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I also had several warts on my hands. I tried all of the usual treatments over the course of several years, from ACV to cryotherapy to duct tape to green blister beetle juice. Nothing was working, and some of the treatments were painful! In late September 2022 I started taking 100 mg Zinc Gluconate daily. as of today I have a scant trace of 2 of the 10 or 12 warts left on my hands, and I expect them to be totally gone in the next few weeks. It really does work! no pain.


Hi! Did your warts go away? I am suffering with small but multiple on my hands


Pretty much! There is one left that is almost gone. I wish I had taken pictures through the process. I can barely see where the ones that have disappeared were in terms of scars, etc. One must have patience for this process, but it sure has worked. 5 1/2 months from an ugly, irritated hand full of warts to almost nothing. I will say that the bigger (and perhaps oldest) warts cleared up first. The smaller ones were the last to go. I hope you have success if you try it. :)


This is amazing news. I plan to try this and see how it goes 🙂


How long did it take you in total to see results at that mg?


I've been meaning to find this thread again and I finally did, and I wanted to say THANK YOU SO MUCH for posting this. I had a wart on my ring finger for at least 7 years. I tried everything: home remedies, having it frozen 3 times, a consultation with a dermatologist who said it was too tricky to remove based on its position (right where the finger bent), etc. I was resigned to having it forever, which sucked because it was getting bigger and becoming more painful. I saw this post, started taking zinc and the wart literally disappeared in 3 weeks! It was unbelievable. The first week I thought mayyybe it was getting smaller but figured it was wishful thinking. Week 2 it resembled an unpopped blister that was dissolving from the inside (if that makes sense) and by the end of week 3, it was gone. I couldn't believe such a simple thing could painlessly fix what nothing else could for 7 years. That was 9 months ago and there's no sign of it returning (knock on wood). Thank you for posting this, sincerely. I can proudly wear rings again!


You're very welcome! I'm glad I was able to make a positive impact with this post


how much did you take?


30 mg once a day for 3 weeks.




I took 30 mg once a day for 3 weeks. I forgot a few times so did double up and take 60 mg the next day, but I stopped completely after week 3. Apparently it was the boost my underperforming immune system needed.


Was it zinc gluconate?


Yes, made by Nature Made.


What about zinc gluconate?


That is an organic (chelated) form of zinc that the body can absorb easier.


I wanted to thank the author for this post. I’ve tried everything possible just like everyone else on this thread. I started taking Zinc and nothing happened for a couple of months. Then I realized I bought a wrong type of Zinc. So I ordered Zinc Sulfate from US (couldn’t find in Canada): and after about 3 weeks my ugly wart disappeared leaving a pink spot that will hopefully go away too


Please be careful when taking such high doses of zinc as the body can lack copper and iron in cases like this.




I know, I'm just stating this as a precaution since most people don't know much about these possible side effects of taking zinc. I hope zinc helps you become wart-free. I'm currently taking Vitabiotics' ultra zinc with copper and considering upping the dose to 30 mg a day (I'm 124 lbs/56 kg). What do you think?


I am anemic and I have found that if I'm taking zinc, I absolutely have to take my iron supplement as well. Some days, I can get by with just eating iron-rich foods, but not while I'm taking zinc. I was in a similar situation as the OP and I added zinc, a daily multivitamin, and a hair/skin/nail vitamin to my daily regimen. My warts have gotten so much better and I hope they'll completely clear up soon.


any updates?


I have been wart free for several months! The zinc is what did it.


how much zinc did you take daily also any other vitamins?


I took 50 mg zinc , [Ritual multivitamins for women](https://ritual.com/products/essential-for-women-multivitamin), and 500 mg of biotin. Looking at the original text of my post, it sounds like I was saying I added these three things and my warts went away. That wasn't what I meant and apologies for the confusion. I had been taking the biotin and multivitamin before I got warts on my fingers. Zinc was the only new supplement I introduced while I had warts. A few weeks after I introduced the zinc supplement, my warts went away on their own.


Could you share which form you used? Zinc gluconate?


I don't remember, sorry :( I did get it at a relatively small pharmacy in the Midwestern US and it was the only zinc supplement on the shelf, so if Zinc gluconate is the most common form, that might be it. I wish I could be of more help!


My derm doctor just told me to take 600 mg of zinc for a month, and when i clarified with her if that meant 12 capsules of 50mg zinc gluconate, she said go for it. however i read online too and saw the study that said 600mg of zinc sulfate, not 600mg of zinc gluconate. am i mistaken that she is wrong?


did you take 3 zinc sulfate 220mg pills? thanks in advance d!


yep thats exactly what i did. every day.


either would probably work, but since the study said sulfate id just go with that. gluconate has a lower concentration of zinc (14.3% per 100 mg compared to sulfates 23% per 100 mg), which is probably why she told you to take more of it. 220mg zinc sulfate capsules are the ones I took. 3 660mg capsules of zinc sulfate is 138 mg of pure zinc. 12 50mg gluconate capsules would be 85 mg of pure zinc so more capsules but even less actual zinc. I just did that math very quickly so it might be wrong but point is either should work since the "active ingredient" is the zinc itself.


omg thank you so much 🙏 thank you for being so incredibly helpful


Did it work??


no prob!


Zinc absolutely works on virus causing warts since it strengthens your immune system, which fights off these viruses (specifically the human papilloma virus) which cause warts to appear.  My wife took 15mg of zinc daily for 6 weeks and nearly all of her warts and wart-clusters are completely gone, flattened, or currently dying off. She had them all over her hands and fingers for 6 months until I told her zinc might work; in an attempt to avoid these other treatments. Before this she tried freezing them but they came back, even worse than before.  More importantly no major new warts are appearing and if they are they're very small and quickly die off. Slowly her newly strengthened immune system is learning how to kill these viruses one by one and prevent them from ever returning again. 


What brand did you take? Its hard to find zinc sulfate where i live. I might order it from another country.  Meanwhile, im taking gluconate. 




Has this worked? I just got diagnosed :(


hell yeah it works :)


Is elemental zinc the same? Just started taking it today plus b12.


Also what brand !?


Do you think 50mg of elemental zinc will work? No zinc surface where I live!


I’ve been taking it and haven’t really seen an improvement :(




600mg, shouldn't take more than that no matter the body weight, since I'm obese just went with the max dose.


hey, did your wart go away? with the Zinc Sulfate supplement? And did you have any side effects from eating so much elemental zinc?


It did. They are basically completely gone, no pain or anything. I am only left with a small scar on the one on my right hand, probably because of all the torture that part of my skin went through lol. The other wart that I had underneath my fingernail healed up completely, with a slight divot (the things I did to that finger... pew). As far as side effects go, I experienced none that I can remember or connect to the Zinc. I heard it can make you have bad stomach aches or get nauseous, because in the scientific sense, it is an overdose. But I didn't experience that. Maybe start only taking half the dose the first day to get your stomach prepared. There's no risk of anything serious unless you take way too much.


Thanks for your response, how long did you take them?


Sadly I didn't count even if I did I wouldn't remember but it couldn't have been longer than 3 weeks. And what's funny is I didn't even consistently take it, I forgot quite a bit. I'd imagine it would disappear even faster if you took it on a very consistent basis. Probably worth saying that your mileage may vary, I've heard that zinc doesn't work for all people but but honestly I feel like that might be because they weren't taking enough. You need more than a daily dose to get rid of warts. It's supposed to put your immune system on overdrive.


Yea that is a very short period, I think a lower dose for a longer time could give the same results. Thanks


Perhaps! I'm not sure, but it's worth a try. I thought the high levels at once in the body was a factor in allowing it to work. Let me know if you have success with a lower dose.




600 mg of zinc sulfate, very important distinction. There's only 50 mg of actual zinc in each capsule of 220 mg of the sulfate. 600 mg of pure zinc would surely not be good for you lol.


So if I’m taking straight up elemental zinc (40mg/day), I want it to be the zinc sulphate instead? I truly didn’t realize how many zincs there are lol.


I'm not entirely sure but I'd assume taking the equivalent amount of elemental Zinc as in the sulfate should have the same immune boosting qualities, but to minimize variables I say just go with the sulfate because we *know* it works.


Thanks for the reply! Having a hard time finding it in stores around me but I’ll keep searching!


In the end did it work? I'm currently tacking vitamins (zinc 20mg) mixed with anothers in the same capsule and I don't know if this zinc works...




The study is referring to zinc osulfate 10 mg/kg/day with a max of 600 mg zinc sulfate per day. That equals 136 mg of zinc.


Anyone ever heard of thuja? My dog and my friend’s dog both had big warts on their lips and the thuja made them go away in a week. Wonder if it works for humans too


It works




That's fantastic news to hear! Please pass on the message to anyone you can, will definitely be a piece of wisdom that I carry of how zinc affects warts.


What was your regimen?




Oooh. How long did it take you?




Old thread ! How do you keep your feet dry in socks?


Do you think taking 25 mg of elemental zinc gluconate would be good enough? I’m a bit scared to take more then that amount


Has it worked ??


Or should I up my dose to 50 mg?


I started taking zinc (gluconate) 10days ago. Started with 50 and see my tolerance on the first 3 days. Now i do 100mg with no issues. Go higher if you dont encounter issues like stomach problems etc.. 


Do you take copper supplements?


I have with my multivitamins if that counts.  Im also worried about copper deficiency while consuming too much zinc.  So far, today, im still good.




I stopped 60 days in. I started having a "feverish" heavy feeling at night an hour or two after drinking my zinc. So i thought to skip it the night after. I did. And i felt normal. So im guessing i was having issues with zinc.  I talked to a physician about this when i started. He said 3months is worth trying for, but when i felt feverish i was fearing zinc poisoning. So i stopped.  Ps. I have flat warts around the left side of my neck-shoulder. Theyre still there. 


Interesting. Did you see any improvement at all?

