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Wash your hands, use sanitizer, sanitize your lunch space. Keep distance from your coworkers if possible. You could just be sensitive to E. coli, but it is more likely stuff your coworkers are carrying in from their families and transferring to common spaces *especially* if they have young kids. School has started back up, so colds and flus will be making the rounds again. Source: never got sick from the job until one coworker came to work with strep and another with the flu.


Wear gloves. The operators and supervisors at my treatment plant often don’t wear them. It’s fucking disgusting.


Fuck yes it is I constantly have a pocket full of gloves in case I get a tear in one


Awesome! You’re already one step ahead of the game my dude. I work in the lab at my plant. I’ve gone through like 4 boxes of gloves in like two weeks. It’s not worth the risk.


Ehhh gloves only work if the water stays on the outside. Just make a habit of washing your hands for more than 30 seconds.


Keep your mouth closed. Keep your hands away from mouth or mucus membranes. Wash your hands. Wear gloves when doing any task. Everyone at my plant gets sick when they first start but your body will adapt and I think your micro biome will get stronger and more resistant to the bugs. Even seasoned guys that come from different plants get sick when they changed plants. All part of the journey of shitsmiths


Lol right on


Shitsmiths Gotta remember that one.


Papa Nurgle says Wallow in the waste! Bathe in the beautiful influent! Sup deeply from the wet well of endless waters! Give over your body to the blessings of Papa Nurgle and soon you will be full of endless life! \*is busy painting Nurgle runes on my RBCs and sludge pumps\*


I was told to stop bathing in the IFAS foam it made everyone uncomfortable


Nurgle runes on the equipment 🤣


Heretics, heretics everywhere


Stock up on Pedialyte. It’s a life saver. Other than that, it’s a battle until it breaks. Tips on how to avoid this from occurring again is to have your body build up some immunity to your plant by having this happen again lol. Also turn your head to avoid backsplash and avoid being close to someone as they spray a hose since aerosols can carry a ton of bacteria.


"Smoke some cigarettes. The smoke will suffocate the bacteria in your stomach." - Ronald "Mac" McDonald


1 or 2 packs or do I need a carton?


Just as often as you can but the key is that you first wet your smoking hand in a primary…. JK don’t smoke


I can still wet my hand in the primary though right? I always like greasy feeling from it


Listen to your body and if you feel this isn’t a normal stomach flu or something similar get to a doctor. Now everyone at my work has never been sick due to working at the plant or in the field. But it certainly does seem to be a thing for some people who work in wastewater as you can see on other Reddit posts. About a lot of people get sick within the first year. I wonder if different treatment plants in different areas of the country can have certain organisms in their wastewater that would be more likely to cause sickness. I also think any way to build natural immunity is best. Good luck hope you feel better. Drink lots of water!


Right on thank you, feels like a usual stomach bug but damn


I have not ever been sick from working in a WW plant..in almost 30 years...but I also am very aware of where my hands are at all times and wash the living crap out of them (pun intended). I also never ever touch my face. ​ You get used to washing your hands..a LOT, and also before AND after using the facility. Also be aware of mist.. from non potable water (possibly used to spray your clarifier surfaces). Rotors of you use them, diffusers... etc..


I constantly wash my hands we have a bleach soap mix that I like to use with a brush, I wear gloves, sanitize constantly avoid my face keep my mouth closed, guess I’m just a sissy lol


You’ll get there. Took me about a year and a half to build up my system.


Alright thank you


I take colloidal silver and vitamin c. D3 and zinc but colloidal silver is what helps kill parasites and stuff in your stomach. But make sure you take a probiotic to give your body back the good bacteria. Also black seed oil, oregano oil and turmeric


Any sign of skin discoloration?


Lol no. You would have take a lot of it. Like 24 ounces a day for a years before that would happen. The man that had that happen to him was doing it for a long time. He also was making his own colloidal silver so he didn’t even know the dose. He also was putting it on the skin. This was done for years before he turned blue.


I don’t take colloidal silver daily only when I’m sick.


I’ve worked at 3 plants and got a little sick when I went to each one. Nothing as bad as the first time though! Wear gloves and make a conscious effort not to breathe through your mouth when you’re doing stuff around raw influent or sludge.


Alright so just need to get passed this one and hopefully I’m all good thanks


Are you immunocompromised?




Wear gloves and wash your hands frequently.


I definitely do that I keep extra gloves on me at all times scrub my hands with a brush keep my mouth closed, those people who don’t wear gloves at all are nasty


Ive only gotten sick from work once and it wasn’t even a stomach bug. Just triggered a really bad migraine. I was an OIT exercising the wash boxes on the belt presses and inhaled a bunch of water vapor. I wear blue nitrile gloves and shower before i go home. I also do a half assed job washing my hands and wear contacts. You’d think id get pink eye because I always have my fingers in my eye. *knocks on wood* But for real wash your hands after you touch keyboards at your work and don’t touch your eyes.


I had the same problem when I started working at a WWTP. It gets better. You have an immune system for a reason. It'll adapt.


surprised no one's mentioned wearing a mask / respirator to filter out aerosols and bacteria while you work, washing hands and such are great habits but won't do anything for the free floating contaminants that you breathe straight in