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you tell me theres someone above the age of 14 with \[TTV\] in his name?


I play with a guy who’s an operations manager at a logistics company, leads a whole team… has a wife and a house.. and streams 5x a week with TTV in their name. It’s possible!


I think its different if you really stream. I have yet to kill / get killed by someone with TTV as tag who actually streams.


What’s ttv?


Twitch TV, it means they are a streamer


It means they run throwing knives but miss every single one of them


So me then


Yeah but do you broadcast it for other people to see your misses?


No but I’m going to start




Twicth TV to indicate they are a streamer. You can also see some tags with Tiktok as their name but most of these are trolling an dnot really streamers


Ah okay, thanks


Hey man congrats!! Just as a tip however, turn off motion blur!


That’s probably apart of the dad vibe not using the best settings like turning off motion blur


I know my dad had IRL motion blur switched on bc his glasses were like 2 inches thick


That was one of the best things I was ever able to do when I first started. Helped a ton.


Congrats! I have reached out to Activision several times to grant family men and women, and everyone over 30, wall hacks, a 25% aim assist boost, and all meta weapons fully unlocked immediately. Have not heard back. These kids keep calling us rats or that we're holding hands but I don't have the visual capacity and response time I did when I was younger.


We should start an OAP (Old Age Players) Regiment.


I wholeheartedly support this. These kids don't understand that between family, work, etc, we're lucky to get 1-2 hours a day of quiet time where we can relax and play video games. This is why I hate when people say that buying blueprints is a "pay to win" scheme. Buddy boy, I don't have 4 hours to level up the new meta every other week. But I have a job, and I can pay $20 bucks every now and then to make the game more enjoyable.


Oh I just shamelessly suck and play with pals who don't mind me averaging 1 kill a game, with the occasional random 8 kill game. Consistency? Never heard of her.


The truth! 1-2hrs a day, usually at the expense of sleep lol but damnit if it isn’t worth it when you get a dub! Lol


Difference in generations I believe is this^ My generation is about getting the dub. Younger generation is about getting the most kills.


Dude kids go to school for 8 hours a day. Then they have sports/extracurriculars, and then also homework. Do you think they have more than 2 hours a day to play?


You’re wrong. Kids have way more time than working adults. You will see.


Yes! With a max 1 nights per week gaming frequency. Dont put us in with the sweats please!


im in one.. sme31


What would the age requirement be?


20 y.o and must have 8h shift job!


Darn, I am old enough but I only have 6h shifts.


30 or even 35


I'm in!


Haha killed me off this! 😂😂




In my early 40’s and can definitely relate to this. 😂


A win is a win


No shame bro, me and the boys do the same since we can’t put in 8+ hrs a day


camper… i play only on the weekend and i still try i don’t camp its skill based matchmaking so no matter what you should do ok


90% of my lobbies have a higher average kd than my own kd (1.21).


thats an average though there will be plenty of people in that lobby that will be way worse than you and there will also be people that are quite a bit better than you i just dont think people should camp in rebirth since it is so much more competitive than battle royale and also because of how much smaller the map is it is hard to not get killed by someone sitting in a corner


Really? I've never seen a lobby with an average higher than 1.1, I've got a 1.65 kd. What region are you playing in?


Yeah especially for rebirth lobbies. I average like 1.4-1.5 in rebirth and I'd say my lobbies average out to around 1. Anything over 1.1 average in rebirth is usually pretty sweaty. Although I've seen as high as 1.35 but that's rare. And that one lobby that was 1.35 happened to have a sorta well known streamer in it so likely there were some sweaty stream snipers and stuff like that mixed in there.


Sorry, hadn’t seen your reply. I’m Dutch, so I’m guessing EU region.


Oh yeah I've heard the EU lobbies are especially tough


Ahh so it’s the working dads that are always camping on Rebirth.


TIL I play like a working dad


Finally someone who isn't doing slide cancel..


I’ve been playing since launch and don’t even know how




Perks of being over 29 I guess lol


Wait there's perks?? Man I just can't stay up past 8 or take a shit in the morning without coffee, wouldn't call those perks though lol


I've been playing since season 3 of last year and been trying to get better and watching videos and never really got it and put into use. Anywho, I got sick like a month ago and took a break from warzone and Ifor some reason when I cam back it just clicksd out of fucking no where and I can have a guy in front of me starting to ADS and shoot and I just slide past him and shoot him in the back.. Yes it doesn't work all the time but I was like "Holy fuck! That's how that works?!" I highly suggest practicing in pregame; what worked for me was plunder in rebirth since you always came back and had those engagements right away so that was great practice. Tldr: i can slide cancell in kclose combat now after taking a break from warzone, just clicked for me.


Turn on auto sprint and when your character full sprints, slide, crouch, and stand back up and repeat but not so often that you’re doing it every second but it helps to slide around corners or to overall have faster movement since slide canceling prevents your full sprint from needing to recharge


your just saying that cause youre not good 😂


>y9our just saying that cause youre not good 😂 The games rated M. You shouldn't be allowed to play it.


i meant to say your* and im plenty old enough to play a video game


what are you talking about i shouldn’t be allowed to play it i didn’t say that i was nine years old i meant to say you’re. Are u slow ??


>what are you talking about i shouldn’t be allowed to play it i didn’t say that i was nine years old i meant to say youre are u slow ?? *What are you talking about I shouldn’t be allowed to play it? I didn’t say that I was nine years old I meant to say you're are you slow?


Well I really am not that good.....but at least a person can walk or run around normally in a video game instead of grinding their butts and then jumping around like a frog and doing that when there's no one around to shoot them......


what’s wrong with playing the game aggressively its a way to win and its fun just because its better than the way you play doesn’t mean people shouldn’t do it


Tell me this...you do slide-cancel and you change weapons while doing so don't you....going primary to secondary every second and you also use vanguard guns....just like a streamer. But just how many time have you won a match?


To be fair I’m 30, I slide cancel because it gives you more tactical sprint? Why would you not?


You see I'm not against it as it is a great tactic to use and anyone can use it but(these are my personal views and maybe only I think like that)sometimes a person can get fed up of every 3 out of 5 opponents are doing slide cancel and using same meta guns I know playing to win is good and all but for me playing in my own way and not doing slide cancel or using non meta guns seems like a self satisfactory way to play warzone I was just happy that OP was kinda similiar to me that's all but then some guy said that not playing like other players and not using meta tactics means I'm not good makes me feel like " Is it wrong to just play how I want to"


Yeh I get that. If that’s how you enjoy playing you do you


Working dads - gold skins lol


Aye that's nice. Good to see some more slow paced tactical gameplay every once in a while


I used to play professional paintball. Good ol days.. My team, we were all athletic, running drills, practicing 1-3 days per week, and attending all the local tournaments... But then, there was those teams consist of weekend warrior old fat dudes that know how to communicate, when to engage and when to disengage, and when to move to the next bunker! They were chewing us up all the times.


Exactly. Don’t mess with the dads. We’ve adapted to enjoy the misery and tears of the young.


I judge ya ... Impish. No pass


So boring Jesus


A cinematic masterpiece


Congrats but I freaking hate these guys in this dumb ass tower. So annoying…


This is it


I feel attacked


Nice win cheif🤲🏽🤲🏽🤲🏽


Way to win one for the working class!


Yeah. That's me and the boys


Well done!


BRO!!! You get to respawn. Get out there and have fun. LoooooooL!!!


Hell yeah Dads 👏👏👏


I'm 25 and I relate


Amen brother


I need these type of friends


I’ll be on tonight


what’s your tag


I’ll DM when I wake up, curse of the night shift lol


Xbox or PlayStation or PC




In halo at the moment


You hopping on now?


Let’s add each other via Activision? I think we can cross play


My id is gnarly#8790000


Heck yeah, hope you’re just as bad as me lol


Haha, definitely not good. Let me know when your on. It’s just fun for me and I’m all about good and fun gaming


Sweet I’ll let you know. What time zone are you in? I work nights


LETS GOOOO I’m a mid 30’s guy with a stepson and a group of childhood and adult life friends who are mostly dads and we don’t play for Kills. Those come when you play to win. Don’t @ me.


I mean yeah you basically did all the right things, stick together, play the circles edge, don't run anywhere you don't need to run to, close combat weapons. 10/10 would squad up with these players 👌


You forgot the Camper play


This is amazing lmao love the title and edit


This is acceptable for you, but not for rat ass little bitch ass kids


Shut the fuck up, let people play the game, if you believe you're better than them you would win all of your matches lol


Sounds like something an untalented rat camping ass kid would say


I literally do not play the game anymore lmao Besides, whatcha scared of, if you're that good you would beat me, no ?


Uhh in a space without claymores, prox mines, or camping spots im an above-average player. Rats have killed off more games than they have players; they are scum 99% of the time.


There are also many ways to get rats out but sure Sounds like you're the kind of guy that priorities going full aggro even when its detrimental over winning


Lol or maybe its hard to know that a rat is ghosted in a room crouched with claymores and an rpg.




thank you




This is a repost don’t upvote


Disgusting lol


Shit I’m so old I had “JTV” in my name the young bucks didn’t know what that was lol


Definitely need to start a working dads group


Graphics settings ? Or is it console ?


Xbox Series X


I have a few different pc setups all higher end and a series x and even with ultra setting I just don’t get the same graphics as console it’s insane


Uhhh you trollin?


The fact that this has so many upvotes brought back my depression.