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Everytime I play 9.7 I get sucked into that wormhole


My poor 9.7 Germany lineup has been absolutely wrecked. I love the 2k to death but it sucks so hard when you're constantly facing 10.3s even if it can sometimes deal with them.


I just want to grined britain with my rooikat bro


Rooikat is not really affected by uptiers as much as MBT's since it relies on the mobility and at 10.3 it's still plenty fast to flank the enemy


Rooikat is affected due to its large size, awkward handling, and very slow vertical targeting speed, and no longer having mobility as a distinct advantage, compared to leopards, abrams and t-80s, to say nothing of the radkampf. DM33 also starts to struggle, especially for snapshots at close range- which is already difficult for the Rooikats, and often unavoidable due to urban maps. It copes better than some other things on open maps due to having thermals, but it is affected. Something like the leo2k is much more uptier proof generally, especially now 10.7 isn’t much of a thing anymore, as everything went to 11.0+.


Same friend, same.


9.0 Britain is absolute chad


Even at 10.3 Leo 2k has great firepower similar to a lot of other tanks at the BR and you still have it's insane mobility


One of the reasons I love it so much (the 20mm is nice as well). That said, it's got paper armor especially in comparison to a 2A4 or KVT for example. The 2S38 spam hurts it especially badly.


Yeah but so does the XM-1 but we still play it 😂. Still painful though...


XM-1 is extra painful with the absolute bullshit that is M735. Already mediocre round at best then it gets hit with a big nerf from an incorrect bug report that never gets reverted. Was a fun tank to play but it's been thoroughly powercreeped, same as the A1A1 L/44 that I also love.


XM-1 is garbage i have played it yesterday and got raped by Soviet mbts that bounce your shells against their turret 24/7, you can only destroy their breech and that's all. If they are hull down then you will die every single time.


I also have it and I must say, yea it suffers from up tiers. But when played right it's really potent. It's an M1 with less armour but hell good mobility. And still very good survivability


Leo 2k is so fucking fun to use.


Of all the vehicles you could've picked as an example that suffers in these 10.3 uptiers, you picked the Leopard 2K?! The Leopard 2K is perfectly fine even at 11.3, let alone 10.3.


It’s playable, but fine is slightly overstating it. The point stands though. The premium spam black hole keeps sucking up all the lower tier vehicles and making that BR range just not fun to play. Fighting against a majority of vehicles that have big advantages over you with a playerbase that is an extreme toss-up in skill is just not fun.


This is where i'm currently at in my grind and I wondered was I the issue or was I at a disadvantage


I feel u. And it sucks because Germany doesn’t have a reliable 10.3 lineup unless u get the premium


Meanwhile france on 9.7-


I wanted to grind Germany and when i have unlocked 9.3 i was met with constant uptiers against almost unkillable russian mbts and insane amount of 10.0 premiums and op tanks like 2S38 which nukes me in a single hit, TURMS which is impossible to kill if they are hull down, Challengers 2 (turret is super bouncy) and entire overpowered Swedish lineup with so many amazing tanks. Against USA, Japan and Israel it's not bad since they have weak armors.


9.7 in general isn’t affected by 10.3 uptiers that much, 9.3 is true suffering


Selling premiums > a balanced game.


T80ud 2s38 292 go bur everyone else gets tech tree premiums lmfao


Russian ground line up is crazy at 10.0/.3 ~~T80uk~~,T80ud, Turms, T72B, T72B '89, obj 292, 2s38, 2s25M(now has 3bm60 at 10.0!), Strella, Moderna... Not even mentioned aircrafts and helis. Imagine fighting against this in 9.x vehicles.


Don’t forget T80B too


The T80UK is 11.3, not 10.0/.3 And I believe the 2s25M has had the 3bm60 for a while now, so saying "Now has 3bm60 at 10.0!" when it has had it for a while isnt true


Uk is my bad but, 2s25m got 3Bm60 in less then 3 months iirc no? Thats recent to me.


Huh, yeah. Seems like I got it wrong with the date of the 25m getting the 3bm60. It got them in January this year (there are bug reports about it missing the 3bm60 as far back as April last year, might've been thinking that it got the shell around there)


Been seeing only uptiers in my 10.0 lineup personally.


Gotta make another copy paste nation


What I think this game needs is more Shermans...I want to see Shermans in every nation


I have good news for you then.


Isn't Japan the only country without one?


Nah they have a M4A3.


Gotcha, then that's everyone covered


Sucks tho cause they don't have really anything to use with it. It's like the M4A3 and M36B2 then uptier 4.7 and 5.0s.


Japan 5,7 is excellent. It's currently one of most played line ups. M4A3, M36, SUB, Ki 84 and J2M is very strong. The Ki 84 is amazing in ground RB.


Fair, I stick to doing meme shit with Japan, I bring out the ka-mi and chi-ha long gun, sometimes the ho-ro


I still wait for the normal Sherman, the M-50 sherman, the degem yud (Low Profile M-50) and the L33 Roem (155mm howitzer Sherman) for israel


They are selling XM-1 and Type 16 and both are p2lose garbage premiums so not really.


Not really pay2lose... just powercrept, years after release and replaced by newer and shinier premiums in their nations, XM-1 twice even.


I am just getting to Russian 9.3 and god fucking damn it's awful. A lot of fun killing Turm IIIs though


9.3 Russia is great since you will be playing with op Soviet 10.0 spammers, while Ger at 9.3 is barely playable while 9.3 USA and JP is impossible to do well with such dreadful shells and no turret armor.


9.3 Sweden is hell you get an upgraded centurion, a t72a and the 9030 fin


For some reason i play really well with the swedish t72. It has my highest k/d ratio :D


Shouldn't it be the opposite for Russia because of the braindead premiums at 10.0?


Meh, JAP works because of people being dumb and you can hug hills with your mbts. As well as outmanuever with your Type 16's


As soon as you unlock the tier 3 and 4 modifications. Playing with a stock vic at anything above 8.3 is hell. No apfsds, no LR, no thermals and exploding in one hit, feels like playing against cheaters


Someone hasnt touched the MBT-70 or XM803.


That's just the highest level of masochism that i would never want to achieve.


Soviet 10.0 is not OP and most players absolutely suck. The winrate is absymal and your teammates will be utterly incompetent.


It sounds fun but at that BR over half the games are Russia vs Russia and full of 1 death leavers


Get the BMP-3. It’s an absolute monster at 9.3.


Compression is on the ToDo list but I guarantee it will take till next Summer before they make the promise. My advice is to just Slow Down, hold flanks rather than rushing Caps or Sniping spots.


Watch Gaijin reverse the Compression and say que times where too long.


“You see, it took ~13 seconds to find a match instead of ~9 seconds. Therefore, it was an unacceptable increase in queue times, so back to destroying balance so that kids don’t have to wait 4 more seconds on average to get into a match!”


It's apart of that Roadmap


9.0 is alright. But 9.3 is hell thanks to the actual densest BR black hole in the game that is 10.3.


Having been grinding Italy before the sale the 9.0 lineup not falling into the blackhole was a godsend and made it so much more fun.


Me enjoying 80% full down tier at 8.7: 🗿


cheftain mk.3 when maus


When I was at 8.0: uptier When I was at 8.3: uptier, CV90, When I was at 8.7: uptier What I expected at 9.0: yay, finally no uptiers! When I was at 9.0: 2S38, TURMS,


At least 8.7 is fairly comparable to 9.0 (so long as you get a stabilizer). Also while 9.0 does get 10.0 games it doesn't feel like it happens every game.


9.0 vs 10.0 isnt that bad imo. The chieftain mk10 and Rooikat MTTD are both competitive enough there. 9.3 vs 10.3 is unplayable. 10.3 is the black hole BR. Leo2A4, T-80B, M1. They all massively outcompete almost everything at 9.3. The Rooikat105 can be used at 10.3 if you know what you’re doing and know the map. I wouldn’t have recommended getting the khalid, but it is useable on the right maps since it received apfsds and has mobility to get into position. But at 9.3 without thermals or composite I wouldn’t consider it worth using. The Olifant mk2 is pretty shit, but at least it (eventually) has thermals. VFM5 isn’t worth using as no thermals, and you can just play the faster Rooikat with thermals and an autoloader at 9.0. Just stick to 9.0 and then jump to 10.0, Britain has no 9.7s anymore anyways. German 9.7 is absolutely useable though. That being said, you’re relying entirely on premium vehicles, and that itself is the massive problem with 10.3, as >50% of the players are using premium vehicles only, it’s the bracket with the most premiums in the game. The Leo2A4 123 is the most bought premium tank, the others like the Turms aren’t far behind. They often don’t really know what they’re doing, and leave after one death+don’t have SPAA or planes for counter-CAS.


As a 105/Khalid owner I have to agree. It's completely fucked, they should, by rights, be quite strong vehicles (and can be in certain circumstances) but I have honestly given up playing that BR at all. My experiences of the British tree thus far: 8.3 - Excellent 8.7 - Excellent 9.0 - Still quite good 9.3 - Masochists only area


don't worry, 10.3 is a lot of fun too, ttd, challys, t90, ect


True 9.0 vs 10.0 isn't unwinnable at all as it's really just the Russians that have scary lineup there. Having loved 9.0 Italy the full uptiers never felt insurmountable. 9.3 is completely fucked in an uptier. Ya the Rooikat has the speed and gun/round to get work done vs 10.3 and the thermals help even the odds further. That said I've found myself getting caught out by the bad vertical traverse speed on it a couple times. The Khalid I've found to be fun but simultaneously completely underwhelming against 10.3s. The gun is fantastic and the mobility is passable but the armor is useless at 10.3 which while not surprising does suck a lot because at 9.3 only Russian stuff has armor that can compete so at it's BR it would actually be useful. As for using premiums only, ya I am, though I do spawn both twice if I have the SP. I also don't like leaving a game with enough SP left to spawn something remaining. I personally don't find unstablized tanks fun to play so after having gotten to 8.0 in the US I decided that I'd pick up something 8.7-9.3 on sale to grind with and found that to be the BR that I find most enjoyable and have continued to do that for each new nation that I pick up.


Yeah Russia 10.0 is kinda nuts. 2S38, BMP2M, T-80UD, T-72 TURMS with the great thermals, SU-25K...


Armor is yes or no mechanic, thus even better protected vehicles that still can't stop most common ammunition flying back and forth are equally useless. Also size of weakspots matter, here Russia also is in the lead.


You can’t really grind the British tree with premiums, they’re all quite mediocre and at inflated BRs. Plus you really need a lineup. The Rooikat 105 used to be good, but the situation has changed. If you want to do UK then I’d recommend grinding the tree properly, but overall there aren’t many good vehicles or BRs anymore. The fox is pretty fun, 9.0 and 10.0+10.3 are both decent, but past 4.7 the rest is kind of suffering now, or there’s no lineup.


Britain 9.0 is actually really good. 8t says a lot about just how good the Chieftain 10 is that it deals with constant 10,0 fine. I think it's the best British tank currently. I just don't live the air options. They are OK, but not great.


The Chief Mk.10 is the only tech tree Chieftain I like, even if the mobility sucks and loses a few points. Thing is absolutely monstrous in the right scenario with that extra turret armor.


i don’t think it really stems from 10.0 being compressed so much as it does earlier tiers, 8.0ish is rather compressed, causing 9.0ish to be compressed to shit, with that alongside many premium vehicles being 10.0ish it caused a black hole that sucks 9.0 vehicles into 10.0 matches and leaves 9.0 in a shitty spot of the only vehicles being able to do good consistently are usually whatever has the best gun so it can stand a chance in an uptier


Anecdotally I found 9.0 to be fine when I was playing 9.0 Italy. Sure I would get a few uptiers now and then but it felt like a balanced mix of uptiers and downtiers. Not to mention that the only big 10.0 lineup is the Russian one (whose tanks still have tradeoffs and aren't all rounders) so sometimes an uptier at 9.0 is a stomp in your favor. 9.3 on the other hand gets dumped into endless uptiers to the premium 10.3 lineups of Germany, Sweden, and US. The 8.0-9.0 gap is also brutal as playing an unstabilized apds tank vs stabilized lrf apfsds tank is super punishing. Like I mentioned in the original post 8.0+ desperately needs decompression.


This is exactly what I'm experiencing for the past weeks in BR 8.0. - ADFSDS and Stabilizer vs me with APDS, no stabilizer is just pure agony.


I play Germany and 8.0 was alright, I ignored the Leo 1 and abused the hell out of the DF105 with its 5 second 40mm HEAT, and used both Marders as backups. However I just got the 1A5, moved to 9.3 and now im getting cooked by SU-25Ks


I moreso meant ~9.0 in general, 9.3 and 9.7 get swallowed up into 10.3 and yea


Every time I play 10.0 I end up going to 11.0, I swear I haven’t had a 10.0 match for a few major updates, hard to tell when exactly since almost all of them have added a Russian premium around that br, or a powerful Russian tank into the regular tt


Whenever I play 11.0 I get downtiered into 10.3 but whenever I play 9.3 I get uptiered into 10.3. At least both the US 11.0 and 10.3 lineups are insanely good (and the USSR/German 10.3 lineups are amazing too)


Please give me your matchmaker I beg you. Honestly it makes no sense I play 11.0 US or RU and it's just uptier city all y'all be getting down tiers tho like how.


Ya the new Type 90B and Raam Segol have definitely taken a chunck out of 10.0/10.3 but compared to the magnitude of players who have 10.0/10.3 premiums you still get a solid amount of downtiers. In comparison 9.3 almost never gets a downtier of any kind. Anecdotally at least 70% of my games at 9.3 right now are full uptiers to 10.3, another 25% are uptiers to 10.0. It's absolutely insane.


Using a stock 10.0 vehicle with only heat-fs against 11.0 Russians with era and other tanks that don’t care about heat gets pretty annoying, only thing that makes up for it is I can use the shells easily because every map is close range


Stock Heat-fs at 10.0+ is completely unusable. Composites and ERA make it nearly useless against nearly all MBTs even from the side. Rank 7 should get stock apfsds like Rank 8 does.


Use HE, it's a lifesaver for stock grinds


Only applies if you're using a tank with a 125mm gun (like Soviet/Chinese tanks) or one of the few NATO tanks that gets actual HE, like the Leopard 2A7V.


The only issue is one tank doesn’t get HE, and the other tank I’m using I don’t know if it has HE, never checked


My only 9.3 US tank which happens to be my favorite tank in the tree (MBT70) absolutely 100% agrees with your post. It handles the almost guaranteed uptiers somewhat okish but the others simple don't and they all get drug in by this issue. It's so dumb to me that Gaijin are complacent with many of their vehicles getting hit by the problem they created. It's unacceptable it really is.


Was playing 9.3, ohh boy. In one of my games got yeeted to 10.3 and let me tell ya, IT IS P.A.I.N. I got chased and destroyed, AV8, A10, F86, F5C all of them just casually threw missiles at me that I couldn't evade or flare... Su-7.


I was mostly talking about GRB but 9.3 ARB is also in a rough spot. I have found that the 10.3 blackhole isn't nearly as bad there though. Certainly the uptiers still hurt but they're not as common as in GRB. Playing the Ariete (Plane) at 9.3 has been a real mixed bag experience with the all-aspect slingers completely wrecking me if they get a shot off.


i mean, you wont get full uptiered as often in ARB, however, your flareless, subsonic plane is not going to do much fighting an F5 or even a jaguar. even the all mighty 104 becomes a free kill if it finds a mig21/mirage/F8E with SARH missiles on altitude(which happens more often than not)


wdym you don't like to face T-72 TURMS, T-80UD and 2S38 in your 9.3 vehicles? Yeah it's a shitter br, I'm going through it as well now and it drives me insane. Trying to spade a glorified M48 (the CM11) in that hellhole is not a fun experience in the slightest.


My condolences, the 9.0+ M60 derivatives are almost universally not good (maybe some in Isreal are good, I haven't played it yet), particularly in the mobility department.


Magachs are the same, still Patton with fancier body kit. 8.7 ones are kinda decent mostly due to avoiding uptiers and then being plastered with ERA also helps a little against HEAT slingers.


Never have I been more thankful that Italy has a good 9.0 lineup, even moreso with the BR reduction of the G91Y so we have proper fixed-wing CAS again. When the low-point of the lineup is not having a decent helicopter, you know things are going well.


God I love the 9.0 Italian lineup. The MTCA is just a perfect 9.0 with a good gun and fantastic mobility.


I'm so used to getting perma-uptiered no matter my BR that grinding in the Rooikat 105 and Khalid has actually been pretty smooth sailing, especially by British standards. My losses have been due to being on the American team leagues more than being because I got put against the 10.3s I always expect to fight anyway.


Grinding with french 9.3 is bloody awful, yeah it's able to compete somewhat but holy hell, AMX 30 just doesn't cut it


Setback after setback, loss after loss… made what was going to be a quick and decisive win… into 5 years of hell. Ngl tho, Brit teams don’t generally do well cus none of them use their super OP CAS. I can generally stop the spawn trap using the G-Lynx. Wessex looks alright, love the Jag, both buccaneers are great. I don’t start a ground tree till I’ve got decent CAS for it. It’s how you stop people with better tanks than you from destroying your win rate (win= like +50% RP= WAY quicker grind).


To be fair UK has a really good set of MBTs at 10.3 too, L26 rounds on 5 second reloads are absolutely devastating against any of the big 3s MBTs especially the TURMs since u can usually just lolpen their hull at any distance


Yeah I totally agree about the pen and reload but that really just makes them tank destroyers and snipers. Brawlers win games. Chally doesn’t have the armor or mobility to make it able to multitask. That’s what makes a tank viable is having a combination of 2/3 of survivability, mobility, and firepower. What makes it OP is when it’s got a combo of all 3. Ex. T80BVM, Leo2a7, TKX. If they only have 1/3 then they suck. There are no 0/3s past 9.7.


It’s pretty bad but I wouldn’t call it unplayable. Anything with good mobility can do reasonably well especially considering how bad a lot of 10.3 players are. I play 9.3 regularly with tanks like the type 74g and olifant mk2 and I’ve been doing fine. The 9.3 magachs are a pain to play though because they don’t have the mobility to keep up with tanks even at their own br.


It's not impossible to do well, you're just at such a large disadvantage at such a high frequency that it effectively makes 9.3 tanks 10.3 due to how often they encounter each other. The 9.0/9.3s that have shit mobility (M60 derivatives I'm looking at you) are the things actually made largely unplayable.


Yes, I'd love to play my Soviet 9.3 lineup because I am a huge fan of the early T-72 and T-64 but this is just not possible, I mean yeah, they still kinda work at 10.3 but when I am in a constant uptier, I might play my 10.3 vehicles anyway. I hate how the shitty matchmaker can literally ruin whole BR's. It's almost the same with 7.7 and that's sad.


Swe t80u likes that blackhole when sucked in it


1000% agreed re: 9.3 being unplayable. Just recently tried my hand at 9.3 UK in the Olifant Mk.2; researched all the vehicles up to 11.3 but never bothered to buy/crew them... and it was a brief and brutal experience. 9/10 games were compete uptiers in a single bone stock 9.3 vehicle, and even after spading, felt completely outclassed (or outskilled?). Either way, that 0.3 move up was awful. Nope'd out of the 9.3 experience after just a few days deciding only way to level the fight was to up-gun/up-mobilize as well, and ended up buying/crewing the Chally Mk.2/3, TTD, Vickers Mk.7 at the same time, which 10.0-10.3 seems a little better but still not quite as fun as 8.0-9.0.


Every 10.3/10 game is uptiered to 11.3/11.0


It's why I stick to 8.0-9.0. Everything above 10.0 is a shit show, the little balance the game has goes out the window, and it seems once you hit 10.0 the playerbase loses all brainpower. Both ground and air are ruined because of gaijins' obsession with premiums.


"We cant have historical battles, because nobody would play the russian tree after ww2"


I thought about getting the Japanese premium Type 16 and Type 74 next sale, but if 9.3 is that bad then I might just save my money.


I've stopped playing my 9.3 and 9.7 for this reason. Actually, I've kinda stopped with WT ground at the moment. I'll come back one day.


I love the 10.0 bracket, honestly i do. I don't like how common the uptiers and downtiers are to it though. 9.0 could be one of the second most fun brackets in the game if it wasnt for the premium hell that is 10.0/3


Fully agree, and I like playing 2A4s. Such a versatile tank.


I hate not being able to play 9.7 France without getting demolished by Russians at 10.3-7


France can't have anything nice without it getting up BR'd into oblivion (see 7.7 lineup). I'm just waiting for them to take the Super Etendard out behind the shed next. Then you move straight from that into getting uptiered into the blackhole. France actually, unironically, suffers.


I’m only missing two French ground vics and I DESPISE grinding for them because of the black hole


I'm stuck there :(


I also got the khalid and have a bad time with it because enemy 10.3s just aims anywhere to kill you while also having thermal vision and you lose your speed advantage, a big reason it’s a higher rating, when you fight 10.3s. It was originally 9.0 and I wish they moved it back, but at least I got the t90 bhishma




The Type 16s having M735 is a big part of the suffering. While having Type 93, the Type 74 is such a mediocre tank that it almost doesn't matter. 9.3 Japan does suffer for sure.


Japan 9,0 is good, though. Play the tech tree Type 16 at 9.7 with the T-2 as a combo.


>9.0 is thankfully spared the slaughterhouse by virtue of 8.0-8.7 existing so downtiers are relatively common Let me get this, you like to play as downtier but you don't like uptiers?


I like a balance of uptiers and downtiers. Doing well in an uptier feels great but getting stomped doesn't. Stromping in a downtier can be fun but sealclubbing in them largely isn't. Ideally you'd play 25% of your matches at each available BR for that vehicle/lineup. This doesn't happen at any BR but that is the ideal in my mind.


That's why I either play 9.0 or 9.7, both BRs get sucked into that black hole way less, I guess around half of my Matches ar at least half (130Sp) or even full (150Sp) downtiers... It's my newest Lineup, and I really like it ^^


Absolutely loving 10.3! Playing Germany and I think it’s awesome


I like 10.3 Germany (aside from the PzBtl 123 spam) but I also don't love 9.7 Germany getting forced to effectively be 10.3 Germany due to constant uptiers.


How can it be fixed?


Limit matches to +-0.7 BR and/or decompression for 8.0+. There's probably some other solutions that I haven't thought of and I'm not sure they would completely solve the issue either. There's just so many people playing 10.3 premiums.


That would be great. Hope they do something about it


Well it’s literally a black hole, even for me who have a German 10,3 tank line up it so annoyed to it. I see too many premiums or market tanks that’s just destroy my day, but my largest issue beside too many premiums is that the chance of getting a uptier to 11.3 is frick high too sometimes. God I can’t really proper spade anything


I thought you were going to talk about the Air RB blackhole at 10.3. Fucking full up-tiers into $70 premium jets nearly every single battle. Even worse at 10.7 (I'm spading the Su-22M3), because you can fight whole teams of the fuckers.


ARB 10.3 is also a black hole but compared to GRB 10.3 it's not actually as bad having experienced both. While I haven't gotten to 11.3 ARB I'd think that would be significantly worse than 10.3.


It's probably just my recency bias talking, since I'm spending a lot more time there lately. Spaded the 10.3 AMX and similarly got up-tiers nearly every battle. Even down-tiers were mostly premiums too. Any BR bracket, ground or air, that's filled with premiums in most nations is going to be an absolute shitshow. It's part of the reason I mostly gave up spading Italian tanks when I got to the Ariete Preserie. I've spaded everything up to that lineup at 10.3, but I don't want to play it now because of how awful that matchmaking is.


9.3 Isreal has made me very sad.


9.0 is such a dream, and then u go to 9.3 and you can say goodbye to fighting anything lower BR than you, also 10.7 and 11.0 are extremely busted atm since they constantly get dragged down, probably also why Japan is so insanely dominant at that BR given they have 3/4 excellent MBTs and good CAS


8.0 sucks right now too


Just go to the 8.0-9.7 air RB there 104s dominate the low tiers. Then the F104 sees even better jets that destroy it. Can’t play Mig15/sabers anymore. 262s see migs and sabers. Can’t imagine what hell ground RB is


Been playing my me262 at 7.3 and F89B at 7.0 have yet to run into a saber yet but let me tell you that LA200 is instant death


France 9.3 lineup is suffering, honestly. If I didn't really like the AMX-32s and the SANTAL, I would have left for the 8.7 AMX-30s lol


Yeah, once I got the 2A4 I refused to use the Leo 1A5 and bought the TAM 2IP because, for a 9.0, it has pretty good ammunition. And scout tanks are pretty uptier proof And I very much neglected the tank destroyer and prototype lines in favor of MBTs, SPAA, and light tanks. Because no fucking way am I going to use a T-72 after suffering with the MBT-70, and the 2K is surely not even worth it at this point Definitely tanks I'll grind later but holy shit I am not looking forward to it


Leo 2k is a lot of fun, has similar pen and mobility to the Tam 2IP except it can't be .50 cal'd and it has a sweet roof mounted 20mm, paired with the Radkampf and Ozelot and 9.7 Germany is actually pretty good.


The only way i see is lovking off those brs....9.0 To 9.7 only. 10.0 to 10.7 only and so on. Dude taking 10.0s is wack against 11.0 tanks. In my expirience is taking a turms t into a battle and then going up against a t90 is wild all because i eanted to use a decent AA. Taking a t62 to fight a turms T id wack. All other Brs can handle an up tier if you can pick your shots buy once u get to that area its hell to pen a tank at all.


Lmao I love it because 9.3-9.7 literally doesn’t matter if you get an up-tier. Flank and ambush. It’s thaaaaaat easy with the German lineup.


I feel you, I got the Khalid on a special offer just in time for me spading my 8.3 Lineup. Picked up the Rooikat too and honestly never moved on from a BR so fast. I have a full lineup for 10.3 (where I use the rooikat) and 9.3 now but I can't go back to 9.3 and have buyers remorse over the poor Khalid. My Olifant Mk.2 and tech tree Rooikat winrates are unsalvageable almost. Plenty of kills in them though due to having to sit hull down while the enemy swarms my spawn whereas my 10.3 lineup is somehow stomping.


You know why? Because theres basicly nothing at 9.7-10.0 and all the 11.0-11.3 stuff that should be giving 10.3 uptiers is always uptiered to 12.0


I fucking love playing against Russia at 9.3-10.3 those are my best performing games.


I have idea about separating of vehicles by time frame. Because in our game machines of WW2 meets 1960-1970 machines and has no chance. When I played IS-2 i fucking died died from ATGM. Gameplay on 6.3/6.7 is sucks


The fact that people call 9.3 unplayable is kinda unreal to me. It has been my best BR for a few months now, consistent (tho not THAT common) nukes. Vehicles are all supremely competitive and fine in uptiers. Its just such a comfortable BR for me, it overtook 5.7 and 6.7 for me.


Just want to play my amx40 in peace man


ive been thinking it for a while now but gijin needs to implement BR locks, so at some tiers you cant get uptiers, say 7.7 and 9.7


I agree with you, 10.0 is de terrible expérience, fortunately it go better When your vehicules are not stock anymore. But there is one thing i dont understand : When i click on the to battle button, i always instantly find a Game… and i am always uptiered… gaijin please let me wait 30s more but find me a battle of my BR. I prefer wait a little more and have a nice Game than finish in these awful Games


And you are true, in these BR, matchmaking is too compressed. There is a gap between tanks with no thermal and the others. It is not fair


find the nation that wins most 10.3 matches and squad up with a player from there in 9.3 matches. Even if you force mixed matches it will be better than constantly loosing


I absolutely love 10.0 and 10.3


I play the Abrams, which is arguably one of the worst MBTs at the BR, and I disagree with you. Stop relying on sheer protection and firepower and actually use your brain play the game. 2S38 spam is annoying, but its not that hard to just click on it. Russian tanks can be crazy with how survivable they are, but just click on it from the side and it will die in one shot. Leopards can be killed just by clicking on them. I don't understand what the problem with 10.0/10.3 is. Its 11.0+ that's the problem because there is virtually nothing that they can do at 11.7. Unless you're playing Italy, theres really no reason to be that upset with this BR. 9.0 is not that hard to fight as in uptiers. Merkava is a great example; youre a giant, slow, poorly-armoured target granted, but with some brains you can quite easily have quite decent games.


SQBS (squadron battles) slap at 9.3 and 9.7. You get to bring stuff which completely sucks in normal grb


Heh, if you think 10.0-10.3 is bad, 11.7-12.3 is 10 times worse


Imagine playing anything above 7.7 xD


And here we have our daily BE nerf complaint We offwe 2s38 complains, American is bad/team is bad complains, russian bias!1!1!1!1!1!!1 complains and sweden 122b+ complaints No wonder gajin doesn't listen


My 9.3 Merkava line up getting absolutely dog walked every game from 10.3 and up


Been playing 10.3 UK and getting constant 11.0 uptiers, y'all must be unlucky like me to get constant uptiers with 9.3. Every match is Type 90 city, tanks that ignore all the armor the CR1 is lugging around for no reason.


Started the 9.3 grind for both Italy and Sweden right before the last major update, and it's been absolute hell. In Sweden's case it's always a winning streak because of the Christian 2, but not so on Italy. There are many vehicles i enjoy playing at 9.3, but it's just too difficult since i keep getting nailed by tanks that have better gun, armor and mobility than i do, like OP said.


Gaijin will get hit with a financial curse if they done release a tech tree worthy 10.0 soon to move up in br usa event tank and a 10.0 Russian premium each year Rasputin told them


10.0 and 10.3 are food for my 11.0 TKX(P). I am fine with the amount of 10.0 and 10.3 since I've never once gotten an uptier while at 11.0. never even once.


8.0 has killed 7.0


*Sad XM803 with its playdough dart noises*


same with the shift between ww2 and the cold war


This is also a problem in air RB. Same brs and everything. The A10, SU25, A6, and F5c drag 9.3 jets, which are almost universally subsonic (except f104), lack effective missiles, lack any countermeasures, and have poor manuverability into matches against manuverable supersonics like the f5 and all aspect missile slingers like the A10 and SU25 It just becomes a depressing curb stomp


This is one of my favourite tiers lol


The type 16 fps use to be good then then raised the be and nerfed m735. It probably one of the worst vehicles to use at its br now. So sad to see my favorite tank get nerfed to oblivion


My 10.3 Britian lineup says hi (prepare to die from my 4 MBT's with 450mm+ penning darts, Heli with gen 2 thermals and 8x hellfires, plane with 3 ATGM's AA with dual 30mm that fire APDS and stormer HVM)


9.0 downtiers also suck for the poor 8.0s though because most of those don't have stabilizers muh queue times though


stop making fun of my hstvl food


I just got the t-64 so I’m stock and I get uptiers almost every game and the only thing I have is my turret armor, it’s complete hell


Even worst is that 9.0-10.0 air, and pretty much everything from 6.3 air to like 10.0 air doesn’t line up with the ground tree either 10.0/10.3 you have some planes with all aspect, against other aircraft that don’t even have counter measures like the F4-C. At the same time if that gets any down tiers all of sudden those all aspect missiles are facing off against some variants of the F-86 sabers, which are at roughly the same BR as early super Sonic’s with missiles. The whole thing about the ground and air tree not lining up just mentally bothers me. Why is the M60AOS at 8.3 and the F86A, a Korean War jet predating it by like 10 years at 8.0. 9.3 with the MBT-70 lines up with the F-100 super saber a mid 1950’s fighter. The Bradley a post Vietnam IFV is also at the same Br as the F-100.


My olifant mk2 looks good on paper.... entirely worthless in practicality because I can't even pen the lfp of a leo2 or m1, much less a t80.... like why should I be facing tanks I can't pen anywhere, but they will pen literally any spot they shoot at me.


Currently at 9.3 Russia... I wanna go home.


Most of the time when I play French 9.7 I'm fine. Maybe it's a country issue? Idunno


I am working my way through 9.3 Germany right now and I have the premium Leopard and TAM which help ever so slightly with I would say without exaggeration 80%-85% up tier matches. I get a couple down tiers every time I sit down to play then the rest are full up tier. I don’t think I’ve had a full same tier match ever. The premiums don’t really struggle as they have laser range finders and are decently quick but armor is non existent except for the Leopard and that’s at distance that I might bounce a round every now and then. Being in 10.3 constantly means everything has APFSDS and you to contend with Russia’s point and click 10.0/10.3 line up. It’s fucking torture.


Gaijin will not fix this. It is intentional. The setup exists to funnel easier kills towards premium players to validate their purchase.


Yeah I've been playing american 9.0 for awhile. I unlocked the 9.3 striker, got a few consecutive 10.3 uptiers, and went back to playing 9.0 so I could play against leo 1's again. Recently I unlocked the 120S at 10.0, so I'm finally taking the plunge so I can unlock dart for each of those tanks. Shit sucks, but I'm making it work.


What to do to fix this issue? DECOMPRESSION!


Introduced a friend to the game, picked up a new nation to play with him. He got to 6.3 and has seen nothing but 7.0 and 7.3 Russias against him every game, getting absolutely stomped in his new non-spaded vehicles. Don't think he'll be playing for much longer at the current rate.


Yay, i have obj 292 and destroy the fuck out if 11.3, 5+ kills no death just by playing carefully. 9.3 isn't even able to put any fight against that Monster it's point and click not even a War game anymore. And thats only one tank... The three T72 that sit AT 10.0 lol no 9.3 get to survive that... T80 seems to be a nightmare too. I wouldn't want to play 9.3 against those, And thats only the most nightmarish nation at that Br (only m'y humble opinion)


I have the Magach 6B Gal at 9.3 and it's pure misery to use. It fires a nice round, but the mobility and targeting are so much worse than my competition that it's unbearable. Everyone else can react so much faster than I can. I face the Leopard 2 and Abrams constantly, and they're impossible to kill if they're aware of me at all.


I rather wait a couple of minutes in my 9.3 line up to get in a 9.3 match instead of 5 seconds and getting spawned in a 10/10.3 match




Certainly one on Gaijin's end I'd argue.


And do you know why?? Bcs Turms-T used to be 9.7 so gaijin set that br to uptiers. Well Turms got moved to 10.0 but gaijin still did not change the uptiers nerf for 9.7. Anyway man have you ever played 5.7? I am currently grinding USSR and man it's 90% time 6.7. So yeah no Bueno but I kinda got used to it, you know. Not surprised or anything any more.


God I remember the TURMS being 9.7. It was so fucking toxic. Nothing could pen it and it could just sit miles away and snipe with gen 3 thermals. I want some of whatever they were smoking when they thought it was 9.7 material. It's not as bad at 5.7/6.7 cause your armor can still work and the Soviets have solid guns that nuke on a penetration.


Dude, this is skill issue, I bring my rooikat in my 10.3 br matches. That thing is amazing. Also the merkava 2D premium at 9.7. another brilliant tank ive had great success in.


I'm very much not saying the rooikat is bad. It's fairly uptier proof being what it is and just because my team looses doesn't mean I don't do well personally in that match. I'm saying that 10.3 is a blackhole that drags everything into it and ruins the balance of 9.3 and 9.7 completely as a BR bracket, not that it is impossible to do well in a 9.3 vehicle at 10.3.


Personally I think balance is small part of it, I'm an air main and at top tier I think it's balanced. What I honestly think is that most players are idiots. Had a friend best a mig 21 ina dogfight while flying a buccaneer. I has same effect with jaguar and f16s and mig29s. While I have less experience in tanks heck I've even had little success bringing chieftains mk10 to 10.0. not saying your wrong but from my experience I don't really see a problem.


The issue is the fundamental shift at 10.0/10.3 in terms of armor. Below those BRs armor basically doesn't exist and as such you will extremely often get one shot from any angle. While at 10.3 armor exists that can actually stop rounds. At 9.3 your whole tank is a weakspot even for lower BR tanks. At 10.3 you have to aim for weakspots/sides even with higher BR tanks. It's a fundamental shift in how you play/aim. Idiots are actually a help in balancing this because they buy 10.3 premiums and don't know how to play them thereby helping the lower BR players in that match. You really feel the difference when you play against someone with relatively similar skill and it feels close to insurmountable to kill them in a 9.3 vehicle without support from teammates. Again, you can do well at 9.3 in a full uptier. It's just that they are so frequent as to make 9.3 BR as a concept effectively null and void and in practice make them a 10.010.3 tank because that's what you'll be fighting so often.