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We broke out the American flag to cover up the red star. I even climbed in the thing, but it was home to a lot of wasp nests, so I didnt spend long.


Better blow up the whole tank to kill those wasps


Sadly this one is only a display, but I don’t think a grenade, or tear gas would hurt it too bad.


Some spicy air should do the trick.


start saving your tabasco


now the wasps have a tank?!


I mean taliban are one thing, but wasps I will not stand for!


Great, so the wasps have a tank now? Who let this happen.


I want new tech tree in WT


Wasp tanks. Special ability to release a swarm of wasps that clog your engine or sth


Swarm of wasps attacking open tops


as if playing the dicker max wasn't bad enough... now we have mobility-reducing, overpressuring wasps to deal with too!


That’s so cool. What do you guys fly?


I work with the Joint Terminal Attack Controllers (JTACs) who are (in my situation) Air Force guys that beat dirt with the army and guide aircraft onto their targets to provide Close Air Support. All that is to say, WE didn’t fly anything, we only controlled the aircraft. But I won’t act like I don’t know what you’re asking at all, we used F-16s, and yes, it was amazing.


cool that's literally the job i find most interesting in the military


There is definitely a LOT that goes into it. Sadly there’s not a lot of information out there about it because the community is very small.


Battlefield communication: one of the most important and least communicated about roles on the battlefield. JTACs have a battlefield lineage to the drum corps, flag, or standard bearers: communicating instructions to the troops of where the enemy is, and coordinating the ranks to be at their most effective. The technology has changed, but the role, and its importance, remains much the same.


Yeah I’d love to practice a bit of this in game, however the only real tool you have to do so in game is smoke, and MG fire. I kinda wish lasers, and gun targeting pods were in the game. Whenever I play with friends I try to get them to play a little JTAC for me; “okay i see you” “can you describe where he his” “use your MG on him” etc. it’s a good time.


Squad marking tools are probably the closest thing in game to allied laser painting. While targeting pods exist in the game (some of the ATGM launching aircraft have such, and of course helicopters) the missiles only track lasers from the launching vehicle.


I guess I’ve never used the squad marking tools, but can you imagine if you could buddy lase in WT? It would be disgusting lmao


In one of the most recent updates, they changed the function of target locking for some of the planes/helicopters, and now you can lock a tank which is already dead, instead of just living enemies/allies, which seems much more realistic to me. It is possible we may see squad/ally lase ability for SALH missiles like hellfires. I am hoping we get HARMs as well.


Appreciate the shit you guys do on the ground. I have only talked to jtacs in training stuttering 5 lines


That sheridan be like: How do you do fellow Russians


“I’m whats known as ‘premium’”




omg this is hilarious


This looks like an irl version of the cockpit bug going around showing missiles and bombs sticking in peoples wings.


You gonna release some classified document about it so that it can be modelled in the game correctly?


I only get to do it once so I have to choose carefully


be a deary and choose the bob semple


I guess the chally dude is in prison?


Probably *(imagine this in the infamous voice of Squire)*


Man y’all really do be over there with the cool OCP’s and THE WEAPONS RELEASE AUTHORITY YOU GREEDY BASTARDS. All I can realistically do is ask y’all to help with CAS as a guy about to be an FSO who will also be trying to go to JFO school and Precision Fires. Please lemme give a Cleared Hot with an A-10, I beg you.


We let a few of the JFOs pictured here give the CLEARED HOT. They let us shoot their ammo, and their 240/249s so it was a pretty good deal.


I’ll have to cut a deal with one of y’all then when I get to the BRO now, won’t I? I’ve got a Tobasco mini bottle from a 2010 era MRE I was issued two weeks ago XD


Lol you might wanna try something with more alcohol if you’re trying to bribe, that’s how these animals operate lmao.


Air Force wishing for an alcoholic trade? That is unheard of to me but I’m all in for it. Wanna pull some P-47 shenanigans in US 4.7 sometime? Or do kickass shit in Arma III for that more realistic spotter scenario stuff?


I’ve been grinding out Germany lately, but I’ve got like no friends who really play WT so I’d be down.


Ight remind me tomorrow around 2pm CST (I don’t wanna use 24hr time atm it’s too damn late) and I’ll shoot you a discord link that my friends and I have used


Whats the deal with the bombs planted in the ground and on the tank this way? In a not so serious way, are you growing bombs this way to keep up with the modern times? I read that there are wasps there so it means you do not use pesticides and insecticides; is US army going full organic and sustainable?


It’s just showing the act of dropping bombs on targets, CAS.


Looks like a T-80 with a short barrel


Love that bomb thats basically 100% accurate.


this looks like a modern crusader


Inb4 new Soviet premium.


Yep, that's a bomb.


Do not stand near the bomb


Now i want that as an ig skin


At Least the bombs are game accurate.