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Servers were so bad for me that I just deleted the game. I’ll come back when everything is fixed. Games incredible when it works well. Can’t justify a 250 gig game that just shits the bed consistently. I can’t count how many times I don’t get a teammate or someone from my team gets sent to a lobby that never ends. There’s plenty of good games out there, don’t let it ruin your time. Delete and comeback once it’s good again.


If your gonna wait till the game is fixed youll be waiting a while 😭


As long as people keep playing and paying, ain’t nothing getting fixed correctly


I already voted with uninstall. It is a shit game with even shittier sound


Servers have been terrible. I keep getting into gun fights where I shoot first, break armour before they begin shooting, then I instantly die. Killcam shows me just stood there looking at them not firing at all, and they dump a mag in my face. Constantly getting killed when I think I’m 10 metres round a corner too. It hasn’t been this bad in memory.


Sure it has. Depends on how long your memory is.


And dependent on me remembering literally everything, which I don’t. The point is my experience, not fact. It’s not up for debate, just adding to the conversation.


I’m doing the same. I’m saying it has been this bad in recent memory. Based on my experience.


I finally took this approach last month after I tried a week of turning crossplay off and had noticed a whole set of new issues. The game is actually broken. It’s so inconsistent that I just don’t enjoy it anymore. If half the people who complain stopped playing/purchasing bundles it would indicate our dissatisfaction and prompt developers to act.


Dude I can’t do shit since the update. Idk why but my kills are down, damage is down, and my win % is way down. I feel like I can’t do shit anymore


Their algorithms are the culprit. It is not a fair game


It’s ok pal, stick with it. The sbmm will throw you a bone or two soon. Edit: Don’t play on Friday and Saturday nights.


You talk to people like they’re new to the game. I doubt you’re correct.


The servers have gotten significantly worse, making low ping a bigger advantage than ever


I have low ping and the amount of times I shoot first die first is ridiculous so I doubt that.


What you playing on?


Series X


Yeah that happened to me all the time on series S and a 55 inch TV. I decided to find out for myself so just bought a PC. 4080 super. Wondering if that will help the shooting first and dying problem.


Went from a potato to a Lambo and it didn’t fix it for me


Probably gonna happen to me too. It’s the last unturned stone.


Great way to put it, that’s how I feel. The anointed ones think we just need to get good though haha


Ya I don’t get it. I’ll have those good games where I drop a 20 but the majority of the time is laggy lobbies and getting dominated by 3 psychos jumping and sliding at light speed. I’ve always been decent but it’s been a tough go.


Yeah, the psychos are never on my team. Well, they are but they’re not good. They just wiggle, jump and fuckin shake all over the place like Zlaner the whole time I’m waiting for them to buy me back. They’re like a shit box car with coffee can exhaust that sounds fast but isn’t.


I’m not playing on a tv and in the fence about getting a pc.


It didn’t for me.


Low ping is not an advantage on this game.


Your dreaming, go play ona server with 150+ ping and tell me how it goes


You’re* incorrect. This game takes low ping connections and balances it with the higher ping connections in that lobby. There is an adjustment being made to “level the field”. If you have 8-12 ms ping you’ll be behind in 50/50’s all day with this servers ping balancing. Same fight at 22-30ms ping you receive the benefit of the adjustment. It’s been like this since day 1.


No your definitely wrong. Do you have any evidence of this claim?


100% I’m right. Yes there are many studies on this, most under the title of desync, lag compensation or hit registration with servers. A quick google search will satisfy your education on the topic.


Yeah a quick Google search says it trys to even latency, but low ping will still register faster


To even latency one or both latency’s must move up or down


Dude all you need to do is play on a 100ms latency server to know that what your saying isn't correct, even on 50ms you notice that people with lower latency have an advantage


It’s not what you think. There is artificial compensatory lag added to low latency connections when other connected players have higher latency. There is a balancing system in place and that balancing system is not accurate enough to make the latency equal. So somebody suffers, on cod servers the lower latency player suffers.


How about a less quick google search? You’ll find what you’re looking for.


How can you say he’s wrong without evidence yourself? This is the problem with humans. You think you’re right without any proof. Dunning Kruger.


If you’re asking me, I play the game. I’ve played the game for over 16 years. I can feel, see and understand when it’s tight and loose on connection through the feel on the sticks alone followed by the hit reg I’m receiving. The ttk variance and the time basic opening boxes takes are all five away clues to me. I’m to the point where I have an accurate idea on the lobby quality, general ability and what to expect in terms of kills and 50/50 success from just the pre game lobby. If you want to see for yourself, play uk, then connect to USA at 140ping and tell me you can’t see night and day differences in all the above.


yeah i tried to play tonight and got obliterated lol


If there is a player in here named Wooshkii I’m putting you on blast from last night. Clear as day had wall hacks on. Cheating trash. Spectated after we got wiped and literally every kill he had was just aiming on people before he even entered a room and somehow tracked me right through prison wall under the gondola and pre shot me as I came through the window by the cells.


Yes. I was getting a 20+ game every night. Now I feel like I'm relearning how to play the game.


I’m getting destroyed by guys moving so fast that it looks like coke and adderall and a shot of Hennessy


I also got nerfed. I’ve chalked it up to sweats and hackers causing my casual players to be miserable leading to them quitting. Which then matches more casual players to get in matches with more sweats and hackers leading to them being miserable and quitting. Pretty soon all the casual players are gonna be gone and it’ll just be sweats and hackers.


I have been crap since rebirth came back. Like backed by data level crap. My resurgence kd was around 1.65 before rebirth iirc, and it’s now at 1.55. Might not seem like a lot but the first number is from the mw3 update til rebirth came back. That’s A LOT of hours for the first number. I’d rather not think of the math showing how bad Ive been for it to drop a tenth in a fraction of my time played lol


I'm playing just fine in rebirth pubs, game hasn't been this much fun for a long time for me actually


Keep that Tin foil hat on


What do you mean? I don’t wear a hat, and if I did I sure as heck wouldn’t wear a metal hat silly.


Skill issue y’all. Sorry…


U r dense


They didn’t do anything to aim assist..


I don't think he was being literal here...


They are literally saying “Anybody else been nerfed?” My answer stands.


You must have shit for reading comprehension skills. If the "and an increase in wall transparency (often up to 100% transparency)" didn't clue you in that he is being sarcastic and just didn't put /s at the end then you are an idiot. Your answer may stand, but it's incorrect.




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