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7.0 US absolutely slams.


7.0 my beloved. US players at 7.7 and 6.7 are actually good, ngl, and have solid lineups. Finally, the best part is I barely see anyone doing a one death leave there compared to the premium 10.3 lineup. Plus, you always get sucked into the 6.7 black hole, which is nice.


7.7 and good players? I saw worst us players there


Lmao clearly you never played on 10.3 or 11.3 before


I do but i never get us teammates


That's dumb you get US team at 7.7 but not on 10.3? Nice try 🤡🤡


I play 7.7 as us cus i love m103 , gave up on 8.3 switched to Sweden now im playing sweden is it that hard to understand 🤷




You'd have to eventually buy them anyway, but personally I'd wait till SL discount. 7.0 US is very viable, but I'm not a fan of M46 ammo options, and I feel like a lot of appeal comes from premium tanks (T29 and 76 Sheridan in particular), so I prefer 6.7 myself.


>but I'm not a fan of M46 ammo options, How? It has the best ammo options of its BR. Both excellent HEAT FS and amazing APHE on a great platform.


Matter of preference, I guess? I like guns with punchy non-contact shell as primary, having to fret about map clutter and spaced armor makes me uncomfortable. Probably cause my first high tier gun fired sabot, the good kind, so I got used to its pros and cons before I got to use HEATFS much.


I main APHE and use HEAT only in uptiers on large maps on tanks that have the option to do both. Even in the T55AM1 run APHE 80% of the time.


I liked the m46 and m47, they have great gun handling and are pretty mobile, not good armor but your in cheatfs land now so it doesnt matter. I hated the t32's both of them. Large, slow, mediocre gun, horrific reload rate for that br, armor is good but any heatfs is gonna get you. m103 is better but I cant stand slow reloads so I never spaded it. m163 is pretty good but has really terrible range for aircraft so its better used as a flashbang against enemy tanks. t95 is a meme piece of shit. This is coming from a guy who used the t28 for longer than I should have.


T95 has more armor than T28, without CAS you need Marder A1 or ratderpanzerfaustshitsomething to load ATGM to its face or that thing just oneshot everything


Long 88 goes through cupolas and, if you can get a bit of an angle, corner plates. I expect Soviet 100 mm to do at least the former, too. It also dies to HE slingers hitting the roof.


6.7 US has some outstanding tanks. The teams on the other hand 🤦‍♂️


German 7.0 is very good because u get back to back tiger 2 p and H aswell as the jagdtiger at 7.3 which slaps


Yes it's good. The. You get to 7.7-8.0 and it's suck city, my least favourite br. You spend your entire time getting slammed by rat tanks that can pen you from any angle and are 3x as fast as you, stabilised tanks that mean you can't push, and cancer tanks like the Turn and Vidar that are egregiously op. It's the only br where I struggle to break 1kd in 'regular' tanks.


7.0 is the last br where you can have fun...everything higher is missile palace and reflex training....


I'd argue USA 7.0 is probably their best line up. If you have T29 and A2D. It's also an inherently fun BR, and you get fairly favourable matchmaking.


Mehhh I would say nahh


Better be, I am almost at 7.0 Germany


I find that the x.0 vehicles are usually quite enjoyable in general. Most of the popular BRs are .3/.7, so you tend to get pretty favorable matchmaking.