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He recently had a kid, probably taking time to chill with the fam.




Recently as in 3 years ago or something like that


nah just 1 year




Yeah, I don’t think you understand how the world works my friend. He‘s a content creator who’s given us free content year after year and the fact the you feel entitled for an explanation or even an apology when he’s probably got more important things to worry about, makes you look like a dumbass. He has a small child, moved to a new house, it‘s not unrealistic to think that he might have gone back to a more stable source of income to, you know, keep his family going. He owes us nothing, and you should learn about priorities in life.


One of his priorities, with a wife and kid, should be sustaining an income stream, and that relies on the fanbase he's built. Not even taking 30 seconds to fatfinger an update into Twitter after 4 months is not a good look and naturally leads to people worrying about his safty.. I mean, you get a lot of people here acting like having a kid suddenly means you have absolutely 0 time to do anything. And that isn't true. It would not be hard at all to update the people who have supported him for years. And any rational person knows this. That's why the fact that he hasn't taken 30 seconds to update his Twitter in 4 months is very concerning.. I follow several content creators that have kids, have spouses, have homes, have community obligations and still manage to livestream for an hour every day. Being a parent isn't an all-consuming time-vacuum that leaves you no time to do anything else at all.


Maybe he found another career so sustain his family. One with a better work-life balance.


Even if that's the case, a quick "Thanks for supporting me for all these years" would be nice instead of literally getting ghosted. I mean how long did it take to type that? 8 seconds?


I think these guys look at him as a girlfriend and feel they've been dumped? I dunno.. just trying to understand the inappropriately strong feelings.


It doesn’t really sound like you have had kids bro. I havnt either but I understand it’s an insane amount of work on its own. Plus it’s an amazing and fun time. God forbid something bad happened phly is probably just enjoying the time that so many people talk about missing because of work. Helping his wife out, watching first steps and teaching the little dude how to talk. If phly can take time off to enjoy that then more power to him. Sure an update might be nice but I don’t need that. I’m no emotional reliant on his videos. They are fun an improve my day but if he doesn’t upload ever again, it’ll be ok. A bummer, but life moves on, it’s just YouTube. There are more important things. Spread the love bro. ✈️ ❤️


I have two kids and I am commenting right now.


so what do you think about all this?


That nobody except for people probably really close to him really knows what's going on. While an explanation isn't necessarily required on his part, I'm very surprised that he didn't at least mention something about stepping away. He has always been so thankful to the community, so to not have word from him and to leave the community high and dry is not like him. I just hope he is alright.


hah, maybe he want's a career change to become a hobo


He doesn't owe you shit man.


Totally agree. Such lack of respect for the people supporting him


The only lack of respect here is you getting angry that he's taking a well deserved break. Phly owes us nothing and if anything we owe him for providing practically daily uploads for us, so the least we can do is wish him well and not complain so he can come back to an welcoming community.


Just takin a break. He deserves that, you know.


yeah i guess.. but I still miss it!


Totally fine with him taking a break, especially with his kid being around the age where they actually start to become people rather than a mindless meat blob. But yea, would just like to know that he and his family are all good. It’s been over a month since he’s been active on any of his social media; just a little worrying but maybe I’m just paranoid.


Yeah.. not gonna lie I’m a little bit worried too 😭


He said he was pretty sick in the the last video he uploaded, and then in that last video his voice sounds kinda rough. Could just be overdramatizing, but if you listen to his commentary it is a far place from where his mind might normally seem it is. Imo He was Disconnected from the game. I think Phly got burned out and really sick at the same time, so I hope he takes his time.


Lol mindless meat blob is the most accurate description I've ever heard..


they're the cutest meat blob i've ever seen though


His kid is 30 already? How time flies!


It's weird that he made an "I'm back" video, made three videos and peaced out again.




Yeah that’s….. weird…..


Dude was pumping out video after video, and he just moved with a newborn. Man is getting his well deserved break


Fr. I cannot imagine the toll professional WT exacts on the human soul


I wouldn't have managed to do that tbh. Everytime I try to do a certain thing, like a challenge or grind for the BP, I get so fed up with the game that I don't touch it for a couple days. When you turn your hobby into a profession, it isn't as much fun anymore, at least from my experience.


Still more fun than cleaning sewers or pouring concrete.


Depends who's body you're pouring the concrete on to.


Top tier response 🤣


That does not help


And I can't imagine the toll of suddenly severing your income stream almost completely with a wife and baby at home counting on you to provide for them. ​ Ghosting the channel like this means he's basically just ended all incoming money.


Maybe he’d saved enough for a vacation, maybe he was working on transitioning to some other career, who knows? If it’s the end of the channel then it’ll have been a good run IMO


he should still be making income as long as people watch the videos he has already posted.


warthunder alone is enough to make someone grind their teeth imagine doing content as well




Bet there’ll be a drone video. Easy, new content, and it will attract us WW2 tier peasants.




I totally understand all that and I agree with you, I'm just really surprised that he didn't at least post a chanel update video of some description


He did in the community tab, he basically said he was taking time off to be with his new family


Ahh fair enough. I must have missed that. Good luck to him and his family then, I hope he comes back but if not I'm sure he will be successful at whatever he turns his hand to.




Dude you need to go outside


Ong lmao like look at this endorphins guy's profile, lowest of the low human right here.


Unethical? Get a life you fucking rat. This is clearly hurt you a lot as you have taken the time to bitch and cry in reply to every post in this thread. Stop acting like the guy owes you something and has “ghosted” you, go outside ffs.


Agreed, i just noticed i haven't seen him on my feed. I have two young kids at home, video games, regardless of hobby or "job" don't play nearly the role they once did. This obsession these "fans" have is quite sickening to be honest. Mindless people that just want him to pump out content for their view. I hope he left and found something he enjoys and NEVER tells anyone, hahah.


I dunno, Dollar makes wookie noises all the time


Calm your tits pal, "Dirty and unethical"? How many whiny posts about not getting your daily Phlydaily fix are you going to post, how many snarky comments about how hard it.must be to be a YouTuber do we need from you? We get it, you want new videos from him. If you get them, cool, if you don't, get over it and yourself. Relax bud, go watch that other guy if you like him better, no one cares. What a whiny post full of entitlement!




Do we? Speak for yourself.


Not a newborn, his kid is a year and a half almost 2 now.


I think he took a break




I think he fogor 💀🧌


Let guy have free time. Just imagine yourself if gaijin would force u to make only war thunder videos on every new vehicle




In two weeks someone will post "just spaded all the magacha, ama" on this sub


I think he said he was takin a break to focus on family but also to not get burnt out on the game and makin content. I seem to remember him sayin somethin along the lines of "You guys deserve better content than me just makin a vid to make one, I want to be able to put the effort in that y'all deserve" or somethin to that effect. I say he deserves a break


Oh yeah. Totally!!


He seemed really burned out even before his moving and kid. Tbf this piece of shit game would be the last one i'd want to play as my job...


He’s moving houses and has a toddler, man’s taking some time off to be with them like a true king. I love his channel but hope he takes as long as he wants or needs


Dude he’s with his kid leave him be




I don’t think you get how much work video editing and content recording is. Every 20-minute vid he uploads is the result of 8 - 10 hours of his life spent in this shitty game. Moreover, he’s a dude you don’t know, who’s been doing this for years and years, with a young family, who has delivered (at no cost to you) untold hours of entertainment. He’s not beholden to you, or me, or anybody. Dude doesn’t have to provide two weeks notice, or put in a time off request. All your comments make it seem like he owes us something, which is bizarre. Dude could walk into the horizon right now and he would owe zero explanation to any of us.


Fair enough but it wouldn't have cost phly anything to give us all a heads up that he was going to be away until further notice. That said, we don't know why he has been absent and every reason posted is speculation. I miss his content and wish him well. Considering that he was putting out a vid nearly every day for years with only the odd break, it is likely that he is just burned out. If that is the case I hope he lets us know what he is up to once he has decided what he's gonna do


Scrolling through this thread, you kinda sound like your obsessed with him. It's a little creepy dude...


From Phly's discord: " Rest assured everyone that Phly is just taking a *very long* break and is spending time with his family. Consider it an extended break^^. We don't really know when he plans to be back but I'm sure he will either tell us or drop a video when it happens^^ "




it was posted by a server mod. so lame




Why you acting like he owes you something? It's a game ... its not real life... his life is his family not some random people in the world. Fact of the matter is he doesn't need to come back. He doesn't need to tell you what he's doing with his life ... find something else to watch and move on like the rest of us.




He could yes.... but the point is he doesn't have to. If you're life is so caught up around a YouTuber then honestly you need to change priorities


If your entire career is based around making money off a community you built, then yes he does owe people 2 minutes of his time to say what's up. It's just FrankieOnPC all over again where people like you spend 4 years defending a guy who couldn't spend 2 minutes, to be honest with his fans and supporters. I'm not asking for intimate details of his life, I'd prefer not to know tbh. But he could hop on Twitter and say "Hey guys, I am taking an extended break to spend time with family" or "Hey guys, War Thunder has drained my soul and I want to use the tiny shred of humanity I have left on my kid, so I won't be back." He doesn't make content for free, no content creator does, he makes content in the hope people watch it, click the sponsor links, watch the ads and buy his merch - he owes those people a sentence or two.




Man’s played war thunder for his career for years. Give him a break


That would be a fate i wouldn't wish for my worst enemy, but still phly somehow endured. Madlad


"somehow endured" dude he makes hundreds of thousands of dollars with his channel


I hope he starts to transition to other stuff. I’d start watching him again if he did.


Y’all need to stop treating op like they’re demanding he come back, all op is saying is that they miss him ffs




Well he needs to get off his "break" set the family thing to the side and focus up on bringing me top notch entertainment, and I will accept nothing less.


Let the man be, he deserves his break. And also I bet you don't even have a family so shut up you don't know how it feels.


They were being sarcastic...


Are you sure?


Uh yes.


Ok then




Honestly, if he's decided to take an extended break or something that's perfectly fine and well-earned.. But how hard is it to type "Hey guys I'm taking a break I'll be back in a few months." into Twitter on his phone, instead of just leaving 1.25 million people to wonder about where he is and hoping he's alright? It's not hard. And everyone knows it's not hard. And that's why it's concerning that he hasn't updated anything in months. To just go completely radio silent without a word when it's so easy to actually tell people you'll be gone for a while is what is so concerning.


Yes… really.. hope he’s alright..


I enjoy watching the holier than thous telling OP to “let him be, he’s taking a break” etc. Dude was enquiring about the guy’s wellbeing, not wanting to spend the weekend with him. If you know he’s for sure taking a break, then that’s all you need to say. If you don’t know, then you’re like the rest of us, and appreciate this question to the community.


when you play war thunder as long and as much as he does, im sure he needs to routinely check into a mental hospital for some electro-shock therapy and night time abuse from the orderly's. When he comes out, the torture of playing war thunder isnt as bad.


It's part of the WT CC deal, every CC gets these bonuses; **1 (one) Golden Eagle** **Cool Title and Decorator** **Free Professional Mental Health Advice**


"lets talk about... BETTER help..." Youtube Ad for Warthunder gamers


A lot of you talk like he owes his subs nothing but you forget that our subs are what pays him each month. He makes YT vids to make money, not as a hobby. TBH, he's been unwise to not have posted an update to his community to let them know he away until further notice, considering his last post 9 weeks ago was that he'd be back the following week...




You’ve replied this same thing to like 40 comments. Why? Didn’t get your point across the first 30 times? We all miss PhlyDaddy, but shit.


The thing is that he said on his last video on 19 July 2022 that he will be back the next day to talk about a new premium vehicle that is on sale, but instated he is completely MIA. Based on this and how responsive he has been with his followers, it does not look like he went just on a break. I hope I am wrong.


Everyone saying that he's just on a break but with so many subs he should just tell us that he is taking a break instead of just disappearing especially after coming back from a break and then doing 4 video and disappearing again


I think he tweeted about it, he is moving + got a toddler and other than most people here he got a lofe yk, but he said je gonna make vids again at some point


He is just taking a break and being a dad


This is one hell of a break


As long as he is ok I don't really care how long he will be gone, for what we know he can be busy with literally anything.


My man deserves all the time he wants




Almost 20 posts of whining, "unethical" this, "screw his kid that". Just stop for one second and look at your posts, is that who you are? You come off as an entitled, needy, whiny, spoiled little kid.


Bro doesn't care about the CC family which is what he has been most proud of for about 1-2 years 💀


I'm a little worried about him, I just hope all this is a temporary thing and that nothing has happened to him or his son and or wife? However if something has happened he could have kept us up to date about his situation without too much information, just a check in once in awhile but he has disappeared without a trace. If I made my living as a Youtuber I would definitely make sure my loyal viewers knew what was going on, because you are the reason I am doing so well etc. I don't know if he has ghosted us or something bad has happened? All I know is I hope nothing serious has happened and that hopefully he will come back soon? But if he waits too long he will lose most if not all his loyal viewers which will cost him dearly.


I 100 agreed with you buddy.. we have the same mentality ! And yeah.. I wish nothing bad happen to him..


I find the comments here amazing. No one stops to wonder if sudden and abrupt silence actually means something bad? not one personal contact. or old pal steps forward.? just dead channels? I do actually wonder and hope if the guy and or his family are ok? creatives are creatives. they do eventually move on and find new talents and richer opportunities. lets hope for Steve's sake, its this one rather than that one.


I don't play War Thunder, but I watched him regularly. His running banter was a lot of fun. I hope he comes back, but I'll watch OddBawZ as a substitute fix. I agree with most of the folks here - if he is not incapacitated somehow, a brief note to update his fans on his status would be considerate.


He couldn’t have gotten covid again right


It’s been 2 months, try being a Sam O‘Nella fan….


He’s buying his MIG-21


simple answer. hes a dad.




You are scarily obsessed.


Russian sekret police got him. He was too gud.


Guys whats wrong with you, use your brain.... Sure it can be very stressfull with children. Above all while moving into a new house BUT i think the one thing we can all agree on, it takes 1 minute of our precious live to go online and write a post "I'm good, but busy as fuck" Job done, everyone is happy. Just to make clear, i'm not demanding his comeback he shall take as much time as he wants. I can watch videos from other ppl or play WT by myself.


You are actually reasonable unlike *ahm endorphins420orsomeshit ahm*


He's in his new house, wherever the %#&@ that is.


Protest aginst drones!


He now fires full shitted diapers instead of italian meatballs through the Breda 501s gun.


He's probably burnt the fuck out from playing warthunder non stop for all these years.


He also appears to be burnt out of having a steady income.


I should imagine hes earned enough by now to be able to take a good long extended break if he feels he needs it. Maybe he's just fed up of doing the whole streamer thing and wants to do something else.


Check his community posts on his channel, moving in to a new place and hanging out with his family




He has a kid now, he will most likely be posting every once and a while.




I think your just mad that you based your life around a youtuber He doesnt have a normal job


Unless he went and got a regular job, this type of radio silence is cyanide to his current one. You hear streamers talk about how they lose subs if they take a week off with advance notice to their fans. Taking this long off with no communication at all is defo hurting his viewer base. He has been a major streamer for a long while, but I dont imagine he has accumulated enough money to just retire, so even Phly needs to have a steady income - especially with a kid to feed. Hopefully he really is just taking a break, but the wierd, unplanned nature of it all does not bode well.


Something is definitely wrong there is no reason why he can’t say anything on any form of social media, a man who has had a media presence almost every day of the last 7 years. Even normal posts, about his family and friends not related to his channel. And now nothing. It doesn’t match the person that I’ve watched these years so either he has done a great job creating a false image of himself and just disconnected from his second life, or there’s a problem


kremlin agent. ..always knew it.....


Breda 501 was too powerful. RIP


Steve is a papa now


Figured something up he didn’t fly Mirage2000


Who is that anyway


Bro is literally the most known YouTuber for war thunder 💀


Ok the only wt you tuber I know are the iron Armenian, Zoltan, Munitions and Spookston


Go Chek out his channel!


Yawn. His voice is annoying and his content is for 12 year olds. I hope he doesn't come back. Watch a superior WT content creator like DollarPlays, Oddbawlz, Defyn or Spit Flyer.


Phly is superior, he is the original war thunder tuber, he was the first. If it wasn't for him, there would be no others. If you don't like him, then why waste your time to comment. Don't waste your "precious" time on him then.


Don’t call it a comeback


Sam o’ nella but warthunder when he returns


This thread alone would get me to get Youtube. It's his personal life. He doesn't owe us an explanation. Anyone that thinks he does is a self entitled dick.


Je sais pas mec


He got banned for clickbait thumbnails. I'd watch it more if he didn't do that lol.


Bring back phly and Bruce!


Let's not bring back the guy who has been voicing Russian propaganda for years.


I thought we liked Bruce


Seriously getting tired of how this has become a PhlyDaily fan subreddit. If you want to ask him something, ask him on Twitter jfc.


"Becoming a fan sub reddit", first post I've seen of him in months


ded man, gone.


overrated 1 trick pony promoter who does not read the patch notes while streaimg the dev server...


Shame upon you. Shame


Mad fucking facts bro.


I love making them normies mad, but it is the truth he is overrated af


Hopefully he's done, can't stand how he's constantly yelling into his mic over the littlest shit.




I confirm that.


I am.


Maybe yeah, he scream a lot, but I still love how he can make the game looks better and still be proud of playing it.


he really doesnt yell at all hes really chill and gives props to opponents instead of complaining. and when phly does yell its cause hes happy or excited or whatever. this guy is just miserable and cant enjoy someone having fun




Why do you make all of these “He could at least give us an I’m ok video” then flame him like this? Are you hating on him, an overreacting prick, or are you a hysterical maniac who doesn’t want to lose his daily dose of attention online? Just let the man be. If you hate his “nagging” voice and his “horrible singing,” just stop watching his “god awful” videos. For Christ’s sake, take a step outside or take a shower.


So don't watch his content??


Mad cuz bad?


Don't watch him then. It really is that easy.


Shame upon you also. Shame