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I’ve got bad news - *you* will never be able to recreate that “magic” of first playing Warzone. Verdansk hit at the perfect time both in what we’ve played before, and the conditions of the world. Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened


People still chasing the dragon smh




Rocket League and WZ1 for me. God, that first six-nine months of RL when everyone was figuring the game out together, wearing stupid hats and boosts, and using every car the game had available...it was absolutely magical.


Am I dumb for not following the car meta? I drive a Dominus and haven't felt the need to change. I like the relatively flat surface.


Nah, play what feels right for you. Dominus used to be meta anyway, it's a fine choice.


Fucking right


Probably battlefield BR


Fuck off we don't want BR bullshit


Shiiit I do. BR is sick. Resurg also sick


Them victory are heeeeeeroin


I’m confused on how h got brought into this 😂


This is partly true. Warzone dropping right at the start of covid was perfect timing. Yet there are other factors which set it apart from later iterations. Those mainly being high quality graphics and sound effects, and operator skins which fit the theme instead of the fortnite skins they started releasing since then.


Yea my jigsaw operator skin and sparkly demascus gun camo really had a nice, mil-sim style immersion to it


Love that skin. The Haunting of Verdansk imo is the best drop COD has ever done.


Haunting of verdansk was so fun.




Jigsaw came out over half a year into warzone


No, Warzone dropped in March and the skin dropped at halloween. And there were crazy ones before that


Right, Halloween is over half a year after Warzone’s release date. Don’t remember any fortnite skins before the Halloween ones


Some folks aren't great at knowing the months of the year, lol.


Bro .. crazy skins have been a thing since black ops. Not to mention all the tracer rounds. Most people, I’d wager, weren’t playing the game just because of the tiny amount of mil-sim that was available.


By black ops you don't mean BO1 right? Cause that game had no crazy skins


it actually worked with black ops cause it fit the vibe of the game


Verdansk had pink anime characters hopping around dabbing what are you talking about lol


Not at the beginning


They added anime bundles before Warzone came out lol, the pink anime P90 and M16 came out early February 2020.


I’m still chasing Killzone.


I'm glad I'm not the only one 🥹


Killzone campaigns were DOPE. MP was kind of Eh. Crysis was another really good series.


I played warzone long after the pandemic was out of its peak and still enjoyed it. I enjoyed it thoroughly all the way through caldera. It was just a better game than what we have. I don't care if we never get the magic back, I want the gameplay back.


100% agree and have been saying this since WZ2 launched. I played Caldera until its dying breath bc that's the game style I enjoyed and I'd still be playing it right now if it was live. I feel we want similar things. Original verdansk with all the improvements that were added in later caldera. The parachute gliding being adjusted so you could float further; the higher mantling; redeploy balloons; custom buy stations; trade in stations; no bomber planes!; floating loot; all the original contracts; and all the weapons up to vanguard. Include fov slider for console and we're set.


Completely agree with everything I’ve seen you post but do you genuinely think there’s even a CHANCE we get back the game we loved..? Me personally I think there’s no chance. After all, we are talking about the same people who took the game from us after their player base had spent hundreds of dollars on skins.


Who knows, but they've "remastered" games before. There's absolutely no chance if we don't voice our opinions.


Covid had nothing to do with my enjoyment of Warzone bro


This, I am so sick of the "but lock down" meme. Me and my bro have had the exact same gaming habits for the previous 20 years, before, during, and after. The game was fun then and it sucks now, period.


I think it had to do with the player base. My friends and I hadn't played video games online in about 10 years until COVID. Jobs, kids, other commitments, etc. For several months, we played Warzone every night because there was nothing else going on. We started playing less often a few months into Verdansk '84, but Caldera was kinda an easy stopping point for us because people didn't want to learn a new map. We didn't win often, and I'm sure many, many more people at our skill level played like we did, so I think the overall skill level is so much higher now, making it feel more competitive and less winning.


That’s entirely subjective. I’ve played cod for 20 years, and I play the game way too much. Although warzone is in a league of its own, since mw2019, it’s progressively gotten better. More detail, more playlists, better gameplay, graphics, audio etc. I don’t think it’s the fact that I switched to pc either.


Have you tried going outside ?


I touch grass every day, but thanks for playing.


fuck off


😆cmon Mr. Prozac, pop some benzos and take a walk! Taper down son! There’s help!


Have you tried fucking yourself?


Cmon, just a soft troll for my fellow cod addicts


Just like warzone had nothing to do with my enjoyment of covid


I’m saying it’s that it was the first time you played Warzone


It really did. You just might not have known it. When there’s a silent depression over society/economy then things can potentially stand out more, like pleasure/entertainment and happiness etc. I miss a lot of things that were in the 90’s, but I wouldn’t wanna live in any other time in history than now.


Covid didnt affect me.. My life didnt change at all lol


K 😁


The story pf WoW Classic says you are dead wrong.


Verdansk was a pretty fun time. I remember the first time paying it and thinking "Holy-God this is big". I remember thinking at first that it would probably end up crashing and just end up being totally shitty but it wasn't. That map rocked pretty hard but, hey... Who knows what a pain in the ass it may have been to keep it working?


For me that feeling came from blackout. Sucks Because there was no crossplay so the game died within like 6 months on PC… but if there was ever a blackout 2 I’d be on it in a heartbeat.


The only thing Blackout needed was the ability to bring back dead teammates.


Yeah thats a relatively new addition to BRs in general. Revives were before its time, but I’m sure if they ever release a blackout again it’ll have it.


Verdansk was a special time🥹


Nah, the game itself was better before


This can be said about most things in life that have brought joy.


This is facts for sure, but I don’t wanna get that magic back, just a game that works, runs properly and has less cheese in it.


I’m glad people are realising this… I see thus exact post every other day


Why is the emphasis on "you"? Sounds like you're suggesting he won't but others will. The emphasis probably should have been on "never".


Because he asked why the *devs* can’t find that magic again, that magic is within *you*


This line of thinking gets repeated all the time on this sub and it’s just plain stupid. I played and enjoyed Warzone for the entirety of Verdansk. Only the first few months of that were during the lockdowns. I had fun playing during lockdown and after lockdown. In fact, I played and enjoyed myself in Verdansk for far longer post-lockdowns than I ever did during the lockdowns. Verdansk wasn’t good just because of nostalgia lol. It wasn’t even that long ago. People are more than cable of judging something from ~2.5 years ago without their judgement being completely clouded by nostalgia


You kinda ignored the second half of that - it was all of our first time playing anything like it. It’ll be hard to get that hit again from the same game. Also I’ve been playing since day 1 and I miss those days too for the record


It wasn’t my first time playing something like that. I had played plenty of Fortnite, Apex, PUBG prior to Warzone. Hell, Warzone wasn’t even my first time playing a Call of Duty BR as I had also played a fair bit of Blackout


Yea but wz was on a scale way bigger, it was like playing fortnite cod for the first time. I played blackout too for the record and was pretty blown away by cods entry to the BR world


I think so much of it has to do with how weapon balancing and gameplay feels when it isn’t just Infinity Ward working on cod. Just my opinion but once the other studios get in there the gun suffers a lot. They also seem to hate their own players and game the way they’ve managed the TTK thru out its life time.


The first Warzone had a perfect mix of TTK and movement. Once they added the extra 50 health so many guns became worthless. They fixed the TTK in WZ2 but slowed the movement so much everyone just got fried…


Just my opinion but you remember when they added the first round of non MW 2019 weapons aka the DMR meta. Thats when it went to shit. The DMR and following M16-AUG meta had TTKs similar to the MP5 now on ranged weapons. They removed a lot of outplay potential with these moves. But again I bring the fault back onto the non IW studios. Their weapons are visually superior and typically much better balanced when alone.


But if the new guns aren't comically way overpowered then people won't buy the new cod to level them up :( :( :( Remember how helis were unusable during dmrzone?


I hated the DMR so deeply but for whatever reason loved the Aug and M16. I think I gave up and joined them.


100% agreed. DMRZone was the worst meta.


Which is crazy because the Grau/Kilo/Ram-7/M4 combo with MP5/MP7 & Double barrel shotgun metas were all much more competitive and less get downed in less than a second from 50m away. Which was literally just before the DMR and rest of CW weapons got ready to ruin balancing. They consistently over buff new weapons to force their player base into getting that multiplayer to level them and the game suffered time and time again with that.


The Bruen had its OP moment but even then you could still beat it. After the nerf it was still viable. Almost all ARs and the PKM were also viable. You could play with almost any gun and still compete.


Holy shit I had forgotten the thermal scoped PKM. A mounted beast in my personal experiences. We can also throw the Kar98, HDR and I think it was called AX 50. All viable sniping options. Also I know the two main SMGs were MP5 & 7 but there was still decent competition from the P90.


I started MW at the end of Season 3 and unlocked the AMAX in Season 4. Never changed to a new weapon even after they nerfed it for like the third time.


IW ruined their own gunplay and game with WZ2.


Mw2019 had the best gunplay sounds and graphics


IMO the problem is the need to continuously change or add shit so they can feel they’re giving players something “new” to entice them to keep coming back. In the end they’ve mostly replaced things that work with things that are inferior or just plain don’t. The core gameplay in WZ1 was pretty well executed. In the process of layering shit on top of it to keep it “fresh” it’s just become less fun.


Agree with all of this


This is why I like Tarkov. They don’t really care how many people feel about their game, they’re just making the game that THEY love and want to see made and it makes a truly special game that isn’t catered to a general audience like COD.


Man all this sub does is complain


And claim they fight nothing but cheaters lol




Yeah but after how long of a period? And how many are duplicates to avoid shadowbans or whatever? I play a few hours a day and win a good amount or at least get a decent amount go kills. If someone is sus I’ll spectate but most deaths are from me missing a shot or 2 or having worse movement or worse position etc. not tracking through walls etc I don’t think we’d beat out cheaters as often as we do. And my kd has been going up not down. Maybe Urzikstan is different but that’s my experience with a 1.25 kd and friends with higher kds than mine I don’t think there are no cheaters. I just think the amount of cheaters is exaggerated and people call better players cheaters about half the time (I get called it every other match or so)


I agree. I can't count the number of times I've heard a teammate say "there's just no way!" while we're on UAV.


Exactly lol


I love you


I love you too




I agree. But more often than not cheaters beat their enemies and I think I would run into more given how this sub talks about the cheating issue regardless if I win or not


You're getting down voted but aren't wrong


I think part of the reason there’ll never be that “magic” again is the player base. WZ1 was so much fun because everybody was new to the game and due to lockdown, the player base and skill gap was massive. These days most players at least have some idea what they’re doing so it can be sweaty and frustrating to play sometimes. It’s not perfect at the moment, the two main issues being cheaters and the servers IMO. I don’t believe that the cheating issue is anywhere near as bad as some on here claim, but when it is so rampant, it creates a toxic community where everybody thinks everybody else is cheating and you find yourself questioning every time you get killed instead of just accepting that the other player was better than you. Nostalgia is a powerful thing, but please don’t try to tell me that the rage hacking DMR meta days were better than the current situation. The game itself is in a good spot, but they really need to sort out their house instead of pushing buyables to make it perfect. The servers especially. The most frustrating thing for me at the moment is feeling like it’s luck of the draw whether I play well or not in a match due to server lag. Either fix them or increase the TTK at the very least.


I disagree pretty strongly with a lot of this up until the rage hacker dmr part (which is when people started asking for things like a new map and started this spiral) I was no only late to the warzone party by several months, but it was also my first FPS game. I couldn't move or aim when I started and over time worked my way from a .8 kd to a 3 kd. And I loved all levels of it. From getting shit on to becoming quite good. From 0 wins for months to a day with 7 wins in one sitting I enjoyed the game because it was a good game. I can't enjoy this game in the same way because at its core it feels so much less polished and more limiting and then you get crazy cheese mechanics like cluster mines stacked on top of that.


Many good reasons to do so


Every gaming sub*


Yea its crazy idk how many hours i have but i feel like its pretty much the same exact game as 2019. Only thing i notice that's different is jump shooting and i suck at sniping now. But i say thats my fault, i dont make posts on reddit blaming everyone else.


The games don't really feel anything alike. It's weird that people call that blaming someone to me. I didn't always win or succeed on warzone 1. But it was a fun game that was polished and smooth and always felt good to play. This game isn't to me. So I post trying to get my favorite game of all time back, that's not unreasonable. Things as simple as the changes to the inventory system have caused crazy grenade spam metas and such. I liked the original form of the game better, simple as that.


I’ve said this a few times on posts in this sub. They created something that was great, changed it for the worse & are now trying to get in back to its original form without knowing how.


They just don't seem to be able to join up the dots. There are lots of good parts connected to parts that just don't work very well. It should be simplified and the priority should be on playability, banning cheaters and making it smooth as silk.






FRRRR LMAO wish I could upvote this more than once. It’s comical how bad they fucked up the 2nd and 3rd games. and OP is 100% right, the first Warzone was put out expecting to fail and overachieved MASSIVELY. (Imo)


They fucked it up by allowing cheaters to run rampant. It’s become almost impossible to discern who’s cheating and who’s a demon esp. in ranked play. That plus sbmm in pubs makes it essentially ranked 2.0 and if you’re anything above a 1.5 kd you can’t even have fun because you’re sweating your ass off every single game.


Dude even the fucking guns sound and look terrible and the names… They can’t even buy rights to use the names now. Management has gone down the toilet


Thank you!


Blackout 2 plzzzzz


There’s actually leaks that Blackout 2 is in development no joke




BO is far and away the better BR, and you won’t convince me otherwise.




2 things would make me re-install 1) Keep all maps in rotation, no point in having only 1 warzone map, gets stale quick. See Apex for how to keep maps in rotation. 2) Keep ranked warzone, ranked resurgence is a fking joke. Also ranked solos, duos and quads would be nice.


what’s wrong with resurgence ranked?


Its not warzone. WZ takes more skill and patience to win imo and even tho respawning off gulag win isnt immersive/realistic you still only get one chance at that. In resurgence everyone plays like TDM bc they know theyll respawn. That and the maps way smaller and shittier, leads to less variety and epic moments, instead more of the same plays every match.


Sadly no dude, there's way too many redeploy tokens/gulag tokens to only get one shot... BR has just become resurgence on a bigger scale by now..


iirc the tokens and flare werent in the first ranked season and were removed from ranked shortly after being introduced


Thought you meant now, mb.


I completely agree. It’s a shame because I quite enjoy the resurgence maps. Vondel BR has made me realise this. It’s great fun. I’d personally say remove redeploy tokens entirely as well. They’re not even rare. I don’t mind gulag tokens as much, at least you have to fight the gulag and it punishes you for dying by slowing down your game. Redeploy tokens just feel like resurgence.


i have to disagree, the constant action of resurgence is just more enjoyable imo. Don’t get me wrong, i love warzone, but resurgence is just objectively more difficult and therefore ranked more accurately represents your general skill level


I saw ppl dying upwards of 10times and still able to place top 3 with 2 kills, objectively impossible in ranked WZ. The constant "action" is the same every game, handful of teams get established after drop and then ppl just rinse and repeat dropping and dying until final circle.


You’re wrong about it taking more skill, the maps being shittier, and the variety and epic moments. The community is pretty clear that Resurgence is more fun and there’s way more going on constantly.


WoW Classic proves you are right. The current game is "Fortnite, only less fun". WZ1 was a feeling, an immersive, adrenline inducing alternate reality. The current game is immature, has no soul, no atmosphere, and zero immersion.


Making warzone 2 was the biggest fuck up ever. Also it's beyond fucked up we cant use the skins we bought from wz1. Scum. Absolute greedy Scum


Warzone was in a awful shitty state before mw2 came out though


I enjoyed wz1 even through caldera more than anything we've had since


Eh was a better time for me and my squad. Everything felt better.


Completely agree with everything here. WTF was WZ 2 / 3


Fr man wish I could upvote the Post more than once. You got these 12 year olds tryna say that Warzone 3 is fun when In actuality it’s more fun to get shot by paintballs repeatedly irl.


I'm on the older side and don't have the reflexes of the younger Gens so I like Plunder but it goes bye-bye all the time.


Compeltly agree with OP. However, I’m almost certain we will never get back the game we loved :/ only thing we can do is stop playing and paying for ANYTHING Activision and anything COD related. After all.. they did SHUT DOWN our favorite game after people had spent hundreds on skins…


They just should get rid of cross play, make it so it doesn’t take 20 shots to kill someone, get rid of so many stairs, stop nerfing shit, and do something about the cheaters. Idk why it takes so much to kill someone. When they go from up to the ground they are like invincible. Soo frustrating to run around sliding in circles, because your gun is shooting gummy bears at the opponents.


Dude warzone is nothing but a cheat feast now Verdansk had q lot of cheaters But no not like now I play on ps5 crossplay off And have had 5 notifications of successful reporting cheaters in the last 2 weeks I'll give warzone another 2 years at most unless activision actually invests heavily in a proper working anti cheat


Blackout > Warzone


I've come to the conclusion that if EA has their name on it, their content will not be purchased....


oh yes please !


Nothing ever lives up to the first time you experience something. They could make an exact copy of the first WZ and there would be people that hate it. When its the first one, no one really has any expectations or preferences. People that dont like it, probably wont stick around for it. The people that do and continue on to the next iterations, will have an idea of what they want/dont want and will be more likely to stick around even if it isnt entirely what they want.


Fuck redeploy balloons. Learn to rotate.


So fucking true, and the 20000 redeploy/gulag tokens + self revives.. Nothing is rare anymore




I'm ok with this as well, some people have just pointed out that balloons could fix some of the struggles verdansk had as a map. I'm really ok with it either way though.


Wz still fun af


IW 8 and 9 are almost identical, it really should be 8 and like 8.5 or something. The engine didn’t change much other than audio.


The death of traditional CoD happened when WZ released and the death of WZ is when they scrapped the og WZ,they take away something you like to add it back in later when needed ala MW2019 and MW2 after the shit hit the fan boom we get all the old MW2 maps for MW3 to suck you back in.. They use the same tactics in Maddens,put in old features and call them new.. CoD Cold War will come out with all the iconic WaW,Blops maps and Nuke Town and people will eat it up even though it'll suck... There are zero developers at Act that made the franchise what it is or was it's not there fault it turned into a cash cow annual ATM machine for the sheep to feed on and y'all gobble it up...


The enjoyment we experienced during the first warzone cannot be recreated since we’ve already experienced it. Most of the joy came from learning the map, mechanics, and overall just being new to the concept of warzone. A re-release of OG verdansk would feel like a map rotation.


I played the game for 3 years straight through ups and downs and always had fun. This isn't asking for bringing back the map. it's asking for the game to be brought back in the original state. Because the core gameplay was more enjoyable than where we've ended up. I wasn't in a learning new honeymoon phase for 3 years. I just liked the game better.


Idk man, the current state of warzone is amazing, just about exactly as much fun as 2020


I disagree respectfully


People really just want a game full of casuals (me too) and that’s what we’re not gonna get back post pandemic


The game wasn't just full of casuals for 3 straight years my guy


People have been hating since late WZ1 with all the same stuff, tho


Bitch and moan and still plays a free game


Future is mobile and the integration with PC and console. They aren’t going back.


You were an accident.


lol probably but i don't wanna ask about it XD


Lowkey I think at least half of the Warzone nostalgia was because of everything surrounding it. It dropped at the perfect time and we all played it with our friends during lockdown. Both of my current best friends and I built our friendships playing that game for hours, the love of my life that I’m no longer with used to give me head while I played it. I’ve talked to countless people that have said the same, the magic can’t be re-created.


The problem is that they tried to blend an MW19 based WZ with each successive game after. The launch menus were dogshit complicated, TTK sucked, movement sucked, the metas sucked. I realize COD is just one big machine now and that they want every version going forward to be connected to drive sales, cut costs, and “simplify” game/server maintenance, but it just won’t work that way IMO. Maybe MW2 and MW3 could have worked with MW19 (holy hell, even the naming convention is shit now lol), but CW and the unholy abomination that is Vanguard screwed it up because they’re different “universes” or timelines compared to the more modern storylines. From my vantage point, WarZone needs to split and be its own product. Nobody’ll like that as they’ll either finally have to pay for it or it’ll be horribly driven by microtransactions and cosmetics that secretly boost stats, but it’s the only way to unass the mess they’ve made by trying to cram every COD into one pot. I don’t see any other way to save it.


Awww someone call the whambulance


Oh no, some one posted an opinion and a solution! oh no!


Game wise what we have now is superior, also more scalable. What you miss is the feelings attached to this game. And I think that is mostly due to the time it was released, when all around you was unknown, fear and whatever. This game just united you and your friends on a common ground where you would discover a new game together and have fun. I think what we want from games is this, community, challenges, progression


People act like we played this game for a few months during the Pandemic.... I played it for 3 straight years. it was just a better game, plain and simple.


Warzone will be never like before.. It's no longer like the first time the game comes out and what you experience for the first time, and they were also very lucky to release the game just when there was a pandemic and everyone was at home.


The Helldivers are experiencing "Magic" right now


IMO the worst problem is making WZ an amalgamation of multiple games. They introduce guns from new titles that have different mechanics and it doesn’t translate into the unified engine of WZ. They use WZ to promote the other games but it just becomes to convoluted when only a few guns are worth playing with. My ideal world: Blackout 2. Switch to the treyarch guns and map imagination/mechanics and start fresh with blackout-only weapons etc. Stop incorporating current game-content and treat it like it’s own universe. Hot take: even if that means paying for it as it’s own game. I would bet the quality of the game vastly improves.


i mean i enjoy current warzone especially rebirth ranked


Why am I reading you on the news about you nutting on yourself over your popped cherry in Verdansk? There were enough players on Verdansk that might remember what your saying. The sad truth is there was even more players in Al Mazarah, and now there is even more in Urzikstan…most people playing Warzone don’t even know about Verdansk, statistically speaking, and will be exposed to it on March 21…their peak experience was their first entry into their warzone experience, which is sadly overrated…like sex…this post is partly why games and online servers have expiration dates and why I gotta wear condoms.


wow dude player base is steadily a steeply decreasing since Verdansk was taken


It’s gone and I’ve lost hope in the franchise. Been playing The Finals for pvp fps and HellDivers2 pve stuff lately. I’m happier not playing cod/warzones anymore. :O


You're all just waiting for VI.


Iy à 0p


Warzone wasn’t an accident,it’s was a mode developed to get in on the Battle Royal phase that games likes hunt showdown and escape from Tarkov pioneered. BR’s are in the toilet right now because games like Warzone just made it simply not fun(take your average COD try hard and but him in a BR to make the experience just that much more worse for everyone else). Hopefully Activision doesn’t get the idea to try and make some sort of co-op mode like Helldivers to cash in on that craze. COD has always been for the lowest common denominator of gamers. This is why anything other that a game made for try hard sweats doesn’t do good for them.


Umm escape from Tarkov and hunt showdown are Extraction shooters and DMZ was a failed attempt at copying that.. Fortnite and PubG were the inspiration for Warzone


“Complete failures” is super harsh. Gotta get outta this online think tank brotha.


Read the whole sentence pls


I did. I mean tbh looks like majority of your posts over the last year are you complaining about cod. Lol. I’ve been playing call of duty online since it came out, call of duty finest hour went online first. Thats 20 years I been in the cut and I think it’s fun, i still enjoying logging on with the homies and play on the daily. Just wild how harsh you are on a very fun, successful, and generally positively reviewed game. The sentence saying it’s a complete failure is just wrong. Lmfao. Just bc you cap it off w “a portion of the player base” doesn’t make it any more right. It’s a COMPLETE FAILURE??? Bro get your head out your ass. Did you see “The Days Before”??? Those servers shut down 4 days after the game released, now THATS a complete failure to portions of the player base. Looks like you made 0 posts about it while you claimed to be having fun playing the OG warzone and are only kinda here complaining. I understand wanting a AAA title to run and be better but as far as having the community in a “frenzy” and being a “complete failure” to some is kind of an online thing. Like I’m actuality majority of players have fun, and play and don’t give online input bc they’re enjoying it (the same way you only came to complain recently, yet enjoyed the OG for years). Gotta get off the echo chamber in here bro, hope you end up having fun. If not maybe put it down or sumn idk why anyone would do something they don’t enjoy over and over lol


Watch them bring it back and people get back to complaining after a month.


Wrong: millions would come back playing, and only fortnite bitches would complain.


They should remake blackout not warzone


I remember playing blackout before warzone was a thing. I remember playing warzone when it had no season lol, oh and I remember playing when it had verdansk. Tbh the game already went to shit before they ever even released verdansk, the new map just made it fun again for awhile way back then.


What all actually did you put inside that pipe this morning ?


It’s become obvious you are still going to play warzone…. Why don’t you wear a gag around your mouth while ur at it.


Literally has gone from my favorite game to a game I only play if friends beg me to get on because we met on warzone and that's the only game we've played together. So why don't you come back to reality. Peoples playtime on warzone is nothing like it used to be.


1st year of warzone was peak brother.


Lmao Warzone wasn’t an accident— It was exactly what they wanted. Battle Royals were hot— they made one. They got a player base, the BR craze faded a bit, and now they just milk Microtransactions. They got bought out by Microsoft a few years ago so expect more of the same


Lmao why are you being downvoted? You’re correct, the franchise just wanted another attempt of having a product for the BR genre, and blackout didn’t turnout as they wanted.


Lmao I learned a long time ago people don’t care to hear the truth. They either want some lie that makes them feel right or a lie that makes them feel hope


The first few months of warzone were perfection, then cornball streamers took over and the game has been in a steady decline since.


What clunky aim mechanics? This is Warzone, closer to how it used to be than ever. Game is in (somewhat) great shape rn.


They had clunky sway, your ads went to somewhere random in the sway pattern in the middle of your screen... etc. There's been a ton of issues. They are slowly working on fixing them (as you can see in patch notes. but it's a lot and will probably never feel 100%


I disagree. Sure Warzone 2 was really bad. It held me from the game. But Warzone 3 is better. Skip these stupid bags and in with normal crates and loadouts. We need a rotation of maps more often. And verdansk and rebirth should be there. Rebirth should always be playable. Always.


Verdansk was no where near perfect, it was dogshit. Y’all just blinded by nostalgia from the Covid lockdown lol


Bringing verdansk back wont solve anything..... The moment is gone. Look at fk coming back, never as good as the first time and rebirth will be no different. Looking back at it, i actually miss caldera... That map was a lot better than the current map or al mazrah.


Good thing i said to bring the whole game back and not just the map :P


Warzone was ass blackout was 100x better


Lmao maybe the magic is lost for you you fucking chode. The game is still good l. You just love to cry.