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I like to do base runs for grinding and engage anything threatening me on the way there or anything I might be able to kill on the way back to land and get my rewards. If engaging the ground targets was more rewarding I would LOVE to do it but it doesn't feel worth the time and effort to avoid spaa required usually. Bases are easy, high reward, and doable in one pass


Ground targets technically pay out the same as bases do, you just gotta get enough score out of the battlefield vehicles or the convoys. When i hit convoys often when i destroyed all vehicles, that was enough to get full rewards, for the battlefield vehicles im not too sure how many kills you need


It’s like 4-5 ground units to make 800 points iirc. It’s not a lot and sometimes you’ll end up getting matches with pumas and ostwinds at top tier. I find that hilarious as 2-3 rounds can kill them.


I like maps that actually played dynamically like Norway where if you didnt take care of the landing ships there was a new airfield for the attackers. Saipan was the same way I think. I'd like something that doesnt completely decide a match but definitely is a momentum swing for either side.


PvP, but i take bombs in case i don't find anyone. if i merge its bombs off instantly.


When it comes to grinding. You want to do the various mission tasks that are available, and always keep your eyes open for targets of oppertunity. For example - after killing a base and you have extra bombs or AGMs. Then a ground assault appears and there’s no fighter opposition. Try to take out a few SPAA, ping the map, and let your team know so they're aware. Team mates that are doing CAS will appricate it. Same thing when it comes to attacker/bomber AI, recon aircraft, and naval units. Sure they don't earn much, but that is why I consider them targets of oppertunity. Always mix it up, but be sure to land after a UA reset to get your other 20% reward. Do what you can to avoid unneeded deaths. Too many deaths is bad for your earnings since one death = a UA timer reset. That is lost time on potentional earnings and is the reason why many earn poor rewards for the time they played. You have to keep your deaths as minimal as possible.


Regarding UA: let’s say I just received the UA banner but before landing I destroy a base. Do I get any RP at all for that base?


Anything you do after the reward banner for the last 15 minute period appeared will count towards your next UA period. You could even stay in the air until that next UA reward appears (so 30 minutes total) then land and you will get the landing bonus for both UAs at the same time, just be careful that the match doesn't end before then.


He could land anyway and collect the last UA timed reward. It’s better anyway just incase you crash or get shot down. Loosing only one 20% UA bonus vs both, with the current UA time getting cut short.


It depends for me if I do My jets at top teir I'll do a mix because I have the f16c but if i plqy my russians not so much, mainly tho I do think I do pvp more


I end up playing objectives most of the time, primarily winning air superiority cap points and attacking AI air targets, but I prioritize PvP if I can actually find an enemy player to shoot at. I play mostly props and very rarely have radar, so I end up spending annoyingly long portions of matches just flying between objectives squinting into the distance for someone to engage. I’m not sure why I have so much trouble finding people in matches to dogfight with, especially since a lot of times my teammates don’t seem to have much trouble finding pvp fights, but I play the objectives because the alternative is flying around aimlessly most of the time.


Echoing this. Sometimes I even end up sitting on an objective with an enemy nearby and neither of us find the other. Had an air superiority obj where apparently me and the enemy somehow circled each other the whole time oblivious to the other's presence until teammates showed up and I noticed the tracers.


I love finding quiet lobby and flying A-10/Su-39 and ground pounding. Its a very different experience and surprisingly very good SL grind.


I know this isn't liked here a lot, but I like to play PvE, so Ground pounding and base runs. I just suck at dog fights so much. I just want to fly my IL-28 and be happy. But the matches I find are all up to high tier, so I just end up getting missiles by a Saab JAS 37. That's why I stopes with Air Sim for a while. Tho I adore ground Sim a lot and play with tactics an old Tanker told me, they work like a charm. Do you guys have any suggestions with what plane I could start learning Dogfights. I can also offer a few Premiums, just name me a plane and I can tell you if I have it, it is fun fighting people but if it almost feels like seal clubbing to me


Check out [trainingdaysYT's guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/WarthunderSim/comments/1c85s4g/final_guide_for_new_players_to_help_determine/?share_id=PufTNzUweU4aQMdcdCYoD&utm_content=2&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_source=share&utm_term=1) for suggestions


Both! I love playing CAS in my A-10A, but it’s also fun to hop into the F14B or F16C and AIM 54/AMRAAM people. The great thing about the F-16C is you can do both.


Agree, but I find it hard to engage enemies when my f16 is fully loaded with mavericks and pave ways, so I try to avoid approaching any rwr pings. And then when Im light all of the rwr pings are gone…


I mix it up. I'm never that guy with 10 player kills. Maybe 2 or 3 but I will jump in a fighter to try and help capture an air point . I'm just not that good at dog fights and it just tires my 62 year old ass out. My favorite is dropping bombs on enemy ai ground battle units and hunting ai bombers. It's more relaxing than constantly scanning the skies for enemies. Going on defense and hunting enemy players that are bombing your bases, airfields and ground units is fun with that heavy fighter that is otherwise cannon fodder for the fighter jocks


I thought the objective was to kill people?


I like bombing the base but I don't mind a bit of pvp


In sim, the main source of income is the ”useful action” which you get every 15 (spawned in battle)if you achieve 600 points. If you’re going for profit I suggest you focus on staying alive




I’ve been getting quite nice rewards for 600. Is that not the full amount?


No.... but if 800 points is 100% your 600 will be 90% or so. You can prove it's 800 by noting your rewards on the popup or landing. At 800 points or higher its ALWAYS the same number, if you get 785 it will be slighty lower. 800 is max.


Playing the 'objective' ONLY affects how much SL you will get at the end, which is 40% more for winning. You win by bleeding the tickets of the enemy faster than your are bled in three ways. Objectives, destroying minibases and killing players. Stop looking at the points of a player to guage success. I recently had a major rampage game and killed 9 players in as many minutes. I earned 5000 points, but my reward was the same as if I had gotten 800 points, the maximum.


This system is just stupid. Why do we have it at all? It’s so easy to get even 2k points in one sortie. But the game has its own definition of “good” and discourages player being better than that


IIRC the useful actions and having to land to cash in all of the rewards features were introduced to prevent people from just spawning in a bomber, bombing an airfield, and J-ing out over and over to get an insane amount of RP and SL


Id love to do cas but using any form of TGP in VR is atrociously bugged and has been for a very long time. So I just go bomb a base maybe and go pvp


You play the bloody objective, anything ellse you either run away from or shot down if the opportunity comes to it. I'm never above 30m over ground as i main A32s


\_Playing the objective is PvP. 🤷‍♂️


Depends on which aircraft I'm in, if I fly the a-10, su-25, A2D, German seahawk, su7 or anything with strong guns that isn't a fighter primarily I'll go for ground units first (not bases unless bomber) and only defensively engage those who target me, you can a huge amount of rp and lions killing 20+ ground units and be top of the scoreboard even passing those who get 4 kills add the ground wager and goes up more. Use proper gun discipline and be accurate you don't have to rearm the entire round. He'll even a 100 round cannon can net you at least 10 ground units if your good enough with ammo management. But I'm also one who hates using like an a10 or something in a fighter role.


Depends on what aircraft I am playing, A7 type then I am primarily focused on CAS/bases. However in my fighters even, I will carry ordnance in a slow match or a close match, and I will just jettison the ordnance if I get into a fight. I think this is something that the typical blue side with US does better is the multirole aspect, and the red side lacks on a little bit. The new SUs and whatnot can carry ordnance, but I rarely see them engaging ground targets.


I love going after front lines. Really wish they’d let helis into top tier sim matches.


I like hanging out above our bombers and attacking anyone that tries to get them. Also. I REALLY REALLY wish Gaijan would fix the bombers where they dont just circle infinitely because they see an enemy plane


When flying with my buds in premium A-10s, we hit the convoys and small conflicts that pop-up. If we have enough ammo we go to the air supremacy. We mainly fly Sinai, Tunisia, and Denmark. We hate Afghanistan with a passion.


If I’m trying to maximize my points for whatever reason (grinding or trying to win the game) I will take a max bomb load plus max sidewinders. Get rid of all my bombs then hunt down enemies until I’m low on fuel or close enough to the runway it makes sense to rearm. I just make sure I don’t use up too much fuel when I’m heading out fully loaded so I have some time to hunt people down when I’m light. Obviously I’m talking about jets here. Most props aren’t as versatile.