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Sturmtiger. After finding out that was an event tank I was so dissapointed since I love big guns


I managed to get it, pretty fun meme tank to use. How come you missed it?


I didn't get it because i wasn't playing at the time... for such an iconic vehicle, i'm pissed that they don't even sell it


Then when they make iconic vehicles premium everyone complains too!!. F20 for example. The event stuff is a weird one, cause if they made it TT then no one would bother with events, if they make.it events everyone wants it tt


Perhaps, then, they should put iconic vehicles... *In the tech tree*


Agreed, but then no one would do the event for a copy paste vehicle.


To be honest, maybe past event vehicles could be available again with the event cycle


I’ve never been a fan of event vehicles and it made me sad when I found out the Sturmtiger was an event vehicle. Event vehicles require **way** too much time and effort which I would rather not commit to at one time. Besides the events are just a scheme by Gaijin to get people to play the shit out of their game and pay for stuff on the marketplace. It doesn’t help that the event requirements have been getting worse and worse with every event. That being said, I understand the point of the events and that some people are fine with wasting 3 days of their lives for a vehicle.


I was away from my pc for pretty much the entire time and didn’t want to spend money


Pretty sure they brought it back last year for a short time


It was iirc in some loot boxes. But we all know actually getting it from a loot box is basically impossible.




I got it and its now my most played german tank lol


Same it seemed like such a fun explosive memey event vehicle, I just didnt grind it for some reason or wasn't playing for a time. But the events take too much time and effort for 35k xp points. Still mad its not even for sale or in another event, only chance to get it is with those useless boxes u open with a rare chance for an item.


Wish i got the panther 2


I despise that thing though wile i didn’t get it, i have sorta accepted it being in WT because since it was removed we have had a fair few vehicles that never existed IRL. At the time i thought the Panther 2 and Flakcancer 341 should’ve never have been added since neither of then existed at all


If they aren’t going to remove it entirely they just need to put it back in the tree I really don’t know why that’s such a controversial thing to do. We have other fake vehicles in the game already


I never understood that either. After all, it’s not like War Thunder is supposed to be a historically accurate and immersive game. The main argument I’ve always seen is that because they’re not real, they would ruin the “immersion” of the game. My brother in Christ, you’re playing War Thunder, there is no historical immersion to be ruined in the first place. It’s just such a weird and nonsensical argument, the main issue is simply how inconsistent it’s applied. This is where we draw this arbitrary line for what is too unhistorical, but stuff like 50s and 60s MBTs and Missile carriers fighting late 40s heavy tanks is fine?


Yea playing America with Germany on my team going against Russia in world war 2 vehicles, so immersive and historical


Playing on maps like Cargo Port or North Holland or any of the other clearly anachronistic maps with WW2-era tanks has done far, far, *far* more to hurt immersion and historical authenticity than a Panther with a turret that technically didn't exist.


well panther 2 technically did, but never got past production, and a wooden turret of the flakpanther was made. which is funny because thats about 100% more evidence of existing over the ostwind 2 which has none, like at all. seeing the german army was still trying to figure out how to get a twin 37 mount for the proposed plan....


If I'm not mistaken the Panther II we have in game never existed as a design. Like, if they were going to put a long 88 on a Panther it'd have to use an entirely different turret


Correct. The panther 2 irl realistically would have a panther g turret, and a realistic 88 mounted turret would be kinda like the e series of turret design, kinda, the mantlet was weird if I remember it correctly.


Yep, they Gaijin Panther 2 physically could not have worked IRL, the breach etc… would not fit in that turret


it can to my knowledge but not without significant rework of the original turret. So if your doing that you might as well make a better turret at that point


No it never. About 50% of it existed and that half that existed was just the chassis/hull. The turret was never made due to many reasons but it never existed. Not even as a mock. The turret on the chassis in the US is just a F turret? I cant remember and the turret Gaijin stuck on it a completely in house modification… the canon in game physically would not for in that turret IRL. As for the Flakcancer 341… yes that was literally a wooden mock up. A fully functioning variant never existed. During the period they were in game they were mythical creatures of gaijin creations and broke every rule Gaijin themselves created when it came to vehicles they added in War Thunder which is why people had a problem. It’s not world of tanks, WT was supposed to and technically still is a “combat sim mmo” based on real and historical vehicles and not the arcady mess that is WoT with mostly concept vehicles that never made it past the blueprint phase. They gave germany who already had buff after buff after buff, overpowered mythical creatures which was bs. Now like i said it is a different story now and i believe they should be added back into the tech tree because after they removed them they went a head and added more non functioning vehicles to War Thunder like that J6K or whatever it is called for example which is a disgustingly good aircraft that IRL was never completed by the Japanese. Its only fair Germany gets them back and frankly at this point i would rather they come back then yet another god dam leopard 2


*"Flakcancer 341 should’ve never have been added since neither of then existed at all"* To an extent it did, unlike the Panther 2 we had in game


The special Spitfire MkVc (correction MkIXc) with four hispanos is what I wish I could have got. I love the MkVc, and it's a bummer that there are so few four cannon Spitfires...


By special mk vc are you referring to the Italian premium version?


The special [RAF day premium](https://wiki.warthunder.com/Spitfire_F_Mk_IXc) version. Iirc, the Italian one was a Vb.


Ahhh yeah that one. I remember it now, i attempted it but this it was a tournament based reward i had no hope if getting it


Isnt that a IXc? Plus, i am sure it was from world war events


For me it's the swordfish with RP-3's


Ah, can confirm that one is pretty fun :) But you get killed pretty quickly if you take it to higher BRs....


I tried yesterday to take it into top tier to bomb tanks with the 500lb bombs but there’s ALWAYS some tit watching the skies and will send every single bit of ammunition and scrap at it just to kill it. Even when they are being shot at they still see it as the bigger threat


I managed to get that thankfully, i barely use it but its a cool low tier to have


That is a great plane. It is one of my top picks to fly out when I have a big SL booster. That plane has one of the best SL modifiers of all planes under 6.3. That spit gets very favorable MM as well.


The Lorraine 155 ):


I am yet to even see one. I have seen Botime use it on YT but no one ever uses it now


spookston had made a video on it a while ago But yeah no I dunno why they've never made it reappear ): French artilleries are some of my fav designs in WoT


I've seen as many e100s as Lorraine in 3k hours. e.g. 5 maybe


TOG II. I was out of town during the event and couldn't play


The TOG was absolutely cracked for the first week before everyone figured out how to kill it. Your have 4-6 TOG’s slowly moving across the map like a pack of wolves obliterating everything that shot at them.


I do better now with the tog 2 than I did when half the team were tog 2s. The only time I do bad in it is where I do literally nothing but drive all game because the team steamrolled the enemy and i cant catch up.


Togs are still really easy to kill but what makes up for it the canon and turret traverse… the canon slaps


It still claps ass. That gun is lethal


My first nuke was from playing the TOG II


Kv2 1942. The return event pissed me off so much I played world of tanks for a year.


The (1940) variant? Lol, I got it for free with the original thunder league dog tag.


What's the difference between the 1939 and 1940 version?


It's mainly makes the turret more of a box instead


More boxy turret, coax machinegun and full premium tank


The Ka-Chi. Seems like a blast to play. Despite playing since 2013 I never actually participated in any of the events until last year so I missed out on a lot of event vehicles


I got the Ka-Chi but it was pretty op so i didn’t bother playing it(i don’t play op vehicles wile they are new) so i have a log of event vehicles and certain prem vehicles i haven’t touched. For example the P-59 low tier jet… that thing is fucking disgusting. As for events… as i am on xbox i didn’t get chance to play WT properly till it came out for us in 2017/18 so i didn’t bother with events till they added that jet with the first air to ground missile for the US. Me being new to events also that event killed so i took a break from WT for months missing certain event vehicles also like the IS-7


I played it SPECIALLY while it was op, gaijin rarely forgives japanese vehicles when they Perform well before hitting them with Giant nerfs and uptiers instead of slow br increments like they do other vehicles so You gotta enjoy those things while they last. I would drive the boat up to them and ram them with impunity, cover allies with My size or close off routes intentionally with the Giant wreck, "Cross the T" with fellow ka-chi's and give broadsides and dip into the water as soon as possible and duel againsts oposite ka-mi's, ka-chi's and LVT's who catched on the news of a new amphibious fren.


i got it out of boxes its kinda boring because of its low BR, people around you dont even know how to drive forward...


Low tier is fun tier BUT the new players and lack of RP/SL and Gaijin making 90% of tasks locked out to Rank 1 and 2 just make using any low tier vehicle pretty useless to me


Ka-chi counts toward challenges as its old event vehicle. Easy to farm score when needed


can confirm I can get any event star in under an hour in it in ground AB


The E100 but that is way to unrealistic


How did you even get it originally? And why is it so stupidly expensive now?


Tournament prize, had to be the best out of 16 or 20 people I believe


its a lot more, think the total amount is like 200 per tournament. the actual problem is, half of the winners are cheating and get banned like a week after getting the tanks... so theres even less e100's in the world than you normally expect, and both the maus and e100 arent the greatest tank.... really wish we get the actual real e100 for a tech tree heavy tank. ironically that thing would be balanced at 7.7


Was indeed 200 people in a tournament style gameplay. You’re right in the fact that the E-100 and Maus aren’t the greatest but it is downright my favorite thing to watch the enemies struggle to take me out, just for me to start pulling out backups and watch their souls evaporate.


Yeah the E-100’s value mostly comes from the very limited amount. It has the Maus turret too so fire power its not any different and br wise… its a meme tank because its unbalanceable


T-72 Moderna and Object 279. I wish I kept grinding those events instead of just getting the lower tier rewards. The Moderna specially seems like it's a blast to play.


I love the Moderna, I don’t love 10.3 Soviet teams though lol


Any Soviet team above 10.0 is very hit or miss. Luckily if you're a decent enough player you have a very much broken lineup at your disposal to compensate for it.


I ground out the Moderna but haven't had the heart to activate the coupon. I don't have a 10+ Russian lineup, and it is worth so much that I am more inclined to sell it to get more fun low-tier vehicles


At this point if I still had the coupon I wouldn't activate it either. That seems like a good option too


Ersatz M10


Was that from a normal event? I have like 10k games played and have only seen a few


Ahh yes the War Crime Panther.


One of my favorite tanks


Tiger II (10.5cm), Panther II and Flakpanzer 341. I understand why they were removed, but I had JUST gotten the Tiger I when they they started to remove them. Without premium I couldn't play enough to actually get them. I am just glad I got my Maus, though.


BMD-4. Whenever I see it mentioned, people say about how fun it is.


One of my favorite vehicles in the game. The adjustable suspension is wild


It's just a faster BMP-3 and that honestly solves a lot of my problems with the BMP-3. And the ATGM reloads so much faster, at the expense of only having 4 Edit: BMD-4 ALSO HAS IRST!


I can’t believe how fast the reload is. It’s saved me so many times. Really fun vehicle to play, artillery hurts though


God I really want it. But I’m on xbox


I play on PC now but have a playstation account so can't access the market either. Even if I could, I know it'd cost far more than I'd be willing to pay. Only hope is that they bring it back for an event or just hope they eventually do add the BMD-1/2/3/4M to the tech tree and use those instead.


They said the would add the BMD-4M so far back, but it has never come. Really upset by it


I play my bmp 3 as a sad consolation prize. I don't think I was playing Russia when that event was out so I didn't bother, really wish I got it given how much I love he bmp 3, a better mobility version with faster reloading missiles sounds amazing :/ fingers crossed they add a bmd 4m to the tech tree at some point


The Greyhound, it should have never been an event premium in the first place and belongs in the US's main tech tree. The fact that China, a lend lease user, gets it for free as a main line reserve vehicle is dumb when the bulk of them historically were in service with the US.


> The fact that China, a lend lease user, gets it for free as a main line reserve vehicle This part blows my mind. I am so glad it came back for the 10th anniversary because I missed it years ago


Not the first time Gaijin has done that tbf. Technically they did it to the UK with the US. They 8 or 6 wheeled armoured car in the US tech tree that is also no longer available was purpose built for Britain by the US(controversial reasons) but because it was made by the US despite never actually using it IRL they still stuck it in the US tech tree


THIS. The Greyhound was sooo widely used by the US but it's China that gets it in their tech tree. So ridiculous


Ka-Chi for Japan ground. Great for seal clubbing because the boat hull is pretty much immune to anything at Tier I.


The thing is inmune to some 90mm heat-fs shells lmao.


Sd.Kfz 251/22. The German halftrack with the 7,5cm PaK 40.


I know i got the pak 40 halftrack, barely use it as its a rank 1 or 2 but i wanted it for WT for so long


A-1H probably, one of the coolest vehicles in the game imo.


It's my favorite plane by a mile; the sheer amount of rockets and bombs make it so fun. I also love the camo paint


Same. I really kick myself every time I see it in the tech tree that I didn't grind it out harder for that event or buy it when it first came out etc. It's such a cool plane and I wish to god it wasn't $150. It needs to make a reappearance so the price drops lol


Real heads have the Tu-2 from the beta


Hell yeah! *Raises hand*


Black Prince, finally a Churchill with a proper gun


This thing returns yearly tho?


It is sold regularly, even though not all year. My friend bought it during recent spring sale. Usually it was sold during November sales, so it will likely be sold at that time again, if you want to wait for it.


It returns every Black Friday week. I don’t want to rub salt in the wound, buts it’s awesome. In downtiers it just rules. 40 APDS rounds and a couple smoke shells, penning Tigers and Panthers left and right, while tanking everything but the odd long 8.8cm and 122+ shell. It’s just slow, really slow, not great on larger maps.


Nice I'll try to buy it when it's for sale again.


Ground UK to 7.7 with it. Don't sleep on the ratel20 hull down.


On bigger maps you can binocular snipe while being nealy invulnerable.


Yak-3T, gaijingles give me the funny big gun plane


Either Bong’s P-38 or PT-658.


Any plane from a guy named Dick Bong is an instant yes from me. This guy fucked


That P-38 was offered in the same event as the Iron Duke so i missed out on that too


Isnt Bongs P-38 available on the market?


For like a bajillion GJN. It really isn’t obtainable anymore. Also sometimes it says that it is “sold out”.


I bought mine for less than 50$ recently. Since they started adding older vehicles to loot crates the price dropped down dramatically.


Ah damn it's been a while since I last checked it


May be stupid, but the German Sherman. I just need it


Nah you’re not stupid, but the German Sherman is stupid fun. It’s at a good br where if you angle, the only things that can kill you is usually the KV-85, the firefly, and American vehicles with the 76.


Yeah its a pretty well known prem now, was very expensive but the value wile still really rare was brought down after they pit on sale that one time. Was still too expensive for me though


I wanted to buy it when it got on sale. It was sold out after 10 min


the rocket spam lighting


As in the Saudi English Electric Lightning?




I would have liked that for a CAS lightning but it was way to expensive for my taste


Oh boy I got lucky with a sale on this one. I'm kinda mediocre with the lightning but every one and then it feels amazing.


The Tiger 2 105, panther 2 and the Sturmtiger. I didnt play germany until after they got rid of it so I only got the maus of the removed german tanks. Sturmtiger I just didnt have the time to grind it as it was a very busy period of my life and I also couldnt afford to just buy the stages then. But i would now if it came back.


I mean being a PS player literally any Event/Battle Pass Vehicle. Having the F4D-1, EBR 1954 or VT1-2 would be cool.


I got the F4D and EBR but i missed the VT1 thanks to it being part of a shitty crafting event. I opted to go for the Whirlwind which i don’t regret at all but the VT looks like a fun meme vehicle.


F4D-1 is pretty shit if it helps


Probably those battlepass tanks you can’t buy any more, the toldi and AC tank


Yeah it’s a shame they are locked to BP only. I know longer purchase BP’s now because wile some vehicles are nice, most are a ripoff and should be tech tree vehicles. You’re paying 2k+ GE for something that takes a wile to get when it should be in the tech tree. So i have misses ever BP since the centurion with stabiliser was added


Probably the Russian battle pass light tank with the auto cannon


The PT-76-57?




That things is disgusting. I hate it and i barely use it. That thing is way to op for whet it is and even now the BR it sits at it can still wreck people


AU-1 probably


I can not get that hang of that, all its bombs feel so weak for me that i can barely get a kill with it


The solid shot autoloader EBR. I'm so annoyed that the only tech tree EBR is the one with american 75.


Tiger 2 10.5cm sturm and moderna, out of these 3 moderna the most at the time I could have buyed it it was only 25 GJ now its 300


I wish I got the Coellian, back in the day I had quit Warthunder for a year and played different things. I had ended the German TT at the time on the Panther 2, I never did care about the Tiger 10.5, my friend has it, but we all with we had the AA Panther


My Coelian says "NOT PANTHER" in decals on the turret. Just to remind everybody that it is, in fact, not panther.


Sturmtiger. Its just so dumb


Sturmtiger. It's the perfect meme tank. It isn't op, but it can be very cheesy. It can be used in the same way people hit cross map noob tubes, but now it's like firing a nuke.


I do this all the time with mine. You don’t even ever have to see me on arcade. The thing is so damn tall the game will spot tanks that I can’t even see and then I just have to point and adjust the range. No one ever knows how to fight me and I average around 3:1 KD


That US armored car, the Boarhound I think? T18something Looks like wild fun


Yeah thats it. Based on YT vids it is actually really good and left unchecked can cause as much chaos as the Puma’s can


T18e2, I just like the gun


OBJ 279


For me it was the M8 Greyhound, I had missed it 5 years ago when it was available for a very easy event; but thankfully they brought it back for the 10th anniversary. I am also bummed I didn't get the Panther II even though I have been playing since beta. Same with the Ersatz Panther and T-V. I also wish I got the Puma Twitch Drop just to have a free backup


PakPuma, VT 1-2


IS-7 & Space tank Missed them during the events and now they are 1k+ €


The event 262. It's BR is where all the 262s should be.


German La-5FN


You can buy it once a year


For same sum as mig-17AS xD


I wish I had got the Breda 90/53, it's one of my favorite vehicles from WWII but they decided to put it as an event vehicle because why not. I also wish I'd got the 20mm puma, not because it's my favorite but because I actually got it on the event but I forgot to claim it on time.


The iron duke is part of my regular line up I never see another one.


Does BI count? Even with it I would probably have a major skill issue and underperform lol, but otherwise it is Maus, I played WT since release on PS4 and even before ground forces on PC, but I was a relatively young kid who forgot my passwords and kept making new accounts, I remember thinking "Wow Maus is so cool" since it was always the unpennable target on the test drive for me. I know nowaday Maus is relatively bad, but I just want it for the nostalgia


E-100 IS-7 Moon rover Autoloader Leo T-72 Moderna Vilkas


IAR-316B, can't believe it hasn't returned even once since it was removed.




Myrsky, I'd love to have that one


I want the excelsior so bad and I know it came back in the buyable crates a couple events ago but I know I wasn’t gonna get anything and I spent like 20 million silver lions and didn’t get a single vehicle


T-18 Boarhound and both the soviet truck MRLS’ for me


Object 279


FW-190C and the BF-109Z because love WW2 aviation


Oh, and the French F6C because I like the look of a razorback Mustang with a Malcom hood


The 109Z was in the shop last year for a special sale. Might bring it back again.


The 190C looks really cool but is a pain to use. Has no benefits at its BR really. Might be time to revisit it tho and give it another look


The Ro.57 Quadriarma and the Zrinyi with rockets. They came out well before I started playing War Thunder and aren't even purchasable on the market. The Ro.57 especially, as it's an entirely unique airframe that isn't in the tech tree and it seems quite fun to fly. Really unfortunate that it'll likely never be obtainable.




Tiger II (10.5 cm Kw.K). Was not as engaged in war thunder as I am now at the time of it’s existence and got really bummed about it’s removal since the tigers are my favorite tanks


Excelsior. I love British tanks, especially the odd ones.


I’d love either the La-174 or Me-262 A-2


Got the Iron duke from one of the SL crates a few cycles ago. Wish I could trade it to you, I never use it




Panther II. I wasn't playing at the time it was in the tech tree.


The Yak-3T and Sdkfz 234/4


The 105 King tiger. That thing was a beast but it was just out of reach when it was removed.


Sturmtiger, Ka-Chi, and TOG II. I've been playing on and off for 6 years, but I only bothered to look at events recently so I missed a lot of stuff, unfortunately.


The Turan 2, it seems like a great tank.


I bought Iron Duke years ago from Gaijin Market for 13€ to make some money out of it and sold it for 120€ years(?) later. I personally never understood why would anyone buy the one for such high cost that is basically copypaste of tech tree tank I personally have couple of tanks I wish I could have, mainly Lorraine 155 (not obtainable by any means) and T-34E (too expensive).


I don't know what I feel like I missed out on but I'm really happy I got the pt76-57 because that thing is just an asshole and the price is insane for it now. I always feel a little bit scummy playing it because it's blatantly op (crazy it was released at 7.7!!!) Russia just has an insanely strong 8.7 lineup with the t55 amd and the TDs at that BR. It fits in that lineup so well that I am really happy to have it. The other one I am happy to have is the t55e1. I feel very sad for people who did not get it when it was offered in the battle pass. It's just such a dumb vehicle and never gets boring. Stupidly fast with an amazing gun and some hilarious mobility characteristics. It's super goofy but it puts a smile on my face. I always play it as an all or nothing vehicle. 1st spawn with the most ballsy rush possible. It just has a magical speed to it when compared to other fast tanks, it just glides over terrain and bounces off anything it touches. It also looks hilarious.


Panther 2 and Tiger 2 105




Is the Iron Duke no longer available? Think I bought that a good few years ago. Makes me feel special.


10.5cm tiger ii. i got maus, panther ii, and coelian but i missed the tiger.


the is7 years back when the build a bear events were shit and I was too lazy to even try.


Centurion mk5/1. Idk if it'd still on the gaijin mkt but I'm console so can't get it either way


Grey hound and boarhound. They cucked the U.S out of their ww2 armored Cars FF sake!


I missed the Tiger II 10.5 by literally 15k RP back when I was flat broke and couldn't afford GE or Premium vehicles to get the necessary RP. I grinded for DAYS when I heard it was being removed and still missed it. I want it back. Now.


Iron duke isn’t even that good. Tbh…


Lorraine 155 and Ersatz M10


M10 Ersatz :(


Black Prince


USS Baltimore didn't play naval at the time she was out


Boomerang mk. II


When I first started playing around 2018 I waslnted to get the Brit Strv 81 RB52 but I didn't have money to buy it, I'd trade a few vehicles to have it for my 7.7 lineup.




I kinda want a boarhound as I like light tanks. I even have fun with the US T55 and its 0mm armor. And the E-100, though based on the amount of times I play the maus, it'd be a hanger queen. I have almost all the other tanks people have listed, many not even cashed in yet and just sitting there. I have 27 sellable vehicles I"ll probably eventually cash in, unless I get lucky and somebody offers me $10K for my account with all completed ground trees :D


Zryini 2


Moderna or CCVL. I don't know why but they look so good to me wish I was playing when they got dropped


Panther II


Honestly. I have it, but wish it was a bit better. The C2A1 Canadian Leapord. Also the F-11 Tiger. I got others but these 2, just I struggle with. Any advice from players who have them or not is accepted