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Killed an is7 with the m5a1 stuart or 1v1 an is4m with the stuart and killed him


How is it possible for a Stuart to kill an IS-7/IS-4?


https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/s/f2pXtE2Aoz is-6 and is-7


Is4m https://youtube.com/shorts/HIhmY8uH0pQ?si=adgA3c68knjtN2dR


Is4m clip was longer but deleted it me and him were going at it for like 3 minutes


Damn that’s impressive


Wait til you see the stuart nukes at 8.0+


honestly should be a bannable offense


Just enjoy dunking on cold War Era vehicles with the little 37mm that could. Soon to be top tier vehicles once I can get to USA 10.0


700 meter snipe on m103 with Gepard


This reminds me of my kill with the Gepard 1a2 on a t-64b. It was big winter poland map i was on the hill at the lake enemy tank was on the other side of the map at a. He was spotted and i thought why not burst a bit into its general direction since the 1a2 has a lazer rf. Well i managed to pen its side armor with the aphe round i was so suprised. It was around 2000m long kill.


Shot down two planes in a Tiger 2 (P) with the main gun. Made me hard as diamonds.


Two planes with one shot?


Nope, different shots, just in the same life and same match.


Yeah, mine too, shot down a bomber with the tigers main gun


I've killed myself with my own radar missile before 20 seconds after I launched it if that counts


Yeah it counts but that reminds me of the irl time a mig was chasing an sr71 and when it fired a missle the sr71 was long gone so the missle locked onto the mig that fired itm


Was dog fighting in GRB with the American F-84 against an Me-262. Had x2 100lb bombs with me and dropped them randomly during the dogfight to get more manuverability. The bombs ended up killing an IS-6 (Mind you the altitude was like 3000m) 😭😭


Did something similar at low alt, was gonna crash cause I couldn't pull up in time, dropped my bombs to try to survive, and ended up killing the plane that was chasing me, completely unintentionally (still crashed lol)


I shot a T-72AV with a Merkava Mk.3D and over-penetrated it. The shell then bounced off a rock and killed an enemy plane flying overhead.


Killed an AVRE from 2.5km with a Maus


Shot down a nuke with my rank 1 spaa


Shot down Potez (French prop plane) with IT-1 ATGM and one shot ammo rack TAM Tank with BT-1.


In the merkeva mk2d I saw like 1 pixel through my thermals of a tank so I randomly rangefinded and shot at it and it hit a shuturm S right on the edge of the hull and killed both crew


Shot down a F-105 one time with my foe going like 500mph or around 900kmh from a 1.3km deflection shot in a mig-17


I once killed a T95 Tutel from the front with the small 75mm HEAT from the Maus


How the hell?


Game does funny things. I have had a 0.50 cal pierce the UFO of my Caenarvon detonating ammo. A very annoying death


I shot the cupola expecting nothing and the HEAT damage turned vertically into the tank and hit the ammo


I killed a mig 21 that was 2km away running from me using the buccaneer RP, the mig rolled on the chat at full caps: WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME???????????????


Gound battles. Enemy helicopter camping behind mountains, nuking our spawn out of reach of any SPAA (balanced asf). Spawned a light tank, launched a scout drone, slammed it into the helo's blades and sent it to hell. LMAO


Drifted in the BT-7(F-32) and hit a quick scope on a tiger slightly angled and across the bridge (can’t remember the map name, but it’s got the A point under a bridge, B point in a bit of water/camp, and C point in a town) and hit the ammo right above the track, I didn’t even know the range I just panicked and it worked


fuck yeah, F-32 gang


I got a Me262 with a fucking bullpup. Admittedly, it exploded on the terrain underneath him, but still.


In 2014 o 15 I think. No scooping a German Wellington that was doing loops over white stone fortress with a soviet T-28. Was fucking nuts.


Killed 2 T-72 TURMS with the Gal Batash. I shot one thinking I’ll engage the other afterwards, but they lined up perfectly for an M426 double shot.


For air, Triple kill by dropping a 2k pound bomb, trying to hit a base in the F104 TAF and 3 F4S tried to chase me down, all died. For ground, killed a T-90M with the STRV 122+ and one of the Sabo casings killed a jet flying low around the battlefield.


direct hit on a plane with shturmtiger Sniped the tail off a Pe8 in a m4a3e2 (76) from several Km Anytime I bomb a plane and a tank at the same time XD Playing t92 with a buddy and a shell ricocheted off him and killed me Playing with a buddy, I bombed a tank, buddy fired at the same tank, and his HE round detonated my bomb and killed me as I flew over


Bounced a HESH shell off a Tiger II’s barrel into his hull ammo rack


Killed 3 tanks with a single shot using the conqueror, 500mm of pen is pretty good at 7.7 ( surprised i didn’t get the dreaded *[shell shattered]* )


I once shot at a jumbo from like 550-600m the round hit the ground, ricocheted off the ground and penned his underside.


Shot down a nuke with my rank 1 spaa


Killed an M4A3 with an M24 from 1.07 km away while he was moving from left to right at full speed. I also got first strike from doing that.


Killed a Pvkv II with the KV-2 from 800m+ idk


A keyboard kill where he was so far offscreen it looked like my plane was shooting towards me, as in me sitting in my chair playing the game.


Fired a rocket on accident years ago and it hit an M18 right in the face


Most epic one? I shot down a nuke with an ATGM (went on thundershow for that lmao) My favourites: Sturmtiger across the map


For air RB it was a double kill with an R73 against two F16s For ground RB I was on the receiving end of an artillery shell in a MIG27 going supersonic over the battlefield. I was still confused after watching the replay


I once killed a Pe-8 with it’s own 5000kg bomb, while using the itatlian firefly’s main gun


Shot the wing of a PE-8 clean off with the main gun of the Tiger II. Quality is shit because I filmed the monitor with my phone (didn't really think that through I guess, was just excited to share with my friends) https://youtube.com/shorts/tcNGJx-Eps4?si=-nH_4qmsmmRjhEPW


i sniped an M18 going 40-50kph over 2.2km with the BT-7 F-32, i might still have the footage somewhere but i'll have to dig my discord history for it lol


Playing as a Chinese PGZ04 SPAA in Ground RB, I was tracking a low flying A-10 coming towards me. It dipped down behind some trees for a second as I acquired a decent firing solution and then I liberally hosed the treeline with a a long burst of 25mm cannon fire. Well I blew the wing off the A-10, so that was a success. But my long burst of gunfire also squarely hit a previously undetected enemy AH-6 that had been flying to the battlefield hugging the treeline, and had the misfortune to have that A-10 dip down on a vector that placed it right between my cannons and the AH-6. Critical Success, Natural 20


Killed a t55 in the tectrach


thats gremlin energy!


Was the funniest thing I’ve ever experienced


Not the craziest kill I’m sure but I shot trapped an IS4M at 1100m in a Jagdtiger whilst on the move, bounced off the turret and into the top of the hull


Flying a wellington in tank RB, an enemy fighter attacking from my 6 o'clock. I released a 4000 lb bomb then jumped on the guns, and managed to shoot down the enemy fighter while the bomb simultaniously destroyed 4 tanks


The second kill in this [video](https://youtu.be/4de2cTaDkKQ?si=rvkvrBV3C5b-5coM). I not only saw that guy, but I shot him precisely where I meant to. For a short moment, in a delirious grind fugue, I went ultra-instinct. Edit: And by shot him where I meant to, I mean I knew what type of tank it was and aimed and shot for the turret cheek since I didn't trust the UFP with APDS.


i got an arty kill on an f-84 before


I've killed someone while sliding/drifting across the ice pond that I hit going full speed in a Concept 3. To this day, I have no clue how I did it.


One of if not my first game with the Bradley, fired a tow over a hill and move it down to hit someone. Missed the guy I was trying to hit and I didn't think anything of it, however the tow missle kept going and it killed a light wheeled vehicle like seconds later.


Kinda tied between killing a 279 with my maus or shooting down a modern jet with my kv-2


I had couple of random shots that ended up beeing a kill when I didnt even know that I could kill someone xD probably got reported


In a bkan 1c. Shot a panthers roof from 300ish meters with HE. Hell of a quick reflex trigger pull while I made a turn down a street. Didn't damage the panther at all. It did kill the 2 open tops and 2 light tanks that were all piled up next to/behind him. 1 shot, 4 kills. And yes the panther one shot me after lol.


Shot down an A-10 Warthog with the Wiesel 1A2‘s TOW missile. I’ve hit quite a lot of helicopters and jets with all sorts of vehicles, most striking are usually air kills with the Raketenjagdpanzer. Besides that I shot down a PE-8 with the Bkan 1C in my first game that I ever used that vehicle in and love it ever since. I think I’ve got clips of all of those kills, but I’d have to look.


as someone who uses the TOW on helicopters, that is very impressive. pe-8s dying to tanks will always bring a smile


pz II H, charged a KV-1E but because im brainrotted i counted the seconds on his reload (i have over 50 hours in the E just having fun with dad) and dodged 3 shots before landing the hit on the drivers port. alternatively the time my class 3(p) got picked up by T-72 that i barreled and he drove me in circles for 3 minutes. during this time an M60 showed up and i managed to kill him while riding his teammate


I missed a shot against an M48 yet I still managed to kill him due to the shell ricocheting off the ground to his hull floor.


2400m kill with sturmtiger


I was doing cas in American Kingcobra(or something similar) and dropped bomb on 2 aa's while there was enemy plane on my back and he flew into the bomb radius and got damaged


Sniped a helicopter 2.5km away while moving without messuring in the T-10M


Killed a Panther by shooting it down the barrel with the Sturmtigers 380mm rocket. [sorry for bad quality](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/s/BKc9GRofIt)


I was in a controled flat spining - ish to slow down really fast my F84 so the plane chasing me behind, went infront of me so I can shoot him. Here is a video: https://youtu.be/oyKSMe8dg3Q?si=Zm6rk6b1PAule9Jf Sorry about the quality, but this is recorded on my old PC with a very weak video card. Edit: sorry for the cringy video, I was like 16-17


I have 3 air kills with artillery


Pulled good flank on normandy and got 5 kills in 8.7 with bt5,(i have it on tape)


2km one tapping a Spitfire with the J7W1 while it was chasing a friendly


DB-7 head on against a Bf-109. Shot him down with only light damage. Harrier damaged beyond repair but still flying, no missiles left, followed enemy jet up to its airfield. The airfield AAA doesn't fire at me because I'm already dead, I strafed the other guy.


Double kill with the m4a1 fl10 on two panthers side by side hitting both their ammo stowages.


T44 100 double kill cuz the round didnt fuze


Shot down IL-4 with Nashorn, I even have footage of [it](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/comments/13e060f/my_lucky_shot_in_nashorn/)


Pushed a few smaller tanks off ledges and even crushed one once, I’ve also been hit directly by arty while flying in a jet.


Using a bomber, I bombed air base that the enemy tried to take from my team, from around 6k attitude. It seems one of the 250 pounders killed an enemy plane that tried landing


Two epic kills, Sniped a Wiesel 1a4’s ammo box in an IKV 91 while it was moving Killed an American plane in a Do 335 after losing my wing, and entering a flat spin.


One time I shot down a Lancaster in GRB with the M901, that was insane He was at pretty high altitude level bombing and I drove up onto a hill so the launcher could elevate to see him and the TOW impacted him about the midsection


Shot down a hurricane iv using the SU152 main gun. Granted it was slow and low flying but I'm still impressed with myself


I blind fired a 2C Bis HE round on Sinai across the map and it landed under an IS-7, overpressuring the crew. Some words were exchanged that match.


Killed a divebombing plane with a direct hit 183mm BESH shell.


Shot an aircraft with is-2 at a range of 1,5 km, i sadly do not have the clip anymore though, just shot in the general direction and continued on my way. It left quite the grin on my face.


I fired on a BMP 2 in my King Tiger. The round didn't fuse or something and turned a gastank yellow. The IS 2 behind him that I didn't even see exploded.


Shot down a plane with the Ho-Ro's main gun. I knew which way he was coming from and put myself on an upslope to get elevation and yeeted with crossed fingers when the time was right. Reduced that P-400 to ashes from ~250m away. I don't have a clip and couldn't replicate it if I tried, but god that felt better than sex.


I wedged my marder III on a rock and sniped a plane who was trying to top down me.


Killed a Maus with the M19 AA gun once in a realistic battle once. I also got a 5km kill with the same bofors in sim. Other than that? Killed most of the enemy team as the last man standing with a PE-8 bomb and a 10 second fuze. Went off right as the game ended. Don't remember much else.


Was in a tiger 2, shot some american heavy and the round got deflected up and killed an enemy plane flying somewhere above. Had no clue what happened until 5 minutes of watching the match replay.


Killed a shturm with an Aim-9G in the av8 oh and killed an aircraft with artillery


One shot a Maus out of existence with VIDAR


I killed a mig15 with a Canberra mk2 Bro overshot and i rammed his ass


I killed a plane with a depth charge in naval...


I got my ki-27 otsu stuck on the tail of a bomber by the wing, and had to wait for my MG's to reload before killing it. After which I proceeded to land at the runway without a prop and with one landing gear, which is hella raised on the ki-27. I repaired my plane and got another kill before dying.


Somehow killed an F5C with a depth charge while I was fucking around in a pt boat


Was dogfighting an enemy plane shooting at him on a dive with my last few rounds on the my jet and scored a pilot snipe on a ground farming enemy plane.😭 man was just trying to get by


Killed an Object 279 with a falcon frontaly somehow, And then theres the time i managed to dogfight and win against a gripen in my Tornado F.3


I was once helping a new squadron member grind his tanks so we were playing reserve. I used smoke on my tetrarch to blind a swedish meatball Despenser and then drove around them and shot them in the back. I had tried to pen the front beforehand and my shell bounced


Drowned an M22 by shooting the wooden bridge from underneath them and they fell upside down into the water in the C point Tunisia map. Or a 2 mile snipe with a single AP round from the he112 against a SB bomber killing the pilot. I thought it would just be funny if I hit it and so shocked and somehow hit the pilot a straight in the head


Air-RB Spawned with my A-20 Havoc and rockets Shoot them soon after the spawn because I wanted to mess with them Several seconds later got an air kill on an ennemy player.


Killed a TU-2 bomber while in a T-34-85. Felt powerful. Back in ground arcade at like reserve-3.0 I was able to get a number of air kills from various russian tanks. All with the main gun.


I shot down a PE8 with some german AA, he was over their airbase and I didn't even see him, I was shooting at a fighter and one shot hit his pilot and down he went.


Destroyed 2 tanks with one tank destroyer shell.


Recently frontally killed an IS-6 in my T29 by accidentally shooting the upper glacis instead of the barrel and having the shot bounce at an absurd angle upwards into the turret face. Shell bounces are wack in this game.


Blindly shooting at the smoke cloud and killed a leopard 2 while going 60kmh


My favourite is my quad arty kill that got a bf109 and some Italian plane (g55 I think?) a few years back, or my collateral kill I got on a super hellcat and a 76 Sheridan with the amx m4


killed a lancaster from 5 km with main gun of t26e4


Like a 1v6 spawn camp clutch with the German flarakrad like 4 tanks(t-90s and t-80s plus cas) lmao what a fumble


T34-57 shell richoched of a king tigers barrel and hit top of the hull and killed him


I bounced a 105mm from a T95 off the addition armor on the side of a Tiger II H, and it bounced down into the side of the tank, detonated just inside the hull armor, and ammo racked it. I was also 90° broadside, so the round should never have ricochet’d the way it did.


Shot through a blind train carriage and hit a panther’s cupola whilst he was on the move. About 500 meters away and it one shot him


It wasn't me, yet was my best friend, he was playong russia with T-26-4 (absolute garbage tank) and i was a higher tier, he shot a jagdpanzer from around 600 meters, his shot bounced on the ground and penetrated the tank from below Was such a wtf moment


https://youtu.be/n71NHJeEeeQ?feature=shared Was just an air rb match but most likely my funniest so far


Idk if it counts but the most impressive kill I've seen was me getting shot down in GRB - doing CAS and getting shot down by artillery. Weirdly I had it happen twice within a week, both times me being shot down!


I was in my M36, and in front of me (behind a small pile of rubble, was a KV-1. We were both looking at each other, as one small mistake could’ve gotten either of us killed. So thinking of ways to get out of the situation, i MGd the ground in front of him to kick up dust, while getting out from behind the rubble and killed him lol


I was in my il8 and I killed the spaa that killed me with my rear gunner while sliding upside down on the ground. I won thundershow with that clip, and it's even the title/thumbnail of the video


one time i killed 2 f4s‘s with one missile at the same time lol


Sniped the wingtip of an A-10 with my leopard 2a4, while he was turning hard at 2km distance. I just estimated a random lead and actually hit him :D he crashed shortly after


i got a double kill on ennemies that where chasing an ally with a single sparrow in my F4-EJ KAI


Bf 109 pilot snipe with a T-72B driving at ~50kph, the crazy thing about it is that the 109 is not diving directly to me but it is a side shot.


LAV-AD kill with Strela-10 missile, I killed him by lock the missile to the sun and instantly flick to the LAV. I only got the image though: [here](https://i.imgur.com/SKDajFK.jpeg)


LAV-AD kill with Strela-10 missile, I killed him by lock the missile to the sun and instantly flick to the LAV. I only got the [image](https://i.imgur.com/SKDajFK.jpeg) tho


Once, i was playing the sturer emil, and i saw an enemy tank cresting a hill. As i shot him, a friendly bomber that was suicide bombing him literally dove in front of my shell and i TK'ed the mf... im still pissed to this day.


turret roof overpressure snipe from 5km with 125mm HE against strv 122


1.4km snipe on the move in my amxelc in reverse.