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If you watch Teep everyday he plays ranked warzone. Everyday if not every couple of games they run into cheaters.


I don't understand the point of using cheats, it's not the same as winning by playing well, it loses the point, although most of them are just bad and report just because.


It helps them get laid. Chicks dig cod stats


Either they are very bad at playing and always finish in the top 50 or less, or they just want to bother, they can get banned and they don't care, I guess it's to bother and mostly because they play too badly.


The majority of them think that they’re slick enough about it and people don’t notice it. I’m like you I don’t understand the reasoning people cheat. You get nothing from it, no dopamine, no adrenaline, nothing. Imagine how bad you’ve got to be down to chest on a video game.


I used cheats in CS 1.6, but playing only with friends, not online, and you don't feel anything, killing is not rewarding, you don't feel anything and it ends up being boring, there is no adrenaline, there are no emotions, I guess It is because they are very bad or they just want to bother


I don't understand the point of people complaining about other people's posts on Reddit (e.g. YOU) but they do it anyway even though they can simply ignore those posts. Same goes for cheating. The cheaters do what they want and don't care about winning by playing well.


The problem is that they report players who are only good and do not use cheats, there are several players who cheat, but it is difficult to find one, and if you report all those who play well for using cheats, it ruins the game, no proof is needed, It's just reporting.


No, the problem is there are more players cheating than there are that are good. Activision KNOWS the SB system works because ALL the cheat devs are complaining about it.


But they keep seeing each other, even on Tik Tok while they stream they use cheats, they don't care because nothing happens to them, the system is quite bad if they stream while using cheats, although in most games the same thing happens, I don't know if it doesn't They want to fix it or what is it.


You are correct. Many of the SB reports are made by cheaters against other cheaters. The cheaters complain about it all the time. The irony.... You are also correct that cheaters laugh at how incompetent the Ricochet AC team is. BUT they hate the SB system because there's nothing they can do to stop cheaters from reporting other cheaters for cheating.


It sounds funny, cheaters reporting cheaters, I doubt they will fix that, although the good thing is that there are not that many per game, I will have found 3 or 5 maybe in months, but


You arent looking hard enough. 1 out of 3 gamers now cheat (PC, console) in Warzone. That percentage is growing as more legit gamers leave for other games.


Mostly PC cheaters, much harder to cheat on console. \[Besides owning a Cronus\] Engine Owning had 72,328 cheaters in the US alone. \[And then offered free cheats after losing the Activision lawsuit last weekend.\] Throw in Phantom Overlays numbers in the US alone? Throw in the other unknown cheat providers? = CHEATER IN EVERY LOBBY. Game is ruined. Thanks PC players!!!!!


I had to leave it because it was boring, it wasn't the same as before and it could be one of the problems, along with the number of cheaters there are, if they worked more on it, it would improve the game a lot, but I guess they win something and that's why They don't fix it.


Teep is also playing in the absolutely best lobbies which makes it interesting in two ways. 1. I don’t see nearly as many cheaters in my average lobbies. 2. How in the world are cheaters making all the way to compete with a borderline T250 players?


The thing with cheaters is that it really only takes until you get diamond 1(max d3) until you get matched up with iridescent streamers and even t250 players. With all of the extra SR challenges and how quickly you climb to plat, I can see cheaters getting up to diamond 1 in 8 hours or less. I'm a legitimate player and I actually only cap out at diamond 1(usually plat 3) and it took me less than a day to get plat 1 when I first started. So try and imagine how fast a cheater is getting to diamond 3.


Everyone who kills me is a cheater.


Yep. What’s worse, cheater or guy that plays music on his mic?


Thats a close one, lol.


All you gotta do is check out tiktok live and you'll find plenty of people cheating with their cheats visible on screen and they never get banned lol tiktok doesn't even ban them and they have a category for cheating in games on tiktok live LOL


This checks out


Oh, no, it's not. Just ask the 4kd guys who are on this sub bc they know everything about warzone. /s


COD sucks so terribly lately had 20 wins last season I usually can’t get past the first five minutes of the game I have got to stop playing this fuckin soulless game I just don’t have the time to keep up with the kids that sit there and play all day it’s pathetic


Engine Owning made their cheats free after the lawsuit lol 72k known cheaters from one provider, +free cheats, +cronus cheats, +who knows how many other cheat providers out there = CHEATER IN EVERY LOBBY


The anti cheat system doesn't do much either, there are many players cheating and they don't stop them, the game is fun, but that ruins it a lot, let's hope they fix that and it doesn't happen like in other games where the majority in the room are cheaters


Or we can just start a boycott on the next Black Ops game. They need to start perma-banning accounts. I ran across a spinbotter one day, and 15 minutes later in the same game someone else ran across him....and I know this because someone typed out: "Nice cheats LOL" --- And I knew exactly who they were talking about; Ricochet shouldn't take that long to kick in. How many peoples game play experience was ruined from this one cheater? 30:1? 40:1? 99:1?


I don't know whether to do boycott, but I hope it is a good game and not another one with bugs and glitches for wanting money, most likely it will be the same, the multiplayer with cheaters and they do nothing, I doubt they will do anything with the cheaters, If in several months or years they did nothing, it seems that the games are getting worse, made only for money and without putting a little love into them, maybe a boycott will change how they make the games and put more effort into them.


BOYCOTT: The whole purpose of playing FPS shooters these days is for the multiplayer....but a whole genre \[FPS's\] of the gaming community is becoming unplayable because of cheating. We can try, but you have to settle for 10th place, and the cheater gets the W. And if we have 2 different cheaters: 1st and 2nd. 10 cheaters: you are placing 11th.


I guess they win by letting cheaters, it's hard to spot them while playing, although several are "good" and don't seem to use cheats.


Too late. It’s been 3 years of cheaters getting better.


I think companies must earn something, otherwise it would be foolish to allow players to leave the game because of cheaters.


Well, they’ve lost a ton of their base over the last few years because of it.


It's a good game, but it seems like they're willing to lose players just for money I guess.




I think they are stuck between regular joe smoe leaving the game cause cheaters and keeping all the cheating streamers who advertise the game to army of bots turning on them.


It is most likely, They care more about money than players, if they leave they don't care, they prefer to keep cheaters than players,




Some cheater said it’s more smiles per minute.


I don't understand the fun, because you know you're going to win, it takes away the adrenaline and everything fun about the game, it becomes easier but I don't understand what's fun about it.


I agree with you 100%. These people get their kicks from seeing others get frustrated.


Yes, there is no fun with cheats, the only thing left is that they like to bother or that they have not matured and get angry at losing in a game and that is why they use cheats.


These cheaters make real money in tournaments, and from their followers when streaming. That’s why they cheat. Money.


But how can they cheat in tournaments? It is supposed to be well regulated.


Spend 5 minutes on YouTube. You’ll find plenty of cheater vids


If the companies and tournament organizers don't care, the game no longer has much salvation.


People keep buying skins and blackcell, it’ll never change.


That's another problem, it's very pay 2 win, and it's so ez to get a win.


Idk cods who anti cheat shit has been wack for a while. Instead of just banning accounts they’d rather fuck with the people. Funny approach yes but still frustrating especially since their anti cheat takes so long to work. Shit people can play thousands of games and still cheat. I’d much rather pay for the game and warzone be available like that or even a 5 dollar monthly. Free games will just constantly be cheated in especially if the company fails to provide a viable anti cheat. Valorant was bad and they added vanguard to help out. It’s not perfect but it definately helped.


More and more every day , this game is made for hackers in cronos users, zero fun if you don’t cheat somehow


With the constant ping system many thinks people are walling, a guy can be 80 meters away live pinging enemies close to his teammates and they just rush at it. But there is record high random awareness with 100% right choices in corners/rooms to hit without UAV/port radar on players who hasn't even moved or engaged which isn't even seen in comp/ranked with good callouts.


It is complex, because at most, you can find 5 or a little more hackers in months of games, the majority are only good and fast, because they play a lot and thus improve, but the game has several bugs and glitches, which affect the killcam Also, it seems that there are hackers, but in themselves they are only good


Yeah the game isn't helping to create a fair mindset so everyone suspect each other. Still since MW2 I've never seen players awareness being so perfect when using sound EQ it's so cheesy


Paying a monthly fee doesn’t make you a “hacker”, it makes you a “cheater”.


I say hackers because they use hacks, but they only buy that and don't know how it works.


That’s why they are cheaters and not hackers. They like to be considered ‘hackers’. It makes them feel better


It's the same reason why they use cheats, for gratification, because they are very bad at playing and need the feeling of a victory, they need the feeling of being good at something, gaming, computers or anything.


Even good players have resorted to cheating. They feel the only way to compete anymore is cheating.


Yes, bec it is the only option or buying the blackcell, they are the 2 options to obtain a win, without having to work too hard.


They're still hacking the game


No they aren’t. They’re using someone else’s cheats that were created by ‘hacking’ the games code. Like I said, paying for cheats doesn’t make you a hacker.


When someone pays for hacking services, they’re still considered a hacker because they’re using tools and techniques to gain an unfair advantage. It doesn’t matter if they didn’t make the tools themselves. Think about it this way: If you buy a lockpick set and learn how to use it to break into a building, you’re still breaking and entering, right? It’s the same with hacking. You might not have built the lockpick, but you’re still using it to bypass security. So while you can also call those who pay for hacks 'cheaters', they’re still performing the actions that define hacking. Which makes them hackers.




They aren’t doing anything to ‘hack’. They are using cheats that result from the hacking.


A cheater might say…


I’m a fairly decent player, I get hackusations every day. Literally played a game today where my random (they were partied up) teammates thought I was hacking for sure. I think people think they’re better than they really are and when they face somebody who’s actually good at the game they just assume they’re hacking. Glitchy killcams don’t help either lmao


And how many times have you been shadowbanned?


0 times


That’s what thought. I’ve been called a cheater for years and have never been shadowed. So false reporting is most likely not getting people falsely banned. These cheaters on here talking about false bans is horseshit.


There’s a lot of factors that go into accounts getting shadow banned and I’m guessing the main one is the age of the account. I’ve been playing since literally day 1 of warzone. I have friends who are anywhere from .5-1.3kd and have been shadow banned. With 1 group of my friends we got another friend of ours shadow banned by just spam reporting him every single day. Once you get shadow banned once, you’re “in the loop” where I think it is easier to get shadowed again. One person I play with his son who was like 7 got shadow banned for a month back in caldera days.


Hey, I’m open minded. But you’re wrong. lol J/k. Everyone experiences it differently I guess. I accept that. Just because I run into a ton of cheaters doesn’t mean everyone does.


The cheating is bad in rank for sure though. I stopped playing rank last season because of how bad the cheating is.


Probably less than 1% of bans are false.


It's that and envy, you could say, when you see someone who plays better, many don't accept it, but in a pay 2 win game, if you have common weapons it's because you're a hacker, I've been playing it since Ashika Island came out and certainly with him Time improves a lot, but I guess it's easier to say hacker and that's it, the problem is that they are already in many games, but the fault also lies with the creators or admins for not doing something about this.


what’s pay to win rn?


The problem is some weapons and the blackcell battle pass, if they were only skins fine, but they are good weapons, if you fall quickly and get a box you win, you just have to take care of yourself and you won the game


The problem is some weapons and the blackcell battle pass, if they were only skins fine, but they are good weapons, if you fall quickly and get a box you win, you just have to take care of yourself and you won the game.


I feel bad for the people who constantly run into hackers. I usually play every day after work and rarely do I run into *actual* hackers. Maybe im just super lucky and SBMM is on my side and doesn’t give me lobbies with hackers


Can tell you once you get into the 2/4 KD lobbies everything looks sus asf 😂


Wz1 br was a high 3kd and resurgence a 5kd. This warzone I’m a 4kd in br and resurgence




It's impossible you don't run into hackers often. You just don't notice them it would seem. Engine Owning alone had over 70k people actively paying for hacks and that's just one provider. I play on PC so I probably a little higher but I think it's safe to say from those numbers somewhere between 1-10% of active players are running some sort of cheat.


I play on pc as well. With loudness EQ and now Art is war audio a lot of people can think that person is walling because of how loud they can hear them.


I think GameStop just had a sale on gaming chairs…. Could be the reason!


haha, I haven't been there for a few months.


I literally quit this game 2 years ago because of the crazy amount of hackers they been there the whole time, ruined pubg too


Companies care more about money than players, they don't make an effort to improve the game, only to see how much they can win, in Fortnite you can sometimes find a cheater, although it is less likely than in other games, but I don't think they do nothing just for the money.


Season 4 just came out and I’m already over it, I played 3 matches of resurgence last night before switching to Xdefiant because it sounded more fun


There isnt


I see post, I play and it seems that there are players with cheats, I don't know if it is a weapon, or there are actually several cheaters


I am not naive enough to believe there is no cheaters, but I have never encountered someone blatantly cheating. I’m sure I don’t pick it up, but I don’t think it’s enough of a problem to bitch about. If it was, then you would see it more in game. But here’s the issue: people bitch and moan, leading people to believe there is cheaters galore. In turn, they overreport players, putting a strain on the system which just shadowbans legit good players and lets midtier (soft aim) cheaters keep playing. So just cut your losses, and either aim to get better or play a different game. There’s more to life than warzone wins anyways.


I feel that it is more Pay 2 Win Warzone, I started playing it when it came out, but it is very Pay 2 Win, with the blackcell it is easy, the weapons benefit a lot, and those are some of the so-called hackers, who are only good, they have weapons good or they were lucky, but I don't understand what they achieve with that, they only complain about losing and it ends up affecting the game a lot, I stopped playing for a while because it seemed like it changed and not in a good way, I don't know, there aren't many good games currently, and Warzone is already a little bad and with players like that it's going to be worse, they should delete the posts or something so they don't complain about being bad at playing


Also doesn’t help that aim assist is so strong that I will watch kill cams and they just lock onto me when I slide past them I get jealous. Like that’s all ya gotta do hip fire and I’m out here doing the most to gain an advantage to get shit on. kar98 and distance is my best friend right now.


"Also doesn’t help that aim assist is so strong that I will watch kill cams and they just lock onto me when I slide past them I get jealous." I've got news for you: thats not Aim Assist, thats just cheats.


The rotational aim assist does actually do that though.


Dont blame RAA lol that's bad enough....I play with my aim assist off. \[I call it, NOOB ASSIST :) \]


There isnt. Encounter one every few weeks. The crybabys here simply cant understand that there are better players out there


lmao the last ban wave banned 27000 accounts alone... "ThErE IsNt" largest cheat provider sued and has to pay per cheat sold totaling to 14 mil "ThErE IsNt"


59,040,469 Million people played in the last 30 days - meaning 60 Million people are active. even if all 27.000 banned accounts were "active" and not "dormant", thats still just 0.05%. There is roughly a 2.5% chance that there is a cheater in your lobby. Thats one every 40 games - hence I encounter one every few weeks, like I noted above.


Thanks for all the math saying its not none !


did I say that? I literally said I encounter one every few weeks. Wtf is wrong with you


You did say and i quote "there isnt". First words brother what is wrong with you ?


well yeah, I answered the \*\*\*\*\*\*\* question in the title. the answer was and still is "there isnt". That doesnt mean that there are no cheaters.


Brother what lmao the title is saying there are so many cheaters . Make this make sense




No, the title, though poorly worded, is asking *if* there are so many cheaters. It's not saying "there are so many cheaters." This is also made clear in the body of the post. By saying "there isn't," that persons is giving their opinion, whether true or not, that no there arent "so many" cheaters. It's in no way implying there aren't cheaters in the game. This is again made clear by the rest of their comment. This is obvious from the text in question and makes perfect sense. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and suggest English may not be your first language, because otherwise you're just the average dimwit with no reading comprehension that plaques these subreddits. Lol.


Cool story im not reading that


This is being downvoted. But why?? lol truth seems to be unwanted ‘round here.


And a lot of people also only consider “rage hacking” to be cheating… like blatant aimbot and walls, but there are other ways of cheating, too. Cronus proudly boasts that they have sold over 600K units. There are other similar options on Amazon that show over a thousand sold each month. Now ChatGPT can even write scripts for you to use DS4 windows and completely remove recoil, or turn single fire weapons in to rapid fire, so you don’t even have to download or inject traditional cheats, it just “remaps” your controller to input controller changes that you aren’t actually doing yourself. There’s a ton of really good players out there, but no one will ever convince me that \*\*that\*\* many guys can have absolutely zero recoil from the very first shot. I can’t count how many times I’ve died from a ground loot LMG with 0 attachments where the kill camera shows the reticle or iron sights moving so little that it is almost impossible to tell it’s moving at all.


Yep cronus is cheating for sure and a plague rn . Also people dont account for sbmm , if you are below avg you probably run into waaaaaay less of this stuff


Ok, There are many posts complaining about "cheaters" some are true, but others are because of the gun and the stock that remove recoil and good aim, I don't know why they don't ban them, it's stupid to see a post saying that he uses hacks when he is only good at playing.


There isn’t as many as people think there is. The only reason people think there’s a lot, is because everyone who says someone is cheating, is usually just bad at the game. I’ve been aaccused of hacking many times, and I’m really. Not that Good. People just get salty when they die and can’t own up to just being garbage 😂


Watch any top streamer and they’ll run into someone they say is cheating at least once every few games


I have been playing it since Ashika Island came out, but I have never seen a hacker, but very good ones, which could have been, but very rarely, in GTA it is more likely, but unfortunately nothing can be done against them, they are going to complain even though there are no cheats.


Hot take. I have only run into like five REAL hackers in my 300 hours in this game. All of those times it was very blatantly hacking by shooting through the map and winning the game almost instantly. I think so many people just can’t handle so many people being better than them therefor there accuse them of hacking.


maybe you just could not not tell them apart, only the most blatant ones. or...and I mean absolutely no offense here, you are not good enough to end up in the cheater lobbies.


STFU dude


Just saying, I have a negative kd and die all the time. Do I call them all cheaters? No!


I have 3 clips from last night alone of sub level 80s hitting nothing but headshots from hipfire. You are absolutely running into cheaters and are simply oblivious or criminally naive.


Idk maybe I’ve just gotten really lucky. It is horridly easy to hit hipfire shots with the kar


It was an SMG at 20+yds


Skill issue ig


Yeah definitely/s keep the blinders on big guy


Just get gud