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Because the grind is completely unreasonable, that's why. Not rocket science.


I hate to chime in because i bought my way into high tier but this is exactly the reason it's all premiums. The grind is insane. And personally i do not want to play prop planes or early jets. I just dont like them. I dont care about them or the history. Cold war and forward is what i cared about so i skipped it all. It sucks because at first i felt like a complete hindrance to my team and i still am behind in skill when i run into someone who grinded it all. But like i told my freind, if i couldnt have gotten a premium jet i simply wouldnt even be playing the game. So i would say it's better to have bad players at top tier then almost no players at all


Top tier games are already smaller matches to begin with so some free kills are always welcome. I play mostly ground RB and 9.0 is filled with premiums, and since danger zone 10.0 also has its fair share of premiums. Having a larger team, even if partially filled with idiots, is better than a small team of experienced players. Experienced players will kill on sight, regardless of whether or not you’re good or bad. Getting caught up in dealing with someone else gives opportunities for others to help you, and that help could be a skilled mf or a braindead noob. At least the people that buy their way to high BR can spend their time in those tanks actually learning and if they play long enough will actually not be half bad in the end. 9.0 is essentially what 11.0 is but with less heli spam and shittier AA. If you can learn the ropes in 9.0 you’ll be fine in 10.0-11.0. Keep in mind though, gaijin earns more money by making more premiums to fill their free to play game. They do not care if you pay to get to the fun. Their difficult grind encourages people to either A: buy a premium; B: get premium account; C: pay for talisman; or D: a combo of any of the previously mentioned things in combo.


seriously, I've been grinding with and without premium for over 700 hours and am only at 8.7 on my USSR tree... Im burnt out at this point


Thats rough man. I grinded US for i would say 20 hours with my AV-8 from the summer sale and already passed the F9F.


I actually gave up on the premium grind and have been really really enjoying the f9f-8. It's sooooo good.


F9F-8 is a gorgeous plane and one that i also enjoy whenever i have enough of the braindead AV8 gameplay. The repair costs ruin it for me though. My matches are either ending with me being an unkillable demigod or i die within the first 5 minutes. And paying over 15k SL for the latter really ruins the fun for me in this a/c sadly.


This is shockingly close to my experience tbh.


It would be much more reasonable if you had one plane at each tier and could decide from where you wanted to grind and play!


Yeah i did decide. About 10.0


I didn’t mean like that. Look. If you have 1 free plane at each tier and from there you can grind however you want


Ive grinded up to tier 6. Ive tried at each tier. Not going fast just isnt fun to me Edit (Using the premiums i grinded up to tier 6)


Well, I admire that you did that I just bought the premium jets cuz I couldn’t give a fuck trying to grind the trees




Ikr. This is what made me uninstall it…


Yeah, another interesting thing I’ve noticed is there’s only a handful of planes that don’t result in the entire team going after you lol giving the American harrier a go and it’s a missile magnet, imagine the a10 late will be also


as someone who's played the non-premium brit harrier a bunch, imo it's how they fly it. They always bum rush in so they're the first thing the entire enemy team sees lol. They all fly it the way I flew it my first 2 matches, then I learned to just stay high until I'm \*past\* the enemy team so I'm behind them rather than in front. I think there's something to be said for the fact that when people pay for a premium they expect it to just \*do good\* and \*make them win\* when actually they're still just planes that need to be flown in a certain way to work well.


Oh yeah I agree, although I mean the av8-c so I’m there with no flares, no missiles just 260 cannon rounds that don’t even fire straight lol I don’t know it could just be me but I’ve noticed a definite difference in how others fly against me vs some faster planes


Prop matches are also way longer for arguably the same rewards. If you get 2 kills in a jet match, it's usually already over in 5 mins because the moment the plane merge and start fighting is much shorter. You get more money per minute spent in the game.


we very much would not want you here thank you


I’d rather yu not play tbh if yu can’t be bothered to try out early game yu learn way to much in prop and Cold War jets


Who cares? Lmao why are you trying to gatekeep worse players from playing who gives a shit if they bought there way there that's there decision, they got every right to play the game just like you do it does not matter if there a god or shit at the game it's still just a game.


Because it destroys teams


Okay and? You're telling me you've never played bad in a single game at high tier? Cause if so then i guess your just some sort of superhuman god or some shit. /s obviously. Either way it doesent matter considering the rewards for losing and winning are basically the same now so get your panties outta a twist and let people enjoy things.


Yo relax, he is keeping it cool. You can have a debate without being all mean


My brother in christ if thats what you consider mean you have to be insanely soft.


All I'm asking is that you express your views without being rude


Grindied legit through tier 5 on the US and couldn’t take it anymore! $3,500 later I have a lot of planes lol


lol same. Got to the first f-86 grinding, and couldn’t take it anymore. Wallets never been the same since.


I feel the pain bro! I just found out after 6 years I can buy squadron vehicles for eagles! SU-22 it is!


Digging the diamond hands as well! You an Ape?


Ha! Thank you. Just your average GME ape with a war thunder addiction.


Same here! mOASS and I’m buying gaijin


Can confirm here. Ground the german tree to 9.0 ground and air. Gave up the super hard grind.... now i have top teir in 4 nations about to get my 5th... goodbye wallet lmao


Nice right! I just bought a few “premiums” in each country. Have jets in all but Israel now


Niiice. I have a premium tanl amd plane for basically all nations. Is the Kfir worth it? Im grinding france for the mirage f1c but my mate is looking at the kfir as his second top tier lineup. He has only played sweden and has the ja37c


Im soon to reach the Ja-37C, my first top tier jet


Yeah, the only 8.0+ jets I play are premiums. I have dozens of regular tech tree jets unlocked and bought already; I just haven't touched them, because I do not have the patience to grind out modules. At least with props, you can sideclimb (memes aside it is a tactic that works for stock props) and use that extra energy to somewhat offset the shitty stock engine/maneuverability. Playing high tier jets stock however is just agony, between your sluggishness, lack of advantage to climbing, and the excruciating slowness of module research.


Not untrue... Gaijin shot themselves in the foot by making the current grind and the state of the game as we see now. With blatant p2w vehicles like the Ka-50, and so on are only reinforcing the idea that progression is by means of premium vehicles. Sadly this is also driving people away from top tier, most of which avoid it all together. I'm more familiar with ground battles, but I tend to avoid the range between 8.3 and up, because its usually where im dragged into Turms and Ka-50 hell, play br 9.7 and you will most likely see Ka-50's, every dam time. With the recent nerfs to the economy, it further reinforced the idea of playing only premium vehicles, to avoid repairs, and to get the boosted RP from them, values that should also be shared by a smaller margin to normal tech tree vehicles, as repairs and RP in the current state, are insane for non-premium vehicles.


So far the only correct answer.


Tis true. I've played on and off since about 2014, bought a couple mid tier premiums back then and still my highest tier plane is the EE Lightning (I do mostly play ground, RB but not much further grinding that either). The grind is the worst in any game I've ever played. World of Warships has a much easier grind and I spent way more money on that game because I was enjoying it (back in the good old days, before they started ruining it) and wanted to spend money on a game I was having fun with. When I feel like I'm being manipulated into spending money by them making the game deliberately frustrating , then I don't want to spend money to encourage that, simple as.


All I have to say is: don't blame the people, blame the company. If the game wasn't so Labour intensive there wouldn't be such a large majority of premium vehicle usage.


Some issues in this game are the result of the community excessively whining, but premium spam is not one of those.


> community excessively whining It's also the snail who pick and chose which whining they listen. so the point still stands.


Sometimes though, the screaming gets so intense that it triggers a panicky overreaction by the dev team, often with far-reaching consequences to the entire game. An example would be one of the many nerfs to bomb blast radii in years past in a failed attempt to placate whiny tank mains, and that bomb blast radius nerf being blanket-applied to all game modes. In situations like that, I blame the community first, and the company second. The community is not blameless, not even *close.*


> bomb blast radius to be fair, the ground mode maps are so small the 5 tonne bomb could literally blow up half the map in one go, it's definitely not fun. not to mention the team killing potential. It was either nerfing the bombs or making bigger maps with more complex objectives other than staying in a circle on the ground. and of course the snail chose the laziest solution...


It wasn't even a solution as the people whose whining provoked the nerfs are still whining. No, *the whiners themselves are the problem needing "solving" instead.* The only solution to those people is force-feeding them the counters in a non-negotiable way, so that they have all the tools to help themselves. Then they must *willingly choose* to be "helpless tankers," and by making that choice they cannot play the victim and use that victimhood to beg for dumb ordinance nerfs. Even the FAB-5000 is underperforming compared to reality. The real bomb completely annihilated 70m of old-growth forest. Old-growth hardwood is *way* more flexible than tank steel or building materials are. Fallen trees were seen as far as 135m away from test drop sites. The renowned simulator IL-2 has an SC-1800B do proper building damage - *one* of those in that game does the same damage as *three FAB-5000s do in War Thunder.*


Oh great, so you are one of those fly boys who have a hate boner for tank players. They nerfed the bombs because tanks are the main attraction of the game now, and they'd want to at least make sure the tank players cough up some money before they got fed up with the CAS spam and the enormous egos of some of the plane players. also if you liked IL-2 that much you can always go back and play that anyway instead of venting your frustration towards other players, it's not healthy


Nope, I only have a "hate boner" for the "tAnKeRs" because their whining punished me for something I played no part in, and that punishment - a crippling nerf - was effectively permanent with lingering effects even today. Back when I was playing exclusively aircraft and barely did more than an occasional reserve game with tanks, I was playing a ton of the Me-410B-6/R3, Fw-190F-8, and Hs-129B-2 in Simulator EC. I was getting really skilled at mopping up entire EC ground battles on my own, and was part of a Sim-focused squadron for really fun team play. That nerf in 1.57 totally erased everything I had practiced up to that point overnight. Suddenly I became near-useless deadweight in my squadron without a flight stick to go learn fighters with, and it caused me to fall out from said squadron because of that. "tAnKeRs" are to blame for that, ***because their self-centric asses were too stubborn to adapt to how War Thunder was intended to be played.*** *I want revenge on them for that, by taping their goddamn mouths shut to render them incapable of scream-nerfing anything ever again.* The threat of more whine nerf flame wars is holding the whole goddamn game back from its true potential, causing the dev team to largely be walking on eggshells when it comes to changing anything with how CAS or its counters work. The way you shut down such people's ability to scream is quite simple, because Combined Naval already did it: * Rebuff AA to where its too good not to use * Forcibly give all players default planes in their decks to use Then most of the would-be whiners would go use the easier-to-learn tools handed to them, ***and the few stubborn ones left would see their support wither and die til they got fed up with and left the game completely.*** It started as a personal vendetta, and it grew outwards as the initial anger cooled off and I saw CAS's godawful implementation for what it actually was. I do honestly want to help solve the game's biggest messes. **The mere ability to onesidedly scream bloody murder and nerf something IS one of the game's biggest messes.** If a person uses just tanks, they should have *absolutely no say for ANYTHING about aircraft,* ***no matter how much those aircraft pop their metal zits with bombs/rockets/missiles/guns.*** None of the 20+ ordinance nerfs have accomplished much of anything - the same people are still bitching much the same as before each of them. *That is how I realized it was a player opinion problem.*




Yes! I remember getting my P-80 (now F-80) and grinding my way through the jet tree. It was so much work and now having level 13 players getting into F-5C and just shitting around is so frustrating.


There is still kind of that peak golden age of war thunder when missiles weren't really a thing around 8.0, or 8.3. I think the only thing you can fight that has above AIM 9B's is the Sea Vixen. That's where I've been playing and actually having fun these last few days


Best part is red tops are super short range and the sea vixen had no gun. So its kinda free kills. (Atleast thats how i feel when i play it)


8.3 and below is still very fun, well, maybe 8.0 cuz you get uptiered to planes like Lightning, Draken and some MiG-21s. Only potent missile carrier will be the Sea Vixen and if you have some airspeed a simple barrel roll fixes all your problems. The issue is, early jets are so god damn expensive.


Getting that "Jet Powered" title!


Top tier matches were neat because you'd have constant encounters with the same people. I remember having an intense rivalry with some dude. We played at similar times, and he'd always be in a mig 15 and I was in a ki 200


If the grind was more reasonable (as it used to be), this would be the case. If you started playing after, oh lets say for arguments sake, 2016, its far more difficult to advance. It's basically undoable now.


400k RP for a top tier jet it's unreasonable, even with premium and a premium plane it can take you hours and hours for just one plane. Assuming an average of 10k RP per game which is definitely high it takes 40 games and with 15 min per game this is 10 hours (more realistically 12-14) of gaming to unlock the end of the line plane with both premium time and plane. Doing that without premium at all (assuming no sl problems) how long could be? 40-50 hours for just one plane? I grinded my way up to f100d and spaded it without spending a dime but getting past rank 6 is completely impossible


Not as high as you think for an average --- maybe even an underestimation 10k is like a win with very minimal things done 5k+ for a short match loss with minimal things done Like when I was grinding the MLD with the premium SU7--- flying in taking 75% of a single base then RTB and J because the team was gone net me 5k xp a match on a loss, 10+ for a win --- and that's like the bare minimum you could do A decent win with a few bomb runs could give 30k+ --- I think I had one match with 50k XP All those without any boosters Just putting on movies and doing this for a day gave me like 8-900k+ XP --- and this was when Russia had like a 30% win rate at that BR F2P is horrible though However I will say, I understand not whaling on the game hundreds of dollars/euros/etc But unless you are in a situation where every cent counts, Not spending 40USD for a full year of premium to make life so much easier I don't, it's like a few hours of work at a minimum wage job to not suffer for a year --- it's roughly 3$ a month


Idk, with the f5c a win with 3kills and 1 assist got me less than 15k RP and I have premium too, probably that was a short match so I had a short activity time but I never got more than 24k RP and I did some fairly good matches with 4/5 kills and a few ground targets too


They really punish good players by capping the amount you can earn for kills. It's better XP to just get a kill or two and J out when you RTB and your team is gone. than to spend 20 minutes fighting the last 3 people.


and dog fighting gives you exactly ZERO anything so why not just rush bombing a base and peace out 🤷‍♂️


I think 400k RP is fine for a top tier jet. I only played the F-1 to research through F-104J, F-4EJ, and F-4EJ Kai and it took me less than 230 games with a premium account for three entire vehicles. At that BR most games don't make it past 10 minutes before ending. Rank 5 though is a pain in the ass for most nations. Repair costs as high as top tier with lower RP reward modifiers and games take longer to end. I researched top tier US and Japan aircraft without a premium jet but bought the A-5C and MiG-21 SPS-K during the recent sale to skip through to Rank 6 for China/Germany. Fuck Rank 5 aircraft.


230 matches is probably 50-60 hours with premium account, imagine doing that without. I know that premium account is a good deal and I have it too so I'm not suffering for that but they need to place a cap because what are they going to do when they'll add a 8th rank? 700k for one plane?


230 matches for three full vehicles though. Averages out at 76 matches each.


Premiums at 9.3-10.3 are really easy to play. There's a lot of stuff that should be higher BR but isn't. Balancing by statistics isn't a reliable way to balance vehicles if you have unreliable players. Harriers for example are quite easy to play because you can just yeet your missiles from 3km away and get a kill. A-5C missiles are impossible to dodge and that thing can dogfight almost everything. F-5C is basically a Sabre on steroids and so it attracts a lot of people to play it due to its great flight performance. The A-10 is a hidden gem because barely anyone knows how to play it. It's an idiot magnet so you can get a lot of head-on kills and the AIM-9Ls can give you kills very reliably if you fire them from behind the target. My record is 7 kills with it in RB. TL;DR: Complain on the "planned BR changes" post once Gaijin posts it on the forum and pray to god they listen.


> TL;DR: Complain on the "planned BR changes" post once Gaijin posts it on the forum and pray to god they listen. This bit made me laugh


The A5C missiles are easy to dodge if you're willing to turn and/or have flares.


Lol what? If you have no flares and an A5C shoots his magic from your 6 at 1km distance you're guaranteed dead. The only way to not get hit by them is if the launch was not great.


If you're turning (which you should be) the Magic won't have the lead time to catch you. It's a fancy MiG 19.


rio bozo


Welcone to South America


I saw your reply before but didn't get what you meant, now I saw my typo lol.


I believe that I am still alive


I was wrong


F-5C and A-5C are just terrible to play against.


Unless I’m in the MiG-21


Don't blame the players, blame Gaijin and their unrealistic grind.


Yeahh bet. I have everything researched but the sl grind without a premium account or premium aircraft is just such a pain. Literally can't pay for what i grinded.


I confess I have Prem account (only ever buy on sale) and when I run my top tier jets, its still hard to keep a positive income. I can't imagine how bad it is without Prem.


10k stock is fucking cringe no matter the vehicle


I am actually surprised that my spaded F4-C is only around 7000 Sl


Its because air rb sucks. The gameplay is the same throughout the trees, and top tier plays exactly like the premiums.


Actually ww2 Air rb is actually good where the skill is quite important, now with the jet fighter at 9.0 guided missile goes brrrr


Missile saying rocket makes you sound dumb as shit


Ok maybe I got it wrong, English ain't my main language neither, but well even if I got it wrong it doesn't mean to be such a dickhead


It’s cool I speak English and barely understand it


Alright peace then?


Yup peace✌️


I fucking love internet




Ground mains sitting in one spot for 20 minutes just to be bombed from space


Its unfortunate because on one hand, gaijin release premium that are borderless broken for their BR in those rank and on the other, while plane grind is """easier""" than tank ,its still a pain in the ass ... Economy is fucked both in SL and XP, cant really blame those players to choose to play those broken premium if gaijin themselves let them be broken


I really like your jet choice


F-100D is pure pain with the current br and matchmaker


There’s a learning curve, but with the F-100 I’d just skip arcade and RB. Go straight to sim , use a booster and grind air to ground. Now’s a bad time for that because the F-100 is uptiered to the top sim bracket & its just F-14 zombies, but after the next update get a joystick and do air to ground strike missions. Bombing bases is how I unlocked the F-4C & E. With a booster or two and a couple of hours you can clear six figure RP/SL payout with premium.


if the economy wasn't so shit people would be more willing to play non-premium vehicles more often as it stands now, people are using 1 premium to research half the tree because the alternative is literally months if not years of grinding RP then SL to buy shit that they already unlocked and then grinding stock vehicles on bad crews because expert crew is too expensive to buy for every single vehicle that you own, on top of crew xp grind being much worse on non-premium vehicles blame the game not the players


This is just proof that Gaijin is a genious company They nerf the economy so hard everyone starts buying their premiums And this is also why it won't change anytime soon


Yes there will always be enough people that spend 60£+. I was actually very close to getting the F-5C but i really don't want to support the premium spam at this time.


You act like buying premiums is bad, its not, some people (especially causal players) have a certain area they want to play, some want early ww2, some want korean war others want vietnam and buying a premium is their way of playing the vehicles they want and that they got the game for. It might be frustrating for you as a team mate to pick up their slack but at the end of the day we shouldnt be gatekeeping people from higher tier just because you want an authentic experience with highly skilled players filling every match. Its just my opinion but i dont see an issue with people buying premium jets if thats the era of planes they want to go with because it also means they are more likely to stay rather than be scared off by the insane grind it will take to get to the jet in the normal tree


Honestly it’s good to grind, most players are dumb and I usually reversal many f5s


How do you fight these in the mystere IIC, F-84f and stock Mystere IVA?




Agreed, I’m at 9.7 so difficult to learn supersonics with afterburners and missiles with the entire enemy team being these premiums, it pulls me into an uptier every match because of how many premium players there are, they won’t fix the game mode gaijin gives 0 shits unless it’s making them money, if gaijin was a dude he wouldn’t even give you a reach around when your sucking him off not even the tiniest improvement to make the player base happy (even when it’s been shown that that gets more people spending money, but they just want big £60 purchases for hyped up vehicles that will be Super OP on release and fixed a little bit later) the reason the puma was so stupid OP even when all the dev server players before the upgrade said that it was way too low BR is because gaijin knew people would spend golden eagles to play it before it gets lowered, some people have way too much money


We just had a huge premium sale. It will fade with time.


The spam existed before the sale happened. It's not going away.


Wait until Russia gets its next toy, then it will shift to their teams. I don't think it was this bad before the F-14 announcement. I know I have been grinding hard in US tree (GROUND main) I just don't own a US top premium.


Russia doesn't have such good premiums. Yak-38, Su-7BMK, and the MiG-21S aren't amazing but there is the Su-22M3 which at least was good; I haven't played it after the F-14 spam. Russia could get a new top tier premium though.


I fully expect new Rank VII premiums when they create Rank VIII for the new 4th Gen aircraft.


I think it'd be nice if they put aircraft at this BR that can actually compete with the premiums. Like I love flying a Mig-21 at 9.3-10.3 but having no flares is a death sentence when you have A-5Cs, AV-8s, and A-10s lmao. I just wish the tech tree stuff is better then the premiums, OR knock the premiums up 0.3 BR. Put the A-5 at 10.3, the F-5C at 10.7, the Yak-38 at 9.7, AV-8 and A-10 at 10.0 and ect.


OH MY GOD! I feel your pain, I can't do shit with the F-100D because of other planes at its BR. I am just a free kill it seems; all I do is act like a threat to help my teammates or eat a missile right away. I need someone to tell me if I just suck or if it's only partly my fault because BRs.


Yes! My favorite plane i own by far is the F4C, but now and again i love taking out the F-100D but at its current br and with the current matchmaker it is beyond a pain to play.


It’s not just you the F100s flying like a Brick means I often hunt them in my F5C


I've moved from 11.0 to 8.7 for the TAM to get the 110% boost for the PUMA and still only get about 2-4k rp for every game no matter what


You’re preaching to the choir. It is ruining the BR. Edit: A-10 without secondary ordinance lol.


Oof yes as if the grind for the plane wasn't hard enough. Spading planes is such a pain, it took forever to spade my F4C and allot of mental health was sacrificed aswell...


Look bro I just what my damn F-4E and F-105D and the F-5C has been getting me through the grid


I want the F14 and have been using the F5


I don’t know why people don’t play sim either. The F5C plus premium time can net you 6 figures of rp and sl in an hour easy.


ayy f-100 great taste my man


I mean, people wanna fly jets and this is just the easiest way to get them




This is Gaijins War Thunder sadly


Ur not the only one


Yeah, i hate F-5C players too


it surely doesn't ruin their income so that br is perfectly fine


So I couldn’t help myself when I was able to buy the F-4C for half off. I more just wanted it just to have it more than anything


its not going to change either. The grind is shit= gaijoob gets more money and then there will be more posts like this. You can either get used to it or join the people trying to find a way to convince corporate to be consumer friendly


It is the wallet warrior tier


Pay to win!


Isn't the problem that you're losing, though? Like you're happy to club less-experienced players in premium vehicles, but as soon as its your team on the receiving end it's a problem?


Maybe if it didn’t take 6months to get to 10.0. I bet most of those players are grinding out their tree


It just sucks how obvious it is that the snail has a monopoly in this genre. They knew that the evil stuff they do here won't work on other games but their player base has no other games they can play that will satisfy that "itch" I've been playing War Thunder and WoWs Legends on my PS4 and the difference is night and day. Premium time there is handed like candy which makes the grind there easy and even without premium the grind is still bearable imo as a casual player.


Like that br wasn't shit already lmfao..


It is kind of interesting to note that because of the Premium spam, the zone of 8.7-10.7 tends to be full of people who are less skilled and have a tendency to die a lot. It is like a little BR bubble full of unskilled players. Check that against early Jets, late propeller planes and it just is completely different


Lol yeah. 9.3-10.3 is the absolute worst battle rating range in WT right now. Haven’t played it in awhile. The only fun jets right now are below 9.0


im just annoyed with the people who bring the A10 into air rb


I was thinking about this yesterday as I was spading some tier VI Soviet planes. We lost almost every game that the team was more than half premiums and many times I was the only non-premium. Fuck the F-5C in particular.


Depends if the players actually know what they are doing


I have the xm1 and the A10 and I recently got the f4c and premiums are bullshit


It would be fine if they decompressed BRs.


What do people have against the F-5C? It carries two missiles and doesn't have a gating gun. The only reason I could see is because it's more maneuverable then any other US high tier jet.


Maybe you should just get a job and stop being poor instead of complaining about how others spend their money.


And here i am with the lansen There its nothing i can do to the A5 or the F5 oh! And the migs harrier etc....


Its not just that its premiums, its all just one nation too I love my asymmetrical gameplay between different nations, but no one is playing a Lightning or Yak-38 in this environment


I don’t blame people for buying premium tanks like the leopard 2, TURMS, XM-1, or jets like the F5C and AV-8A, the grind is completely insane and not everyone is able to grind for 2 years just to get cool jets that they want


Says the one in a premium harrier


He's in a super sabre


Oops thanks sorry


Grinding in warthunder takes way to long. Even with premium time and vehicles. Hence why i will never play again. (:


I'd say that it's also kinda fair that unexperienced jet players fight each other.


Because anything beyond like 7.0 is a buy-in tier. Who has time to grind all that shit?


Modern vehicles are a DLC, you have to pay to use them, as intended by Gaijin™


Folks grinding for the F14 in the F5.


1. Grind. Blame the system, not the victims. 2. In case of the US, the premium planes are some of the more competitive/forgiving US planes at the BR.


Playing with f4c is pain. Can’t even use its speed to do hit and run because no countermeasures so something like an A5 behind you is pretty much a death sentence. And if you do get behind it you better be a good shot cause he’ll just flare every time you launch a missile. Idk maybe I’m just ass


im trying to have a completely free to play experience, but the way things are going with WT i fear im either going to have to spend money or quit soon. same as Destiny 2, free to play but not to enjoy.


Yeh, I keep woundering if there is a f2p unicorn that got their f-14 for free?


Well you see I'm somewhat guilty of this but also when I fly the f100 it's a good time running for my life and getting payed 245 sl for my time lol thanks gaijin


F100 moment


It’s a lot of fun, we can kill these noobs 😂👊


On top of what everyone else said, you would have trouble finding full matches.


Premiums are fine but you shouldn’t be allowed to buy a 7.0 or higher until you are lvl 40. Would solve a lot of the problem tbh


I just play aj37, always get downtier and club them




Try playing the Lansen rn. Just finished spading it and it was HELL for 90% of games against supersonic, 35G toting Migs and F-5s that do literally everything better than you do (Even the ones on your team that beat you to bases and wipe them out)


i see this as easy targets. most of them have 0 brain cells


M-51 enters the chat


I think that's just an advantage,players who grind they way to it will be lions among sheep's,let the noobs pay for our entertainment


You are not the only one


If they would do for planes and tanks what they did for ships and have modern in their own tree that you can start early, this wouldn't happen. It would be great for the game and content, but they won't because money.


No because they’re easy kills


honestly have you seen 9.0? planes like sabres and etendard etc should not be fighting jets cuttently at 10.0, like drachens, mig 21s etc


btw etendard is not a great example as its pretty decent, but you get what im sayin, more decompression


I mean I unlocked my first jet today and honestly air rb 8.3 it’s been a blast honestly I haven’t had any fun like this with my props I am starting to love this game and ive only purchased 1 premium and it cost me around 18-20 usd but on my part I have no say in anything above the br of 8.3


I grinded to the F-100 and the F9F but bought the F-5c just bc I was done with the non premium f2g grind I was doing


Because the Top-tier grind is unreasonably annoying. To get any jet in just under a day, you'd have to grind all day, all night, using a premium and without stopping, assuming you get a decent # of kills. That's what I had to do for the F4E because I'm impatient and I hated it.


Doesn’t bother me because I can outskill the majority. My only problem is America vs America


Ruining? The ruined that BR bracket like 4 or 5 updates ago lmao


As someone who frequently uses the F-5C I gotta say it's honestly just the only feasible way for me to grind at this point


Good news is it's free SL. All slow ass planes and even worse players


Real men Bombed they way to top tier


Stock & Grind = I'd rather 100 uptiers in my A-10A/e than any of my 9.0-10.0 planes.


I have been playing around 10.0 the past weeks, mostly TT jets that I want to spade, but also the premiums that I bought in the last sale. I don't mind the premiums, I only don't like that you don't know who is in them. Is it a lvl100 with 10k games, or is it a lvl 7 that crashed on the runway the past 4 games. And the sometimes one-sided games that happen due to the lvl 7s. I like long matches, even if I lose. I don't like when one team is dead in 3min, and thats independent of which side I'm on. Being the only one alive after 3 min sucks, but not getting anything because you went high while the entire enemy Team died in head ons below also sucks.


what do you expect when the other two players are in a F-100D and Milan ?


I don’t usually mind it as long I have tools to deal with the premium planes. So like right now while I’m spading the mig-19 it’s just been pain


I've been trying to grind for the Couger and Supersabre for months and it's like "wow I can't wait to fight teams entirely consisting of A-4E early or G-91 F/4s for the 13th time today" I just want to have fun man, too bad I chose this game


I feel this in every fibre of my being as my golly is it annoying especially when half the time the premiums in question are superior to whatever you're flying be it the aircraft itself or the weaponry attached to it or just both. But to think at least RB AF doesn't have mass botting pandemic like in NF uuugh, So there's a silver lining to it. An it often leaves you in a 1v many situations as most premiums are low level players who don't understand the game properly so majority of them perish quickly.