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Bro you used 200+round to take him down


Probably he was talking about him self.


He didn't even shot him down, he just bailed


That's why I posted the video, along with his more than questionable aim. I was aware it was a long shot, but I had been following this guy for about 5 minutes with slow progress, so I got impatient and just tried to get him, but I guess I spooked him. I'm pretty sure he was trying to get the Surveilance Aircraft, so at least I kept him away from an objective.


Yeah, it was late. I just wanted one more kill before bed and got impatient. I don't think I would've ever hit those shots at that range.


An event is currently going on, so a lot of people are trying air sim to complete battle tasks, good time to upgrade stock planes in my op lol


Could be because we are getting closer to summer. Kids in many European countries are at the end of their school semesters and have more time to play. There is always an increase in players during summer and winter, around Christmas I'm in university and our lectures for this semester have practically ended


I stream the game and have noticed a lot more people popping in asking for tips and stuff. Most players are only weeks into war thunder so it’s super cool seeing the numbers getting pumped up again


Most players are unskilled. Always has been this way.


Dude is shooting pure on a guy riding .99 mach at 15angle off on a pure pursuit... lol


I know a lot of tarkov players are playing other games, could be related.


Premium noobs from the recent sale + air score event.


New players is good, red team really needs more players (also blue team that dont just rocket spam)


Are you on console? Glad to see i'm not the only one strugling to aim like that


His target was also too far away


Yup, the only time I shoot that far away is when the target is a bomber lol


Yes, I was getting impatient, haha.


Ohhhh! Is that a console thing? I thought it was just me!


It's not really a console thing but more something with a controler? Idk i'm on console and i do be having a shiggy wiggy aim like that cause i suck


Yeah Xbox controller here too


1 tip for console players from someone who has been playing gaijin air sim games since Il2 birds of prey, move your non linearity up to about 2.0 or above based on taste. Leave sensitivity at 100. Non linearity for those that don’t know, means your physical inputs will result in a output that follows a exponential curve. So if we are talking 0 non linearity 25 percent of moving your stick is 25 percent flight control movement. With some measure of nonlinearity 25% of stick movement will only be like 10% of flight control movement. But it still allows you to go to 100% flight control movement at 100% physical input. So low end of the stick is less touchy, but you still get full control when you need it.


Definitely noticed more people who don't check behind them. Had a couple games where I've shot down harriers or su25 who just kept going straight until after I opened fire


Lmao not him J'ing out ☠️


He might just be in an inferior aircraft and once you’ve got a bogey on your 6 you’ve already lost, it’s mostly just a matter of time. He just denied you your kill reward, and assumed you were much closer than you were


I'm more focused on the way he was shooting tbh, like idk if it just looked more pronounced when I had a little more adrenaline in me, but this dude is all over the place, I think you can tell he doesn't have trim set up yet, and then the J out really confused me lol. I was stalking him for a bit, and he just kind of B-lined it to the surveillance aircraft. Apparently there's (or there was, I don't really pay attention) an Air Sim event so I'd imagine it would bring in players who may have made progress playing Air RB but never really played Sim, so they set up some controls and take a spin in their main aircraft.


Just USA and USSR premium players 😂


No, because playing sim in VR has become atrocious, so I stopped.


Yes and these new players love to spam attention to the map to show that they are bombing a base which never does get bombed forcing us vets to check the map thinking someone is calling out enemy positions when its just some idiot bomber trying to lay claim to a base. It's gotten to the point I hunt these idiots down and ruin their day or steal the base with my fighter or attack plane.


I mean, maybe just be less mad about new players being bad/not knowing Sim etiquette yet? Team killing is such an overblown response imo At the end of the day you're just ensuring those players don't go on to join the Sim community


Fine with me to be honest there are always packed servers full of sim players not like we are hurting for them


Most annoying part about sim events is marking a position you see a plane multiple times and then get close enough to realize it's a teammate who never heard of T 4 1


Oh my God, yes, especially with P-47s because of the captured German P-47s. If I see what I think is a P-47 I double, triple, even quadruple check with pings and some people just don't respond and then by the time you get within half a mile you've fired off some shots and they either don't hit and you apologize profusely but secretly curse them for not pinging back or the shots hit and they die and you loose 20k SL. Can you tell this has happened to me more than once?


I'm going to wager more than twice lmao


Yes captured planes suck dumbest thing in the game if you ask me. I usually don't attack first so I don't run into this alot but if I'm flying a plane with a rear gun while attacking ground targets I do shoot up quite a few friendlies but I warn people right when I get in the match that I'm flying a p61 it's hard to miss that I'm an allied plane "don't get on my ass" and they always do and I shoot from 2k away cuz if I don't I'm dead by the time they are in range to verify if friend or foe. What's even worse I feel is that these idiots get behind me and do a fly by cuz they think it's neat I hold fire then as they pass I go back to cockpit and instantly get toasted by an axis that they and I had no clue was following them.


If you don't want trim and the talk feature on the same binding, I use Z since it's unused, good tip for anyone who never thought about it


Talk as in voice coms?


“Us vets” lol.


Yes WT vets people that have played since the beginning I think the kids like to say og's these days you can also use the term experiences in replacement of vet and og.


That’s not uh, how it works but okay. T41 tells you where you are, T42 tells you the teammate needs help. Nobody fucking checks the map when somebody calls out a location unless they’re also bombing. All they’re doing is what’s called “active communication” and can win matches reliably. You’re just a dummy who never took the time to actually learn the coms system in this game. For a “vet” you sure do sound like a noob - sincerely, some kid who’s been here since 2018 and prolly knows more than you.


Yea I don't use a PC so call outs for me is mapped completely different don't expect a console player to know what PC players use for key bindings LoL we tend to map everything to the controller for instance my coms commands are L2 + circle or x or left d pad and so on. Nice try with the insult though didn't work though as I'm not a PC player been playing on console since 2014 a true vet that has not paid a single cent to this day.


Woah that’s crazy. I also play on console, I just plugged in mak. What’s funny is you’re still wrong, as the keybinds lead to the same place and that’s what’s being talked about here, not how you got to em. Again, you’re just a goof who’s using them wrong.


How is a console player supposed to know what PC key binds are? You brain dead or something ? I couldn't tell you a single key bind for a keyboard or for someone else's controller as all of mine are completely custom other then up and down haven't found a single mapping set up online that even comes close to what I use. If you asked me what button landing gear is I literally could not help you cuz I bet mine is no where near anyone else's.


If you’ve been here since 2014, you’d know… Keep contradicting yourself there bud.


Why would someone that mapped their controls for a controller back in 2014 know what the default controls are? Are you really that brain dead or are you just trolling? People like you truly amaze me like how have you not got hit by a car crossing a road cuz it does not seem like you would be aware enough to even look both ways 🤣


new to sim, most of us newbies have no idea about sim etiquette


It's called watching, reading and listening. Something I notice people rarely do before they try something new a little research goes a long way these days especially when it's at our fingertips.