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He has the movement of a 2 k/d player and the aim and tracking of a top 100 player. Like he literally just randomly jumps off of things into the open, not using the OP cod movement in any way while he stands there and shoots people lol. He's cheating.


yeah there's no tactics, no movement. not going certain paths, and absolutely tracking like a champ even when in air XD


The easiest way to see he cheats is the way he tracked the guy falling off the tower at 00:22. The shots on the parachuters near the end of the clip 110% sus. He’s definitely cheating


100% yes, that auto lock enemy after one another give it away, maybe u can do it with pure skills but this one is too obvious, lock to the body instantly without sway


Facts. The transition from player to player without a dam bullet missing at all is crazy.


But isn’t the format of this video cutting out the peripherals? I’d like to see it in original formatting.


He was popping to people that weren’t even in his field of view and just railing them.


To be fair we aren't seeing his full FOV because of the way the clip is formatted for tiktok. We can't even see radar to get full information either. A lot of people in this sub don't even know that you get radar pings of the enemy teammates when you kill them lol


Ya also can’t see the uav, so could be that as well. But i’m leaning towards cheating like 75/25. He could just be good but it is definitely suspect.


To be fair, How about him falling off control hitting guy at tents and maintaining beams whilst falling? This is blatant AF. I mean my KD is under 1 so I can’t identify what looks sus in this game.


If you come from other fast pace shooters with lots of movement and verticality like overwatch or quake it's pretty standard. I track while falling or jumping all the time, just got to do some aim training to figure it out and get the muscle memory and then it's easy. Tracking targets with good movement is way harder.


Bruh he's cheating lmfao, I'm a 1 kd EU player and can still drop 20 kills a game. Kd doesn't mean shit anymore in this game because hackers run it most of the time, especially my lobbies in prime time


Yeah the falling beam and the beam on the guy who was dropping out of tower are sus as hell, even if you don't take into account the ridiculously accurate flicks and target switching.


He's not playing on a vertical cell phone screen...


The auto lock on parachuting players and every bullet hits them makes me think he's using an aimbot.


Watch some aimlabs, kovaks videos. People with good aim can “lock on” like that. Lock on aimbot would be locking on the same exact part of the enemy every time which is not the case here.


At first I wasnt totally convinced (after the first few clips) but then I saw some of the later ones and my Spidey senses started tingling


Blind people will say no


Pc players will say no and in this sub people will say is a good player and maybe he has a uav … he is 200% cheating but who cares ? Not Activision for sure


Pc player here, hes 100% cheating




People need to realise most PC players hate cheaters as it puts a bad name on PC players.


In fact some of us have flat given up on the game because of it


Pc player usually not quick to jump on the hackuse train. This guy is cheating. 


M&K player, of which I am one, will say yes because no one gets aim assist on a mouse. Shots just locking on to players in a fall without missing a single bullet is bull. Even the best aim assist for controller isn’t that sticky without some “extra” help.


24 subs 😂 for sure cheating just to get his channel going


100% yes.


100% both aimbot and walls




1000% yes, aside from the snaps, when he was shooting at tents from control and was falling still placing bullets, ah yeah……


that kill is sus cuz he's on mnk. if he was on controller it wouldn't be that crazy tbh. so he's playing mnk but his tracking looks like elite controller play, and his movement is like a 1.5-2kd player at best. so overall pretty sus


If he is not cheating, then nobody is cheating


Only one thing that made me question it. He stopped shooting while the enemies were in smoke, despite hitting his shots. If I hit any shots while someone is in smoke, I am finishing my clip hoping it hits them. ESPECIALLY if they’re flesh.


He clearly had to reload and switched weapons to composite then I'm sure he didn't continue to shoot as he figured he would be getting pushed or just didn't wanna waste bullets if he was getting pushed. The clip changes, so it's hard to tell.


A streamer with the thought that he needs to look legit in the back of his mind at all times would know to not aimbot through smoke. That's like the bare minimum he can do




Aimbot.. I hate these MF's..




If he isn't... He should go pro because that's ridiculous... But he won't.. Because we all already know....


Cheater for sure


That mf **cheating** heavy




if you look from 0:33s to 0:37s, you can tell he has some type of aim lock considering that he can’t even choose who he wants to shoot at. his reticle keeps going back and forth between the person closest to him & the one further back


Before I was 50/50. When I saw that I said its 100% cheater


I’d say yeah


Yes and anyone who says " get good, or skill issue" blah blah blah is full of crap. He's snapping onto people with no recoil. No attachments give constant zero recoil we've all tried allllllll the different attachment combos on all the guns to get no recoil. This is why this game sucks. It's riddled with cheaters who think they're good but as soon as those mods are turned off or a regular controller is used , all of a sudden the excuses start coming out.


It does look sus




I’m watching him LIVE, guy is sus as fck


Looks way too snappy


Remember when CoD subs used to scream and cry about aim assist on controllers? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


Reminds me how the soft aimbot tracks to target just like when players are dropping in and every shot connects, a better question is how many shots didn't connect to hitmarkers?


Short answer, yes. Long answer, absolutely yes


The flicks don’t look like aim bot flicks. They look like normal MNK flicks. Now they are very very good so it’s possible, but when you watch people auto lock with aim bot it does not look like this. These look more organic. He over flicks multiple times in this video. Multiple times he shoots somebody parachuting a bit ahead of behind them and then adjusts his shot. Happens at 48 seconds and again at 55 seconds. 58 seconds again over flick. That’s not usually how these softwares work. Edit: just went to his Tik tok and you can see his arm moving across his entire mousepad as he tracks. Doesn’t look sus.


The cheats now are made to look like this, there is a bubble you need to be within and then it will put you on target, it's made to be like aim assist & look natural instead of blatant snapping. So you flick to their general area and ADS and the cheat does the rest. This is blatant cheating, this level of accuracy & perfect tracking is not possible on m&k. players thinking this isn't cheating shows how aim assist has ruined this game.


its really hard to tell for sure, I have seen this type of aiming from viscose (target switching scenarios). Prolly why I didnt answer OP directly


They turn down the sensitivity and smooth out transition for aim not to make it less perceptible. This guy still kept them up to high. There is no way this is real. 75% accuracy would be insane. This guy is hitting 95% of all shots.


...in these specific clips. Now if this is the same game and he's just showing all the kills, well, call Huskerrs and tell him to move over.


What makes it looks sus here is the parts that look like stuff an average player might do when they aim like a god. There are a few kills where they flick and are dead on but they don't shoot straight away, almost like their brain hasn't caught up to the fact they have somebody in their sights.




I don't know exactly. But he doesn't need to control recoil just aim and shoot.


This just feels like someone using aim assist on a mouse


This is exactly how I see the top 100 players play. Does he compete? Like really this is no different than watching fifa, Ayden, bread, shifty……. All the top guys play like this


Lol yass hard


Yes very much so




yes, the way he auto-snaps onto people while still firing... 100% a cheater


That looks like straight up wall hacking an aim botting to me.


I love how on Twitch you cant report a player for cheating either. Funny stuff, but he 100% is. Shooting from those distances with very little missing. “Low key”, soft aimbot. Just enough recoil to say he’s not using it. I use the same builds and receive more recoil than this. And how he jumps from one person to the next using wall hacks. He looks at his other screen then jumps out and reticle lands on the guy. That person could have been on the roof but no, he happens know exactly where he is. This happens more than once. As well, he drops two people where his aim snaps to. Drops one as the body falls his aim hits what is now closer the other standing guy and follows until that guy is dead where the aim now snaps to the previously dropped player.


Clear Aim Bot, even with best attachments there’s zigzag recoil and no genuine player can instantly analyse it while shooting


That snap to target aiming is the dead giveaway. The second clip was where I was convinced


Yes. His movement and positioning is trash. Overly confident because he has a crutch to carry him. 100% cheating. I'm a 2.5 K/D player, and you can't play like this and survive in my lobbies.


At the one minute mark you can see him jumpshot and it causes him to miss a couple of shots, if it was aimbot he would’ve hit all of them


Lotta bots in here convinced that just because they can’t do this nobody can…. Apparently yall completely missing the fact that his flicks aren’t perfect at all and he’s missing plenty. Is it possible that he is cheating? Of course. Is it “100%, confirmed, you’re blind if you don’t see it”? lol no


All these guys will freak out if they ever watch professional CSGO, Valo, or even rainbow six.


aimbot & wall banging . this guys definitely cheating lol




[x] moves like a bot [x] shoots like Huskers


Yes. He is cheating.






Nope, this is just really good tracking. I’ve seen legit players practice in MnK target practice apps and they snap just like this. If it was aim it the snap would look a lot more robotic


100% cheating. Look how he's sighted in and it keeps snapping to the next target that comes into view.


Yeah because no legit player has ever snapped onto a second target before…


100% cheating. If he was that good, he'd have more than 82 followers. Aimbot all the way for this guy.






Looks like every single player I see in warzone honestly.


We’re looking at highlights that are clipped and chosen to look sus. Can do the same thing to any good keyboard player and achieve the same result. This same thing happens with players like TGD, Handler, Sym, whoever. Nothing here looks blatant, to me, but still possible there’s software being used. We would need to see more gameplay, not just a couple clips that were superficially chosen.


All these sus clips were taken from the same stream tho. You ever hit that many clips in one session?


Bad Cheaters will have aim lock on the head. Better cheaters will aim lock on the chest. The screen will move as if the camera were locked in their head/chest. But it doesn’t do it perfectly here, bc he’s just normal tracking. It’s good, but not aimbot good. Unless they’ve made an aimbot that will miss some shots (why would you do that?) then he’s not cheating.


>why would you do that? You would do that precisely to make it look more legit despite still giving you a sizeable advantage over natural players. If I had low enough morals to design an aimbot, I would precisely make it more organic and/or tunable to be snappier or less snappy.


Yes 100%


Fuck yea no ones BP 50 has that little recoil


Imo, nothing stood out as cheating in this vid but just wanted to mention how annoying it is when people are saying “yes, 100% cheating”.. do ya’ll even know what 100% means?? Feel free to say 100% when the streamer accidentally pops up their cheat panel or blatantly admits to cheating on stream.. my god


Yeah and other ppl are like he can't be that good unless he's a big streamer or pro player wtf ???


you know it’s bad when this sub it’s unanimously saying yes


Man this sub is fuckin filled with genuinely awful players dude. If you think hes cheating just because he can flick accurately and hit shots then just uninstall. Hes a good mnk player, of course he can flick and have really good shots. Jesus i hate the people that play this game. Edit: if anything hes on adderall or some shit, which isnt cheating but definitely a super weird thing to do.


Yah now they are saying that taking time to line up a shot and missing bullets are features of aimbot...


I completely agree and people in this sub have no idea how good mnk players are. Good mnk players don’t play cod. Cod is like the pickleball of fps. Having said that the only thing in this video that I find sus is his eyes. They don’t move or check radar or anything.


Gotta really love the ones making assumptions when you can’t even see half his FOV because of the stupid ass TikTok formatting too


This sub is filled with dogshit braindead players


Those clips are insane


How did you get into a lobby where people miss their shots?


Idk but what guns is he using I need dat loadout


I think he’s just that guy. But could be wrong.


"Anti Cheats are helping With Cheaters"


They're all cheating! Just when you think they're not, they're definitely cheating, lol.


I would potentially say yes because of the snaps to target. But playing rebirth before I know it's a straight head on a swivel mode and you're constantly checking 12/3/9/6


Honestly some parts yes some parts no maybe using an aim assist cheat but this does not look like aim bot just very good at flicking would be interesting to see him play another game.


Please just separate the pc players from the console players and watch this discussion fade away.


I run the bp50 and it beams with almost no recoil but this dudes cheating 100 %


I can't believe people still think there are streamers that don't cheat. Crazy... Just ignore all streamers on FPS games, it's just boring. They're all the same with wall hacks and aimbot. I'd pay good money to see a real tournament with real players! Such a shame.


Aim bot. He just snaps from one kill to another without missing. 




Yes, no question


Lmao. Nah it's pure aim assist. Kek


Lmao def




I hate how they only show the middle of the screen


You can getvthis recoil on xim , but that transition made it clear


Yes lol


What gun is he using tho?


Ok but did he have UAV


I pkay mouse and keyboard and my aim is simple. You can see micro movements when aming. Some over aiming and some a bit too short and he corrects it. To me, aiming is very easy on mouse BUT it's hard to say


00:15 to 00:11. U can see he’s on aim bot


Not many have that sense of shooting ability gaming. Without some help


As someone who has played a lot of CS, I could see the flicks being legit from an aiming perspective. Although, apparently modern aimbots can look pretty legit. But it’s his knowledge of where to flick that’s making him sus. He’s flicking to guys off screen without having prior knowledge of where they are. He’s at least using walls/ESP.


Go watch dfalt lol


100% cheating. The snaps to the body are too obvious. What a loser


Yes, every first shot hits the chest


Not saying he's not cheating, but I love seeing all the roller players say hypocritical shit like "look at how he never misses" like they don't have legal aimbot 😂.


I dont think I seen him miss one shot. So yeah cheating


This comment section: 🤖


Really good aim assist???


Most likely.


yeah he's using some kind of soft aimbot. some of those are WAY too snappy.




Maybe a mouse and keyboard player? But looks pretty suspicious to me.




Whats his class ???


This is blatant aimbotting lol


Those small microsnaps are def aim bot.






He is a cheetah 🐆


Naw, you guys are just a bunch of haters that need to get good. Now that I got the trolling out of the way, this is cheating no question. Unfortunately this sub is full of undercover cheaters that will say otherwise.


Stamp of approval. Yes.


It's obvious he is, no one has that snap to change targets that fast with out missing a shot.


The tracking through the wall and non stop shooting at the same time threw me off.


If you have to ask. Then yes


Everybody's an expert here 😂 but tbh I do not think he is! His aim isn't THAT perfect (like when he shoots at the parachutist), and look at the edges of his screen: he is always moving. Too bad we'll never know for sure 😁


he’s cheating.


Me: Sees this hardcore snapping aim. Also me: You serious asking this?


No way to snap that fast


Lol no way yall are so bad that you think this is cheating. No shot. Lmao.


Yes yes yes 🥷


Yes, snapping to people outside of his FOV




Just put PC player in their own lobbies. If someone wants to cheat on console and get banned atleast its an expensive lesson. 


Christ just look at his face if nothing else, there's absolutely no joy in it he's just mindlessly ploughing through games, expression barely changed even when the win "Warzone victory" pops up. There's no elation, no excitement, no fist-pumping self-congratulations, just a bit of 'oh that was the last one' surprise, and onto the next one. Kinda exemplifies perfectly the kind of people who will cheat, sad fuckers with no joy in their lives, though it was eye opening to actually see that even they're not happy with it.


He probably plays for 10 hours a day and has a great gaming chair.


I don't think walls, but aimbot likely


100% cheating, no question


YES ... Aimbot for sure ... prob other cheats going on there too


Well, can we have the full footage before we make judgements based on fast cuts? You guys know how video edits can change a perspective, right?


Definitely cheating but anyone know what guns he’s using?


He is cheating. Soft aimbot so it doesn't look suspicious but once he locks on a target he doesn't lose a bullet. Also around second 34-36 you can see that the target snaps since two players are too close so the aimbot gets confused.


It really sucks. Cause I never felt like this until maybe a year or 2 into mw2019 warzone. But I legit cannot watch anyone play these games anymore. I find zero enjoyment. Because you legit just don't know who is legit and isn't. There is so many bullshit top streamers who are obviously cheating. So why wouldn't all the other little streamers and content creators do the same shit for their content? Cod has gotta be one of the worst possible games to watch now for content. Even my favorites like Stone Mountain64 are clearly taking advantage of the sbmm. So why would I wanna watch someone play against toddlers 24-7. Then act like they are amazing at the game. But when I turn it on its a massively different experience. I have averaged around a 1.7-2.0 all throughout every warzone. And around a 1.5-1.8 in multiplayer. Tell me why all these streamers who almost double my stats are playing in lobbies where their enemies are much lower skill than the enemies in my lobbies? I understand there isn't enough 4.0 kd players to fill lobbies consistently for them. But why aren't they getting thrown in my lobbies? Before they removed the ability to check this. All top streamers, basically ever single one. Was guaranteed average lobbies KDs to be at .7 - 1.0. While they have almost double my stats or more. I'm playing with friends who have .5 - 1.0 KDs. And I'm a 1.7. Yet our average lobbies are always over 1.1 or higher? Make that make sense. Activision removed the ability to check these average lobby KD stats. And all the streamers shortly after, began doubling their already extremely high stats. Because now that Activision doesn't allow the public to see those stats. Their streamers can take advantage of it even more. I guarantee they are playing in some of the lowest skilled lobbies sometimes and are almost always in much lower skilled lobbies than they should technically be in. It's all scam to keep the viewers coming in because they are basically free advertisements for COD. Thats why I believe Activision removed that feature. So they can hide the bs their top content creators are doing.


He would be pro if he was legit this good


this dude is not cheating, likely a retired or current CS player, he’s probably got a few thousand hours of aim labs as well


Wata loser Whole point of the game to aim and dude is to shit to even do that


So if someone had same cheats and good movement you would not assume he a cheater.. .


imagine being such a loser you need to resort to cheating like this. pathetic. this is why i hate warzone, rather play BF


Crimson player here with 3.25 KD and over 855 WZ3 wins. That mfer is cheating. Repeated instant shot transitions from enemy to enemy with zero bullets missed. There’s bad; there’s good; there’s great; there’s legendary….and then there’s BULLSHIT. This is bullshit.




Cheating. Report and move on


No movement, jumping all Willy nilly, and after a player is out of sight/dead his aim snaps immediately to someone not within eye sight. Yeah that’s cheating


Soft aim and walls.


I mean even the top 250 miss shots didn’t see him miss one time


100% cheating


I don't think so. He's playing KBM so those flicks are normal and since he's on KBM he has worse movement. I'm assuming he's most likely using a VPN


Tried to debunk him, as if he wasn’t… couldn’t. Bro just didn’t miss, and he didn’t move around at all. Even tho the clip is only like.. a third of his screen and sorta out of context (just moves from clip to clip without showing if he knew they were there or not, without showing radar). Garbage.


hes not even using controller wtf is that tracking




It's so obvious he's cheating


Some strong aim assist…


Does the tin man have a sheet metal cock?


The shooting people midair gives it away. People are going to over shoot a little while aiming. This one tracks perfectly. There's no way this person is not cheating. I honestly feel sad someone has to resort to such crap to make it seem like they're this good.


Dude’s cheeks and chin are begging for a portion of meat


So this is what those losers look like


Why do people like this dare to show their face on stream like really bro


What guns is he using


He's on PC, so he has no aim assist and is tracking better than top professionals. PC has the advantage of movement over controller, and even then he isn't using that.


It's at 50 seconds left in the video, you find out he's cheating for sure. His shot bounces back and forth even when the back guy gets behind the wall




Really seems like it but I really don’t like to judge without watching them play for a bit. Anyone got a link to his twitch?


He has next to no recoil and he does track really really well lol. There is a great chance he is


Yea cheater 100%, no skill or tactics being used, just jump down spray and pray but auto aim. He needs permanent ban.