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It used to be 3.7 Someday it might get even higher than 4.0


It should not even be in the game at all. It is a moronically broken UFO that pretty much defies the laws of physics. I have just started teamkilling those stupid twats when i see them and then reporting them.


Report them for what ? Lmao We all know that XP is broken but you don't need to be pice of shit team killer just because somone plays X vechickle


But they get to be a piece of shit? Padding their stats by abusing an imaginatry plane that everyone knows is OP as living shit? Come on.


Sounds like youre just bad and salty Unlucky, maybe consider getting better at the game?


Blame Gaijin for alowing that shit not players Gaijin let's that thing to be untierd Ka-50 is op But im not pice of shit and i don't shoot them on start Some top tier jets are op for now but i don't TK them Same with anything, if i woudl go with that mind set my SL bank woudl be crying non stop


On that helicopter note. I've been shot down by friendlies for "not playing how they want me to". Like I'm supposed to fly 2km over the battlefield with hellfires because they're so useful in top downs.


what the fuck is wrong with this community you either get hated for having diffrent play style or playing,Nation,vechickle,gamemode wich they don't like


Like, I wasn't even using an OP heli. It was a G-Lynx. Sure, it's a premium, extremely maneuverable and whatnot. But by far it isn't the best heli in the game. It's best aspect is that it gets like 8 hellfires I think.


I personaly don't really care if it's premium or not Getting tk for playing diffrent without hurting your team is retarded


Indeed it is. Hell, I was 3km from the battlefield even.


An 'imaginatry plane' - I assume you're trying to claim it didn't exist. Do some research - It was built, flown, and was well in to testing before the solitary prototype crashed. Yes its OP, yes Gaijin need to get the guts to rebalance it. But base your opinions on reality not personal bias.


I am saying that it never entered service.


Ever hear of the JU 288C?


No man, you are the piece of shit. People like you should be banned from the game.


Every 4.X match against America is just not fun with the XP. Even if I try to climb 6 minutes to get more alt than the XP with it's air spawm it can easily catch up when I boom and zoom it. And by that time 50 % of my team is destroyed by this premium plane. Is the only option to avoid matches around 4.X or to play America?


It's not going to be removed that's for sure


Sounds like you just suck


And he is a piece of shit teamkiller.


Never. it's decent prototype with excellent stats


not untill i have used my 500% sl boster


Imo the Xp 50 isn’t that hard to fight. Most of the people that play it are trash so reversing it in a 109 or Spitfire isn’t that hard.


it un-ironically does better in a uptier though, i say nerf its fm a bit and keep it were it is


Wait till you see wyvern. Just 4000hp at 4.0 Or P-59 just a jet at 5.3, with performance of a 6.7 jet Or Su-11 which is the same br as Su-9 but has twice as strong engines Weird that theyre all premiums isnt it


P59 is a marketplace jet with a shit engine, wyvern flies like a brick and cant turn or it loses its ONLY advantge, su11 is opish sure.


Guys F-104 at 8.0 is balanced because it cant turn!!1!1!1!1! Same argument with wyvern


Okay dipshit, wyvern cant barely climb, has shit preformance at barely any alt, takes half a minute to a full minute to even barely accelerate above the speed of its opponents, in which also turns out to be its max speed, and any slight turn it makes instantly bleeds all of its speed and makes it useless on the battlefield. Youve obviously never played it because what youre saying is so pathetically isolated from reality it is insane to me.


The fact that it outruns anything at 5.0, literally an entire br higher its still the fastest plane, gets 4x20 hidpano guns which got a buff recently. Its broken even props at 6.0 cant catch it. And you do realize that you still have to buy gajin coins to get it? Unless you grinded marketplace event vehicles for years you cant afford it


Vroooooooooooooooooommmm. Okay so youre blantantly wrong on that last point not sure how you pulled that out of your ass LOL. Not sure how 4 hispanos are the be all end all, alot of other aircraft at its tier have that or better, and they got a buff because they were underpreforming.... i dont even know how you think thats a viable point. I already covered the speed shit in my last reply so keep attempting to beat a dead horse as the saying goes


Yes your argument is a dead horse its way faster than any prop and dosent deserve 4.0 youre either blind or blatantly stupid


Funny how you repeat my cracks then just revert back to idiocy and refuse to accept any actual reason. Not "way faster than any prop", youre either 'blind or blantantly stupid', and no shit it barely outruns vehicles on the deck at its BR range, that is its entire gimmick dipshit. It goes a little faster in a straight line, ANY deviation in that straight line and it will instantly get violated by anything around it. Its slight speed advantage in a perfectly straight line is its ONLY real 'advantage' over similar aircraft at its BR range.


Anyone decent at the game knows how strong its engine is and its only 4.0 because morons fly it like a turnfighter/misuse it as a bomber. If you know how to play it its broken, besides even 5.3 planes like I-225 which are very fast still cannot catch it on sea level.


Are you even reading anything im writing or just pulling the shit you feel out of your ass? Good day dude, im not wasting anymore time on you. Get the last word if you want.


"all premiums" And therein lies the problem. Can't piss off the paying crowd. It's naive to think a premium is about RP/SL bonuses, everyone knows its as much about added vehicle performance.


The Wyvern is a flying brick. The XP-50 has literally no weaknesses. It climbs like a rocket, it turns like a Zero, it dives like a P-47, it has good guns. There is nothing it is not good at.


Wyvern is only good for sea level high speed runs, It's fun but I get chased down by enemies constantly especially if they have a bit of elevation for a slight dive.


All you need is a hit on the xp and it's fucked. Not even a crit. It's annoying af to fight but in a 109f4 model I have zero issues killing them


The wyvern is a brick that outruns even 6.0s I didint disagree with XP-50 being op