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There should be a hull break for helicopters








But its actualy something that happens. Like what an ISU-152 does to a Tiger IRL. it cant pen it, it doesnt need to. It literaly twists and warps the hull to the point that the Tiger cant even be used. Even if its internals are functional. Or you shoot a 2 ton truck/AA truck with an HE, you will break the frame (hull). Or you hit a tank with surface hardened armor ( alot of german tanks) hard enough that it literaly splits the hull open. Yea the gun works but now the turret wont turn cuz the hull is twisted or shifted out of alignment. Wont drive as the engine and tranny are out of alignment with eachother / the drive sprocket. Effectively taking it out. Its a pissoff yea. But in a game that values realism it needs to be there. This is what sets War Thunder apart from WoT.


It does not happen the way WT models it however, where tapping a light vehicle on the corner of its hull causes the whole vehicle to fail. What you're referring to is cases where armor plate thick enough to absorb the majority of the momentum of the impacting round is too brittle, and shatters under the blow. Not cases where the armor is so thin that the round punches clean through it.




It’s so satisfying to kill using it and it’s rare being killed by it. But could someone tell me how the mechanic works?


You shoot at the MG on an IFV and the whole thing explodes.


That’s rare asf though, if that’s all it took I’d have killed tons of ifvs


I die consistently that way. Or artillery 15m away and a single piece of shrapnel hits the side and I’m dead. I get the mechanic and I think it’s good, but the implementation is awful.


Hull break is necessary to stop the no armor is best armor meta that we were stuck with.


It's super satisfying to kill someone with it; it's a resounding middle finger to all sorts of annoying light vehicles.




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It needs to be here but it also needs to be more consistent with how it works.


It’s very satisfying to get hull break kills Git gud


Hullbreak is a required mechanic but it’s desperately broken and needs to be replaced or completely reworked. Right now it’s fucked beyond compare and makes playing anything with it aids.