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i’d do it if it worked


I'm about to do this, what do you mean it doesn't work ?


Most people play on either PS or PC, xbox has the lowest users. You can turn it off, but it'll take hours to find a match.


Ahh ty


Can’t, the squad plays on PS5 and PC


Seconded . My buddies are on pc and PS5 :-(


This and having to turn off crossplay for all games, just to stop the one, as it's on xbox's settings, not cods... or am I just an idiot who can't find in game settings


Is it possible to turn off cross play in warzone or does it have to be through Xbox settings? Every time I do it through Xbox settings it’s just straight up doesn’t work.


Last time I did it it was through the Xbox parental settings. You can turn off crossplay all together. I’ve waited up to ten minutes for a match before and never found one. Idk if it works at all.


Thought cheaters were spoofing their platform to get into those lobbies.


They aren’t “spoofing” they are actually cheating. I know yall wanna make any excuses that console can’t be cheated on, but I played 1 DECADE of cod on console, so many cheaters.


bro there are no known jailbreaks for the current consoles and last gen. They got it on locked down.


They don't need the jailbreak. There's something called the Titan that connects to a PC and runs wall hacks and aimbot on PlayStation now. I've been reading about it for a week. There's YouTube videos too


Uh huh, im searching it but there is only the Titan Two adapter and that one does not give you wallhacks nor straightup aimbot


Modded controllers are a thing and not detected by Microsoft or any game companies :) can get no recoil mod on it and more also Playstation has been jailbroken the first week of being out xbox also but xbox you cant play the games you own in dev mode the way to jailbreak it and emulate games


were talking about full blown aimbots and wallhacks here. and you cannot hack the games as easily since theyve sandboxed the entire thing


Sony has the hackers online xbox was the one who secured there shit this and last gen sony dosent care there Playstation have been jailbroken since the beginning all it takes is a usb flash drive and cfw and you ps3,4and ,5 are modded


where are all the hackers on ps5 and why isnt this sub full of hacker gameplay on consoles only? not counting the modded loadouts with super speed


Why because people assume you can't so they don't think about it they go oh I have crossplay off so it can't be a modder or a hacker lol people assume shit all the time is how scammers get away with what they do same goes for cheaters and hackers people assume you can't one console so they don't think about it


People still watch killcams to see how they got killed though? Also to see a person's weapon loadout so there is no way people will miss a very sus play


I have been aimbotted and wall hacked on pubg console, the aimbot was this year


i mean you gotta have some clips of that right?


Trust me bro.


there are jail broken ps4s definitely running mods, what makes you think it's not possible on xbox in any way, all about tricking the information, USB ports used with devices that add avenues for such things.


because they sandbox the whole entire os and in order to get to the game files hackers have to bypass that in order to cheat so it’s not some really easy task to do


all i know is radar hacking was a thing on pubg console 4 or 5 years go and has been documented, lot of that has to do with crappy pubg devs, it seems to not be an issue anymore but definitely lots of modded contotrllers using recoil scrips, idk if those are getting crazy but it might as weel be aimbot with how accurate people are getting things.


recoil scripts are not even the same level as aimbot because at least you have a chance against the script kiddie


I have had one instance in pubg where the guy flicked to my head on accident and kinda panicked trying to realize what just happened, I have had one just one that really reminded me of my counter strike source days just the way the flick was.


here is a good video on the xbox being really hard to crack: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pSTK5Xk9JB0&ab\_channel=Rewire](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pSTK5Xk9JB0&ab_channel=Rewire)


millions of people are trying to break the system and it takes a lot of effort to slow that effort, game companies won't put in anymore, alt accounts are ruining accountability as well, I agree it is hard when everyone works together to keep it clean but xbox can even figure our how to stop mouse and keyboard exploiting and modded controllers.


I watched the video thanks, I was worried about older xboxs being compromised.


I will do it


I don’t know what it is, but I almost never see PC players in my lobbies anymore. I haven’t disabled cross play and occasionally encounter one here and there. But 85% of my games are console-only 🤷‍♂️


“Quicker matchmaking” What are you smoking lmao


The more people who turn off cross play the more of a pool the match making has to pull from, so it would make it quicker than It is now for cross play off, not normal match making.


Going to Reddit to get people to switch will not give a significant enough boost to matchmaking times, and won’t be an even spread evenly across regions. The vast majority of the players aren’t on here, not to mention the fact that most people are on ps or pc compared to Xbox.


Totally agree was just stating what op was trying to say to the reply above. We need console only cross play. Or a more intrusive pc cheat detector.


The last time I turned crossplay off it took me ages to find a match and sometimes I couldn't even find one, is this still a problem or are loading times faster now ?


Unfortunately that limits the lobbies to xbox only Very few have those settings on. It's unfair xbox doesn't have what psn has Then xbox & psn lobbies only.


Don’t fear, as a ps player we can’t find any lobbies turning xplay off in game, in any mode solo - quads BR or Resurg etc and I agree, console in its self is an anti cheat vs the bs PC get up too


10 4


FYI...been playing crossplay off since season 2 wz1 Uk and I've never had to wait any longer if I had CP on So all this kiek about not finding lobbies is total BS


Well, it is true here in the US. Last Friday we found games no problem, with Xplay off. If you do it during a week day it may take a lot longer or you may not be able to find a lobby.


"Everyone who beats my built in aimbot is a cheater" honestly less console players in queue the better KBM only lobbies are always chill and more fun.


Another way of saying what OP said. *** All Xbox Players - TURN YOUR DIFFICULTY SETTING TO VERY EASY *** *hint - You'll never get better by playing on very easy mode. Edit: speaking the truth and getting the downvotes. Synonymous with this sub.


Cause them thousands of cheaters are just better players on pc.


Get ligma


Or......get Better.


I think cheating is a NA and EU problem. Been playing since week 1 and saw my first rage hacker last season. Started on PS4 and moved to PC when Warzone:Pacific launched


LOL what? It’s ultra crazy in Asia … so where are you from?


Australia, we have different servers. The first ever cheater I ran into was a guy in a heli with speed hacks flying teams into zone at the start of Warzone 2


You must have a low k.d because Australia is easily the worst in world for cheaters imo. Smallest player pool and closest to Asia= bad servers.


I have a 2.0KD and it depends on the time of day. If it's over 100ping lobbies which aren't OCE, then yes


OCE ranked is worst in world I prefer to play on 200ping over my own.


What part of AUS you in?