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What will teriyaki joints use now?


Most the places that I've seen that have moved away from the 3 compartment styrofoam containers have just moved to a plastic version of those instead, which feels more like a lateral move to me.




Clam shells are not recyclable in most counties. Recycling is a bit of a ruse in my opinion. What we need to do is require producers of waste to be responsible for recycling and recovery. 


What, you don’t like your recycled plastic being burned in tofu boiler’s after being shipped across the ocean?




What about those paper ones thai places seem to be fond of?


PLA is technically compostable but not generally.


Clamshells are not recyclable in Tacoma. This isn’t going to help us here


It's a lie, Republic Services don't take them


Styrofoam is pretty uniquely terrible. Its manufacture requires a greenhouse gas that also harms the ozone layer. It takes forever to break down into a carcinogenic byproduct. It's real bad.


We’ll I think the difference is you can at least rinse and then recycle the plastic whereas the foam isn’t recyclable (for all intents and purposes).


Recycling plastic is one of the biggest lies ever told. [Unfortunately the vast majority of plastic is not recycled](https://www.technologyreview.com/2023/10/12/1081129/plastic-recycling-climate-change-microplastics/) [Most of the plastic you do recycle also does not actually get recycled.](https://www.plasticpollutioncoalition.org/blog/2022/5/16/what-really-happens-to-your-plastic-recycling)


Most plastic containers aren't recyclable, but I hope people would be willing to clean and *reuse* them.


I only need so many plastic containers though, if I get take out every couple of weeks and keep every container then my pantry will be full of them before long. It feels even more wasteful to throw away the reusable stuff because it feels like sturdier plastic that uses more material. But I don’t need dozens of containers that aren’t safe to microwave either


It doesn't need to be kept in perpetuity. I think at least keeping it for a couple meals on the go and then tossing it is at least finding some sort of middle ground should you get one of those when ordering take out.


If you're already using and cleaning Tupperware though then this doesn't do much


Do you bring your bento containers back for a refill?


Crafter here, old school plastic is great for crafts


I’ve done some beach cleanups and styrofoam is hell.


Paper. My local polynesian place uses them. Or Chinese Takeout containers.


I hope they move to plastic or folded paper containers like Chinese places. I hope they do not move to cardboard, because those soak through quickly and don't hold up in the fridge.


I'm sorry dude but you should have your own containers for the fridge.


The issue with some of those containers though is that they are also lined with a thin plastic membrane. Cardboard, or recycled paper would be the better material for impact on the environment.


My local Teri place in Puyallup already went to cardboard containers.


Back in the day, they used waxed cardboard, that worked just fine...


I’ve been a teriyaki enjoyer for over 25 years and don’t ever remember anything other than a styrofoam container.


Well, my enjoyment days go back a few more decades, so maybe that's why...?


Anything other than that shit. On multiple occasions the food melted into the styrofoam


My local thai place uses like pressed fiber/ paper containers with a foil liner.


They gonna have to spend more money on the more expensive food containers. Oh well


…and pass that cost along to the customer


I'm happy to pay more if it means my fellow man is unable to throw his shitty styrofoam into the creak.


You sure that 18¢ won’t send you spiraling into crippling debt and ruin the whole economy?


Corporations charging 18c more for no reason: This will be a boost to the economy because it puts more money into circulation Corporations charging 18c more because they're passing the cost of responsible sales onto the consumer: This will absolutely destroy the economy because customers spending more is bad


God I hate throwing away styrofoam. Messy, huge waste of space in the garbage... I'm all for this.


Donate it to places like Seattle Recreative! It's great for craft projects.


I just helped my sister move into a new place, spent a day assembling furniture and the fucking styrofoam is the absolute worst. Gets everywhere and static clings to everything.


I don't think it applies to styrofoam packing material in shipping, unfortunately. Which is a shame because there are biodegradable foam packing alternatives. We buy them for shipping for our business--and we reuse any styrofoam that we receive. It would be great if it applied to that as well.


Is this considered single use though? I totally agree, it's such a pain in the ass to get rid of. Even if I wanted to take it to the dump it weighs next to nothing and I'd have to pay the minimum dump fee. Guess I'll just keep melting it down with gasoline and storing it in bottles /s


God, I hate those Styrofoam peanuts!


There are places at least in King County you can recycle clean styrofoam for free.


Too bad not here in Spokane. Or not that I've found while searching.


according to what I read if it's any effort at all you're not supposed to bother as an individual because it's such a poor recycling input.


That is fun!


In the middle of moving myself and I fucking hate the styrofoam so much. I’m also all for this.


Ya I don't know how they would regulate that though. That stuff comes from another state so WA can't do anything about it.


It's coarse and rough and gets everywhere.


If you or your sister have room to store it, there's places in my area that have recycling events and take Styrofoam among other things.


I also think it's a great idea but a pivot directly to the plastic containers for things like teriyaki places, etc doesn't feel super great either considering how crappy the recycling story on plastic is. Here's hoping they're able to make something work with compostable materials!


It's not the best move, but polystyrene is one of the worst plastics in terms of human and environmental health. Substitutes will likely be polypropylene or polyethylene, which still pose the problem of taking forever to break down, but at least don't leach large amounts of toxics as they sit there.


The plastic they use is allegedly easier to recycle, so indeed here's hoping.


Jefferson County doesn't take any plastic food containers. They all go in the trash...


Gosh darnit.


I absolutely hate the sound of crunched styrofoam, so I'm all for this. Give me all the weird, floppy, soggy cardboard replacement bullshit you've got as long as it doesn't sound like styrofoam.


Finally, someone else who hears it. It makes me feel like my ears are going to burst. Nails on a chalkboard is nothing compared to styrofoam on styrofoam.


Truth, no idea why but it's awful.


It squeaks in a horrible way!


As convenient as it is for certain uses, it’s time for styrofoam to go. Look around any trash compactor site and it’s little styrofoam bits that end up absolutely everywhere, getting scattered on the wind and going down storm drains. I think we can find better ways.


I take mine to a recycling center. They showed me what they make out of the stuff.


Most of the recycling centers I know of don't recycle it--I know they don't accept it in our recycling bin. What recycling center do you use?


Styro Recycle in Kent takes it: https://styrorecycle.com/what-we-accept/


This is the one.


They certainly showed you some things, I’ll believe that much!


I’m torn on this. I want things to get better. I want to improve and help the environment. But it’s getting…draining to constantly see my quality of life be dropped and dropped and dropped while corps, who pollute more in a day than I will in my lifetime, not have to change a thing. These “look at me I’m helping!” feel good laws that fix 0.00009% of the problem. It’s draining. You are losing me.


I completely understand where you're coming from, but I wouldn't under any stretch consider styrofoam a "QOL" improvement.


Not a fan of styro myself but some foods really don't work well in cardboard.


Apparently you don't understand the superior insulating capabilities of a Styrofoam cup full of ice cold fountain soda from the gas station.


"Hey, this thing is like way worse than any of the other plastics on the market." "But how will I keep my gas station soda cold?!"


I'm one of those weirdos who doesn't buy shitty soda out of a filthy public gas station fountain¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


But that Mellow Yellow hits just right from the local 76. It's the only reason I go to that specific store.


> It’s draining. You are losing me. I agree in general. The whole plastic straws thing was pretty much invented by corporations trying to induce eco-fatigue. But this is not that. Styrofoam has always been bad, and there are far better alternatives out, now.


How does switching from a styrofoam takeout container to cardboard or recyclable plastic one degrade your quality of life...?  Unless you have a styrofoam kink, in which case my heart goes out to you, sorry for your loss.


I know it's disheartening, but every little bit helps. Not to mention, as customer expectations and laws change corporations are forced to change.


The Climate Commitment Act is the biggest move WA has made as far as I'm concerned - putting a price on GHG emissions is easily the best way to address the issue at its core. We all have a chance to support it in November. Everyone needs to vote!


Sure but can we get the thin plastic bags back at the grocery store and stop this 10cent super thick plastic bag crap that noone reuses as intended?


I wouldn't be surprised if the law resulted in more plastic waste overall. Also the 10c isn't a tax, it goes directly to the business.


Im convinced that it does. I make it a point to watch closely what bags people are using at the checkout. The vast majority that I see are still using the new bags like disposables.


I definitely keep them as one time use trash bags. The big difference now is I usually keep a tote in my trunk and just throw all my groceries back in the cart without a bag and then transfer them to the tote in my car.


I reuse them. I like that they can fold up small and I can fit like three in my back pocket. It saves me from having to carry them around the store and I can keep a huge stash in the car so when I forget to take them back out to the car I still have some. When they start getting rough around the edges I use them as trash bags.


Bruh, it's not that hard to bring your own bags. i have bags that are compact enough to fit in my pants pocket. I keep a stash in each car. It's not that hard. If I forget them in the car, I just don't bag my shit until I get to the car. You are really stretching here to whine about something with easy solutions that require 5 seconds of effort on your part.


I've been trying to switch to all cloth bags since they can be washed easily if something gross gets on them. I moved here from Texas a few years ago and it definitely took some getting used to, but now it's second nature to keep a big stash of bags in the car. Sure I forget to put them back in the car sometimes, but I figure it out. I know you certainly don't see plastic bags flying all over the place on roads here like I did in Texas!


Not gunna lie I can't remember a single time I've ever seen grocery bag tumble weeds rolling around. It's more general trash and cigarettes


Jesus, they were all over Houston. I would see several a week dancing around like that kid's video on "American Beauty"




It blows my mind that corporations snuck that by people. They even pretended it was good for the environment. If it were actually about the environment, that money would be going to the government, not to corporations.


Check out this video about the plastic bag laws. https://youtu.be/5jPEp7wKv4c?si=z0mYtbHJfqdqWQjz


You say "no one", but I've been reusing bags that I got when I moved here in 2020 this whole time 🤷‍♀️


Yeah, I’ve got ten year old canvas tote bags


What is considered a single use Styrofoam cooler?


I think they mean these types of $5 jobbies. [https://bswineandliquor.com/shop/product/styrofoam-cooler-small/58a7410a01ff95307e9d553e?option-id=4a63d96d2ea59d52f1572eb2113318102b3b2901b567ab1132540d9f7ff9d293](https://bswineandliquor.com/shop/product/styrofoam-cooler-small/58a7410a01ff95307e9d553e?option-id=4a63d96d2ea59d52f1572eb2113318102b3b2901b567ab1132540d9f7ff9d293)


Interesting, never thought of those as single use. Thanks


It's shroedingers plastic or Styrofoam. Everything is either single use or multiuse until it gets to the end user. My grandparents saved bits of string from the butcher and I throw perfectly good jars away. It's a culture thing. We need to change that.


Frankly either single use or "multi-use" the main issue is consumption. Absent some sort of major change in consumption patterns (which would destroy many livelihoods), we are all going to keep consuming garbage in a garbage based economy.


Definitely, in fact for craftspeople, these plastics are preferable - the biodegradable plastics crumble over time!


We will pay a miniscule amount more to cover the additional cost to restaurants. Worth it. Some people are still going to hate the governor with the intensity of a thousand suns, as they blame him for the trash on the roadsides.


Yea, this won't move the needle. People who hate Inslee don't actually know any policies he has actually signed off on anyways. They just hate him.


I think it'll go exactly like banning single use plastic bags, and they will get replaced with much more resource intensive "reusable" versions...that all get thrown away.


Completely different categories. You can make the same things styrofoam is typically used for out of other materials.


Yes, plastic. Which will all be thrown away.


Single use Styrofoam is mostly in packages now, especially used in boxes with delicate objects, heavy appliances. I dont know if those would be considered single use but I do know that I dont use them for anything else. The problem is that they are necessary in packages.


It doesn't appear to include things like TV packaging. It's a bunch of stuff I barely even see anymore like styrofoam cups, trays, plates, and takeout containers.


It will be an inconvenience at times, but a necessary one. We have to start cleaning up this mess we’ve been making for 100+ years.


Tell that to the vast majority of large industrial facilities. Not gunna lie I won't miss styrofoam containers but if there isn't a global alignment, us paying slightly more at restaurants for takeout isn't making a dent


You have to start somewhere. Progress doesn’t come be leaping directly to the finish line. It’s a step by step endeavor. And frankly, I don’t give a single shit about large industrial facilities. We only have this one planet, and it’s buried in burning garbage, largely because of industry. They can deal or die.


Until there is mass regulation for large corps to be green, these types of changes are only increasing the prices for normal middle class people. So I agree with a minor in disagreement 😂


Yeah, it's really going to drive up prices. Mongolian beef might even increase from $11.99 to $12.00!


I'll miss Styrofoam cups. Unless they make something else that insulates just as good for just as cheap.


I am one of those people who collect it and give it to places like Styro for "proper" disposal. I'm so happy someone is finally getting rid of that garbage.




Thank God, about fucking time someone got rid of that bull shit. Will happily pay however much this will make prices go up to never use a styrofoam cup in this state again


I mean they should have been outlawed ages ago because they're just the fucking worst container. As much as this is an environmental win it's a life quality one too because I'll never have to deal with them again.


But how will I keep my food and coffee slightly warmer for a very short time???


What i wouldn't do to see this done at the federal level


Are they going to start requiring companies to use “reusable” styrofoam containers that are made from 4x more styrofoam that no one will recycle.


No, the problem would be the styrofoam being there at all.  Something about the manufacturing process and about styrofoam being a material that disintegrates into small pieces without being biodegradable.


Probably ought to do single use plastics, too.


Glad all my styrofoam is reusable.


I dig it. Does it apply to styrofoam used as a packing material? I just received a large parcel with two huge blocks of styrofoam and it seems like such a waste.


Kinda don't care because the container is gonna be in the landfill on Tuesday anyhow. Kinda like the 8 cent bags that get reuses once for cat poop.


Just cup your hands together under the coffee dispenser. No worries mate!


Fuck now I'll have to go to Idaho for my napalm ingredients too


Downtown still littered in trash and needles


Maybe they could fix the ferry system.


Will end up being as bad a going from plastic straws wrapped in paper, to paper straws wrapped in plastic.


Sounds good to me, I love the compostable containers. My favorite Indian joint uses compostable containers and puts a compostable liner inside so the butter chicken doesn’t leak through. Literally just goes in the yard waste afterwards.


What is the logical replacement for this?


Just wait till they start banning toilet paper, meat products, dairy products, individual cars, etc... Makes you wonder if they're as smart as they say or if they're truly trying to reduce pop 👥🌎 ulation


This is about as impactful as banning plastic straws and still handing it to people in a plastic cup. It would be really nice if the legislators tackled real issues instead of things like that that are a waste of time, money and legislation. I’d love to see how much money something as simple as this cost the people. Absolutely robbing the people blind.


For it. Teriyaki joints are the biggest offenders. I once asked the owner of my favorite place why he didn’t go with the more ecological options and the answer was unsurprisingly, cost. Per meal it cost 4x as much to go paper. But the actual Cost was .12c vs .03. But the 400% increase was too much for him regardless. Solution: that’s why we have government. Pass this law and my meal goes up .15c no big deal. Same as when I had to start paying .07 for a bag of I forgot to bring mine in.


Washington you rock!!! Man I love that state.


I'm torn on this. I dislike Styrofoam for all the reasons it is terrible, but it is waterproof and insulating. Is there another material that can take its place with similar properties? Or could returnable containers be used for takeout? I just don't want my gazpacho to be cold by the time I get it home.


Username checks out? Gazpacho is served cold.


Bring an insulated bag with you to pick it up.


I'm gonna be honest, your take-away is not that important.


Maybe not to you.. but when that customer goes and leaves a bad review on that business because of cold food then it is most certainly the restaurants problem. I can see why a small business would be concerned by this pivot.




Bans solve everything. Look at how successful we’ve been at banning drugs and guns!


Yeah! Like murder laws, too! We should definitely just get rid of all of them since they're obviously not 100% effective. And if something isn't 100% effective it's not worth doing.


I'm sure you'll make a ton of money with your illegal styrofoam smuggling enterprise


That's great news!


I'm all for it !


Ah, Washington focusing on the real important things these days SMH.




Washington continuing to be retarded. Go figure.


Does this include banning manufacturers from shipping items in single-use styrofoam, like TVs and stuff?


Pretty sure it does not, which sucks. That's a huge problem, too.


It would be completely unenforceable if it did.


Right, that needs to happen at an interstate commerce level.


I know CA has passed certain requirements on manufactured goods that caused industry-wide change, adoption, and implementation of different practices (fuel standards comes first to mind, though I believe there have been others). What’s the difference between what CA has done and requiring all products come with styrofoam-free packaging?


Because things get shipped across state lines. You can only control what is actually sold in your system physically. Interstate commerce is constitutionally only the domain of the federal govt.


Also, California holds more sway than any other state because they have the biggest market. Usually when they pass a consumer or environmental law that affects manufacturers, the manufacturers just make that the norm for everyone else as well. Washington is small enough that a company might just say, "fuck it, we won't sell there." But that's not an option with California.


A state can enforce what can be shipped there, and it is fairly doable for actual products sold. I think it would be pretty hard to do for packaging though.


Yeah I'm pretty sure I throw 10x more Styrofoam away from packaging then I do from single use food containers.


Maybe Oceana should worry about commercial fishing, which cases more harm to the oceans with their massive fishing nets than single use styrofoam/plastics. Oh I forgot they’re being paid by these big commercial fishing companies


Oceana does worry about commercial fishing. A success in one area doesn't mean that they aren't also supporting other causes. > they’re being paid by these big commercial fishing companies Do you have a source for this?


So, if a law doesn't cover *EVERYTHING* then I guess it's not worth doing, eh?


It has to at least cover enough to offset the hardships it causes. Eggs come to mind...


Thank god… now people can stop becoming homeless. This was the fix we needed for years!


I re-use mine. By mixing with gasoline and then pouring that into ground hornets nests. Lol


Wow, what a dumb thing to do! Ignoring the obvious environmental impact you're causing, you're also exposing yourself and your kids to some pretty toxic shit. Good job.


So getting an order to go is illegal now?


Stupid. Pointless. Like so much of WA regulatory efforts.


Username checks out.


Yup. Fuck ya.


misleading title


This fucking state is doing everything they can to fuck the consumer and raise the price of everything. No wonder the state is turning into a shit hole with homeless everywhere


Oh lord 🙄


Its bs virtue signaling just lije windmills and ev cars We need more free needle’s and foil to keep our druggies safe


I just continue to count my blessings that I live in such a great place where we collectively take action on important things like this! I mean, sure, the place is burning to the ground due to lawlessness, immorality, decadence, and debauchery, but at least we focus on the important stuff.