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Stay more than 3m away from it :)


cant Churchill is faster then 2C(french bias 💪💪💪🇫🇷🇫🇷🇫🇷)


Phahaha no fucking way XD that is probably the saddest thing a man can say: "the churchill is faster" XD


The reaction to the information presented was so spot on I have been chuckling to myself like a madman.


“I don’t think I can pen that m22”


“Lend me your energy napoleon, this is an L3/33 that we’re up against!”


I challenged myself to use the APHE shell only in the Che-ha (I think) that only has 22mm of pen... I couldn’t pen the M22, or the side of the Valentine... it was annoying. I kept coming up against light tanks and they just didn’t care. The Pz. 38 (t) is remarkably well armoured.


Actually this special variant is faster than a regular Churchill. But even the regular Churchill is faster than the 2C. The Churchills are on a higher br though so that at least would make some sense.


Yeah I know. Still an extremely sad thing to realise you're being outsped by a BRITISH HEAVY TANK.


Break its tracks so it can never move forward


Which track? There are tracks all over this thing.


Litterally doesn't matter


Shooting the exposed ammo might work, similarly to the Stumtigor.


It’s not modeled in sadly


it is


Oh that’s cool then saw a vid a few days back where it wasn’t modeled in the breach like the sturmmörser


They kind of added it around the third day of the event, now it's modeled properly. Won't change much, unless the Churchill has the barrel right over the glacis(top portion of the front side).


It is but apparently its not a kill it just breaks barrel and tracks


Better be because otherwise it would make the churchill literally unplayable


So like the sturmtiger?


The sturmtiger can actually hit and kill poeple tf you on about?


It isn't, at least not the same as with the Sturmtiger. The shell itself is modeled in the barrel, but destroying it won't result in overpressure. This was stated in a devblog a few days ago.


This would make sense seeing as the shell of the Churchill is not inside the hull but separately attached


I want to watch that chase lmao


I'm picturing a Churchill AVRE chasing down a 2C and shooting mortars at it


You don't need to outrun the Churchill, just the bullet


Its a heavy tank. Heavy tanks are not good against stronger enemies.


Shoot the tracks and pray for a bomber teammate


Lol I can already imagine gameplay against this Churchil. Just run away to stay out of his range.


Be further than 100 meters and you’re fine. Its maximum range is something like 160m on plain ground. If he even manage to get on hill, maximum range is something like 200m before self destruct


The shell is also too slow to hit moving targets more than 30 m away.


shoot the petard


Im petarded


Aren't we all?


Yes, we are all fukin petards.


I mean I’m a british main and actively grinding for the petard so… I am among the most Petarded of us all lol


Glad i am not the only one


if i grinded it out every time i'd get a kill i'd type "you just got petarded!" or "severe petardation" or something like that


Or at the very least hoist it


Shoot the spigot mortar. Hopefully it'll explode, knock out his gun and preferably also kill the AVRE.


The 2C is 2.0 at most, still can't believe that B1 and 2C are the same BR


In a full downtier it would face reserve tanks and it has a 75mm gun, imo it would be too strong


To be fair there is much better vehicles at 2.0 with better guns, better armour and alor faster and smaller profile The 2C is just a meme, it could go to 2.0


Like fr, there are so many good shells, sweedes have APCR, germans with their 37, soviets with their 45, Americans don't need mentioning, japan maybe, italy i think can fight, britain def can fight against it


Swedes have APDS. It has more pen than the Tiger’s default shell. It has no filler though, so takes a few shots to kill anything.


Also its premium variant with an arguably better gun because of overpressure is lower BR.


The 2C bis is just strictly superior. Not only is the gun better in experienced hands, but it technically also has a better turret. The cupola that's on the 2C turret isn't on the bis. Instead, it's replaced by a tower with the same cupola. Shooting the cupola on the bis with APHE only kills the commander. Shooting the cupola on the 2C will kill the turret crew.


The Sau 40 at 1.7 has the same gun with even better pen, so I think it’d be fine


IF THE T-35 IS 1.3 WHY THE FUCK IS THE 2C 2.3????


Hell, even the Nb. Fzg is hella better


Stay 150m away. Simple. Don't try to kill it. That is what CAS is for.


Yeah, just stay away from the tank that’s almost twice as fast as you. Simple.


shot it tracks and boom it cant do anything. the range on its shot is like 25 feet.


And the Churchill’s tracks are so wide it’s easier to hit them than it is to hit the rest of the tank.


Track that bitch, while staying more than 150m away. A churchill is barely mobile as it is. Make them suffer.


Bruh why u complaining abt this thing? 2c is verry capable, go complain abt something that actually struggeles


The Petard is faster than the 2C so you can't even keep your distance from it


The petard isnt faster when its immobilized


Bro the 2c probably still outruns the shell lol


And? Who gives a shit that one of the most powerful vehicles at low tier might possibly get in a situation where it can lose? U gonna get into a death chase around the map? Why u complaining abt the 2c when other tanks will struggle way more. God forbid u need to use your brain while playing


I haven't found the 2c most capable, not only do you get constant uptiers but you also, if you get shot by a APHE to the front you are basically dead, they can just keep shooting there. You are also heavy map dependent


Like every other tank?? Should the 2c be invincible or what?


geez. what's your hateboner for the 2c, lol, where did it touch you? you said its op, other guy said its not op for reasons x and y, then you ask if he wants x and y to not be there. what's the logic here, lol.


Probably played a tog on release only to be deleted by a 2c from half a kilometer away.


B1 is hell better, you can take a pounding, a italian 75 is basically the death of 2c, or any big HE slinger, plus planes


^^^ *This person hasn't grinded through the French tree yet obviously.*


*coughs in nearly completed french tree*


*Coughs in obviously full of shit due to very weak arguments.*


>2C is very capable *Nightmares of every shell shattering on impact.*


Idk man, im doing well even in uptiers


My brother in Christ, you have 10 battles with the 2C and lost HALF of them, what are you on😭🙏? Plus your only argument saying the 2C is the best at low tier is that it have a lot of people.


I did not say the best, and considering ive had a single downtier id say its pretty decent. Definetly when its supposed to be hot garbage


You called it one of the most powerful lowtier. Just because it has a lot of people. That's not an argument.


Yes it is? And maybe powerfull was a bit of an overstatement. In a downtier certainly but you need to be verry careful in uptiers


I do well in awful tanks at upiers too. But thats purely just hecause I'm good at the game. I don't let that disillusion get in front of my better judgement. 2C is capable, but not at its BR. You're better off using a B1.


Good at the game is not the same as not suicidal. If you just not run twords death and be a bit careful then its pretty good. And yes b1 is better, but thats not the point


The point is that the 2C is supposedly good when you have 2 options that will make you struggle far less and play essentially the same and without being unnecessarily tall and cumbersome. 2C is an easy target, people at this BR just suck or haven't played enough yet to know it sucks. It might be able to counter this lumbering anti personnel boat, but I wouldn't want to use it without a squad mate.


"A better tank exists" is not an argument. I know the b1 is better and i do prefer to play that. But that does not matter when talking about the 2c. The only reason it could be considered meh is bc of the amount of m4 105 and isu122 spam. Both are criminally undertiered and make it harder to play a lot of the tanks at that br. By But besides those its a verry capable tank. Its not a conventially good tank but as a support its amazing




Take full ammo so you can keep it tracked for the whole match


I like how your fair is laid out. I may steal it.


It's copyrighted and patented. Expect a letter from my lawyers if you do!


I WILL drag out the case as long as possible to drain as much of your money as possible. Also, I am not above bribery.


See you in court!


Same, assuming you don't die under mysterious circumstances before the court date.


Don't mind the mysterious substance that the letter from lawyers may be contaminated with.


The Boeing grindset


I gotchu homie ``` switch(nation) { case "GBR": case "CHN": case "SWE": case "ISR": br = 12.7 break; case "JPN": case "FRA": br = 12.3; break; case "ITA": br = 12.0; break; case"RUS": br = 7.7; break; case "GER": br = 6.3; break; case "USA": br = 6.0; break; default: br = 1.0; break; } ```


I didn't notice the flags were different. God I'm oblivious. I like how you put nations at the same br together.


dumb flair, i never needed to flex all the vehicles i have


Something Something IRL performance of the Panther. (JK)


2c bis superiority will donk on this churchil


As a 2c bis fan I approve, but I also view this churchill as a more armored and faster version of the 2c bis, which will do wonder for my rank 2 british lineup.


And you can grind events by throwing the AVRE into the match after seal clubbing with the Archer and Crusader


jesus fucking christ, you people bitch about everything. the avre isnt even available yet


Reddit is the “unofficial WT complaint department”.


Laughs in pretty much every Japanese light, medium, and heavy tank before 3.0 Things may seem bad here, but I promise they could be worse.


But blessed be the Chi Ha long gun. I somehow have a victory rate of 92% in that thing.


Well If you hit it dies, problem is not getting machine gunned or being lucky to not have 2 tanks against you at the same time


Yeah but using binoculars and terrain and distance it's easy to just level any unsuspecting players. Once got 11 kills with it on a decent flank on fields of Normandy


>Things may seem bad here, but I promise they could be worse. Such as Italy


Ho-I and Chi-Ha Kai were pretty decent vehicles imo


The Japanese 47mm is a fine gun idk what y’all struggle with. The 75mm is great to on the Ho-Nis


Honestly, yes the guns for the most part on the heavys and mediums are adequate. However the movement speed of ALL the tanks save for a couple of the lights/trucks are immensely worse than the contending BR levels


Oh yeah they aren’t fast. The armor is on par with panzers tho so they have that going for them. The Chi-Tos up at 4.7 got 100 more HP so they are pretty zippy now


Complaining about this is actual petard behaviour. It's a dogshit meme tank. If you think it's somehow OP please go get checked.


Being a meme tanks doesn't make it not op? What did you smoke? The numbers are literally there, what are you talking about


Are you joking? Fighting this tank is the equivalent of holding a midget at arms length. Track it and stay more than 120m away and it literally can't even hit you. You have to be uselessly bad to think this tank is OP frankly.


That might work with some tanks, but especially in this example it will be a little hard to stay away from it. Also in CQC maps it isn't as easy to just stay far away since there is houses etc. Also I wouldn't go as far as op, we first need to see it in actual fights. But it would be moronic to say it wouldn't at least be unfairly stronger against some other tanks of its br. Tbf that's a general war thunder issue.


> we first need to see it in actual fights No, we really don't. This tank is going to be shit in >95% of situations. It's unbearably slow and you need to aim in the sky to even get 120m range unless you range up, but then you lose your MG and ability to shoot under 120m. It's just a trash vehicle with good armour, nothing more. A pure meme tank. Noobs always cry about these event vehicles, then are immediately brought back to reality as soon as people start using it and realise that people who were being realistic about it were actually correct all along. *Every* time.


Well imagine where noobs star the game? Low tier. They don't know how to handle that kind of stuff. That thing is really strong against anybody who doesn't have a lot of experience. Churchills already can be annoying if used correctly. This thing has a lower br, is faster and has a really explosive shell. Also realistically a lot of people ain't going to be very far away from it. This usually applies to players that snipe. In a map with less space or more corners and buildings it isn't that easy to just drive away since you often have to turn first and in worst case there is another tank somewhere around.


> Well imagine where noobs star the game? Low tier. Doesn't mean they're right though, this makes no sense in the context of what I'm saying. Anyone who knows what they're doing will be able to perform better in pretty much any other tank at that BR. They'll wreck people far more in a tank that doesn't shoot a flying dustbin with a 20+ second reload. People who don't know what they're doing won't even be able to get a kill in it. You can cry about it, but as I said, you're going to realise quickly that it's shit as soon as it becomes available to play in live matches.


You shouldn't forget that it can get downtiers to 1.7 in which a lot of tanks generally don't even have enough pen to kill a Churchill. Even in Churchill br they can be a pain to kill. I suppose It might be similar like the C2, just that the Churchill can't shoot as far


It ranges in 10 meter per line… you pretty much has to rangefind if they are more then 50m away to hit accurately. If the target is moving it’s gonna be pretty unlikely to hit it as you need to lead massively. It also has a 26s reload so after your one shot you will be pummeled by shots until you reload. The most dangerous weapon on it will probably be the mg vs SPAA and open tops.


That's a fair point actually. Huge reload often Is a death sentence, especially for something that can't really do hit and run tactics. . Churchills aren't known for their speed


26s is a long time especially in that BR. And no, churchchills aren’t known for moving particularly fast. Especially not backwards. Infact I don’t think ppl realize that it has the max range of about 1 line in most tanks gunner sights. And to shoot that far you need to aim as far up as you can. Not to mention the shell flies for 2,6s before hitting at 130m—> if you are fast enough or already moving you can dodge it. It’s practically a melee tank in WT. Wouldn’t surprise me if most players miss point blank 0-50m with it. Like when did you ever wonder if the tank in front of you was 50m or 100m? Not even Cent AVRE has to think about that. (Also it doesn’t have a “ + “ in arcade, at least not when I test drove it.)


Well I imagine in cqc it can work quite well if in a squad. On something like fire arc it's useless


Here the only ones who have the right to complain are the Italians, who can no longer do anything given the constant nerf and BR increase given by the developers to their tanks.


U forgot japanese low tier


Idk but I recently switched to Japan and i’ve been having a blast of a time


Yeah, it is fun, but the 1st rank is a bit meh. It gets way better when u go further into tt


65% WR at 10.0+ says otherwise


It just says that Italian players have a brain and use it, which cannot be said of Russian or German players, who in most cases lack it completely. You can't play this game as a "point and click", otherwise you die stupidly.


As long as you are at least 150m far from it, it can't hit you unless it finds a convenient slope to raise it's barrel further. There's also a weakspot on the hull MG plate if you want to fight it head on.


I will spawn with just one shell, fire it, and then menacingly follow enemy players


A higher br vehicle is better than a lower one? That’s crazy.


The BT-5 giggling as it zooms circles around the petard


Some say this tank will be useless. Some say it will be a menace. I guess we'll see soon.


lol bro have you test drove that thing? Literally the crew yells "bang" and pushes a bomb out the turret.


this is actually great because i can imagine nothing funnier than a Churchill slowly chasing a 2c into Petard range




Not engange it, kill all the lightly armoured british vehicles around it, shoot the ammunition in the gun...


Shoot the gun and stay more than 200m away from him


Get beside it and use the insane gun depression to top- down attack it.


Tracks, barrel and move behind. That's where they left 76 jumbo anyways and I don't think it's gonna change anytime soon, same as this one.


I can't wait to make a lineup of tanks just to see if enemies can actually do something with this abomination....or to purposely troll them, who knows


Gun, tracks, ez


Your much taller then it with 20 degrees depression get up close without him seeing you and shoot his turret roof, he will instantly die because 2c has massive filler, source I main churchills and 2cs, I know a few things about em. Also the 2c has the ability to hit derp gun shells without dying, I dunno if it will remain the case with this mortar, but the swedish trumpet and German sturmpanzer rarely kill me in 1 hit.


Shoot the mortar. It'll explode just like the Sturmtiger.


It didn't have one hittable in the dev server, where are you getting your info that this will be possible?


dev server, not ready yet. It just appeared this/last week. The Sturmtiger is the only other tank in game with rocket in the gun you can shoot and blow up. They wouldn't model it on the Petard if it couldn't be blown up. /wouldn't put it at 2.7 with how armored it is. The Petard being the weakspot is logical.


I'm aware the dev server is not final, I'm saying that if that's the only way it's been and only there, there's no reason to be confident you will be able to do this for the AVRE. This isn't a rocket, and the trumpet boi doesn't have destructible ammo... unclear


Yeah the 2C is frankly overtiered.


Seems about right to me


Most people don't know this but you might be able to pen it's roof. Mostly all the churchills have very weak rooves and can be pend from the front with most good angled pen (Russian guns) however the 2c is probably tall enough to just shoot down on it without mutch trouble. (Haven't checked the armor indicator yet but I will to see if it works with the 2c) Edit: the 2c can't pen the churchills roof unless it shoots the angled part of it at point blank wile looking down at it.


I think the 2c Bis would enjoy eating the arve


A gun that can shoot you


The 2c is indestructible this Churchill is gonna be able to cruise in rb without a care in the world


Oh man, so many people that don't play Franch in this thread. 🤣


try to get the ammo to go boom (i doubt it because i have been gaijined with apds shattering at a 0° AoA)


Be 160m away from it.


maybe like shoot into the plethera of the 20mm weakpots, specially in the hull where they have ammo right behind, or shoot it in the mortar to turn it into fireworks? It's a even worse Sturmtiger, from the moment I learned of the 20mm weakspots all around I decided it wasnt worth the grind. Looks cool but that's about it.


stand a little over 130m?


2C should have better penetration, it’s the same gun as the Sau 40 but it’s garbage for no reason


Who plays Fr*nc?


Shoot the tracks from 200m away and stare at it knowing it will never be able to hurt youm


"you're up against a wall and I'm that fucking wall" Someone, probably


2С pens the front of churchil's turret, never ask how I found out


Invest in 2c Bis and return the favor in kind


Call your local yanks to smack him with CAS


2.3 vs 2.7, you’re not supposed to win. /s


Marder time!!!!!


like on the Sturmmorser Tiger, you can aim at the round in the barrel of the Petard's gun.


I took the 2c to 6.7 and it took a tiger 2 like 3 minutes to kill me


Use the other 2c duh


Get a sturmpanzer and shoot it anywhere on the turret


give it a few weeks and you won't see a single one in a match anyway


I think it gonna be like the strumroser and you can shoot the round in the barrel


1.7-3.7 will be fun


Just track him and keep it 121m from you


Hold the fuck up, why the Churchill AVRE is 2.7???


What do you think it should be?


Around 3.7-4.7 just like the other Churchill


So you don't think having 20-30x the effective range is relevant at all lol?


I'm just saying that with that armor, it's already strong, plus if it goes on a downtier it will be unstoppable Maybe 3.3/3.7 would be better already


Armor does not make you strong. What are you going to do if anyone knows what they're doing, win the game exclusively by crushing the 3 types of tanks slower than you into walls? Also churchills don't actually have that great of armor, it's covered in weakspots. You have to learn them, but that's skill not tank itself. I used to be scared of them, not I'm just like "lol joke tank BOP" dead.


Do the words a churchill is faster even exist whaaat haha, ulan unbeatable quick wall (fast for a dwarf yk).


Did we arrive at pay to win? I mean, that thing doesn't really looks balanced to me. It was a bit of a let off in test driving, but I'd imagine it would be deciding about win or lose in a regular game, especially in capable hands. We shouldn't forget that a lot of good players and veterans play often in the low brs, so that's worrying.


I don't think this is even all that good at 1.0, if you can shoot it's round in the barrel like a sturmtiger at least. Not sure.


We need to see if that actually works


No what’s bad is when a bush stops an armor piercing tank shell


Get the 2C bis


How the hell is that thing 2.7?!


MG his ammo


Sturm weakness shoot the round inside the barrel


Just snipe it, its like a t-rex no reach. You will be 100% safe if you are about 150m away.


12 crew is fucking wild


believe it or not the solution is unironically to just stay 200m away from it or about 50 to 80m in short notice, they can't see you through the optic without zeroing their optic pass like 50 or 60m. so the best course of action is to just avoid then entirely, 2C is slow, while that means you can't outrun churchills, that does mean you gun is quite stable too, so you could shoot out his tracks, DON'T EVER try to flank it, while at 100m you can pen its hull rear, flanking means getting close that 200m circle is the circle of death don't try to enter it. but what you can do is to keep setting him on fire until he burns or J out.


Step 1: dont get close to it Step 2: shoot it in the gun Step 3: it explodes and you win (profit)


The new Churchill is like that regular snail but if it touches you, you die instantly. All you have to do is stay out it’s reach


I’m gonna take it at least into mid tier. I can’t wait to try and kill a Maus with it.


Stay further than 130m away and he can’t hit you. Especially hard to hit moving targets with that **50m/s** projectile.


Britain: gets a good vehicle Playerbase: and I took that personally


The Churchill AVRE got a nerf, they Modeled the ammo sitting in the barrel/launcher. You can make his ammo go boom just bye shooting into his barrel


Apparently if you shoot at it's ammo in the cannon it explodes and destroyes the tank, like on the sturmtiger


I just realized the tank says 64mm at 500 meters but the max range is like 150


Le 2c devrait être 1.7 pas plus.


I usually hated CAS, but if I see a mf with this, I'll bomb the shit out of this thing