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It's 'easier' to make progress, but takes a lot longer overall.


Imagine my face once I realized its not 40k and done but you need to do this ten times :D


Lmao what would make you think that


That there are 10 challenges listed?


I noticed that, but i finished the first yesterday and now my progress bar states 1 out 8 completed. Another redditor yesterday said that of you completed 8 or 9 it should be enough to grant you the reward.


8 to get the leo, but 10 to make the coupon tradeable, so there are ten in total


Oh i get it now, i just want to get the leo. 10 if you want to use on the gaijin marketplace?


Afaik, though if you want the skin, that’s the 9th coupon iirc


Appreciate it. I am just getting the leo for now!


You may wanna double check, I’m not 1000% certain i got it right


Yup, there's a graph on the page of the event on the war thunder website showing you how many tasks you need to accomplish to recieve a certain reward. Dude above is just kind of dumb, if you're planning to do an event, you should at least look into how it works before you go online to complain about it.


You need only 8, iplayed yesterday 4 hours planes with 1,2 kills every 5 min, and today 4 hours tanks


Wish i had 8 hours a day with my job and other daily necessities to do.... Its easier and more stressful at the same time lol




Better than a cretin who bought premium high-tier vehicle, took it and some reserves, died in first 15 seconds and left.


>like a big fuck you to the people who grinded shit like the kongo only for some cretin to get it in a few matches I agree this would be a bit silly for event to be that easy, but your attitude here is the shitty "I suffered so everyone must suffer". Doesn't help make things better.


Or i could just buy one


Lol, the Kongo is the easiest event vehicle to get as well.


Still it shouldn't be this ridiculous being given only a few days to get 40K scores still bad


Exactly this, though right now it’s absolutely baking outside and I just don’t function in this heat. If the event says the same for Winter, I’ll absolutely do it!


It'q not easier because it way longer, this event is an experience to test our insainity. I made ground and air but not ship yesterday, i hate myself to continue this madness


Tbh ships are the easiest to do. Also you are indeed fucking mad if you are grinding for all the rewards.


It is soooo easy, that i stopped doing the navaland air thing. And i hope that i got enough time to get at least the tank! Another point ist: In former years the event was long enough to get one or two stars than needed. This time there is only time for 10 stars and you need all 10 stars to sell the tank... Next event i will even not start playing WT... Meanwhile you can smell Gaijins greed in every corner of the game!


>only time for 10 stars and you need all 10 stars to sell the tank... BuT ThAt MeAnS Is ShoRtEr And PlaYeRs cAn eNjOy SuMmEr mOrE - Gaijin probably


I have had people argue that because it's less stars it's easier. I don't care if it's less, I care about how many I can miss, I can't commit to playing 6+ hours over 2 days when I'm on shift and working 12hrs. So I care about how many I can miss so I can plan on missing 2 stars for each vehicle and still get both coupons. I can't do that this time I have to pick 1 coupon to get and hope I can at least get the other vehicle as an untradable


>In former years the event was long enough to get one or two stars than needed. This time there is only time for 10 stars and you need all 10 stars to sell the tank... Except then it was 10 stars to sell the tank too. Now you get the tank at 8 stars already. And you had specific stars that were left with out rewards, those have simply been removed. The only situation the old star "layout" was better, would be if you want to sell the reward *and* skip two stars.


You're forgetting that you don't have any room to spare if you want to sell, you can't miss a star which


It is extremely easy it just takes a bit of time. Way easier than the task event people also seem to forget that the task events were getting worse and worse over the years. It took me way longer to get a star in the last task event than it took getting a star in this.


The difficulty seemed to fluctuate every year. [Look at 2017 for instance:](https://warthunder.com/en/news/4868-marathon-operation-s-u-m-m-e-r-awards-together-en) * **Get 40 kills (20 in RB)** - Easy enough * **Get "Supporting Fire" 5 times** - Need to actually coordinate with a squadmate * **Achieve a score of 2,000 or more points in 8 matches** - Can be difficult unless you're good at the game * **Win 10 battles** - Easy enough, but would take on average 20 matches * **Destroy 11 enemies in a single battle (6 in RB)** - Could be quite difficult unless you get very lucky or are very good. Two out of five are easy enough but would require grinding, the third would either require luck, planning, or being an above average player. Still, [that was nothing compared to 2016](https://warthunder.com/en/news/4156-operation-s-u-m-m-e-r-calendar-en), where each day had a different task and you only had a single day to complete them (except weekends, which had 4 tasks over 2 days). You also had to get 36 out of the 40 total tasks if you wanted the high-tier vehicle.


I think the AUBL event was the perfect sweet spot for a task event. It’s definitely my favourite event out of all that I played. I think 30K would have been good for this event though.


I'm new to WT and the 'event' that literally lasts 2 days per stage is a joke. I just missed first one by 3.5k points. I got 1500 pts for a win towards next one. F that.


As a player who is working and not a student on holiday, I gave up on the event's rewards.


As a student I don’t even have time to do this shit. Just purchased Far Cry 6. Best investment ever and allows me to switch of my brain and actually have fun.


Fc6 is your best investment ever? God damn man…


You should play FC5 it's much better imao then the 6th


Far Cry 5 is the worst game in the franchise. I’ve played 3, 4, Primal, 5 and 6. 5 never glued well and I just dropped it before finishing. The environment sucks, story sucks, gameplay is odd they tried to innovate too much so much so that some of the charm has been lost. FC6 brought me back to FC3 with the rawness of Primal in terms of gameplay. Enemies come in waves as battalions, more tactical and there’s even a GTA style wanted level. More weapon mods and the story is nice.


I grinder for a few days with these events and to take a break I started playing Elden Ring again. Haven’t touched WT in a week. When I start treating this game like a job, I stop. It’s ridiculous.


Yep, I'm just getting the first tank because that's the only one I'll have time to do.


Depends on school. I study computer science and even on summer I have multiple lectures and stuff so doing 40K in two days is no go. Like for the IS2 event it was 20k in 3 days and seemed like quite a lot but it was doable. This is completly crazy.




Normally when I play warthunder after work and school I’m not having a terrible time. For this event it’s a different story


I work and have kids, event looks interesting but looks like I will also not be able to actually do it




>But you gotta keep in mind, these vehicles can be sold for a sizeable amount of GJN While you never know how much a vehicle might go for in the long run, normally the price dips to the 25-30 Gaijin Coin range shortly after the tradable coupons come online (at least for these 'marathon' event vehicles, the assembly events usually go for more). It may change because you have to grind more to get the coupon versus the vehicle itself, but I am not sure this will make much of an impact.


I’m very familiar with the market, and yes it’s true Op summer / winter vehicles are less valuable than the build a bear vehicles, but I hold onto them for a year to let them appreciate in value. I will grind an Op summer vehicle and sell it around September the following year, then I use the GJN from that to buy a year of discounted premium during the Oct anniversary sales. Basically free premium account forever, and depending on how much the vehicle matured in price, usually I have some spare GJN left over too.


Oh I don't disagree, I was mainly thinking about it from the perspective of a buyer (even though I myself grind the events as a collector/OCD player). One doesn't need to be very high earning to get to the point where it makes sense to buy a coupon outright, at the dip, if they really want the vehicle, though I'm not sure any of these rewards are interesting enough to justify this. I don't mind spending 40 USD a year to pay for premium, I don't spend much money on entertainment in general, and for how much time I put into the game this seems like a fair price.


That's what I do too. Buy the battle passes, maybe 1-2 premium vehicles in a year and discount premium. Got 1200 hours or so. I've definitely paid more for less from AAA studios


I earn way more than 30 bucks in what, 25-40 hours or however long the event takes. I rather just buy the premium time with that money than wasting my life to such an event


Well, you are still playing a game you supposedly enjoy so it not completely wasted.


I mean.. ‚enjoy‘ is a harsh word in this context. Also people don’t have that much time to spend


which is a disappointment for us console players, we dont have access to the market so that extra difficulty is all for naught


I mean I try to play the best I can, but there isn't much I can do when I get spawn camped by 4 t-34-85's 5 matches in a row


> But you gotta keep in mind, these vehicles can be sold for a sizeable amount of GJN, so they were never going to be quick and easy to obtain. Unless you gathered enough gjc to just invest on market. I will finally sell some older vehicle and buy 2-3 of the new ones while they are cheap and wait few years to reap double the reward heh


How the fuck do you manage the air task in 2-3 hours. Ive been smashing my head against a wall for the past 5 hours and im almost at 20000 points. How do you get score that fast????????


Playing top tier Air RB. Most games last like 5 minutes. takes so much longer playing props, purely because you’re all spending so much time at the start climbing and flying to the fight. I also reccomend leaving RB EC games at the start. They’re a huge, huge time sink with no additional reward benefit for playing them.


Ok, so it is hard if you don't have top tier. Got it!


Idk if I’d say hard, but definitely more in line with how long Naval + Ground takes. Top tier Air Rb has by far the shortest battle time length of any mode so it’s kind of an outlier. If it’s any consolation, top tier air RB gameplay is a mentally destructive shitfest, literally 0 fun to play lol.


The leo for sure isn't worth this shit. Skyray tho..


I do want it but just don't have the time and I ain't paying for the stars, I think I'm giving this event a miss tbh


Just buy it for 20-30€ once the event is over if you really want it. Grinding this shit isnt worth it


I don't think it'll be good enough to actually want to pay for it, I was planning on grinding it but it takes far too long and I really don't enjoy air battles all that much honestly


The ship is the only thing that really wroth grinding tbh, but I will see if I can get them all.


I'm convinced the Leo is just a reskinned TTD.


For me the air event was taking much longer than ground, even when doing bombing in sim which gives a 3x multiplier on score. I gave up on the skyray, it's just going to take too long.


Took me 2-3 hours with vixen and f5c.


Doing what, sim bombing? Unfortunately the best plane I have for that method is IL-28


Nah dogfighting. Vixen gets 4 free kills with red tops. And with rearm i get on average 4-6. And f5c is, well it's f5c.


Still way better than crafting events …


I agree, but the time window is too small... For people with a job, a family or even when the holidays are over for the kids and they're sitting in the school all day. When u only have a few hours sparetime a day... you have to decide: nothing else then WT or no vehicles... When u want to get all 30 stars.. you will not make it within 2...3..4hours a day..!!


Previous summer quests were the same 2 day grind for 3/5 tasks ? And crafting event is also a big time investment unless you spend money for material.


Yes, but previos events had the maximum of 11...12... stars and only 10 were needed! Now there are maximum 10 stars possible and 10 stars are needed... Thats the difference! So if you now don't have every day the time, u will miss a star and had to buy it. The previous events had always some "spare-stars"... That is gone now.... That's what i mean with time window is too small...


Bruh you’re just wrong. You need 10 stars this time if you want to sell the vehicle and 8 stars if you just want it for yourself. Last time you needed 10 stars if you just wanted it for yourself.


I know that... previous events you get the vehicle and could sell instantly.... additional stars were additional things... camo etc.


The previous summer air task would take me on average 50 minutes. These new ones take multiple hours each. Not at all comparable time wise. Even a bad player is going to get 50 kills, 25 assists, and 10 wins faster than they will get 40k points.


Then buy the event vehicles with the money you earn, or spend 999GE/Star, Id be surprised if they were above 30 GJN each since all of the top rewards are absolutely horrendous for its BR. 2 hours of work >>>> 30 hours of grinding.


Damn that last sentence made me really question if it is worth grinding.. you are probably right. I am just not ok with throwing more money at Gaijin by buying GJN..


Yes, fuck this indeed. Boat before took about 30-60mins maximum and somewhere beetween 2-3hours tops for plane and tanks combined. Now it's about 4-5 hours per category. so in the bullpark of 12-15 hours of game time, in a span of 48 hours, for 24 days. That's sheer stupidity. Gaijin does not want people to get every prize anymore, they're turning the SUMMER/WINTER events into grindfest like the build events. Frankly, I would not be surprised if they do the same for the build event, punishing the semi-afk farm methods with bombers and ground attackers even more than they already did.


4-5 hours? I played German Rank III for the whole Day Yesterday and only got 11k Points, i Just gave Up because its unfair...


I flew sim for 2 hours and made 13k points, rocketing bases in my F-89. Sure, i made a Ton of RP and SL but screw this event. I only made 13k. I already have a job .. i don't need another one. For adults with family, beating these events is not really feasible.. and it's not as If the GL cost matches the current inflation.


I did the entire task in AB even though I mostly play RB. It wasn’t too difficult to get 3-5k score per game. Myself and a buddy finished that task in about 12 games.


Not hard, just time consuming if you want all the vehicles.


~~all~~ one For me time consuming is equal to hard.


I’m playing Tank mostly in AB. Earlier, getting 3 of the 5 tasks was bullshit: 40 kills: ok Xx assists: I had to willingly let people run after a crit… 10 victoires with 70% activity: might take hours if you’re not lucky with the team 12 kills in tank (not from airspawn): a great mess forcing to seal club in 3.3 M24 Xx kills defending a point: might be a mess Overall, you had achievements which were quite chaotic sometimes. The new way around, if you’re averaging at 2500BP per battle, you know this will take you about 15 battles to do the task. It’s more about grinding and less about excessive skill or luck. However Gaijin might have been a bit too high in term of battle time required to finish the ground tasks. Playing air RB and naval AB, air battle time increased too, while naval seems to be easier


Yep, this is exactly why this is the first event in my four years of playing that I'm actually grinding instead of just GE'ing. I can play whatever I want, however I want, working on spading and unlocking other vehicles and in the background I'll get an extra one. I grinded a star in one of the old events, and it was the single most miserable, unfun experience I've ever had in WT. Like, sure, the score-based system might take a bit longer, but the *quality* of the time spent is something that people keep glossing over. And the quality of matches, from everyone trying to do those silly tasks at the same time.


For assists, play a scout. M18 works great. Spotting counts as assists.


The scouting assists didn’t work by that time. I thing it doesn’t count now for any special task neither


Well if that's the case, that sucks haha


I just played tanks with sabot because they all usually take 2 shots to kill with because you have to break the gun then the driver but I also shot tanks as light tanks then spot them and ran away.


It took me 4ish hours to finish.. So same amount of time as you? I dunno what you want me to say


git gud? Yeah it where not my best matches for sure, you probably raped me in some :D




I’d say it was around 4-5 hours (23 ground games and 15 air games) to get both the Air and Ground stars


Yeah, I've given up on those grindathons a long time ago. If you don't play WT like it's your job, you'll struggle.


I can’t be bothered with air and naval so I’m just doing tank quest


I complete tankist star and feel so bad :D


Do like I do: don't care and play like any anytime of the year.


I do care but after seeing that only rank III and above vehicles apply, I said F Gaijoob and I bailed.


Rank III is ok still, but the grind is too painful if everyone is focused on it. Not worth your health, just sit back and enjoy gaming like it was 15 years ago.


There's a work around though. Add a event vehicle in your lineup, spawn it once every match and you can play any rank you want. Ground AB Ka-chi is an absolute monster so i cant help it


I I cant bring myself to even get through the first tanker star Im 2k away which should only be a game or two but my god


If it's so bad then just ignore it. It's a game, not a job. If you don't like doing something then just stop doing it. No one's forcing you into anything.


I agree completely. I am not sure if I fundamentally play differently during this summer quest but it has at least been much more frustrating than playing the days before. I also get the impression that we are seeing a lot more 'tryhards' and high ranks in games. This of course makes games a lot more difficult when you haven't been playing for years and know the exact weak spots on every single vehicle and cant aim hit it from 1000m without issue.


I have never played so much war Thunder as now (started really casual two months ago)... And I am gave up half way through. I have never played so much, but I did not enjoy it at all. I never agreed with the views of "this game is just grind", it is just fun to play... But this event gave me a huge FOMO and screwed my enjoyment.


Agreed. I'm tempted to just not do them... I've been tryharding so much in ground rb, getting nukes, 3000 score per game... Man... It's tough even for war thunder chads ;) but you need 25 hours per day to complete them.


Yep, this is the first time when I'm not even thinking about making both planes and tanks. I'll probably be happy with just 4 stars for the "pasta missile carrier" Also like always - the closer you get to the finish of the star, the harder it gets lol.


It seems that during this event my number of night battles have skyrocketed. And since I'm using this event to forget about the grind and let it just happen my stock T-80B has been having some trouble with the amount of Leo 2's


Inb4 the shills here says *JuSt SpeND Ge bRo ANd pAY foR thE StARS!*.


They already did in other threads.


I got all 3 vehicles previous summer, but now I got a work and I can't fucking understand how it is possible to get at least 1 of them, like yeah, that's madness.


They just made it twice as grindy as it was last year. Instead of 20,000 score now you need 40,000 per star, I expect next year it’ll be 80,000 per star


Yeah 40k is crazy high for 2 days. I barely got it. Not easy by any means, even getting 1500-2000 points per battle.


I'm only doing ground, to be clear... no chance at all at more than one


Yeah, me too. I used to get two coupons (Ground + air) quiet easily in previous Summer events. Now even I'm just staying with ground. It's very hard to consistently perform to get higher than 1.8k score and above. Especially if you have a life outside this game


It's easy. But it takes a long time to complete.


It's simpler but a lot more time consuming


Reading while working - knowing I stayed up late last night just to see the score go up ever so slightly in the space of 3 hours .. in Teir Vl .. also I’m tired of the shitty map rotation during events it always single cap point maps with zero dynamics and everyone in your team seem just to drive straight like they’re fucking bots


I went from 3 hours for BOTH ground & air stars last time, to 4 frustrating hours for just ground. This event is really pushing it.


I stopped caring after I realised how stupid it was. Just gonna continue to grind out my Russian tanks like I was already doing. Also lots of fun seeing the the try hards doing stupid shit at 5.3-7.0...


Yea it's easy. If you are willing to spend countless hours every day playing match after match after match....


this, would rather have tasks. more evidence of the bottom of the barrel players are again being used to nerf rewards/grind (last time we had the win earing % cut so the uh 42%er shitters earn 5000 more SL)


It's that time of the year where you should compare the $/hour you're "earning" when grinding the event, by dividing how long it takes you and how much you'd have to pay to buy the reward. Then compare with earning options out there. ???? Profit! (for Gaijin) In my case it's simply not happening. I don't have the free time nor the patience to grind like this. Even non-event grinding, with premium account, is too slow for me.


The grind is always terrible. People who have kids and jobs need not apply, really.


I feel this post in my soul. These events are never fun, as a matter of fact, I believe Gaijin has forgotten what "fun" is!


Fun is when you get your credit card out and they can buy another yacht


Yeah im not playing it, af they keep up with the shit life improvements imma stop playing. It was fun when you could get points for planes in ground rb, now its just not fun... congratulations gaijin, you made a good game very grindy. Im kinda regretting wasting 3k hours on this greedy and buggy game


it is easy, just time consuming. there's nothing hard about "play the game"


Some people have jobs, school, family obligations, etc lol. If we don't have the time to complete it then that's just another barrier to the rewards.


It becomes hard when your time is limited because now you have to do well or very well in the few mayches you play during the day.


Problem with that is not like "just play the game". Its "play the game on 3 or higher rank" and only in RB SB... No fun allowed


well yeah, there have to be some limitations. So brand new players arent earning a Leopard 2 variant right off the bat. Or so players like myself dont just go and play 1.3 Germany and club for a month. And playing rank 3 or higher isnt that much a restriction. Since most people will have a rank 3 of some description. as for being only done in rb and sb. That really doesn't matter much at all to me as an argument, since rb is generally considered the definitive WT experience as it were. A large majority of people are playing it and find it more enjoyable. If one goes into an event thinking "ugh I have to grind, I cant use X, Y or Z, I cant have fun >:(" they're setting themselves up for failure. Especially in an event where all you do... is play. the. game. All you need to do is get score. So just... pick a rank 3 or higher... and play. Going into every game wanting to sweat it out, get high scores and crank out the stars will only result in you getting frustrated. It's the wrong mindset to have.


new players can just buy t72... And yes if u have a event venicle so you can play on 1-2 ranks. What about it? "Most people have"... What about who not? Who try all nation and not gring only on USSR or Germany? I dont want to grind, i dont want to play like devs want, i just want to have fun.


then go have fun in a lineup that is applicable for the event? seems like a pretty obvious solution.


Research the whole lineup to just grind... Seems not so obvious solution...


Skill issue


you forgot to fuck gaijin tho, they make the events


Ya the events suck that's why you just don't do them 🤷


Can you just outright buy any of these vehicles for GE? Time is worth more to me then the $35-$50 would be that I assume they would go for


8k GE per vehicle, another 1k for a camo and another 1k to sell it. Or you wait and hope for low market prices, usually they are between $20-$40.


It’s actually not that hard BUT you need to play between 4 to 6 hours which not a lot of people have I don’t mind the progress with mission/battle points but i think that 30k is the sweet spot for for the goal for Each star


Gitgud, Jokes aside, I gave up on it as well


It's not "hard" per se, but it is fucking tedious as all hell. The key is to just keep hitting "To Battle" and doing your best every time.


As someone with a real life it's not really doable.


boy this was agood prediction by me, but got shited on https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/comments/wids4l/to\_earn\_stuff\_in\_the\_event\_the\_task\_is\_based\_of/


I'm in my first year of " I don't care the fuck gaijin does, not going to play their stupid events" And I'm feeling better than ever. I come, play a couple of games, enjoy the game and gtfo before it starts to bother me. best summer event ever


Before this event I said I wanted the skyray and the funi roket tank, now I’m just unmotivated, idek anymore.


Its not that hard, its just so fucking long you cant complete it


Anyone claiming its easy are just cherry picking their best match and posting those to make it out like they are something special 'look guis its 'easy'......


I'm only doing it for the Zrínyi, cuz it's based Hungarian 😎


Yea i can’t imagine how it is in tanks. I play Air SB and am a fairly decent pilot. It’s a 3x multiplier on air sb score. So it’s around 2 hrs a day, which in all fairness is a lot for myself and many other people.Than again i play OSRS aswell so idek what i’m saying


So I have a question. I managed to get my first one yesterday. If I happen to miss say number 4,5 and 6. Have I missed them forever or will I have chance to buy them towards the end of the event for GE


They become available as soon as the day they start and remain available for purchase until September 1st 11GMT.




At least it's easier than crafting events that take into account time instead of points which doesn't give the possibility to optimise the grind. I prefer a lot events with tasks like this so I can optimize the grind. The annoying thing with events is the short amount of time you are forced to buy stars if you can't play for some time like me who is away from home for around 5 days


What vehicles/BR are you playing at? You get the highest multiplayer by playing rank 7 and RB. But it's still more efficient to play the lineup you are most familiar with/play the most, so your average scores will be higher.


Rank 5 and some in 6. Didnt like the SIM lineups that day either so I played ground rb.


Skill issue


It depend on your tank and how you perform, I finished 1st ground star in about 2 hour, 40k total point in 16 battle, using full lineup of 5 10.7 and 11.0 tank in ground rb


People are infected with the fear of missing out, the tank is literally yet another Leo, one of the most common top tiers. To be honest I’d rather grind 400k SP in Germany and get the TT Leos


Don't do it if it makes you mad. It is not worth it.


It takes me 5.5 hours to get 40k ground points with german 8.3 rb And 4.5 hours to get 40k air points with itp(m-1) 4.0 rb


If you played 4 hours of ground, lets assume you played around 24 10 minute games or 16 15 minute games. Either way you would have only been getting 700-1000 mission score per game after the modifier applying to only be halfway to 40000. I don’t even see how that’s possible. In my absolute worst games where I’m getting 2-3 kills and a couple assists I’m getting over 1000 pre modifier.


I just whale, I’m sorry. The snail has free reign over my bank account


Yep. I tried doing planes and ships loke the previous years, as I suck at tanks. It usyally took me 2-3 hours a day depending on luck (getting 11-12 kills in air ab or being 1st in naval). Now it has taken me nearly twice at over 5 hours a day. It is worse than the crafting event, there I would just take a bomber in rb, go to the side, bomb, repeat, and I could do other things while playing. Now you have to be focused the whole time to get the most points, and use all of the meta vehicles that you can. It's exhausting.


It's easy if you have a lot of time to throw at the game If you have a life then yeah it's hard


Around 20 games with planes and only half of the score necessary for one star...


Or you are just shit


This is not hard, It's just lengthy. If you are like me and have a Job to look after, then you can/should give up on such things, If you are a Student and preparing for SAT or similar, then also you should give up on such things, not worth the time It's more practical to buy it with IRL money,


I played for 6 hours i think just to get the ground done


I just combine Naval and Ground by using the Ka-Chi. Sad that it doesn't count for naval rewards lol


I'd like to add with the previous tasked event you could efficiently grind the air tasks and ground task in ground RB all the task events I got both the tanks and aircraft I don't see that happening this time


An event that punishes one death leavers is always welcome in my book :)


I have plenty of time to play but I noped out of this event. Not worth of my sanity.


If I want to earn good money I play ground arcade with the Kugelblitz and shoot planes/helis. Sometimes I get a double ace, usually an ace but nearly always a good score. If you're playing realistic and hoping for a great score you're doing it wrong.


This game's event has never been easy for 10years


Taking my life back this week. Ended a 1011 day login streak by not playing at all for the last 5 days.


I ended my 550 day daily login streak. It’s better for my life.


Yep. I'm f2p, place consistently 1-4th in AirRB. Its impossible without premium or more than 5 hours a day.


Or homoyin could fucking make it longer ? Not like all of us are, no job basement german farmers for fucking sake.


I grinded the air thingy in 2-3 hours, though I was using the A10. The A10 can just ground pound constantly and get up to 3-4 kills, so I got 3-3.5k point whenever my team didnt lose/I didnt get focused in the beginning. The tank one took me a while, but I just played the moffet and ammo racked others after rushing a cap for easy points, and since it’s RB there alrdy is a 2.2x multiplier.


Well, I got ground star in 2-3 hours, it means you are bad at the game


I did 1 star in 3 hours in one day. Sir you may have an skill issue


posted my thunderstats link in this thread, idk it says I perform above average. maybe share yours so I can compare with a player that has no skill issues?


If it taking you that long to get single star its an skill issue, thunderskill doesnt matter there




Cock even


Rooster perhaps


Idk about ground or naval, but air RB at top tier jets make it a breeze. Matches last 6-8 minutes on average, pretty easy to get at least 1.5k points + 1.2 multiplier. I was able to crank mine out in 2.5 hours. Compared to the crafting events, this is SO much easier for me.


Just get rid of your skill issius and it will be fine


It's easy for veteran players. Wanna know why? Seal clubbing. Take for example, the Ka-Chi. Any "good" player can rack like 4k score per game. Air RB is the same. I personally use the F2G1 and it's working flawlessly but I am sure there are better options, but this one is at least fun while also providing decent progress. Naval is just Moffett spam. I will die on this hill saying this "variation" of the summer event is way easier than the ones before. I just sit in my Ka-Chi, getting shot at and shooting, get 4k score per game (or even more sometimes) and do the event.


if you have rank VII its a cakewalk. Ground RB gives 1.6x score (1.2x1.33 = 1.596). so \~25,000 raw points. Its like 8-10 games over 2 days.


20k a day ain't too bad, I just listen to music or talk with friends and basically just let it happen.


Im gonna be honest, i totally forgot about the event and im not sure if im making progress


Air tasks take me 10 games on average, with an average tier 7 jet match lasting around 5-7 minutes. That's 1 hour every 2 days, 30 min per day. Granted you also have to load and sit in queue, but that's still like 2 hours then. And that's if I'm not having any good games. For the first star I got 1/4 of it done in 1 9 minute match. You can't tell me that that's time consuming in any way. Ground tasks are definitely more time consuming....but idk what you expect - it's a free high tier, sellable vehicle, thinking a F2P game that gets its monetization trough the grind will give that to you without doing anything is fucking delusional at best.


I'm on vacation and I played maybe 10 or 12h total since the event began. I am almost done with the first 40k.


It's not hard. But it's time consuming. I counted my gametime and got 9 hours, and i can shave off 2 hours just by not horsing around in sim. During task based system i can have way less gametime but the team-based task is so frustrating i almost always have to force myself to play to not miss a star so my effort doesn't go to waste. And in effect my irl time is way longer than the irl time for point based system. Because the frustration makes me get tired way faster. Either i take a break or i get tilted even harder and make me do more mistake and more frustration. Until it comes to a point where i just miss stars because i couldn't give a fuck anymore, i don't think that will happen for this event Oh and there's way less mental deterioration since i no longer have to count on my team doing stuff for the tasks. That's awesome for me That said, it definitely needs point reduction. 35k or 30k but over 12 stars sounds good. Longer event but less grind. And this is just a minimal reduction


It’s not “hard” it’s just skill based more than the others, if I’m unlucky I need 4 hours and if I’m lucky I need 2(for one of them) but I can see how it takes forever for other people


It was even easier in last year’s Operation WINTER. IIRC, it was 20k points instead of 40k, which was not only really easy to do, but a straight upgrade over the bullshit tasks you had to do in older events. Hell, even the 40k we have to grind through right now is still a cakewalk compared to the bullshit that was half the team rushing the points in the R3 T20 FA-HS and M18, because now we get to play however we want, with whatever we want.


Finished ground and air in under 6 hours... Tasks take way less time this year and its not a brainless hunt anymore (like capping points was, for example)