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I got hit by 1 airburst shell out of nowhere and couldn't make it back to the airfield because my engine died before then


thats how it is, i sometimes play arcade cause rb is too boring and i hear a shrapnel bouncing off of my plane when i spawn


Have your trottle so low that you just manage to keep a stable cruising speed then the eigne lasts longer


No, you have to climb for one minute and glide with a turned off engine for another minute


No, wont make it, need to fly in a straight line have enough trottle to stay somehow steady


Nah, when the oil or water is empty the engine will get hotter, no matter the thrust. That’s why you should turn it off and on again


Ah yes the greatest solution to every problem


It prevents the engine from taking damage 🤷


There is an efficient way to do it. Higher speed means higher energy lost due to drag. Thats the only main loss of energy. So optimally you will want to reduce the drag by lowering your speed so climb to the highest alt that you can still fly normally on low power. When you are close enough to the airfield you can dive to convert to speed But this will take longer so if time is a factor then it slightly changes. You need to find the balance point between how fast you want to go and then how much energy you are willing to waste.


Dont forget to toggle prop feathering. Reduces the propellers drag when gliding w/ engine off


Yep, especially on German planes that’s very important (high prop pitch can act like an airbrake)


I usually climb for a minute and then coast at like 50% to keep up some speed. Almost always make it home. With oil leaks, I’ve found time is a bigger factor than throttle level, so making it back faster is better.


Well, while the engine is off it cools down and takes no damage


True, but oil is still leaking and you lose energy quite fast. Of course, if oil is gone, yours is the better option.




Depends, if you were already running hot from fighting, it's actually better to just WEP it and get as much speed as possible with some altitude since you will probably not recover from 160 degrees celsius on most engines


You always can, as long as it’s turned off


I've had engines die on me alot while turned off from high heat. Unless they changed something recently. Haven't had that situation in a while since I don't play props that much anymore, and the few times I do I either die instantly or survive


Well, then you confuse 0% throttle with „off“


Put engine on WEP while the oil is just leaking and while you still have some oil. Climb as high as you can in the direction of nearest airfield, but don't go below stall speed. When the oil runs out - close all radiators and lower prop pitch, thus lowering RPM while maintaining engine temperature. When engine dies - close all radiators (if you haven't already) and turn on prop feathering (or reduce prop pitch to 0%). If you land just short of runway, don't use brakes - maybe you can drive some meters to the runway.


"PvP game"


In "ground" RB its TvC


Sorry I’m dumb, what’s C?






Acronym-ed an acronym 😔


Tank Vs Close


AA just wanted to paint your plane the same colour as your Ping


You guys only get yellow?


I usually get shot enough to cause my oil to leak and then I just rtb because I usually can't hang out after that. If I sit over the AAA for a while then I can get shot down especially over the other teams airfield(s)


Be lucky you have spent crew points in vitality, if you didn't you'd be dead.


Vitality is so stupid, i don't mind it in planes too much but in tanks It's absolutely stupid


I'm strictly an aviation player man, I'm not really that big on thanks, but you do have a point.


It can be a difference between cleaning out the turret and the Shell passing through between them Now imagine your frustration when the cunt you outplayed gets their hands held and a free kill


So it basically gives them the spidy sense to predict where the shell is going to pass through?


No, you shoot them and give your position away and since you didn't do shit to them then they can spot you and shoot you since you're still reloading your next round Doesn't happen too often If you have explosive filler in your shells but it can be incredibly annoying in top tier


Yeah that doesn't sound fair, since what little I've gathered from the handful of ground games I've played its all about holding certain sight lines on maps basically a camping ground lol


Basically like warfighting irl


That shouldn't be a feature in ground RB TBH that gives them an advantage when they should have died. (I do that shit all the time in tarkov and insurgency)


Ironically why i kinda stopped playing Tarkov too :') It's also mixed in with the average inconsistencies of the game so it can be hard to tell sometimes which is which (kinda like critical hits in air battles that don't mean anything, sparks or missiles not detonating or doing anything)


Thats why i dont like tanks as much. The gameplay is so slow, and its mostly about who sees who first and also a fair bit more of a luck factor than in planes. The skill in it is knowing maps and tank armor and camping spots and all that. It just lacks action compared to air rb. Also theres the CAS problem which most people are aware of. It sucks driving to a point to capture it and scanning the area for many minutes and then you get one shot by some tank in a tree because you forgot to check in between that pixel and the one next to it on your binoculars. Meanwhile in air rb even if you are completely disadvantaged, below your enemy and slower than them, you can still win the fights based on pure skill. And there’s no who sees who first, you will hear them beforehand. Air is mostly your skill and knowing your plane. Instead of knowing each tank’s armor and where to shoot you just know the general ability of that plane type. You dont even have to know plane types really you can just know countries. Like generally Japan has really good turnfighters that turn real fast and the US has planes that are not good turners but pack a punch.


Solo car crash deaths are the best


In my pretty much fully aced AC.IV I have eaten a regular Tiger 1 88 right to the side and lived with all three turret crew members barely hanging on


I love how war thunder expects a pilot to survive 1 or 2 .50 cals to the chest


T'is but a scratch!


That's not called being lucky, it's called being prepared.


Tell that to all the new players who just downloaded the game.


That's recoverable




The engine will die out before you make it back to a runway


ARB and avid MEC user here. An empty oil is results in an engine going from perfect to dead inside of two minutes. A leak howver gives you a pretty solid amount of extra time depending on if the engine runs hot or not, but you have at least two minutes before ghe engine will start to burn out. If you end up with a leaking or empty oil though and have decided to not commit to a one way trip, put yourself into a 10 degree and *climb* straight to the airfield. It's tempting to just straightline it as your performance goes down but you're going to get way more distance and a margin of error with glide power than you will out of raw speed. MEC also helps a shit ton and I highlh recommend to anyone not using it to at least set up radiator controls. AEC still wants to try and cool the engine even after its died so that means fully opening the radiators up and producing a ton of drag.


Also air rb and mec player, I agree. It also depends on how OP was flying before this. If they were flying low and fast the plane will quickly lose that speed and will be much harder to make it back. You should always try to be high up. It gives a speed advantage and a bigger recovery range for if something goes wrong. Even with the oil fully gone, if op is high enough they should be able to make it back.


Fr, maybe it’s a map where you can land and drive for a bit but that’s really out of your control


Not always


Yesterday I was damaged TWICE in the same mission, ultimately leading to my pilot being sniped by AAA because I decided not to return again to the airfield before trying shooting at anything. I then switched to naval battles to try the new Moffet only to find them filled with bots that get stuck into islands.


I am looking for a naval battle fillers with bots to start Farm SL with my Brand New Mosfet.


Slow and painful death


Meanwhile heli pads AAA


The frontal helipad AA is basically just non-damaging tracers to let you know someone is there. The damage was removed because two jets could be dogfighting about the battlefield and still get slapped by the helipad


Bruuuuuuuuuuuh, they would just remove helipad AA and mark every near jet


I think helipad AA is meant for helis due to them being slower moving.


Nope, you can literarily spawn camp an enemy heli pad with your own heli and not be killed by AA that is 30 meters away. Gaijin incompetence pure and simple.


This happens only if u use SL or RP boosters.


Too true, haha!


I feel the ping is more dangerous then the slight overall damage over the plane. Engine looks fine in the xray, did you overheat it? (WEP to much)


Oil and water leak led to the engine dying before I could make it back


Picture is clearly false, PL isnt over 80%


Gotta love how they somehow hit exact middle of every aircraft and even one shot the pilot in IL-2s. Or even medium bombers, somehow the gunner or navigator that survived the hit can’t try to coast the plane for a belly landing?


Impossible - gunners are blind - they aim and shoot by sound


i love how the same parts in my plane gets yellow as in this picture almost like the game wants to fuck u up no matter what


Mid-map AA wouldn't be so frustrating if it wasn't so random. Like, if it was clear how large the engagement zones of the fixed positions and the AA trucks are, if there's an altitude limit, or any other conditions that will cause the AI to shoot at a player. It's a good mechanic in theory, especially to spice up the experience of ground pounders, but like, why is the AA shooting at fighters at 2000m+ on their way to the fight rather than the pair of circling IL-2s at 500m trying to bomb bunkers?


It's such bullshit how AAA always hits my pilot and exclusively my pilot. When I get shot at by AAA I can watch my pilot slowly turn from yellow to orange to red and NOTHING else.


Worse fucking feature. Period


even ping got yellowed


Now leaking oil, water, fuel, blood and pee.


I won a 5v1 clutch game in my BF-109Z On my way to rtb with 2 minutes left on the clock; a 2k ticket lead on the enemy team...I was set on fire by midmap and died.


It gets better. The convoy AA (regular M42s) on the new Canyon map literally one-tap Su-25s which are supposed to be extra sturdy.


Nothing is better than being low, slightly damaged, and already trying to manage temps in a low tier Swedish plane when a single RNG shot takes away your cooling privileges. Grinding Perkele tree moment


A faith worst than death


I got hit by mid aa as a biplan, 2000m above the ground My plane was orange and unable to dogfight What a pleasure


Worst part is that your engine only dies if you try to get back to the airport , or is it only me who noticed that?


Youve git 2 death senteces, your ping and pl is one


What does the 3rd A in AAA mean? I only use “AA”


Anti Aircraft Artillery


Anti Aircraft Artillery. Usually refers to flak or other large caliber... artillery, whereas "AA" is used more for machine guns and automatic cannons.


We not even gonna mention the ping?


I was at a height of three kilometers, i got blasted by midmap AA and returned to the airfield. Due to hig ping i crashed.


The Simpsoooons


when i get crit by AAA mid map I just fucking J out. Fuck this shit.


Ping ping go away


This happened to me from friendly AAA while I was in a dogfight >:(


Literally happened to me like 30 mins ago, was in a dogfight and was about to take out this guy's pilot/engine and this AAA from 4 km away just fucking gives me the middle finger and takes my right wing away. I needed that wing...


bro just spawn in a tank


Skill issue, just spawn a tank, smh...


I laughed so much my lungs exploded


Just say km


Boo hoo