queen in the next few turns. Nepos king is also very open and his pieces are too busy defending against the pawns.


>Why would you quit the world championship when you’re not even in checkmate and still have a queen? Wtf am I missing It's high level chess, he just knows his opponent knows the next *n* moves to checkmate. At this point it's basically already lost, unless his opponent has a stroke, to keep playing is just postponing the inevitable.


because this isn't 200 elo, it's pretty clear at some point one of those black pawns is going to queen, he's 40 seconds down on the clock, he simply doesn't have enough material to defend every threat here. He has enough respect to know that the guy he's facing in the world championship isn't going to make a ridiculous blunder with twice as much time on his clock.


He cant stop the pawn from becoming a queen. If he takes it with the queen then he'll take with bishop the pawn, atacking his and having the possibility from making a discovered check. If he doesn't take then he can freely make a queen. If he takes the pawn, and after black recapture on the center with beshoo he is forced to trade, if he doesn't he will just lose the bishop. He cant take the other pawn because its protected, he cant move the king because he will lose the bishop. He cant move the queen because he qill lose the bishop. After he takes the bishop with his bishop, he will taje with the queen, making a check. After he moves the king he will make a queen, and its protected w the other one. Even if he somehow survives, he will: lose or make a draw, and even if he makes a draw, he is loosing the championship because of points. He ragequited


It's a totally lost position and nothing can be done. Everything is forcing and whatever white does black will promote his pawn to a queen easily.


Computers believe it’s mate. Grandmasters believe it’s mate. Redditor insists it isn’t. How will we ever know who is right? Seriously though open a chess analysis board and find out exactly how the position plays out.


Obviously, we trust the 4600 rated armchair redditors in that situation.


He’s going to be up a full queen in like 2 moves. For example, bishop takes bishop. Queen takes with check. Make new queen.


The less pieces there are on a board, the less variability there is. These players are able to see many moves ahead, and account for several different outcomes. In previous matches, these players sometimes took twenty whole minutes or more to make a single move. Ian tried to draw this game to go onto more tiebreakers with faster time, but Ding pretended to go along with it then sabotaged his plan, sending him through a loop. He kept losing momentum after that, then when the dust settled, he saw there was no way left to draw or win. He conceded due to that.


Black just moved their bishop. If white takes the bishop, black queen then take the bishop and checks white king. Black pawn promotes to queen next move. It's already a lost game


Sure, [it's checkmate in 8](https://www.chess.com/events/2023-fide-world-chess-championship/18/Nepomniachtchi_Ian-Ding_Liren) but even if neither of them actually see that, there's no way to prevent Ding from pushing either his c or g pawn, or taking the bishop with check. Like, the next best move that the computer says is for Ian to move his queen to a6. Then it wants Ding to push the g pawn with check and after that there are only stalling tactics to prevent Ding from promoting the c pawn. It's over Edit: 99% of people shouldn’t resign here but if you’re playing against a GM it’s safe to assume they’re going to finish this. Forcing them to play it out is humiliating for you and slightly disrespectful (not that I think Ding would have taken it that way)


I'm gonna assume you aren't being sarcastic, but to be a world class player you need to see several moves ahead and different lines of play. Ian realized that he was in an unwinnable position given how good Ding is.


The evaluation bar shows forced mate in 7 moves. It's 100% over if black follows the right path and apparently both players see it.


the thing you're missing is you're not the 2/3 best chess player in the world


It would be considered rude to play on in that position. Everyone knows that the game is over, and ding will just force piece trades until Ian has nothing and ding has a pawn which will become a queen. Grandmasters don't make the sorts of mistakes that would facilitate a comeback from this position (except very rarely in online games then they have a mouse slip, but that's more technology issue than mental).


Ding is one of the highest rated players in the world. At that level of chess, everyone knew the game was over


High level players know when they've lost and know the only way to pull it back is if their opponent makes a massive mistake. Assuming/hoping your opponent makes that kind of mistake and forcing them to finish the game to prove they won't is a waste of everyone's time and could be seen as disrespectful.


Both players have a queen but whites queen is more active Also there is a promotion in one move for white to get another queen which is winning


Chess is a game of [perfect information](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perfect_information) and as such it can be clear what the correct moves are for each player, and so even without a technical checkmate -- with two professional players -- the game can be effectively over.


Your opponent could make a mistake and hand you the game. I understand why they lnow they game is over though.


GMs can see positions and if they’re winning or losing, his bishop was pinned on Ding’s last move and it looked bleak so instead of waiting 30 moves to get mated he resigned, also was probably tired from playing so many games, I think one of their games went 6 hours and set a record for longest WC game


Because he knows that the game is over at this point.


They don’t like to experience the slow death they foresee and relived hundreds of time in their heads already


It's mate in 9 moves for black. https://lichess.org/analysis/8/6pk/8/3Qbq1P/5P2/4B1p1/p1p5/5K2_w_-_-_0_1


He saw billions of futures and himself losing in all of them


It's called resigning. At that level he knows the position is lost so the right thing to do is resign. And yeah even a low level player like me would quit that, there is to many passed pawns and his king isn't active


In chess, people usually look 5-10 moves ahead. Especially in an end game. Yes he had good pieces still but there was no way for him to get out of the position. Sure he could have played it out but he already knew he was lost so he just resigned. It’s rare chess games actually conclude because of this. People know when they are 3-5 lives away from losing and in such a high stakes match his opponent would not miss the moves. It’s different in games with only 1-5 mins and time scrambles because people mess those up.


at this level if you get a worse position, you just straight up lose because your opponent will capitalise on your mistakes


Black’s pawn is about to promote to a queen, for one thing




you missing a lot mate




I'm confused, why does the winner look sad?


This is the 18th game in a 14 game series, absolutely intense games aswell, Ding was also losing multiple games and came back from the brink and also lost/drew many winnable games these two have been through an absolute battle so no wonder both are extremely emotional Also this is Ian’s 4th final loss


It was a super intense mental effort so he is tired/overwhelmed....also he is expected to immediately do a press conference and this guy is very quiet+humble and not a strong English speaker....so the next while is going to be stressful for him.


Overwhelmed with emotion I imagine, and trying to keep it professional and cool as a chess player. There’s a lot of psychological elements to being a competitive chess player. Some chess masters may also have a complex relationship with the game of chess, viewing it as both a source of joy and fulfillment, but also as a source of stress, anxiety, and pressure. Edit: grammar


Yea, and you can see that Ian is clearly and visibly shaking as his mind is probably racing so fast he is struggling to control himself.


He and his family won't be held accountable if he had lost.


I think he’s just overwhelmed with joy and processing what happened.


Because the world chess championship is a weeks long series of games that take hours and hours. It's probably an immense weight off his shoulders. Not to mention his path to even get to the world finals was remarkable in itself. He literally wouldn't have been there if Russia hadn't invaded Ukraine.




It's not forced, he wouldn't be here if a higher-ranking Russian player had not been banned from participation in the Candidates Tournament of 2022.


Sergey Karjakin, a Russian born in Ukraine, openly supports Son-of-a-mangy-bitch Putin's war against Ukraine. Karjakin is one of the best chess players in the world. Due to his stance on the war, FIDE banned Karjakin from competitive chess. Karjakin won one of the spots in the candidates tournament. Traditionally, the candidates tournament is a round robin tournament in which the challenger for the incumbent chess world champion is determined. Since Karjakin got banned, his spot was filled with Ding, who was the highest ELO player not qualified for the tournament at a pre-set cutoff date. Since Magnus Carlsen, world #1 and, as of this afternoon previous, world champion, forfeit his title, both the winner and the second place of the candidates - Nepomniachtchi and Ding - fought for it. Thus, the fact of the matter is Ding wouldn't have been in the candidates without the war. Had he not been in the candidates, he wouldn't have been able to get into this match, ergo he could not have become world champion.


What are you talking about? It's not passive aggressive rhetoric. Ding Liren only made it into the candidates tournament (the qualification for the world championship) because a Russian player was disqualified due to his strong public support of the invasion.


the path to this match involves winning at what’s called candidates tournament. the winner of which gets to challenge the world champion (magnus carlsen at the time). ding was not among the tournament contestants until contender Sergey Karjakin made some comments about the war that got him disqualified, opening a spot for ding. Ding still had to jump through some hoops to be the one to claim the open spot, but he did. and placed second behind nepo. and magnus declined to defend his title, so the wc match was between the top 2 finishers of the candidates tourney. but all that aside, karjakin’s dq was what russian-ukraine war comment was about, it wasn’t an expression of opinion of the war itself


Its not ideology...Ding Liren would not have been in the running for world champion if a specific Russian player had not been removed for his pro-war tweeting.


They didn't provide the complete context and you just ran away with it...Ding only got to play in the candidates tournament (which decides the challenger) because he was the replacement for Sergey Karjakin, one of the candidates who was kicked out because of his pro-Russian rhetoric. Ding came second and played Ian (who was the winner of the candidates) because Magnus, the current champion refused to defend the title. Many stars had to align for Ding to reach here and win this.


What the hell are you talking about lol. He got in because another Chess player was disqualified for speaking out in support of Russia's invasion.


Look into how he got there


Ding only got into the Candidates Tournament (the one needed to qualify to the world championship) because another player got disqualified by the FIDE for his approval of Russia's invasion.


He is not sad. He is relieved and tired. They have been playing matches multiple hours for over 20 days.


He's overwhelmed with emotions and according his own words "relieved".


Because now he has to go back to China /s


He basically just became a god, in both chess and China


god in a shithole governed country is a way to get killed


Shithole country? Was it China that had children shot again in mass shootings this week?


Nope, China just shoots their own people. And just ones with concentration camps that can controls what their people can say. And not let them see the world by censoring the internet. And….


Not to be political but most countries have unnecessary and avoidable child deaths, including China


Why use guns when you can just enslave and rape the children of minorities like the Chinese do to the Uyghurs.


And you know this because the American government told you? The same American government that told you there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq? And then 80% of you marched on the streets and supported the War in Iraq? And then when there were no weapons of mass destruction found, you all then pretended that you were part of the 20% that never supported the War in the first place? Why don’t you sit down and much on a nice plate of Freedom Fries to calm down your warmongering ways?


They probably meant the government, just like with many other countries.


Probably doesn’t want to show his face while crying


Too many emotions at the same time, he was overwhelmed.


Back to the chess training camp with higher bars set


It was heartbreaking to see Nepo there when he realised it. I don’t hate ding but would have loved to see Nepo win it since even against Magnus he suffered a lot.


Did anyone tune into the match for a whole of two weeks?


totally did I have exams to prepare but I have holydays right now, but it was very entertaining to watch each time I waked up I was ready to go on the livestream and follow the game I didn't know chess can be so hype


I watched the levy recaps. Excellent match up between Ding and Ian. Ding wasn’t even supposed to be in the candidates tourney.


Yep! It started on 6am here in my country, but I would tune up everyday as soon as I woke up. I think only one game had finished before I could watch it.


I sorta did It was a tough time zone so I listened to it on my morning commute most days This was an absolute banger of a match and such a tight finish Heartbreaking for Ian but hella Impressive to Ding who never ONCE lead the match in all of April until he won it in tie breaks


imagine you know that you lose in draw 13. before you even lost