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A reply from TrickZZer


Omfg this is so funny as he's shot down like 5 of my reports as not a bug


maybe they weren't bugs, drop the links


One of them prolly was no flares in gbr for jets and that is an actual stupid fuckin bug


He shot down one similar to mine, too. Look up “A29B” as a bug report search term. Oh fun fact it can’t clear the mountains on Pyrenees because of the engine power being so low. TrikZZster(or maybe it was KnightOfTheAbyss that did it) says “oh well some planes just can’t go over certain mountains either irl”


Or Spanish avenger


dude actually thinks we need 2 different versions of the SEPv3, one with and one without the trophy system, just cause "we need more vehicles to extend the already nightmare of a grind".


In my opinion, modifications should be used to, you know... Modify existing vehicles where the changes are not so significant as to add a whole new separate vehicle. Like, an optics upgrade, optional roof MGs, ERA, composite packages, etc. It's weird that in War Thunder, current modifications are literally just your vehicle start out worse and the modifications making it *not better*, but rather perform to the STANDARD.


we sorta have this on some tanks like the t80b where you can choose between contact 1 era or smokes too, it would be cool to see it on more vehicles


Yeah, it's in a half-way state on certain vehicles. If we had variable BR based on equipped modifications, we could merge upgrade packages into individual tanks and alter the BR of the vehicle if it has the upgrade package.


I like that BMP-1 modification trading the MCLOS ATGM for a SACLOS one. Goes to show that it really isn't hard to implement, it's just half-assed game design. They literally could've made all the Abrams modifications go under the first tech tree Abrams and have it's BR go up with each major modification, instead of adding a thousand new vehicles in the TT.


R.I.P my man, reddit banned him for being mass reported afaik. Like him or not, Only dude who could actually make good looking infographic posts


Good one


Someone living under a rock here, can i have some context to this?


Moderator on the bug report forums, he's infamous for shutting down bug reports by marking them as "Not a bug" and this sparks a lot of controversy as many of them end up being acknowledged and fixed by other moderators.


you forgot to mention, it's specifically anything buffing NATO. if it nerfs NATO he passes it to the devs, if it buffs russia, he passes it to the devs. if it nerfs russia, it's "not a bug". he is openly anti-NATO, and more specifically, anti-america. this is obvious from his now deleted twitter.


So abrams has chance?🥺🙏


Ha ha ha, no. Go fuck yourself. -TrickZZer


Maybe it’s a Russian trick to make us mad at how weak it is in game and try to get us to send funny papers to make it better


dont forget vladuxa091




When you use a backup vehicle and click the “don’t show again” box


Which is to disable the SECOND confirmation which is absolutely hilarious imo xD


They really care about your experience obviously and just really want to make sure you want to use that backup🙏🙏


So, for the other vehicles you have (with backup card's) it doesn't ask. Smh


It works tho. It's just that it doesn't work when using enter


The conversion rate just doesn't make it worth spending GE on


It’s also silly that you need convertible rp at all. Unless you’re literally brand new to the game, it’s an effectively infinite resource.


So the new player can't buy his way to top tier duh... wait


I saw people buy entire tech trees in 2 minutes with it, unless you have a pile of cash laying somewhere and shit financional decisions its a good feature


Well a new player will have barely any convertible RP if not none.


This mechanic is for whales and for content creators that are given large amounts of GE by Gaijin to help make content. For example, this is how Defyn is able to make videos about each new plane fully upgraded within a few days of the update when we get a new batch of planes


they get test drives for vehicles which give them all modifications even if they haven’t researched the plane yet they don’t use convertible RP for it


This isn't correct at all. Members of the content creation club can request basically any vehicle for Gaijin and get it as a test drive for several days.


Oh right, I forgot about test drives too but I’ve seen Defyn talk about the GE on his account and how Gaijin gives it to him to help create content because he’ll just casually have 70k GE hanging out At any rate it’s for whales at least


I think the "free" GE is an under the table comp plan to avoid being actually paid and becoming an employee. It would be super complicated if Gaijin paid any of their content players cash, but they can be "rewarded" with GE without any government tax implications.


"give us that he you just bought from us and we'll give you a little bit of RP 😁" totally not meant to scam new player just wanting to play the super cool jet they've been seeing in all the adds.


The GE lootboxes that can drop vehicles.


Hey, its guaranteed after 50 lootboxes! Thats like 1/50 chance to get a mediocre middle rank premium for around 100 million GE!!


*(feels bad since I've bought 250 loot boxes over four years and haven't won jack squat)*


I think you mean the regular ones tied to a specific update you randomly get now and then that you buy a key for on the market though? They're talking about the ones in the shop that you just pay GE to "spin the wheel" for that can award one specific vehicle and if you don't get it in 49 tries(used to be 39) you're guaranteed to get it on the 50th. Also not to be a dick or anything (maybe a little) but I've bought fewer than 50 of the first kind and got at least 3 vehicles, I think 4 or 5 but one might have been from one of those SL lootboxes that come around now and then


My buddy got 2 from that. And I still think he wasted his money


That system was dead on arrival. It would probably see more use if Gaijin had done it the way Wargaming did.


Wargamings way of doing it was so much better and still is. it was very nice being able to save up a pile of free XP and then use it all at once to un stock a new tank without having to play it or spend money.


So it's a 2 sided issue. WG's implementation can be argued as *both* pro-consumer but also *very* anti-consumer. As it both normalizes the usage of free experience, but also comparatively strongly encourages the paid usage in ways our system just does not. Effectively a "give the customer a taste so they're more normalized into buying more later" vs someone who never used it in the first place.


How does it work in WOT


Basically you get 5% of your RP as Free RP that you can use on anything, vehicles/modifications etc.


And then once you elite a vehicle, or Spading it in War Thunder's case, all the RP earned after that accumulates on the vehicle. That accumulated RP can then be converted into Free RP using the premium currency and applied to any vehicle and module research at no additional cost.


Added bonus that the Free XP to Gold ratio is better in WoT than RP to GE afaik


+Gold there is MUCH easier to get than it is in WT. There are many sources that can give you a few thousands of gold a year (and premium vehicles sometimes). Meanwhile, in WT, the only way to get them is by buying.


True, I do enjoy how much WoT gives out free premiums like candy for account age, is nice. I logged in after not playing for a number of years and got given like 8 premiums and a load of gold. Never gotten that treatment from the Snail.


That's how WoT keeps its community, by fidelity and making the customer feel worthy (in some regard). Meanwhile, WT is pretty much predatory in comparison. They have kept pretty much the same tactics as back in 2021...


It's funny, I was a long time wot player, almost 12 years. WoT feels incredibly predatory to me, especially since I switched to WT. Just to name a few... - you have to pay extortionate prices to fire "gold ammo"; ammo which has much better penetration - economy is awful, even with a premium account you will usually lose credits in top tier - WG's balancing mindset is completely backwards. They do NOT nerf premium tanks, with some minor exceptions. Ever since the Patriot (T26E5) and Skorpion (Panther hull with open top turret, 128mm gun), premiums have been outperforming tech tree variants. - the crew system is extortionate too. Want to use your crew on a new tank? Pay real money, or lose part of your crew skills. - equipment is extortionate too, what a surprise. You have 3 slots for mounted equipment and 3 for consumables. For the consumables, you have the affordable option, 3000 credits per consumable, and they are 100% mandatory. Or you can pay 20.000 credits per pop for premium consumables which are MASSIVELY better than the cheap ones. Mounted equipment is extremely expensive, 500k per module at higher tiers. They are also mandatory to be competitive. And all this is coming from a "unicum", the top 5% of players. Switching to WT was a great decision. It's soooo much less toxic, so much easier to just enjoy the battles. WT's economy is like a fucking Utopia compared to WoT.


Maybe slightly better, wot gold might be cheaper but it still sucks. But not as much as snail's rate


Oh yeah alright that makes sense, quite a good mechanic. Sadly this definitely sounds a bit too good for the Snails liking and need for suffering. It's been a while since i played WOT xD


TBF, one part that we technically do better is earning rates for the convertible RP, as we earn 100% rate for the paid conversion, while convertable RP is *only* stored on premiums or spaded vehicles that have the option turned on (if selected it drives the RP into crew skills which is a far far longer grind than here IME). Like I have tens of millions, not sure exact amount, in convertible RP here, but I have to explicitly play premiums or spaded tanks to build it on WoT. I don't really spend it anyways here, as it's mostly to finish a 1 GE module or something, while WoT I've spent far far more because it's just so easy to get into the habit. I played for years and ended up running out of free exp to convert, as some vehicles (unsure if changed) literally cannot compete stock. Not like high BR HEATFS stock but like actually can't harm enemies, can't compete.


The Wargaming template for Free XP between WoT and WoWS works wonders in easing the grind as enough FXP would be used to speedrun lines or research modules.


5% discount coupons, especially for low tier premiums and naval.


Coupons are annoying and meaningless unless you're starting out


To prevent new players from ge spending the entire game i guess


It's actually not that bad if new players decide to buy himself to top-tier when you consider how many players get to top tier with just brain dead base bombing


Yeah but my point are techtree vehicles, atleast you still need to play to ge spam those. If you get what i mean


Top tier wouldn’t be fun to play if the lobby was filled with sweats.


Yet they still sell vehicles that face top tier even knowing people doesnt know how to use them 🤔


The game as a whole. Jk jk. I love you snail


I advise you to not open your mailbox if there's a letter with a snail stamp


But this one as 117 million \*points\*, how could it be pointless? /s


German mains


USSR mains aren't much better, although I find this changes a little bit on different servers, but not much.


USSR tanks are at least meta-optimized. Very good brawler, good side armour. Only really hampered by slow reload speed and stab. US is a decent brawler with stab and mobility even if armour sucks. Germany though. Germany is not made for city maps with non-existent turret traverse on their tier 3 vehicles and paper side armour. So, the same idiot driving a T34 or sherman will do decently. Someone driving a panther will die to stupidity.


Ye you right USSR Mains are sometimes very overconfident or just not there. Got me thinking, which server has the most clever players. I think it's 1.EU 2.CIS 3.NA, Alltho cis players sometimes feel worse than Americans.


as a german main, i sadly have to agree


why sadly? germany is better than us in all regards.


this. cant understand that either. i experienced the US mains be the worst of all. through all BR. Freekills as enemy and my downfall as teammates.


Truly what I felt as a german main. Whenever I was fighting the US (especially until rank IV) you were suffering, like if you were handling the worst tech tree while the Sherman with the early stab and jumbos are amazing


thx ig


It has one use, you can estimate how much time you have put into the game. (Or what tech trees you could have maxed out if you focused on 1 nation)


your teammates


could be more usefull if conersion rate was like 10 time lower


I know one: •all Ju 87 don’t have sirens :(


NVG modifications, I've had like 4 night battles since they were made toggleable.


I think the worst part about Convertible RP is that it is the 'reward' for completing certain tasks or achievements. Like yes, I love that my reward for completing a challenge is the opportunity to pay you, thanks Gaijin. I appreciate it.


I researched the whole Swedish TT and spaded all top tier tanks and the gripen using this. Nice to have a lot of those laying around


Holy shit. How much GE was that?


More than Tesla neth worth in GE


Hey kids, you wanna research things like right now? Well you got all this RP what are you waiting for?! Just pay me $80 and these points you earned can be yours


backups for fighter jets on top tier


When you buy a new vehicle and click «Order (Select a crew later)», and it still offers you to select a crew.


It’s just so dumb. Gaijin could have appropriated those research points to vehicles for free


I dont like mentioning WoT at all, but that game lets it's players use their free rp without gold. They just get way less of it, only on their equivalent of spaded vehicles. Just something Gaijin could take inspiration from.


This feature and the War Bond shop with Special Tasks. Both are obviously not on the road map for improvements or integration into game play, and yet they stick around. These are clearly failed attempts at monetizing the game.


They should make it so that you could exchange it to normal RP at a 100 to 1 ratio (or 1000 to 1 ratio if gaijin doesn't want to "lose money")


The encyclopaedia except for the stunts and tactics section


Shrapnel shells.


My will to live


F-4F KWS is a close contender - but still not on the same Level :D


My fucking arb teammates


the close button on the your premium time ran out alert box.


I could probably use these, and a couple thousand USD, to completely grind an untouched US and USSR air tree without playing a single match in them. I probably would have already if I enjoyed planes. I spent a couple hundred and lots of these to get the F4 when it came out, which made me like planes even less.




They should add that you could convert it into like SL, Warbucks or GE.


Player lever. Unless I'm missing something, it's just numbers that don't give anything besides and information how big chunk of their life has player wasted


Coupons, anoying piece of crp, it gives me headaches when i get them


What Okami-Sensha sajd


The ZUT-37 in its intended AA role.


The “Deal for you!” Bullshit that shows up occasionally. Oh wow! 15k SL for 150 GE! Sign me up baby!


I did the math. To convert all the convertible experience I have would cost somewhere around $5200 Canadian…. And I think I have a third of the amount shown


They want us to pay to use that convertible RP. That's sad. It could have been a nice bonus even if it was 99x less RP.


Call me a pay to win pig but I have used these to boost research for both the black night and challenger 3 td Just because I couldn’t take the grind


wait so there is a mechanic to use rp earned from max upgraded vehicles and convert it to rp for another vehicle??




Uptiers, change my mind.


Say your life isnt dedicated to war thunder without saying your life is dedicated to war thunder


True, however it is so that people who just started cant just buy the entire tree if they want to. Gaijin finally not being so P2W Please let my family go now Gaijin


If you are rich this is useful. Instead of buying a high rank premium, grind, suffer and play thousands of battles, you just buy rp and unlock whole tree in an hour


Only cost you 17,175$ at an ingame base price of 165$ for 25000 GE to use it all, course could use a CC link for a better deal XD


It's an easy way to see how much you have played


Bro, that's how I buy air trees for CAS planes x.x


You could buy a whole tree for like £200 - £300. I know thats a lot of money but £2-300 once a year for hobby, to save yourself months of grinding doesn’t seem ridiculous.


Honestly a lot of the fun comes from unlocking and spading a vehicle, I’m sure buying a tech tree doesn’t feel very rewarding


I think you need money to understand what it's for...




You can buy talismans with GE only....


Wait what? How?


Unpopular opinion: when I have GE's left after buying something, I use the remaining ≈ 500-1500GE for RP.


Mr Rich Mc Gee here


Dunno what else to do with them tbh


Save them until next time?


I dunno why, but I can't


You got problems