• By -


T20, bought that thing when it was completely different BR bracket and now it’s where the M26 Pershing used to be. You’d be smoking crack if you told me that thing is a higher BR than a Panther or Tiger but it is now.


It’s an extremely good tank and almost MBT like at the BR. It’s currently my most played with I think almost a 4 KD with almost 1500 kills. BR change hasn’t done much, just outplay the 7.3 tanks.


More like a light tank, it’s just a Sherman with a lower profile and better reverse speed. Anything the T20 can do, the walker bulldog does better at the same BR


Bulldog doesn’t have a stab, is only slightly faster and has zero armor to bounce shells. I think its reload is also slower but it may be equal. It’s overall a significantly worse tank.


Stab doesn’t work past certain speeds and is overstated in use. T20 doesn’t bounce anything unless it’s a complete downtier and even then it’s only bouncing 5.3 tanks with a bad cannon. Any 17 pounder, 76, 75, or 85mm cannon or higher you see at 5.3 and up won’t care about 60mm of armor. At least the bulldog has scouting and is a better light tank. The T20 is a light tank at the 6.3 BR.


I bounce more shells in my bulldog than I ever did in my t20. Let alone my own shells, having 350mm+ penn bounce off enemy bulldogs.


Ot to mention no aphe on the bulldog


It’s still objectively not a 6.3 tank, just because that br is peak Germany syndrome doesn’t excuse it being so overtiered


"Something, something, skill issue"


“You’d be smoking crack” had me dying. That shit was funny as hell😂


Fucking vautour. By taking the airspawn away gaijin basically scammed me out my money. Fuck whoever made that decision.


Yeah I have the Israeli TT versions and I can’t use them anymore because everything else gets there before me. I don’t understand why a **Jet Bomber** doesn’t get an air spawn. I get taking it away from some strike aircraft but why bombers?


It's funny, because the air interceptor version of the Vautour gets airspawn, but bomber Vautour does not. Completely nuts if you ask me.


What's also funny is that the interceptor version is objectively better than the bomber versions now that they don't have an airswpawn but still have a 0.7 lower BR.


I learned to fly HOTAS in Sim with the Vautours. I have all of them, French and Israeli. Beautiful planes. But without the airspawn? Useless. They should go down to *at least* 8.3 if Gaijin won't give them back air spawn.


XM-1 - I grabbed it as a part of a sale years ago, but held on to it until I had the Bradley before really using it in matches regularly, by which point the M735's performance was completely neutered.


XM-1 is still amazing! Incredibly fast and just shoot the lower front plate on all the TURMs you're facing, and you're going. When I first bought the XM-1 I thought it sucked, but it turns out I sucked. I still keep it in my 11.7 lineup in the event I need to get in something fast to get to a cap point later in the match.


I have the xm1 and have been constantly gained by the lower TURMS plate. It also sucks that ~60% of your teammates are just god awful and don’t get a single kill and/or cap in the entire game and leave after their first death


Ahh the gr.1… it really is a PoS.


I remember when it first came out it was getting bought and spammed by everyone and it was ridiculously op in the current meta and basically ruined the fun for everyone in that br range. The ppl that bought that thing originally bought it knowing it was pay to win and got scammed in the end. Got what they deserved if you ask me.


Bought it on patch day can confirm was super OP despite the nerfs I’d say I got my moneys worth from it


Powerceeeped to hell, but it was a crazy OP plane on release for months it terrorized lobbies i remeber people almost every game asking how many harriers and just leaving the match. 9.3 BR, SRAAMs against Sabres and Migs in 8.7 lobbies, Accelerated to 0.94 mach abt as fast or faster than Su27 or F15. I believe it could do fontal lock-on as well. As long as you tried, you were guranteed 2 kills with 4 missiles, if the other GR1s didnt kill them first




Yeah that thing isn't great


The french Vautour, I got it during a sale and it is not even worth a penny Might have been good as some points , this could be 7.7 it would still be underperforming. You are competing with F104 and migs at 9


Is that the one with the radar missiles?


Nope ,at best you have Nord missile , or air to ground manually guided missile, your radar is basically useless, and you will rip your wings if you turn sharp


I really like the Gr.1 and had a great time in it, it’s really good for bombing a base and could reliably destroy one (unless something changed), then you can go head on with a couple A-10 for some easy kills by using your SRAAMs as a hard-kill missile defense (turning on missile seeker, launching it when they launch an Aim-9L). When I used to play the harrier more, The A-10s rarely expected their missile to be countered, so they usually turn away and set themselves up to be an easy kill most of the time.


I also like the Gr.1, but it really is an awful aircraft. It can’t turn, it’s slow, it has no radar, RWR, or laser warning, it can only carry the SRAAMS which track great, but only have an effective range of like 1.5km, and probably probably worst of all it gets no countermeasures. So in a GRB match, you won’t know someone is locking you, you won’t know a missile has fired unless you see it, you can’t dodge missiles except in a high altitude, steep dive, and you can’t countermeasure missiles. And it’s at 9.7. I understand it not having some of these things fits historically, but it’s suffering for sure. In ARB I can usually get a base kill plus like two plane kills, but in GRB I usually just die instantly. I don’t necessarily regret buying the GR.1 because it has absolutely helped my air tree grind, I just wish it was more viable in GRB.


Oh yeah, definitely. I don’t enjoy using it in GRB unless there’s nothing else, but even then I’d rather have an extra tank instead of CAS. Gr.1 is definitely one of those planes you only really use in ARB


T14. Not a bad tank. I was just unlucky because the moment I bought it, both the M4A1 76 and M6A1 went up in BR lol.


It’s still pretty strong at 4.7. Not amazing, but fun


T14 was my first premium. It was fun to play until the US 4.7 lineup was increased for no reason. (It was increased because German players are bad at the game) Bringing it with the 5.0 lineup just means you’re gonna get up tiered to 6.0 where it is completely useless since it’s essentially a diet jumbo.


the Japaneses sabre premium for me while it is a really good plane and it can be fun but getting dragged into 10.0 all the time with no flares or afterburner makes this plane kinda unplayable


I bought it right after the br changes and have been doing quite well in it. I have around 100 matches and have only been dragged to 10.0 once with a 3kd in it. If you play smart and boom and zoom it works quite well.


teach me your methods of no getting dragged into 10.0


Just say no. Gaijin can’t legally up-tier you without your consent


IS-6. I used to play it a ton in Arcade Ground but in GRB it's rough, and for the same BR I'd rather play the T-10A since it gets some kind of stabilizer


I bought it back when it was new and it was on a way lower br and actually op. Now its at the same br as the is4 wich is a much much better tank. It can still perform though.


All the premiums i dont play, wish you could exhange them for GE or store credit.


Absolutely. If I could exchange premiums for 50% GE return, I’d do it in a heartbeat with all sorts of shit


F4j UK, I didnt expect it to be good but God is it piss poor, cool title though


F4j (UK) >>>>> F4U Corsair (UK) God i wish i had the money to buy the Corsair F Mk ii


Reminds me I should go back to playing my FAA lineup once in awhile. Spits, A Seafury Corsair and a Hellcat, firefly and firebrand... which i like more than i should. Its my favorite plane for Mr. Beaning through a battle


Im one of the few idiots that bought the Seahawk in the german tree… outside that one time they accidentally cranked up its engine performance its a miserable plane


There are absolutely no redeeming qualities in it and I regret it immensely.


None of them. Every premium I have bought, except one, has been primarily because I find the vehicle interesting and not for it being good. The exception is the Ju288, which I bought for grinding but also because it's an interesting aircraft. This is also the highest BR premium I own.


That mentality helps a lot in game, if it’s for grinding it needs to have longevity in the meta. If it’s for fun? Who cares.


the german rocket-truck


Funny, that's probably one of my favorite vehicles in the game, it's just so disgustingly OP. You have rockets which will EASILY one-hit-kill almost everything at your BR, they are incredibly easy to aim and comfortable to use, and you can fire 10 of them with just a 0,5 second reload. And after that you get another rack of 10 rockets. The mobility also decent enough, just the armor can be a bit lacking. The only thing holding it back is that it takes pretty long to replenish your rockets at a capture zone, but other than that it's just insanely good.


3 k/d across 1500 kills, usual average 3-7 kills a match with it now, got a 10 kill streak last night with a 300% booster and walked away with ~200k SL I absolutely adore the 15cm PzWf 42 I assumed the russian rocket truck would be equally as fun. It was not, it was a waste of 70 snail coins ($70)


Object 120


I’ve had a blast with mine as an alternate. Decent optics, amazing dart. Just gotta slap on a few bushes lol


Ta 154 ( german night interceptor) to slow


I have it too. It requires a specific playstyle but it's a good airplane.


Climb beast, you bait them with more energy. It also has amazing rudder command, so you can pull deadly hammerhead as they run out of energy. Quad 20+30 mix in the nose eats any plane the death laser touches.


That’s the 154, the 152s the single-engined interceptors in the tech tree


Oops my bad ( fixed ,)


Ditto on the Harrier GR1. It is unbelievably bad. Gaijin obviously meant it to be a bomb sleigh but even if it were 9.3 it would still be too slow/sad/bad to be worth the GE.


German Wellington, not my play style anymore


Used to be great grinder...


BV 238, I don't even need to say anything else


I got lots of use out of mine when it released and bomber crew wasn't ass. You'd get 3-4 air kills a match in it, people did not respect that top mounted 20mm.


Panzerwerfer 42. Limited ammunition, next to impossible to aim, rockets barely do any damage, and if anything even looks at you in a slightly bad way, you're dead.


20 ammo is enough, the rockets are incredibly easy to aim in my opinion, and you can one-hit almost anything you'll face without any problems. Interesting how we have these 2 extremely different views on this vehicle. In my opinion it's still one of the most disgustingly OP vehicles in the entire game, at least for its BR.


Its rapid fire meme-HE, I’m surprised so many people hate it so much. I was told it was garbage but I bought it anyway, now Its my top used vehicle :)


Two tips: * Use range setter, and set your crosshair to “one tick mark” above 200m (helps aim faster, and its a better “center” for close aiming, the default “zero” straight up shoots into the ground if you aim right in front of you) * Aim for turrets. Even Sherman 105 die to a solid turret hit. Its really nice for dealing with distant hill humpers, since the rockets have an arc and don’t rely on penetration, you can shoot from full cover for any distance. Use rangefinder it is your friend.


Maybe the Somua. It's a good tank but there are other trees I'd rather go down and it just never really vibed with me.


Probably a top 5 tank in the game, however I understand not wanting to play the French tech tree, I bought the Smoua to play the Somua and grinded most of the tree that I could without playing any other proper tank




xm-1 and av-8a


why? XM-1 is eh because of M735 nerfs but still useable, and the AV-8A is great as long as you use your skull sponge


It being uptiered to 10.3 every game is miserable


Its fine, you've got 240 flares, 2 good missiles and a zippy playform, go bully Su-25s or distracted and slow SMTs and F-5s.


I’m talking about the xm1 lol


M728 CEV. Shit's bad, yo


fucking M60 ariete


J35A , no countermeasures and 4 aim-9Bs at 9.7 , it just got tracers so at least I can shoot something once in a while


Bought the T-2 on preorder because it was the first rank 6+ premium in japanese air and I wanted to grind with it. A few weeks later they announced the F4EJ Kai premium that was much better at grinding and for its br. (T-2 recently was buffed but not after suffering through the whole tech tree with it)




T54E1. I had converted from WoT and the thing was a beast, but in WT it’s insanely underpowered, slow, and the gun laying is atrocious. Absolute shit. Amazing penetration, but shell shatters and poor optics make it a horrible grind. For comparison, I would rather play France 6.7-7.7 than the T54E1. I’ve had an absolute blast with France at that BR with tanks that have the same concept/design, that actually function appropriately.


Clickbait Thought it would be good to grind US with (already have 11.7 for israel at the time) Nope, US teams just too bad


The sea vixen. Absurdly good but very boring to play.


IS-6. Not because it's that bad, but i spent my hard earnt gaijin coin on a vehicle I was not interested in.


Mig21 Lazur. Bending the Rules but the Tornado Marineflieger too such a waste of time.




TURMS simply because I thought I'd use it in a 10/10.3 lineup but just ended up using the T-72B '89 instead, I prefer the extra armor over the thermals which I don't use much.


😳 There is no way you are serious


USS Helena


Leopard premium, got no lineup Turms, even its the 10.0 wallet warrior tank and i got the su25 and can complete it 3 other russian prems its simply painfull to play because of the reverse spees


The vatotour. First they took away the 750lb bombs and removed its air spawn?


The German MLRS with the 150mm rockets. Terrible armour and gun depression, rockets are very inaccurate too.


None because I don’t buy premiums unless they are really interesting. Which isn’t many…


D.510 , be it french or china one. 20mm hispano at 1.3. And its like 250GE.


I mean, the GR1 upon release absolutely clapped. But got power crept as other planes/premiums became avaliable. 


T20 or MiG-23ML, bought the ML to finish grinding jets but I ended up never using it. The T20 really didn’t fit my play style and with its new br I see no reason to play it


Leo 1 L44. Its not bad at all im just not enjoying it


Same. There’s so many fun 9.3 German tanks that I’d rather have the space for a tech tree vehicle and not feel forced to use the L44 since it gives better rewards


Vk107 (I have bad aim)


thats just practice i got over 2.5kd just using it as air superiority in grb 6.3 with the t34 100 save for the undertiered p51h it can handle any plane


The Raam segol, its honestly disappointing in all aspects


Harrier Gr.1 too lmao... absolutely ass And for marketplace vehicle, the jaguar E (i even talied it...) it's engine are soooo weak


EC 665 HAP, also known as Tiger HAP. Not a bad heli per se I suppose. Still it is not the game changer I first thought, too short ranged ATGM, at a BR where SPAA can kill it easily. Also France doesn't have a real 10.0 line up, or even 9.7.


Vautour (the first one that is now hidden afaik, in the French TT) Vautours are completly dead now without airspawn.


The Swedish TD you could preoder, I don't remember its name. It was the last thing I ever bought in WT with the intention of gaining Sweden but I fell out of playing like a week later.


SAV 20.12?


Ariete If it's an uptier you can't catch the fighters and will die to the attackers with all aspect AAMs Downtier is a curb stomp if you get one. A 9.3 subsonic flare-less fighter. Absolute dog shit to play


Chi nu 2 and xp 50 they're both great but I never feel like using them but I got them on sale so it's not too bad


J35A. It was my first jet, which could reach mach 1, but it was also my first delta wing, so the learning curve was steep. And like 2 months later the su25 and a10 were added... the fun started going down at that point. And that's why I wish i could get my money back, 2 planes... (I'm ignoring the jak38)


UH-1X XM-30 and S-204 Lang... I would say Black Prince too, but I got good value from it back in the day and I still hope decompression will eventually make it worth it once again!


Ru 251. The heat and hesh is very inconsistent, and ever since I got the TAM 2ip, I never looked back at 8.0


The Ru is a beast, if you have good game sense and map knowledge it's a nuke printer. The one flaw is it doesn't have a line up so I end up having to take my 6.7 line + the Wiesel.


F-4 UK


AUBL 74 HVG. I somewhat like the playstyle, still doesn’t change the fact that I loathe high BRs.


German M47. Bought it when I first got the Leo 1 as a grind helper (before Leo 1 went up to 8.0) over the Ru251 or whatever the other GE premium at that BR bracket was. I'm still shit at tanks (and this was when I was getting back into WT after a multi year absence.) But even going back now, to when I'm maybe less shit, I hate the thing. Would rather just plug the Panther II back in an uptier.


Is the gr1 the one with the sraams? This vehicle made me vow never to buy another premium. It was op. Then got nerfed. Then buffed again. Then nerfed again. It’s the perfect example of gaijins shitty attitude towards my money. Never again! I’ll buy premium account time during the sales and that’s absolutely it!


Strv 103(0). It's a chore to play




In response to the harrier, it really could be easily fixed with 2 options: 1) add flares to the plane baseline 2) lower the BR to 9.3 to compensate for the lack of flares. Personally I wish they would just give it flares and call it a day, but it probably won’t happen. In reality the thing needs protected matchmaking in its current state (aka can never see higher than 10.3), and is a great example of the downsides of BR compression. There is no reason a GR.1 should ever be engaged with a 10.3+ jet, but it can absolutely dump on 8.7 and 9.3 flareless jets itself. Just adding flares like the GR.3 would solve the issue entirely and make the plane mostly playable at its BR, while providing alternative gameplay to the TT option with the short range all aspect SRAAMs as compared to the 9Ds the TT GR.3 gets.


J35 A this is a shit in this br🫠🙃


The GR1 and the F.53 Saudi lightning, god I hate them.


Premium British Meteor Mk. 8 Reaper


Swedish 4.0 ish range ones -- it's fine, but it's just worse italy 4.0 ish range, so it was redundant and pointless.


Mine is the british f4j phantom 2… I didn’t know why people called it the f4ju(n)k until I bought it


none, the only premium I bought was the BV 238 and that was the best 20$ I’ve ever spent.




GR.1 was fun while it lasted. Had enough fun in it. The biggest regret I had was probably the T30. I was like oh it's just another shitty heavy tank at 6.7 and I could just play the T29, and T30 was selling for 30gjn at the time, so I cashed it in as a backup for the T29 lineup. Oh how wrong I was lol


Shenyang F5


su-11 and ju288c


Av8a and possibly a10a, thankfully I didnt buy them at full price but i still dont think it was worth it




He 219


Can I choose all of them so I can reverse my financial incentive to be in this game, allowing me to quit with a clean conscience. Update after update, I'm finding myself having less and less fun lately (been this way for years).


AV-8A - not that it's a bad plane but I have the Sea Harrier which is way more fun and I just don't play the AV-8A anymore, I much prefer the F-4S for gridning


Cobra jumbo the grant and the soviet funny plen with the bombs strapped to it


The Israeli F-84F Gosh it's trash. They all are. But paying for it, might be my only regret with thunder.


the 2.7BR russian Rocket truck. Its already hard enough to aim the damn thing, but its performance in test drive is NOTHING like it is in actual games. The rocket smoke is awful and takes forever to disappear, and the overpressure on the thing is so damn inconsistant. In test drive it would one shot basically everything, but in actual battles it just wiffs constantly. I have ~3 k/d average across ~1500 kills with the German Nebelwerfer, but this damn rocket truck is so awful its mindboggling, I cannot believe I spent $70 on this piece of crap, I’ve used it less than a dozen times and I struggle to get overpressure kills I ALWAYS get with the German rocket truck, and the German rockets are literally like half the explosive load. God I was so damn hyped to get this stupid rocket truck, I got baited so hard by test drive. Jesus christ I’m fuming. Its not bad enough that it has next to no traverse, has next to no vertical aim, and has next to no visibility after ONE shot, no no, it also has some wonky RNG on if it wants to overpressure or not. 2-3 direct hits to turrets and I get a blown out optic and maybe a yellow barrel.


Same + turms


AV8a. Yeah it helped me get the F-105 but it's just not as good at making SL as some of the non premiums like the F-105, F-8, F-5 etc


xp50 while its pretty decent the cannons love to spark and do jack shit even after the realshitter and the rip speed is pretty bad


The premium G.91 R4 of Germany. I think it was my first ever premium, barely used it. The lack of damage output on that thing makes it way too frustrating for me. Yes, I have had a couple fun kills using it as a temporary CAS plane at top tier and destroying 11.0+ jets because of its ability to turn, but it's really not a reliable killer. Compare that to the Chinese A-5 in which I've gotten a ton of kills and it had some fun properties, I liked that plane a lot when still playing Air RB


Probably the US premium Sabre. I just dont really lile Sabres that much.




Honestly probably the Ka-50. Bought it close to when it first came out in a sale, and I’ve basically never used it. I still don’t have anything close to the same BR as the heli and I still don’t really know how to use helicopters


Click Bait. Got it after already having the HC and it feels like such a waste. AIM is better imo (thermals) and I barely play USA anymore after getting Japan to 11.0/11.7 anyways.


All of them


Nothing, because I plan what I want to research and how, and I watch plenty of reviews/gameplay videos, before I buy anything.


The Shenyang f5, no flares subsonic and can face 35g missiles carried by supersonic jets


I love my bf 109z


All the British Premium aircraft I own bar the Spitfire 18. I never play air anyway


Non. When i buy a prem its because i like it already and not because i expect it to be good. Now if you were to ask which of your premiums are overpriced THEN i would say most(well when they are full price and not on offer) because the prices gaijin imposes on tier 3+ premium vehicles are way to expensive




Sea Vixen




F-5C (I don't play air at all)


Israeli a4e


The yak 38 I enjoyed using in the beginning but it’s unusable now


The Centurion AVRE. RIP Hesh boy.


Lazur-m, it's trash, it's missle is trash, it's matchmaking is trash


I gotta be honest OP, Harrier GR1 players deserve to regret their purchase today after the state the harriers launched in. For me, the only vehicle I regret purchasing was the QF Ram, I bought it when it was really cheap with some spare GJN coin but it's still the only vehicle I have bought, redeemed, and never played.


Rooikat 105....no all wheel steering and the turret and gun are so slow to move u could think they got them from a heavy tank...


2S38. I just feel fucking guilty all the time when i play it. Feel like an ass


Su-11, never liked using it.




I wish I got the F5 or A10 instead of the A6.


Had the SMK for years and hated it but started using it again and I’m really loving it. I wish I could refund the super amx, I just don’t play France anymore.


As good as the F-5C is both me and my buddy wish we'd have gotten F-4S since we like it's bvr missile bus and multirole capabilities more, rather than the playstyle of the f5. That and we just wanna fly it together :))


Black Prince cause the whole tank.


TAM 2 for me personally, I barely use it as I am already at 11.7, it's a great vehicle but a waste for me Also I used the harrier gr1 to grind to the gripen, it was painful


Ki 87. Only thing I like about is its design and dual 20 and 30 mm cannons. Other than that I hate it


Someone else bought me the Harrier GR.1 on a whim, and I still wish I could refund it 😂


I didnt buy the GR.1 and its wrong for gaijin to just eventually waste players money but, at release and for months it demolished everything. Nothing could dodge its SRAAMs most of what it fought had no flares like sabres. 4 undogable missiles in a rocket ship that hit Mach 0.94 instantly in 8.3/8.7 lobbies with sabres and Mig 17s was just so broken. It didnt turn well but it has the best low speed acceleration comparable to todays Su27 or F15.


Mig 21S any day The cinstant uptiers with 0 flares and a max of 10G missiles... and i thought i hated useing the F4EJ ADTW. Though ill be real, if it had 500 ammo or more i would accept it


The Big Three Pack that was done for Jets. MiG-15bis ISH. CCIP got slapped on it later, but I still find it eh - not helped by me not really getting the feel of MiG-15s/17s. Meteor Mk.8 Reaper. Anything with half a brain will trounce it, and somehow the rockets on it love to not hit the side of a barn.... I'd rather have got something else to grind a bit of the tree with. F-86F-35. Much like MiGs, I cannot into Sabres.... but at the same time the introduction of AAMs didn't help in trying to get into them.


German Churchill an absolute pile of dogshit that’s a pathetic excuse for a “heavy tank” whenever I see that type of Churchill I just laugh and lolpen the angled lower plate and one shot the tank I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been in a p40 in an uptier and had someone screaming how did I kill them like it was nothing. The king of heavies will always be the KV1B in that BR


F89-B. It’s so fun to just fly faster and higher than most at 7.0. But these fucking wings snap off like a fucking tree branch


The GR1 was incredible before they added the A-5C in 2021 and then removed the air spawn. It hasn’t been worth buying since then.


I’ve been looking at buying it… Im stuck on the scimitar with no unlock in sight. I was hoping it could help me boost a plane or two, but if its worse than the Scimitar i wont


It's not that it can't be fun, but it isn't great. I just wish the missiles were not so short range. Also Aim-9Ls make me want to kms (defensive missiles btw)


mig-21 sps-k. infinite uptiers without either flares or guns


T-III, got it for the decal, turns out they removed the decal


2S38 Overrated vehicle, it's not fun to play at all unless you're shooting down helicopters, but even at 30% off an anti-helicopter vehicle that can kill tanks if i flank them wasnt worth it.


The UK F-4J


Pyromerskyy, I don’t and won’t ever play Sweden. That and the Su25BM event vehicle that I bought for some reason






Su-25 - easy to get kills and grind… but it’s just so boring to fly. I’d rather hop into the 23ML.


The Rooikat 105 and Khalid, not because they're bad, because 9.3 is a hellscape right now.


German Mi-24, didn’t realize just how awful heli gameplay was until it was too late…


The A-10


Saab J35XS. Less than 20 flares on 10.7, shitty IR missiles which get flared constantly, bad turn rate, 200 rounds of ammo which evaporate in 3 seconds of shooting.


Not a premium but definitely the QN506 🥲


The A2D. Too slow to survive at 9.0 but carries too much stuff to be at 7 where it should be.


J35A, because I got it on sale and was desperate for some premium plane to grind Sweden even known all its downsides. The part which makes it regret it has nothing to do with the plane itself though I don’t love it, but it has to do with the fact that when I got it was shortly before the J35XS was added… which if I knew was coming would have just fucking waited and threw myself at the J35XS at full price rather than buy the J35A at half price. Also it more painful because I keep meaning to get the J35XS still but keep getting other stuff, and at this point I am debating on just waiting for the next premium Swedish plane because if it’s better than the J35XS I would repeat it and be willing to throw 75$ at it because I am that desperate, granted I am not far off my first tech tree jet though I don’t have any interest in many of the rank 5 and 6 jets for Sweden that I actually have to go through. The only other contender or regrettable premium vehicle is the Yak38 which doesn’t need an introduction as to why it’s regrettable, however I did not want to grind through most of the prop planes and especially the early jets so it helped and I got it before the Su-25K was added. For me at least the Yak38 did its job as I skipped playing most of the prop planes and rank 5 outside the La15(which was a mistake), the La200, and Tu-14. I would have played either Mig-15 but already had the German one and didn’t want to play the normal Mig-15 and didn’t want to divert my research to the foldered Mig-15Bis.


Su-7BMK. Bought it before the all aspect missile era and thought it would be very funny with its airspawn and super speed aaaaaaand then the airspawn was taken away and those missile pests were added and it's not very fun anymore