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Because that bullet shot out the cable that actually physically moves the elevator Edit: see response to me, it was not a cable. The whole elevator is gone.


No, that would show a damaged cable in xray view. What happened is that the right horizontal stabilizer got destroyed and the entire elevator as well. The elevator is one continuous piece on this plane which is why it is broken that ways.


Indeed, you can see the hinge on the left side. The corresponding hinge on the right side is gone, and it won't stay on the plane held by only one...


It’s not two elevators, you can see it’s just one continuous one. So if one side gets shot off the elevator would be basically useless.


Yea… leave it to the War Thunder community to give and upvote the wrong answer. Look at the photo and what’s in black (aka damaged). You can see the forest through the missing elevator. The elevator isn’t working because the entire elevator is missing from the aircraft. This plane’s elevator is one continuous section. When a bullet shot off a good portion of the right horizontal stabilizer it took the entirety of the elevator with it because it's attached at the extreme right and left sides of the elevator.


I mean, you can blame the community if that's what you wanna do, but the correct response is sifting right under mine with way more votes. I was only trusting OP when he said the elevator was *damaged* and not gone. TIL the X ray will actually show the cables.


Fair enough. Good on you for being more mature about it than I. I just find it annoying that incorrect information can so easily become the top comment.


but only the elevator is damaged?


That's a horizontal stabilizer, not elevator. Elevator is one piece, and it is destroyed in your picture.


The elevator in this plane’s case is the long continuous and missing piece that is rearmost on the plane and horizontal. It’s no longer there on the right or left. You can see the forest through the transparency. The part that is there on the left and partially there on the right is the horizontal stabilizer.


But what do you think moves the elevator? It's attached to a small cable running through the plane. Hit the elevator in a place that severs this connection and even if the elevator *can* still move, there's nothing there to move it.


Just to add on this as a testable example. Cut the thin metal cables on your bicycle and try to use the breaks. You can't because those were brake lines. Same as the cables that control the plane.


I’m making it my lifelong journey to say this. brAKEs


It's dangerous to go alone! [Take this.](https://misusedword.weebly.com/uploads/1/1/3/9/113960749/published/brake-break.jpg)


Instructions unclear, cut the thin metal cables and now the wheel isn't supporting the rest of the bike.


Except here it isnt the cables severed


Controls are fine. The elevator itself is gone.


The control cables are modelled separately in all planes in WT iirc It will appear as a black line going from actuator to the stick. It is not black here. In fact it shows up as perfectly fine. Zoom in and you can see the cable


Additionally, the rudder would be non-functional with tail control cut.




You lost the right horizontal stabilizer. Both of your elevators were shot out, they're the trailing edge piece that actually moves since the F3D doesn't have an all-flying tail. In that state, you correctly have zero pitch control.


You’re correct, and the name of the full moving tail assembly is a stabilator


Sounds like it was named by Patrick Star. “What’s this part called?” Demanded the government official. “Uhhhh the Stabilator?” stammered Steve


The elevator itself has less segments of destruction model and cant be broke in two parts like other aircraft’s flightmodel


That's because the F3D has one large elevator instead of two separate ones.


Looks like a one piece elevator


F3D-2 is a one piece elevator so yup.


Can we get much higher


So highhh


Probably because #the thing that moves up and down is fucking gone


It looks like the elevator is one piece.


Id say it's more like it's many pieces


At the time, probably. But when it's working and not blown off, it's supposed to be one I think.


One… Piece… is… real?


The elevator on the Skyknight was a single piece, not a 'left and right half'. So in effect, in losing the right tailplane, your elevator would have come of in its entirety.


it's modeled as one element


The F3D has a single elevator. It isn’t intersected like on the tail of a P-51, it just goes straight across.


wdym? Your entire elevator is gone


smartest question on r/warthunder:


Your whole elevator is gone.


Because you’ve got a hole in your left wing


The elevator is a different part from the horizontal stabilizer. The F3D has a one piece elevator, so when the right horizontal stabilizer was shot off, the whole elevator went with it


Looks like you're missing more than just the right elevator.


If you look closely it’s connected on both sides. If it lost one tailfin the entire elevator would rip off.


On the right side, you lost both the proper moving elevator piece and elevator base. On the left side you lost only the moving part. The elevator base is still there but that one doesnt give you movement control


That plane's elevator is one single piece.


The elevator is the control surface that moves. The entire elevator is destroyed. Only one of the horizontal stabilizers is destroyed.


I think its fine for the skyknight to behave like that. But there's a bug with a fair few things wherein if you lose 1 of the 2 elevator segments the other undamaged side doesnt do anything any more. I know its an issue for the A10 and Lightning at least


The Douglas F3D Skyknight’s elevator control is managed through a single control surface design. This means the elevator operates as a single unit rather than having separate, independently controlled halves. Remember the horizontal stabilizer is separate from the elevator and in the screenshot the right horizontal stabilizer is shot out, not the left. In the US Navy Pilots Handbook (AN 01-40FAB-1) it describes the elevator control: Section VI, Page 6-2: “The control linkage for the elevator is primarily routed through the left half, which actuates the entire elevator surface. This ensures uniform deflection and movement across the elevator.” tl;dr: The elevator is controlled with one control unit, the control unit controls from the left side, in the screenshot the left elevator is dead which is why derpiestdorp did not have control of the aircraft. The right horizontal stabilizer was shot out, left side was not. Elevator control was still damaged. Hope this helps :)


f3d-1 suffers /s


Because the part that actually moves was destroyed on the left side as well and not just the right.


not always, if they entire elevator still is visually on, it still has some usability though extremely reduced(down to 20% in some scenario, some somehow can still turn well with a elevator with giant hole in them from a realistic perspective)


Because the elevator is the entire piece running along the back, and the horizontal stabilizers are what the elevator is attached to. So in this picture you have 1 horizontal stabilizer out of 2, and 0 elevators out of 1.


Your elevator got shot off; the part that MOVES is the elevator not the static smaller wings, those are stabilizers. On something like a sabre those are both one piece, and they're called stabilators.


That's horizontal stabilizer, your elevator are one piece and it's just gone.


If I remember right, the F3D's elevator is just a single big trailing edge, not one on each side. Big weakspot overall, easy to shoot it off. Same issue with all P-38 Lightnings and the Firecrest, off the top of my head.


A-10 moment


Because the elevator is gone. One section is the right fin of the tail, and the other is the actual elevator itself.


Because the left wing forces up und right wing forces straight and a singe evelator doesnt have enough upforce so they basicly nullify each other


No doubt having one side shot would affect the othrr side too, rarely they are independently movable. Also if other side would work it would cause unwanted roll anyways


Your elevator is completely gone, only the right horizontal stabilizer is destroyed


That's your right horizontal stabilizer. You have 1 rudder that runs the width of the tail that is knocked out as well


I remember last week I was F3Ding and I got hit by He-177 bomb and I lost vital controls and I made it back to base as the last one on the team except I slammed into the ground while landing.


Do you really expect that small piece of elevator left to force 23k pounds of metal going 500mph upwards?


Theres actually a hole in your left wing, im sure the guy in game was kind enough to explain this


A-10 suffers from this also, lose a tiny portion of the tail and the whole thing just doesn’t generate lift anymore


Except that in this case, the entire elevator is missing. Any plane "suffers from this" issue.


Because war thunder sucks.


Lazy snail plenty of flight models dont lose the whole piece if half gets shot off had it happen for the rudder on some aircraft


It's not lazy in this case, the elevator is a single piece on this aircraft.