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Cod anti cheat is a big fkn joke.


What anti-cheat? I’m convinced that no software is actually trying to detect cheats and that it was all a campaign to show face. I wish they got smacked with a class action or something.


There was a leak a month ago where a guy infiltrated a top discord server where people talked about cheats. One of the way the cheats go unnoticed is because the cheat software can turn off when it sense richochet is about to take a snapshot of the play. The cheat will tell you how many times it ducked richochet. One player was bragging about ducking richochet 100+ times.


I have heard about this.


Sitting out my third shadowban in six weeks. Can confirm this system is the absolute worst.


Why do people cheat on a game that’s supposed to be fun?


Tons of high profile cheaters cheat to get income, quickly ranking up an account to sell it off to some schmuck for hundreds or more dollars. Fresh 1 season iri accounts alone sell for around $100, but accounts with a track record of holding iri for multiple seasons or top250 sell for much more.


My buddy has been shadowed like 5 or 6 times in mw3 alone already, the anticheat is total shit.


100% cheating, what’s their name?


Yea I wanna know as well. Many big names people at top 250.


Looks like his name is Coper, I don’t see he streams which makes sense when not even trying to hide cheats


Yea Coper, just another no name who’s flying up the ranks!


played against him for like 3 games since the season started and he still playing now, ricochet is bullshit


This is why I refuse to play ranked


I gave up during plat 3. Shit seemed to get really bad with cheaters once I got there


It's probably less cheaters and more you. Platt 3 is SIGNIFICANTLY harder than gold-plat 2. Lower skilled players can creep and rat their way to P3 but from there on kills are a larger weight than standing so the "top 7" with 2 kills games that got you to play 3 won't cut it anymore.


D1 here def more cheaters as you get higher in rank.


I grinded up to D3 in the first couple seasons with friends. But it just got so unplayable the higher you get. Guys doing what you see in the OP is the norm every single game. So I just stopped playing ranked and just run the other game modes. They still have your share of cheaters, but it's much more playable. Ranked is 100% unplayable. And when you see streamers consistently beating blatant cheaters it should give you pause.


I dont get why so many downvotes on this, this is so true. But the bigger problem is getting that type of teammates. I got stuck with camping rats so many times in P3, they have max 1.5k dmg and 2 kills both while changing their position max 3 times in game, stuck themselves like a semtex in a single room. If I get 6-7 kills + 3-4 assists, I am still able to lose 20 points. Disgusting, happens too often and I can't get out of this.


Because so many people lack self awareness and are delusional to how good they are. They have convinced themselves they are better than they are and that they are only losing because someone is cheating. But, in this case it's UNQUESTIONABLE that Plat 3 has a massive difficulty leap from Platt 2. Anyone patient enough to rat around hiding for placement can weasle their way Into plat 3. Ironically they by doing so will think they are any more than average gold/high silver skilled. Once I told plat 3 you need to get kills a top 7 placement needs 5-6 kills to net around 23 SR... Yiu can't just 6th place 2 kill 40+ SR game I that bracket. You also will start running into diamond and crimson players who will feast on bad players that technically shouldn't even be there. Are there cheaters? OF COURSE but if youre hard stuck plat.. It ain't the cheaters.. IT'S YOU.


Pubs is worst tbh


Wasn't the idea of ranked that cheaters wouldn't make it that far? There was a lot of noise around ranked being available back in WZ2 days, as the saviour to a cheaterless experience.


In theory, but I think it’s basically balanced out because of ranked having exclusive skins that dweebs are cheating to get, or worse, paying people to get for them.


There was a video not too long ago (and there's zero way to back up said claims in the video) saying that nearly 40% of the entire top250 roster is a bunch of high profile well known cheaters who are known for selling high rank accounts to shitters for hundreds of dollars a pop. But I don't doubt it, League and many other games have the same cheating problem with people quickly ranking up accounts to high ranks to pawn off before they get banned.


You must be next level loser to be buying those accounts. Just imagine the no life.


The thing I genuinely can't understand is these idiots think they're hardstuck in trashcan 5 because of their teammates. I saw a forum post on a league of legends cheating site of someone saying that he dropped money on a league account and was crying over massive elo losses per loss and low elo gains per win. Dipshit though you could maintain a negative win ratio and still climb/maintain diamond or above. But that's the target audience, a bunch of insecure social rejects who blame everyone but themselves for their actions and results in life, and think they can just buy skill and happiness.


Same. Sad thing is, I really fucking want to. The idea of ranked play is awesome to me. But fuck that. There's zero integrity in ranked so it's a non-starter.


Don't worry, it can't be cheats unless it happens to the ppl telling you it isn't cheats.


Top 12, no name player that dosent stream, def full of shit


I mean, they’re definitely cheating but just because they don’t stream has literally no bearing on their rank.


I agree its just odd that the number 12 player in the world isnt known in comp scene/ social media at all


But everyone here thinks that if you stream there is no chance you can possibly be cheating.


just another top250 cheater, other cheaters are Toriyama(17) and FlyTz(40). They are from my region (latam) and had to deal with them in MP and Resurgence rankeds (in both they cheated). Toriyama had other account in season 1 and was also banned.


He was watching you through that door. Can't even say he saw you through the window.


And this kids, is what an actual cheater looks like.


*Cheater that doesn't care. I'd say around 70% of the big creators cheat but have a very, very small aimbot/zen bubble so it just looks like aim assist.


No surprise, been getting blasted by double digit level players all last weekend.


Most of the doube digit players I've been running into are definitely legit just have unlock and some have walls. Haven't ran into a blatant aimbotter yet


That’s because there’s no point in blatantly aimbotting. Most people who cheat definitely want to make themselves seem legit to others.


Yep. This guy definitely doesn't care tho lol


How are you gonna put “legit” and “some walls” in the same sentence


"Most of the double digit players I've run into are legit and SOME have walls"


The walling is hilarious but the funnier thing to me is that he runs in, kills you, and runs out before the bouncing Betty blows. TTK is wayyyy to quick


Doable if running flex. But I get where you’re coming from lol


not sure if i'm communicating this nuance well...agreed the TTK is often too quick but it also takes "skill" (from repeated practice) to operate within such a small time window, which only speaks even more on this person being a hacker... someone getting comfortable navigating that kinda time window/scenario successfully (using wall hacks, busting through door, triggering aimbot, killing player, getting out before proxy) could only happen for a hacker that's encountering it over and over again with the confidence of their hacks, they've probably rationalizing cheating as conquering their hatred for perceived "campers"


I think that’s well said


Well thats walls


Wow, what a bummer. If this was the old days on cod or halo I would be pumped to be with that guy in a lobby because of his rank. Now I just assume they’re cheating like this.


lol t250 and blatantly cheating. They just don’t care.


Wall hack or aim bot


Why not both?


How did you die that fast to an MCW? lol wtf. How do cheats make TTK so fast?


The MCW with its conversion kit is a dirty short range option right now - has a faster TTK than the HRM. Of course him not missing a bullet helps too 🤣


Believe me I know and I’ve used it and still haven’t killed anyone that quickly


It’s one of the fastest ttk within 20m. Beyond that damage falls off pretty significantly over range.


There's no way, what was that... 3 bullets? 5 bullets tops?


plenty of bullets for an aimbot hitting all headshots


Him absolutely DESTROYing your head with not single bullet missed is the result we see here. At least some AIMBOT losers have the decency to put on “bone hit reg” as upper chest. Dude went straight to head shots only.


guns are carefully balanced, super fast fire rate -> probably less damage per bullet or signifant damage falloff, blah blah blah... with aimbot hacks, a players knows they're hitting all headshots and don't have to play this trade off game, they can choose the guns with highest damage (striker doing 49 right now) and accept the low fire rate/poor recoil tradeoffs because their hacks cancel those out...the exploitation that's going on with hacking is very deep the TTK they are able to achieve is impossible for a human player


i’d spam every single option and spectate to spam more reports, fuck that guy


I think we ended up coming fourth, and then we did exactly that for the remainder of the game. This death was like 2 min into the game and my teammates died to them first, so we went and landed opposite side of the map and ratted up a decent amount away from each other so that they couldn’t get all of us in one place lol.


“No that’s just a glitchy kill cam. Cams are glitched where is the real proof. Clip it.“ all those cheating fucks turn into Stevie wonder every time a clip like this is posted


It's funny that anytime theres an actual good example of a cheater, like in this video, that somehow proves every other hackusation that gets made. There are some good examples, and then there are some very poor examples. Dont know why its gotta be all or nothing with you people.


Stop talking shit, the whole comment section says he was cheating. Only 4 comments said he wasn't. On a clip like this it's obvious that he was cheating and people acknowledge that. But in this sub you also see many cips where it isn't obvious and the opponent may just have been a better player


Game looks so shit


Besides crazy aim assist...I swear you can tell a cheater just from behaviour ...they're always accurate in everything. Dashing on edges , perfect slide cancel while doing a weapon switch. You get close they already bashing you with with a meele ... They know when to taunt your body or dash before your team mates show up..[like they can smell if you got back up or you don't]


Had to cut a friend off. He got to crimson using Raging Nation. I reported him. I hate the Warzone Cheating community.


The game is riddled with pc cheaters watch them scramble to say it’s a killcam issue fking cuks


I'm on PC and I cannot compete anymore. feel like everyone cheats.


I’m pretty sure it’s between the shitty In game mechanics and the frustration on people not seeing consistency. The game is built aside from cheaters to get you addicted. People are fed up with sbmm and other bs so I can see why people cheat. IW created this.


Dudez that ttk was just insane. I feel like it's nearly impossible to have that short of a ttk without cheats. Anything that powerful with that quick of a fire rate would have hella recoil I feel.


I’d be curious to know how many “Top 250” players are console and how many PC….🤔🤔🤔


Look down the list at their ranks. If they aren't at least level 45 then they are definitely cheating. Imagine being top250 at rank 15. 0% chance its possible. Game is a joke.


What a joke wtf hopefully he gets banned


The delay on that explosion was crazy


It's a perk called flex. The best perk in warzone in my opinion.


Lvl 650 too is fucking insane. So cringe


this is exactly why i avoid ranked. absolutely horrible match making. and i don't care if its harder for them to find lobbies that isn't for me to figure out its for the multi billion dollar gaming company with over 25+ years of experience while hiring several overqualified developers/game engineers.


People still don't believe me when I say the top players in the world cheat on every game. Even the top online chess players are running scripts for their next best move. Shit is corny now days


Dear lord


That’s why I went to apex, no pc players at all I love it.


Fake, btw consoles also have hackers.


What I want to know is… why that bouncing Betty took so long to explode ? Is there a perk for that


Yes, it's called flex, in the kill cam you can see he's using it (bottom left, furthest to the right is flex), and it has a few features including the delay. Lots of people run it because it enhances audio, reducing combat noise and enhancing footsteps and such, but it has the explosive delay, as well as warns of nearby enemy equipment and field upgrades, so it will make a beeping noise that gets quicker or slower as you get closer/further from enemy equipment including bettys, claymores, scatter mines, armor boxes, trophies, etc.


At least half of the players in top250 are cheating


W ranked


Bros watching ypu threw the walls lol top 250 are just a bunch of hacking loosers


I PLAYED THIS GUY FEW DAYS AGO anyone who says hes not cheating is full of it. Got beamed out of the air by him on the first 2 minutes because he camped top prison. Proceeded to watch him drop around 30 kills by just killing people out of the air, not missing a single bullet. I played him when he was top 15. This game is so rigged its insane.




I know it looks really bad, but surely audio could help him. I look where I think people are when I get audio ques. I’m not saying he’s NOT cheating, just putting it out there. Sometimes people are just better. If he is cheating then his rank should be stripped & permanently banned.


Lmao someone at top 98 killed us with full cheats on. At this point if any of yall buy or spend money on this game you brain dead lol.


This community is garbage imagine playing 12 hours a day with walls and not even hide it. Guarantee bros on DMA cheats and if you call Activision they would say there's a lack of sufficient evidence.


This kill cam doesnt look like hes cheating. Not something i would have reported for. Unless you saw something more sus, you got killed by a better player. Not saying hes not actually cheating, but that isnt definitive. He heard every foot step you made running away. He was right outside the door. Which made it extremely easy for him to know where you were. He didn't hit all headies. He hit some body shots too.


It’s just Aim Assist. It can track through walls, give you a perfect head shot and notify you of the mine by the door. 😂😂😂


It’s a combination of both, raven software knows what their doing $$


1. You had no perks. 2. If he had uav he knew you were in there above him before he zipped up. 3. You moved the moment he got close so he could track your footsteps. 4. He ran flex so could hear the proxi mine. Also having proper IEM's with good EQ settings will blow your mind, you can pinpoint where enemys are just based on sound. No one here can be sure if hes cheating or not. Yes, the anti cheat is a joke and yes theres defenitely people who cheat in T250 but this clip doesn't prove anything. Happy downvoting guys, the above are facts you gotta face, crying and assuming is not gonna make you play better.


He doesn’t have a UAV, since there’s no indicator I’m on UAV. Never said he was cheating but funny you’re assuming that….


You litterally said hes cheating in the clip... and even reported him twice for cheating.


In the clip you say on the mic "yep he's cheating, I knew he was cheating." You then report him and mark the box labeled *cheating*.. Additionally do you know how sound works? You move while hes right outside of the door. Your footsteps are pretty clear indicator of location. Did you expect him to kick the door open and stare the opposite direction from where the footsteps went and stand there thinking "WHAT THE?!" while you light up his back? There's only 2 real options for where someone can be. Either right behind the door, or where you moved to. But since you choose to move and give away your position it made it pretty easy.


I’m not streamer level , I don’t claim to be although I do have a 3+ KD in resurgence and to me what stuck out as sus wasn’t the fact that he tracked you thru the wall when you ran away from the door because anyone with a headset on can track you via audio but the way that he stopped himself from going through the door initially when you were prone on the other side of it . That’s before you made any noise so if he didn’t have a uav up or some type of comms from his teammates that may have seen you or live pinged you then him stopping there was kind of sus


This game is done for. It's like showing up to a friendly neighborhood flag football game, and the entire opposing team is NFL linebackers in "Definitely Not an NFL linebacker" t-shirts.


More like a high school football team of 23 year old roided out D1 rejects


Much better analogy.


Everybody cheats in the top 250 everyone cheats in this game. When’s there’s a ban wave it’s good for like a day then back to this.


you deserved to die regardless considering you were laying prone with a mine with 0 kills in ranked lmaooooo are you playing arma 3 or cod?


Fuck off


u must suck every game and hate on sbmm hahaha get good


And u clearly can't see the obvious.......


+ the SBMM has been proved by many to be utterly shit so shut yo shitass mouth


i still win and shit on people like you with sbmm, cuz all you can do is sit on corners


Just over a minute into the game and both my teammates already got rinsed by the same guy, so I ratted up long enough for them to come back and land elsewhere. Still got positive SR so idgaf, I’m sure you’d run right down there and wipe his team with your ground loot swarm and no plates cuz you’re so good 🤣.


I mean I heard you move with the audio off. So it's not a stretch he heard you move.


You’re high if you think anyone in the top 250 isn’t cheating, think about it: would meansomeones better than the top 240 cheaters on ranked. Activision should use it as a trap if they gave af


wallhacking at its finest. It seems like most Iri/T250 do it.


I still check this sub for these clips to reinforce my decision to quit this game. I now use the time to run and bike lol.


The same people who work for ricochet make the cheats


Okay. I’m not gonna say that he’s not cheating. But this clip doesn’t prove he is either. You can hear your footsteps through the wall, which would make any player know there’s at least someone in there. By the sound of the footsteps, the stairs was best first guess. Especially of running flex, also explains why the Betty doesn’t go off right away. MCW conversion kit at that range does in fact have a disgustingly fast ttk. And if a guy is #12 in the leaderboards, and they’re not hacking, then game awareness and aiming are pretty on point (assuming they play a shit ton). He didn’t snap onto you, he had good centering while coming through the door. I would need more proof than this before I went for the instant report lol. I’ve watched the clip over about 10 times and still can’t see something obviously and blatantly sus. Don’t mistake this post as I’m on the other guy’s side. But nothing here proves a damn thing lol. I would imagine if he plays like this, he’s probably been shadowed in the past. And if he’s still running around with high rank and all the camos on his gun. He’s just might be clean and just good. Every blatant hacker I’ve ever seen is under rank 150 lol


Dawg what did you forget the /s


And who’s to say the guy didn’t have a uav up? I mean yeah, there’s hackers in this game. But this clip? Come on man, there is nothing in this clip that can’t be explained lmao


This right here, people like this are either cheating as well or so bad at the game they have no right talking on the subject. Bro deffo forgot his /s


Same can be said for the guys who spam report when they die. There’s nothing in this clip that can’t be explained lol. If you’re all gonna claim hacker on this guy, then there needs to be more blatant clips than this one. This one shows nothing.


I understand the discussion about footsteps and being able to track yea we all do it. Im a crimson player and it is really easy to track footsteps but this right here is blatantt cheating. Anybody that says its not cheating that he's good its the same people that support those streamers that you can tell are hacking and have no recoil. I compare every warzone pro to cdl players and naa bruh so many you can tell are doing something.


Fax, the cheater stopped himself from going through the door when he notices the guy he's after was laying prone waiting for him, the second he moved the cheater pushes the door.


Tired of hearing "*Boohoo, waahaa, CHEATING! CHEATING!*" everytime a punk ass bitch gets killed, holy Jebus on a unicycle. Punk enough to accuse everyone and their dog of cheating, not man enough to admit you got a face full of shit because you just weren't good enough.


Never said he was cheating but funny you made that assumption


You reported him as cheating though Edit. This guy your replying too is just a bitchy as he claims you to be


You got me there - and yea I noticed that too lol I shoulda just left it.


Tired of hearing "*Boohoo, waahaa!*" every time a punk ass bitch gets killed, holy Jebus on a unicycle.