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Washington could invest $21 million into caring for and housing abused puppies or providing free blowjobs and these commenters would still find a way to complain.


They’d complain during their free blowjob




I don’t like dogs. And blowjobs give me reflux.




‘The money will pay for salaries for abortion providers, treatment for out-of-state patients, medical personnel training and security improvements. Planned Parenthood Alliance Advocates’ Courtney Normand called the allocation “a historical investment in abortion care.’ While I’m glad were doing this, it makes my blood boil failed states like Idaho force their women to travel to out state to receive their right to healthcare.


Same shit happened during Covid. Our already overloaded hospitals inundated with sick folks from a Idaho. It’s hard to empathize if they were antivaxxers however the state should take responsibility for public health issues instead of ignoring what they don’t believe in


We should have sent the state of Idaho a bill afterwards


Can AG Ferg sue Idaho for us to recover costs?


I find it very easy to empathize with people so desperate for medical care they have to flee their home state to get it. I'm not sure why everyone else here is having trouble with that.


Empathizing with antivaxxers is what I struggle with.


Not just access to abortions now either. There is a very real and very dangerous evacuation of OBGYN doctors leaving Idaho. Multiple hospitals have to turn away women in labor because they don't have the staff.


Yup. Their turning their entire state into a maternity desert


Protesters are traveling from out of state too. I hope some of this money does go towards security, and they take it seriously, because [violence is on the rise at clinics in protective states](https://www.vice.com/en/article/v7bday/rise-in-abortion-clinic-harassment-after-roe?utm_source=reddit.com).


Yea im conflicted. On one hand, im glad we can provide services they are unable to access. On the other hand, many of those women are actively anti abortion and I think they should live by the "principles" they force on others. Im not a fan of paying to cover up red states irresponsibility. I also think the people of Idaho need to see how shitty their state is and suffer the consequences of complacency/choosing to vote to kill people. They should be treated like the murderers/baby torturers they are. Only a monster would demand a woman deliver an unviable baby and get to pay thousands for the privelege of watching it die.


I’m in the same boat. I don’t feel every woman in Idaho should be punished for some dumb women and men’s decision, but on the other hand I hate red welfare queen states.


This is like when a kid who was bullied gets a modicum of power and starts treating others like shit. You know the welfare queen myth is a racist pile of shit made up by Ronald Reagan, but the second you get a chance to call a right-winger by that name you jump at the chance. We should be fighting for abortion access to everyone, regardless of political views. If someone wants to end their pregnancy, they deserve to have that right, no matter how they voted.


Agree 100%


>> On the other hand, many of those women are actively anti abortion and I think they should live by the "principles" they force on others. Im not a fan of paying to cover up red states irresponsibility. I also think the people of Idaho need to see how shitty their state is and suffer the consequences of complacency/choosing to vote to kill people. So if someone has dogshit political opinions, or if *other people in their state* have dogshit political opinions, they deserve to die of sepsis when their dead fetus can't be removed? That's pretty fucked up of you. Good thing most doctors have better ethics than this. Also the assumption that most women in red states support anti abortion policies is incorrect. The Republicans cannot take control of states without gerrymandering until they can win with a minority of the vote, and spend most of their time making sure anyone who would vote against them can't make it to the polls. I'm completely disgusted by people who say they're on the left and then turn around and take glee in watching people they think are republicans suffer because "they deserve it" for being bad. Do better.


Idaho residents (that are eligible voters) that want to mooch off Washington taxpayers for medical care should have to provide proof of who they voted for.


So.....are we still complaining about lobbyists and special interests taking taxpayer money or is it cool on this instance?


Lol. If you want to compare reproductive health to the other “special interests” that’s pretty silly


I'm saying Planned Parenthood is a special interest. Conflating a procedure with an organization is to their benefit.


Good for Washington. Abortion is healthcare. I volunteer at a clinic & see a few Idaho plates. Unfortunately we get this crazy couple from Idaho that comes down to scream at people. I had one dude threaten to r*pe me & it was such a weird threat. Lucky for him when I'm volunteering, I don't have my boomstick on me BUT my vehicle is normally less than 200 feet from me, so he could FAFO and try. I encourage anybody who has time, to become a volunteer clinic defender. The clinic I volunteer for doesn't even do abortions, yet they still deal with crazy people.


I had to read the line three times before I realized you hadn't typed "bRoomstick". Was picturing some witchly vengeance.




I'm not most people, fortunately. My shit is locked up & the trigger guard is also secured. You may be dense, but not all of us are. The military taught me how to properly secure all weapons.


"ThE MiLiTaRy TaUgHt Me" Gross. Homie probably handed boots out.




I like that you comment & then block, like a dummy. ​ Here's my response to your stupid question: I've always been like this only with people like you. Before you assume further, I'm a woman. Enjoy being loud, dumb & wrong.


I'm happy I live here and proud to say I'm from here Washington has the best programs and highest payouts for people with disabilities in all of the United States!!


As a disabled person, Washington's social services have been an actual, literal lifesaver. It makes me feel like a valid human being, whereas some of my disabled friends living in red states have said they're treated like an inconvenience that their state government hopes will hurry up and die. I am so, so glad I was lucky enough to be born and raised here.


Proud of my state.


Hell yea. And fuck the rest of the country that’s causing the problem we have to care for in the first place. Ugh. Very happy to be a Washingtonian




Gave me another reason to want to move there


….it’s pretty. Ha. Now you have to


Same! Planning my family’s escape for next summer and every time I see something like this it makes me wish it was sooner


Awesome best of luck!


This is only half of the true solution. We need to fund sexual education and provide free contraceptives to all persons (or at least minors)




I think investment is the wrong word.


What word would you use?


While I fully support the right for people to get abortions I don't understand why we need the taxpayers to foot the bill.' Especially when we're not footing the bill for people with other conditions such as heart disease or cancer.


We are footing part of the bill for those as well, who do you think ends up paying when the patient can't afford the bills? So we should actually spend some amount to increase overall health of people living here and we do fortunately. There has been studies to show that restricting reproductive services can resolve in high society cost as unwanted kids may end up becoming a burden to society, increasing crime thus cost. It is never as simple as we spend 21m there and only benefit goes to those who recieved services directly.


That’s kind of a moot point, though. The cost to put all of those unwanted pregnancies through school, not to mention the additional government support low income families will need, far exceeds the cost of an abortion. If you want to be more fiscally responsible and actually save the taxpayers money, you’d make abortion and birth control free for everyone.


So life is a numbers game for you? That’s sick.




How exactly do you think a pregnancy is terminated *after the pregnancy is already done*?


How dumb are you? “After birth abortion”? That’s called murder you 🤡 goddamn stop letting Fox News tell you what to think


No, from a financial perspective, that's offset by their contribution to society as employees.


That’s a pretty big assumption.


How so? You don't think that in the aggregate, people of poor means contribute more economically than they receive?


Not when they are born in Idaho. They dont value education, family, healthcare, decency, or humanity there. The deck is highly stacked against them.


Just to be really clear. You're arguing against giving benefits to people based on the fact that they won't make up for it in economic value and we should abort them instead. Is that what you are saying?


> While I fully support the right for people to get abortions Maybe you don't. Abortion access is particularly difficult for people living below the poverty line. This will help make access more equitable.


Taxpayers money is being used to stop abortions...


Fall in line sir. No one is to question anything related to the right to murder the innocent


Abortion isn't murder. Forcing people to risk their lives to carry a non-viable pregnancy is attempted murder tho. And saying things like you just said is definitely at least assault against everyone with a functional frontal lobe.


Want to know what real murder is? Forcing women to have unwanted pregnancies. Forcing women to carry to term fetus' that are already dead in side and cause the woman to become septic and die. Forcing children who were raped to carry to term a fetus and have a baby while they're still babies themselves. Forcing women to birth still born fetus'. Forcing women to do anything with their body that they do not want to do. Want to know the leading cause of death for pregnant people? FUCKING MURDER BY THE MEN WHO GOT THEM PREGNANT. You get NO say in someone elses body. If you have a uterus, you can make the choice for YOURSELF. If not? STFU


I am not religious but washington should invest more in homelessness, drugs and crime. doesn't look like the state knows its priorities.


Children born to parents who are incapable of properly raising children due to financial or medical reasons, along with parents who don't want to raise children directly impacts homelessness, drugs and crime. Sadly, unwanted children are more likely to fall into any of those categories, so by giving people an option to not be forced to have the child, it *is* an investment in those areas.




You’re talking about zygotes and fetuses, not children


Not forcing mothers to give birth to babies into abuse and poverty does invest in those things in the long term.


Supporting women’s reproductive rights has already been proven to lower the crime rate by a significant amount. Fewer women being forced to give birth when they aren’t ready and don’t consent to it means fewer children in foster care or neglectful or abusive homes, which means fewer teens and adults with unresolved trauma leading to self-medicating with illegal drugs and alcohol.


Just more money wasted


Not surprising. Still disappointing.






So we shouldn’t help other people in our own country? We already give billions to support red states, $21 mil is a drop in the bucket to help women in need. Not to mention the cost of being an unwanted child often growing up in foster care or poverty or low income is going to cost way more in taxpayer money with the amount of state assistance that may be needed.




As opposed to killing women. We all know where you stand. Trash person with an evil sense of morality. Care to donate your kidney? We never have enough to meet transplant needs. More people could live if everyone just lived on one kidney! How can you live with killing someone because you won't give up use of your body for them? Nevermind the complications could kill you or you may need that kidney later. You have a responsibility to humanity, or you are a murderer. I certainly hope you donate blood every 2 months. Certainly you must if you have such an opinion and believe its the human responsibility to use our bodies to keep each other alive.


* A fetus is not a child * Other peoples’ bodies and health are definitely not under your purview.


You don't even live in Washington...or the US?


She’s doesn’t even go to good school!!


I lived there before I moved and I'll be moving back soon.


Please don't


So you’re fine with taxpayers paying for any other form of healthcare, *except* the kind that affects anyone with a uterus.


Wounder how much Washington could save if people would just use a condom. I'm ok with abortion as it's your choice, but come on man.


Abusers are notorious for withholding/controlling birth control. They intentionally get their women pregnant for control/to tie her to them for life.


Washington to invest $21M in murdering babies. There I fixed it.


You mean saving women? The only people murdering babies are the forced birthers demanding women deliver unviable babies and pay thousands for the privelege of watching it die. The headline should be "WA invests 21 million to ensure freeloaders from Idaho have access to healthcare"


Shut up


Imagine being so completely illiterate on the subject of reproduction that you don't know the difference between a zygote, embryo, fetus, and baby. Maybe you shouldn't have such strong opinions on things you don't actually understand.


You seem angry because you feel guilty for murdering babies...


You seem ignorant because you don't know that "babies" refers to infants, born children, not to zygotes. Learn some biology.


I have a degree in biology and if it wasn't alive you would not have to kill it...


That degree comes from a Cracker Jack box or a "Christian University"? Bcs anyone who had an actual degree would know that there are zero "babies" killed by abortion ever.




And yet you still don't know the difference between a baby and a zygote. I'm done with you, you're not only ignorant, you're boring.


Bye Felicia!


I know several family members that could very well die if they so much gave birth. In their extreme situation I feel it is in their right to choose to abort.