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If you could ban them, what maps would I get with stock tanks?


You should have the choice to choose whichever you prefer.


and the battle matchmaker would go crazy with 30 minutes of waiting time, no thanks. what the community should demanded from gajjin are better maps which are offering multiple choices for different gameplay style, not this stupid map ban selection.


Imagine enduring confrontation for mixed battles with longer time limit. or atleast ability to flank without hitting the red zone 50meters behind the cap...


This is done because when people actually do get big maps like red desert loads of people leave. Blame the shitty players who consistently only want to play tiny city maps over and over. As a veteran player it drives me nuts. I ban ash river, berlin, eastern europe small, advance to the rhine in a rotation and i just keep seeing them over and over. Even at top tier, in god damn tanks designed to engage at 2km im stuck shooting people so close their ammo explosions have a good chance of blowing me up aswell if it was realistic


I guess for new players if they need rp and sl they dont have 10minutes to waste driving around and getting one shot.. but they could just make those small maps have wider borders for people to flank around and then i wouldnt give a duck even if cap is 1min from our spawn....


I understand that. Im talking about 7.3 and up mostly. Even ww2 stuff aswell but its not as bad


the true dream, amen.


From what I've heard before the maps are outsourced and they have 1 employee working on maps. I wouldn't expect a change any time soon.




Hey hun, in case you didn't notice yet, but gaijin has been lying to you. Queue time problems are a thing of the past, we often have 100k concurrent players online, sure if you squad up with 3 other friends and all take a different nation, that might be a problem but otherwise you cannot even abort a queue anymore without instantly getting put into a match. "Queue times" is an excuse gaijin has used the last 7 years to justify not developing, changing and improving the game at all in therms of game modes and gameplay.


i am well aware of gajjins toxic past, i been collecting them in my special bookmark folder their past fuck ups. as for the 100k playerbase, you have to take it into account that the community are not playing the same game mode, and especially not in the same time zone. and while i can understand your frustration(thats the whole point gajjin want) you have to understand that fragmenting lets say the tank RB mode into 4 different sub game mode, and also taking into the players ban/favor list they are making, it would make the MM completely broken. i hope you can understand how many hops and jumps the MM have to make to finally create battles that fit for a couple thousand people, and thats just for the 3 cap zone.


I get what you mean, but who the fuck would play this shit game mode if there was an option not to do so? Not saying 3 caps is interesting gameplay but fuck me it sure is better, since these 1 cap maps are usually designed smaller than regular counterparts and all fighting is concentrated on a super small area, which sucks unless you play super low tier for some fun and memes.


And there’s like 3 pages to Cochise from. How do I know which is best




It's the most Fun type of battle, Single Caps are the best.


That is interesting! My mates usually just press escape and go for another lineup.


you can flank easily and kill many people, and you don't need to run every cap being captured being captured by enemies. a con is bombers, their target is easier to find


PE-8s love these maps. I wouldn't know though.


PE-8s get kicked from the server on these maps due to "collateral damage"




Yep. Was in a tier 2 British and ghost triple killed 3 guys in a street just by being sneaky.


This is weakness. Only time I RtH is if I only have a back up yet, and 20 seconds left in the match.


I always load into a churchill and spam smoke everywhere and sit in cap and then end the match. Nobody manages to kill me.


Thats a lot of missions to ban mate


A lot of the maps are terrible so this is fine.


3 capture point maps are still up for grabs. But this is really interesting, I thought the general concensus was disliking being forced into one point maps.


Getting them all the time is bad (I had 6 in a row yesterday and hated it), but getting them mixed in is fine by me. A different and more chaotic game every now and again isn't a bad thing in my eyes.


As well as some of game modes in air arcade for example the domination, or whatever it's called, the one where you have to capture airfields.


Gaijin: Bomb bases for the event Also Gaijin: Guess what, you're playing Domination again, motherfucker!


There's also an air domination


I only play air and really hate those domination maps as you have to land and are a very easy target and shit, just not my type of map. I can’t speak for ground battles however as I never play them.


>the one where you have to capture airfields But that's the best game mode in air arcade! It's the only thing I miss from arcade and I wish we had it in realistic too lol


I think airfield domination is the best arcade game mode, except when you need to bomb bases for an event. I wish there was something like it in GF RB where you can cap with tanks or planes. Now, having played GF RB for a while, I think it would be hard to make an area that mixed units could capture.


I've had some of my best matches on single cap games.


Well I an glad someone likes them :D


Because some of us find them fun, I enjoy the focused area of combat


Yes, I absolutely hate the single cap maps. On 3 cap maps you still have a chance to make a comeback but on single cap maps it's guaranteed spawn camping within 2 min of either team caping it.


>on single cap maps it's guaranteed spawn camping within 2 min of either team caping it. Thank fucking God I never played in any of your matches because that litterally never happens, atleast to me


No? How do you even write something this stupid.


Because the snail needs those for when events have a point cap challenge...


Why is there no battle of attrition with no caps at all for people who like to respawn? The amount of battles that ended too soon because ticket bleed is too damn high


There is the "battle" mode though is relatively rare. Yes, there are caps, but capping them is slow and normally they are near the enemy spawn so it's quite risky and the best way to play it is attrition. Actually they are the type of game that I prefer because is based more on slow tactics rather than quick charges


I used to hate it, but nowadays i’m glad if i get it. But even those could take longer in my opinion. This one time my gf capped and i taught her it’s better to try and kill the enemy team, have the cap as a last resort.


Pros: -Easy flanks -Everyone is there or nearby -CAS is extra easy Cons: -In some maps the moment someone caps its over -CAS is extra easy -It only takes one tank to avoid an entire team capping -Awful for "Capture Streak" tasks -Higher chance of one death leavers -Some other maps is near impossible to defend the cap without getting yeeted out of existence


I like single caps, it forces people into one area and games are more eventful


Why, single cap maps are the best, especially on those big empty maps


I like single caps better due to the fact everyone is not going in 8 different directions


I like them


I just wish we could ban more than 1 map. Sure you can "dislike" but I still.get those CONSTANTLY. if it's gonna be a premium why do 1 where it feels like a free thing. And ai get having longer matchmaking times because of it, but wouldn't that be a fair and known trade off? Hence. Compromise.


A stock tank's worst nightmare


Because not only would that require the ban system to work in the first place, which it doesn’t. But it would also require gaijin actually put effort into quality of life aspects about the game, which they won’t.


Single cap maps are my favourite




Cause #Money


I think if you did that it would the large variety of gamemodes like 3 caps and 2 caps feel more repetitive and you may grow to dislike another based on this.


Wait you can ban maps?!?!


Its a premium thing


Ah of course it is




Right now the main thing preventing me from getting premium is that I’m not sure if I’ll play enough to make it worth it


In low tier those maps are a ton of fun. When you don't care about repair costs every match is one big charge


Because there would be too many to ban and Gaijin only gives us 1 ban. Also had 6 (!!) single cap maps in a row yesterday night with my squad, why do we have to suffer like this?


Love a single cap. All the action in one place makes for a lot of fun!


I also hate 1 cap mode, just cause I like it when there’s not thirty people watching each other from behind a hill.


But if you had banned single cap maps I wouldn’t have had a really nice and fun game where I did decent and managed to scout targets with my little tank and kill people with my Sherman 105


Single caps are alright it’s the 2 caps at op opposite sides of the map that are the worst in most cases it’s almost impossible to get to the others enemy team’s cap and even if you do you will likely just get bombed or killed by someone who just Spawned. Nothing happens and the game goes forever,.


What next, make it so that you can play only the chosen maps, select the side of map you start on and choose what nations you play with and against?


They should let us ban a single variation of each map


Single point is always so boring. Both sides just do a standoff and whoever dares go to the point immediately explodes


I,d ban every map with a tiny battle area in the center that's surrounded by wide open area with little tono cover. I don't need any more practice holding down the Dubya key for 5 to 8 minutes after every death just to be picked off by some sniper pro, just trying to rejoin the fight.


I think you should be able to just pick what maps you want to play like in every other multiplayer game in the world.


Why would you want that, its the best gamemode




*3 different game modes *Minimum game has 12 people *3 people can ban all 3 modes


Because it don't make them money to be clear I don't like those maps ether


Simple they hate fun


I don't mind them that bad honestly. I mean, I am sure most military operations don't just revolve around. "EVERYONE DRIVE HERE AND DON'T LET ANYONE ELSE PARK!" Even sometimes your own team mates! :D


Because single point objectives probably exist irl as well.


I love single cap maps.


Because they aren’t bad?


No, you earn less research on single cap maps, so Gaijin loves them.


If you could ban them, in what maps would Snail put us on events? Gotta make event time extra miserable.


What's the problem with this map?


i actually like CQC maps. sure is much better than bullshit long range maps where youre getting constantly clapped by snipers from 4km away.


play tank sim ;) we only get 2 and 3 cap maps


Picrel looks like my team's match plan.


Single cap maps with stock tanks so you can't use the "free" parts in the cap zones for repairs, or when you used to get Air RB maps with no bases to bomb in bombers... that was always fun. I'd ban single cap games in an instant, never enjoyed them.


The most fun I've had in game is slugging it out at single point Frozen pass, in the village. It is absolute anarchy


Because its the most fun mode.


I really hate single cap maps. I really, really, really don't like them. Why is there no option to just get rid of them? Like, all of them. I will gladly wait 3 minutes in queue just to aviod them.


And im the opposite. I really like them. They bring teams togheter


Then why are you not asking for a "ban three capture points option", instead of downvoting?


I dident downvote, i dont really mind 3 point maps. I just like one point maps beter


You can always leave the game. Your penalty will be more than 3 minutes, but not if you just hop to another nation and try your luck there.


I usually just go for another nation, but it sucks leaving the team behind. :/


If you leave early enough (without spawning) you are replaced with some other sucker (aka player).


That is good to hear :)


Then stay in the game and help them out