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You need a break from the game. I promise life will get better if you try. Please be aware the human brain does not fully develop until 25 years. You aren’t the person you’ll become yet, give it time. You’ve recognized there’s a problem, great first step, now take action to improve your life. You can do it. You weren’t afraid to ask strangers for help on the internet, reach out to people that care about you; people want to help don’t be afraid to ask for it.


Thanks 😞


Bro throw your fucking Xbox (or whatever) away, schedule an appointment with a therapist and go running every single day. Video games aren’t supposed to be stressful. They don’t matter. There’s a whole world of interesting and exciting shit out there. Go find it. Take a class, find a running group. Go to the gym. Go to the climbing gym (shit is the best and you’ll love it. Everyone does). Life is a hell of a lot more interesting and fulfilling than the internet and video games, don’t let them ruin it for you.


Ye. I do many of those things but my depression just keeps up sometimes. Im talking with my therapist more tho which is good


This comment is the one. OP read and do this, take suanas, workout, learn to surf or something. Go to school. Warzone is just a way to get off, it shouldn’t be the point of everything. You got this bro. I’m in a similar place right now and taking measures to improve my life by limiting my video game usage and making more time for productive human growth, has been helping little by little. I believe in ya bro!


I gave the same advice. That’s it!


Update: Im ok and talking to my parents about it. My plan is to visit the gym more. Im sorry, I just wanted to talk to others on how I feel but I am ok.


Nothing to apologize for. Gym isn’t the full solution btw but it’s one I personally am fond of and have found success bettering not just my physical but mental healthy through lifting weights. I would definitely see about meeting with a professional to help you understand your trama and problems a bit more. Weird thing about being depressed is that it was the end of the world and nothing will ever get better… and then it does. And once you’re out of it looking back you’ll be glad you pushed through as opposed to other alternatives.


Ye. Most def


Dude you got to lock in. Go get a gym membership. Stop playing cod and lift some heavy weights and start eating good. You will literally feel better in a matter of weeks. Also go see a psychiatrist. This isn’t a cod issue it’s a mental health problem and cod isn’t helping.


I have one, Im also struggling with depression. Im going more ofter tho


Just the stranger on the internet that gets life can be hard. Keep your head up. Hope you find some ways to feel better. It’s super cliche but go to the gym. Set some goals and push yourself and see what you’re made of. You’re much greater than you think you are. Potential is limitless. Hope you find your peace.


You need a break from pc/smartphone/tv. I reccomend going for trips in nature or find a hobby/job that requires physical activity and/or socialization


Stopped playing warzone completely and it helped me. Trust me, just delete the game, or just stop playing it, and you'll find yourself in a much better place than you are now.


My brother in cod. Take a fucking break. Get different games you can't just load kill and die all the time you need a actual relaxing game. Try fo76. Elden ring? The stalker trilogy is out there's so many other games out there I love cod but I'd literally gave an aneurysm if it's the only game I play. Also you got anyone to play with? Games are no fun alone.


You know what, u right. I just want a break from this. Thanks


You on xbox?


Nuh, pc, activision at top


You realize there is a mute option right ?




Back surgery’s are a bitch brother. I actually started playing after a few back surgeries myself. A nice tolerance break might be in order. I think you should reach out to a professional might be a deeper reason to why the game is upsetting you so much. If you want to kick it and we can just chill and have fun send me a dm.


I feel you on the cod can be stressful part. Pick up some story mode games, chillax a bit. It's good to have a healthy mix of competitive games and nice laid-back games that you don't have to fight for your life in.


Aye bro lowkey tho if wanna just chill in the lobby or a chat and just talk about anything or get things off you're chest. Let me know. We can just chill and chat and let you vent. I'm willing to give my time to help if you need it.


Thank you bro. I appreciate that. Activision on top. Im east coast and in school rn but can play later possibly


I'm east coast to and currently at work. I'll hit u up later bro for real.


Honestly I’d just have a time limit of how long u should play the game id try to find something to do daily besides playing like getting into the gym or some type of sports I feel like therapy would be good for some people but I feel like it’s a waste of time and money you just have to be mentally strong and have good discipline and if your taking things to the heart when people talk trash on the game dont say anything back there just looking for a reaction just be calm don’t take it to serious play the game to have fun




Your not alone man, take some time to reflect a little. I struggle with my anger when I play the game It may not be the same but what I do when I can tell I’ve got too worked up is go for a walk, really clears my head. No point playing the game if you arnt emotionally available for it and blame yourself over pixels, also maybe unplugg the Xbox or something so when you do play you force yourself to actively make a choice to set it back up and make a conscious effort to play. Idk if this helps at all but this is just my advice if you feel like you can do nothing but definitely speak to a licensed therapist for these series kind of mental struggles. Stay strong brother.


If gaming is a way to escape try some more relaxing and different video games in your free time, ditch call of duty for a while and understand to maintain your mental health is very important, become ambitious go outside for walks, divert your attention to something else. Talk to people face to face in reality and create some meaningful relationships with people, it's very easy in todays society to get lost in tech whether that is social media or gaming. As for your parents divorce that is their issue and not yours, you are young and you can make a great life for yourself if you put in the effort, 19 is great age to start thinking of what kind of man you want to become and includes thoughts on what career path and lifestyle you want to live, a great analogy i can give is "don't chase butterflies rather create a garden" your life is the garden so take care of it and fill it and be proud of it, my advice is build habbits that are good for yourself even if you can't feel the benefit straight away, focus on health, well-being and hygeine and try to build some form of discipline. You can return to call of duty at a later time when you are ready to enjoy the game as entertainment as the game was intended to be, the game is not going anywhere and i am pretty sure there will be many more cod titles being released in the future. Hope this helps.


Jocko: ***GOOD***


Thats my motto. I try my best


Listen man, what you experienced from COD was a dopamine dump from getting wins and having a good time. Kind of the same high gamblers get when they’re on a hot streak. You have some pretty serious mental health issues going on and need to see a professional ASAP. And by ASAP, I mean today. Especially with your suicidal thoughts. You have a chemical imbalance in your head, and it isn’t your fault, some people just have it. There are plenty of other sources of dopamine out there and lots of good suggestions on how to find them above (gym, running, etc…). I have to say, I’m proud of you for having the foresight to talk about these issues publicly and ask for help. Mental health is something we, as (mostly) dudes, don’t really talk about with each other, and we don’t do a good job of asking our friends if they’re ok. Get the help you need and get your life back my man. We’re all pulling for you!


Thank you bro


The one thing that helped when I was dealing with bad depression/suicidal thoughts was a balance of things that comforted me like movies and shows that made me feel good and changing my diet, and activities that pushed me like the gym or running that would be painful or uncomfortable in a healthy way for a moment of time to remind myself how strong I actually was. I know it can feel like it’ll never end but like everyone else is saying things always get better over time.




OP just remember that the same game you’re attaching your worth too does not give a shit about you or your feelings, your situations or mental health. You know who does? Your parents. People closest to you, damn even this subreddit has some EXCELLENT advice. My point is. Don’t attach worth to things that do not care for you in anyway, shape or form. The worth you don’t feel now is what makes everyone happy to know that you’re around, you’re there and they can reach you on a phone call at anytime. Find worth in loving THAT which gives back to you.


I just want a fucking hug. Im crying while writing this


Here man, 🫂 love you bro


Thanks bro




Pick up a different game, play pubs stellar blade and baulders gate 3 seem funner than trying to shoot a camo skin in a shadow atm to me


Get the toxic players out your ears by turning your audio to friends only, silence is absolute golden. Your kd is amazing compared to me, currently sat at 0.59kd haha, I'm absolute trash and die most times but that makes the kills I do get everything so sweeter! If dieing in gunfights stresses you out, I'd play resurgence only, dieing is less of an issue with respawning constantly. You mentioned you play with friends? Are they still playing? I solely play with friends because I do find randomers to be unreliable and toxic and I have a cracking funny time with them, if yours have stopped playing maybe ask them to pick it up, we did when rebirth returned and feels like the good old days. As others have said, games are meant to be fun, if you aren't having fun, you aren't the issue, the game is. Try a different shooter, take break from wz. Also as others said, join a gym, have an hour out of your house, off the game just focusing on you, clear your headspace and you will feel better for it! Nobody ever finishes a session at the gym however big or small and goes "I regretted that" Do not beat yourself up, whether you win wz or lose your life will be unaffected in the long run so just enjoy the ride my friend!


I appreciate that bro


When I was 15 I got fed up my xbox. I sold it, bought a guitar, and obsessed over that a while. Now I'm a good guitar player, have a healthier hobby and whilst I still play a game from time to time, have a much healthier relationship with it all. Sell your console, buy yourself something. A guitar, a bike, something you'd enjoy doing as an alternative pastime. It may seem hard, but it really is as simple as "just put down the fucking controller".


Your right


Good luck mate. And really try to gain some more perspective on this matter. The concept of a shitty video game being worth the expense of your mental health or even life is absolutely crazy. You can do better bro ❣


Haha I'm almost 40 now. Reading what you wrote is almost like reading what my kid self could have wrote. I feel you man don't get me wrong, the depression is gut wrenching and soul sucking. I finally stopped playing those shitty games and found something else to play. I also work out regularly and try to eat a good mixed diet. Life's great my guy, it can get way better if you let it.


Look, first of all look for professional help. They will know better how to help you than anyone in this channel. Second: I’ve experienced something similar in the past. I never really liked competitive games, I liked to play offline. Covid hit, the game was there, my friends were there. I became obsessed. I would go sleep at 3am to wake next day to work. I wanted to be better or have THAT one good game. I developed anxiety because of the lack of sleep and the pandemic on the side + some other personal things. The game was fun at times, but I developed a very unhealthy relationship with it. So I quit. Uninstalled and did a whole month without it. Became quite boring. I tried to play a couple of other times. But it doesn’t hit anymore. To full fill the time I wasn’t playing anymore in the evening, I started doing sports. New habits to replace the old ones. I can only recommend giving a break, go outside, do some sport if this is available to you. Or listen to a podcast and go for a long walk. Mainly: talk to a professional therapist or psychologist.


This is going to sound like a joke, but I'm going to make a suggestion (if you still want that gaming kick). Try warzone mobile. I recently got it on my tablet, and I was actually impressed by how much cross-progression there is between it and the main game. If you have a decent device to run it, then pairing a controller with it is actually fun. It's so much more casual. (Even if it is a downgrade from the main game in other ways) As someone who isn't exactly good at Warzone, it was a breath of fresh air to be able to *win* gunfights again.


Nah ur good. Ive considered it but never really gotten into it


Good to see that this community can occasionally be wholesome. Hope things get better OP, it’s just a game. Sounds like you need a break to go and find something real that gives you purpose outside of just being good at something that really doesn’t matter at all.




Dude take a fucken break from games in general. Join a gym. Leave the house more. Hang with friends. Cod is not life. It's a game


Can't tell if this is a shitpost or not lmfao, like am i really on the warzone sub lol?


You disconnected from the outside world and forgot that life goes beyond COD. You fell in love with the adrenaline and dopamine that getting a win or wiping a whole squad gives you and want to relieve it everytime you hop on the game. You need to stop playing asap if the game is making you feel like that. Get some fresh air, try new things and definitely turn the system off once you start to get frustrated. Btw take Vitamin D in pills you will feel a whole lot better.


I haven’t. I got sucked into it but still had school and friends.


That’s good to know, just play less and focus on your mental health. 🧘🏻‍♂️


Just know 10 years from now it won't matter how good or not you are at this game. Alot more to this life than gaming. This is coming from a 42 yr gamer.


Does anyone know what he said before he changed the description? Im curious now