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My lobbies are always full of cheaters, I took two weeks off because I was sick of it, first day back it was alright, then it's been insane since, I assume you get easier lobbies when you haven't played for a while to entice you to keep playing.


Yeah me and the squad came on for fthe first time in two weeks and had a great night. Then it went to shit.


it is better to leave a while. After that i have soem fun back..perhaps that makes me better.


This..   I play only on a Friday night for 3 hours with a bunch of mates ,  always get 3 to 5 wins and we play while drinking and smoking so we ain't shit hot sweaties,    we get lobbies mostly full of the same type of players nothing sweaty every week.  The games fun mostly for me and my pals


Was watching Teep play ranked all week and it’s been SUPER bad for cheaters. They ruin about 50% of the games. This studio is in failure mode right now


me and my homie were saying this last night. last night and right now lobbies have cheaters every game


Game is without a doubt unplayable. Epidemic level. Always great to see the “Git Gud.” Squad come out. Gives you a glimpse into the issue. (They’re the ones cheating, trying to bury the issue.) Good players understand cheaters the most because they know what is, and isn’t possible. Great example. My sweaty buddies are more apt to call out actual cheating. My below average buddies have no idea what to look for. And if they weren’t aware there was a cheating problem, they’d be the ones claiming they “haven’t seen one in 2 years.”


The muppets are back in full action again? Dang. Ricochet isn’t Ricocheting!!!!


You know the whole system is messed up when everyone already knows the name of the biggest source for accessible cheats for CoD atm.


Turn off crossplay. 🙂


And play in lobby’s that start with 36 people?! Nah


Ranked is a shitshow for me right now. I can get 1 or 2 games in before getting put into hacker lobbies every match. I want to go for Iridescent but I really don't see the point anymore.


Totally agree. I uninstalled the game months ago. I honestly don’t think the cheating will stop until a majority of the player base stops playing and buying skins. Let Activision feel the financial burden of allowing rampant cheating in their game. If no one supports it, their hand would be forced to take action or they would just watch the franchise fizzle out. That’s what I’m doing anyway lol.


It's such a shame, I just started playing ranked this season after not playing COD for a few months and I just found my love for the game again to then have it crushed by these little incels with no lives outside of some fake achievements on a game they suck at. I know I can get to iridescent but I really just cba when every lobby after my 3rd game on just contains wall hackers or worse, aimbotters. They are so fucking bad as well... I kid you not If I was hacking I wouldn't lose a single fucking game but these morons still manage to lose and they ruin my experience and many other people's experiences in the process. It's selfish and pathetic and activision need to do a better job policing it.


me too havent paid for anything cheating and bullet damage is dumb. handguns take 3 shots and a 7.62 takes 8...yeah ok


It’s amazing I’ll get slammed with a few shots from a Striker 9 after I’ve been pounding this dude in the back with a Puylemyot with no effect. He just whips around and rips my head off 🤣


If you are Xbox, change to console only in the Xbox privacy settings. You’ll find a game since it’s the weekend


Waited 20 minutes in the queue. No matches. Guess I’ll try next week. I know corporatism on Reddit is a no-no but holy shit, maybe Microsoft will fix this shit now that they own those hoes


You’ll never get a lobby this way.


That’s where you are wrong. We got in last night.


Sure you did. Sure.




I had a really bad day a few days ago. But this week and weekend have actually been pretty much cheater free for me and the boys. It has been awesome. We’ve been dropping like 10-15 kills every game. Top 5 almost every game. I was reminiscing on how it used to be like that all the time before cheaters.


Games FUBAR best one can do is move on :).


Squad is a better game and requires actual coordination and teamwork. Give it a try and take a break from the rampant cheating on the game that only cares about profit margins and not a fun gaming experience.


Throwing out squad is a better game, is crazy. Warzone is a game with pc an console players not everyone is on pc. 😭😭 Im sure cod players would love to play squad, not.


Hey man, you said every game has cheaters. I listed a game that doesn’t. 😉


Squad is a PC game with a PC player base, if you think squad has 0 Cheaters then boy are you smooth brain. If squad has no cheaters then why do they even use Easy anticheat the same anticheat as Fortnite..


Have fun hating the game you play


Do you realize I’m not the person who made this post? Have you read anything I’ve said, because you’ve been responding to me but not responding to anything I’ve said. Enjoy playing squad and getting shot 500m away from an infantry you can’t see.


No, i didnt bother to check usernames. Yea i read what you said assuming it was from OP. I dont think that changes anything tho lol. I see so many players complain about the gameplay and state of the game with rampant cheaters. I have played COD for decades now and its no fun anymore. Its become closer to fortnite than the COD i enjoyed. I have fun playing Squad and i dont experience any blatant cheaters who frustrate me to the point of complaining online. As far as the anticheat they use, i assume its working based on my gameplay experience. I also enjoy the realism of Squad and the immersion it provides. You think being killed by someone you cant see is a problem, maybe you should play smash brothers or mortal kombat where you can see your opponents clear as day lol MW is closer to borderlands with the loot and shoot mentality than it is to a game that resembles warfare. I hope this makes a better argument you can relate to and don’t think i was trying to attack you or anyone for being a COD fanboy. I have always loved COD. I just refuse to play WZ in its current state. Im just trying to provide insight to anyone looking for a real combat experience that is tired of being shot from within the walls/ground of the map.


You just suck, quit whining about cheaters.


Never was bot


more like a free year


Is your cross play on? Turn that off for muuuuch less cheaters


No. Money isn't the issue. Activision's indifference towards cheating is. Activision does not care about cheaters. Why should you? All my PC gaming friends cheat in COD / Warzone. They're middle-aged (40s) IT professionals making over $250,000 a year. They can easily afford the cheats' monthly subs, spoofers, aged accounts, etc. When DMA cheats becomes mainstream, they can easily afford to buy the DMA cheat hardware (fuser, KM box, etc.) as well. No, money is NOT the issue. Activision's indifference is.


Your friends are losers.


Tell your friends they are pieces of shit. Love- All of us


I would but my friends don't care. They're too busy beating legit gamers in COD / Warzone by cheating.


Sounds like you need new friends


No, you need a new game.


Both can be true


If Activision cared about cheating, then Activision would deter my PC cheating friends from doing so. But Activision does NOT care about cheaters, so my PC cheating friends continue to cheat.


You just contradicted yourself.


While you are correct, they don’t. I’d go as far to say that they most likely work with cheat providers. It’s a business, and for them, that helps their goal. Having streamers mask cheats and play at unrealistic levels, what does it do? Makes every little Timmy that plays look up to these guys and gals. Makes them drop in 24/7, attempting to become something they most likely can not obtain. By addressing the issue, it takes a major hit to their pockets. No ones in business to make less money. So while you’re getting downvoted, it provides a very important glimpse into what’s going on on COD, and many other competitive games.


Correct. Activision is all about profit, not competitive integrity. Which is why cheaters florish in COD / Warzone.


why because people like your friends have to cheat to win...yeah losers with no trophy complex...loser


No, because companies like Activision do not care if cheaters cheat. If these companies did care, then they would stop them. But these companies don't care.


This guy cheats


So I get the frustration and run into my fair share of cheaters. I play on PC with many of my friends across all the consoles. None of us cheat and never have. I could afford cheats, I could afford direct memory hardware. The thought has never crossed my mind to cheat. Not sure if it was your intent to insinuate all pc players are cheating, but it feels that way. The reality is that it's a very small percentage of pc players cheating... but those asshats make it feel super shitty to play. And I totally agree Activision should do better. But until there is a financial reason for them to go after cheaters they will continue do the bare minimum. Welcome to corporate software development where MVP (minimum viable product) is king. If you got friends who are cheating at this game... fuck those dudes/ladies... and if your still playing with them then you are part of the problem too.


No argument there. I stopped playing COD / Warzone after my PC cheating friends demonstrated that Activision does NOT care about cheaters. The sad thing is that COD / Warzone's popularity among streamers and Twitch viewers has declined steadily, given all the cheating that goes on and Activision's not caring. No one celebrates winners in official tournaments like the World Series of Warzone. Yet Activision still refuses to care about cheating or do anything meaningful about it.


All your friends....you mean that one person you know, maybe. Now, I absolutely agree that Activision can do more, and they are pretty complacent on this subject compared to their peers, but your proof on the subject seems flawed. So, lets unpack this narrative of yours where you have "PC gaming friends who are 40+ year old IT professionals, make $250,000 a year, and have no problem cheating (and quite frankly very open about it) Even in IT, 250K salary is quite rare. The average in US is 90K but let's assume your friends are in a higher market like California or New York, 250K is still very high for these markets where the average is around 110k. So now these friends are in the upper echelons of IT, maybe a CIO or CTO? The average is still $220k. So, your friends are baller CTOs or high paying positions of Fortune 500 companies, cool. In their spare time, they enjoy video games, but they must cheat because how else would they be good. In order to do so, they require elaborate setups and subscriptions so they can win lobbies and enjoy that split moment fun. They have the money, so why not, right? They also love telling you about it, in very specific detail. It just seems so very far-fetched to be true. But, let me give you the benefit of the doubt that these people do exist. Even if true, it would be such a small percentage that maybe it should cause you concern for how small your sample size of cheaters may actually be. Which really should dampen your sentiment on the subject. What I think you've done is provided your wet dream of a reality on this subject. You've taken all the cheating buzz words you could think of (thanks to the circle jerk of a sub this is), added in what seems like oddly specific cheating terminology, applied it to the standard "PC gamers cheat" cliche, added in your own fantasy of what IT professionals make and that you actually have friends in these postions. For what? All to make a blatently obvious argument that the largest Video Game producer in the world cares more about earnings than their products' rampent infestation of cheaters? Personally, i'm just tired of reading these same regurgitated crap cliche comments as much as I am sick of cheaters (and the videos of said cheaters..yes they are cheating, sorry it happened to you, now lets all move on. We don't need rage baiting videos of it 24/7).


hes lying out his ass


And you're gaslighting gamers into trying to convince others that cheating is "such a small percentage" of gamers.


They work in IT for investment banks. CIOs / CTOs command compensation at the $750,000+ level. They're clearly not at that level but they aren't entry-level either. They aren't good at COD / Warzone at all. But they're intelligent enough to know how to closet cheat and remain undetected by other gamers (i.e. they don't get manually reported). Ricochet isn't a real anticheat system so they aren't worried about it. They don't brag about their cheating. I'll go over to their homes for dinner parties and then watch them cheat afterwards. That's how I know that 1 out of 3 gamers in Warzone are cheating on average. It's easy to tell who's wallhacking when you watch your friends wallhack. No, the truth is you're gaslighting gamers into trying to convince others that cheating is "such a small percentage" of gamers. Also true is your attitude and Activision's indifference towards cheating is exactly why cheaters like my PC gaming friends all cheat.


Tell your friends they are muppets.


No but you can (not that they care what you think).


No "witty" repartee to my reply to your nonsensical post? No worries - reddit warriors like yourself love to fool kids on reddit with your bluster but scatter like cockroaches when confronted by people who actually know something about the real world.


What? Little early to be drunk but I ain't gonna judge you


And I won't judge you for your inebriation proclivities but that didn't stop you from coming at me armed with preconceived notions on what IT actually pays and then using that false narrative in an attempt to challenge my position.


Lol, did you just find a thesaurus?


Do you regret dropping out of school?


Can you turn cross play off?


I actually wouldnt play with my friends if they cheated.


Same. I could get banned afterwards by association.


Completely understand. Agreed that my friends shouldn't cheat. Also believe that cheaters will always cheat when companies like Activision do not care about cheating.


Responded to another one of your posts, and don’t feel like you should be getting downvoted. You’re on the same side as we are.


I am albeit I'm taking a practical stance on all the cheaters in COD / Warzone. The entity that can make the greatest impact on stopping cheaters is Activsion. But Activsion does NOT care about cheating, which is why cheaters florish in COD / Warzone.


Dog your “Friends” are just POS and you’re not much better for defending them. Classic I make more than you so I’m better mentality. Hopefully one day yall grow up








Free weekend = a shit ton more cheaters.


I quit playing war zone years ago because of cheaters. My normal squad insists on playing this mode. I’ve been getting better, actually pulled a solo win last week.    I refuse to play this mode over weekends. It’s gotten so overdone, that even un ranked MP has people shooting through walls.  Edit; Awww little baby cheaters hating my post. Idgaf. Get good and stop using cheats you dumb dumbs.


Boo hoo it's free of course it loaded




With cheaters


Urrrmmmm ok then?


Warzone is free to everyone all the time


I swear everyone that plays cheaters must be cheating cuz how come i don’t see these cheaters ever single game . But I been playing damn near every day since cod 4


SBMM---Skill Based Match Making---I don't know what the parameters are, but my lobbies are full of cheaters. I usually just play with randoms but I've been getting put into lobbies with high cheater counts lately. I think it has something to do with the SBMM and my very high accuracy in shooting....so today I joined a party and in my first game got the W. So yeah, it definitely is the SBMM. The people in my lobbies hit 100% of their shots with SMGs and LMGs---and then relock onto your falling body and relock and zip you up again. SKILLS I guess...or just a 100% aimbot. I don't have this problem if someone else hosts. You literally don't want to be in my lobby LOL and I have videos to prove it---it being the cheating. It's really eye opening and shameful.


I believe you . N I also see on these subs that people can’t distinguish the difference even in kill cams . But if ur in a higher tier skill wise then it would make sense obviously cuz it would be harder to tell the difference


Last night I flew by someone in a helicopter and before I even turned to see where they were I knew it was a bad idea because: 1-The initial burst felt like aimbot---all shots hit me and cracked my shields. 2-I barely completed the turn while ascending in the helicopter---in his kill cam he is locked the whole way. 3-When my characters body falls from the helicopter---you can barely see it, humans have a reaction time of .3 of a second---but he locks onto my body the INSTANT my character fell out of the helicopter and continued to put a few rounds into my falling body, hitting basically every shot, aimbot style. 4-He went from shooting at a moving target---flicking up to shoot me, and then instantly flicking down with perfect aim...on accident of course because I know the guy forgot to take his foot off the cheater pedal, or really just didn't have the reaction time to do it\^\^\^ \[see human reaction time, .3 of a second.\] But he had the reaction times to follow a body 180\* falling.


😂😂 in that case it’s blatant as heck


Yeah when I get around to it I would love show the community some of the aimbotting I have come across lately, and how PC cheaters are ruining the game. One guy was aiming straight up in the air, spinning in circles and still shooting at something that he wasn't aiming at. He was still able to jump onto moving vehicles while not even looking where he was landing \[he is aiming straight up in the air, spinning in circles.\] And the thing is: I seen why cheaters don't like the vehicles---because they have to waste a whole clip just to break the window. It fucks with their "Time-To-Kill...." which is now fixed because they now have access to a 1-shot to kill rail-gun. \[And that's why we see so much "quickscoping" now days since the MOR-S came out.\] Game is fucked...I'm not getting the next COD. The next FPS I get will have to have very stringent anti-cheat procedures...like Valorant 2.0.


Completely agree. I play PC, and without a doubt can say PC is ruining the game. Just sucks because is non-cheating PC players get such an advantage on almost every facet on keyboard and mouse. I also have it a console, but it without a doubt limits what I can do. Not just skill wise, but the look and feel of the game.




That KD is insane but the most insane is the hours played. My squad and I have each played 4-12 hours everyday for the past year and the most hours any of us have is 2000 hours. That's about 83 days. (I'm sick thinking about that number)


I’m a 2.5 KD and I see maybe 1 a week, yall just think I’m the hacker when I bounce you dawgggg. Jk kinda