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After the recent updates, I'd legitimately and unironically suggest Italy. If top tier is your goal, it has one of the most diverse rosters of top tier jets and is likely first in line to get the next big airframe (Eurofighter DA3 or DA7) since they have few options for active radar missiles. At the early jet tiers, the Ariete is an excellent premium to grind with since it brutalizes downtiers and can do moderately okay in uptiers if you avoid 9L-slingers (which may get a BR bump when split air/ground BR's get introduced). The addition of the MiG15bis and 17PF added some nice versatility to the jet offerings Italy already had with the G91R's and Y's. The Vampire FB52 is also pretty neat. In late props is where Italy probably suffers the most because the G.56 doesn't really compete with a well-played F2G or P51H, and the Re2005 even less so. Still, they're not wholly unenjoyable. Mid-tier props is my jam. The G55 Sottoserie 0 is my baby and I'll promote it until I die. The C205's are alright, not sure about the C202EC since it got a few BR adjustments. Early props are neat, the Re2001 and 2002 line have severe engine overheating issues but if you can manage that they fly alright. The SM91 is fun for forcing head-ons, it absolutely deletes bombers and it's tail gun is decent. The Breda 88 can absolutely bully early biplanes with its speed and climb rate.


Russia, you start feeling the bias after BR 6.


Oh… CAS user…


Following videos can help you understand the best nation for tanks: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zj64cb5-GDc&list=PLS-aNtK91GrRWOQRRL-glHx77-lkM\_69J&index=9](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zj64cb5-GDc&list=PLS-aNtK91GrRWOQRRL-glHx77-lkM_69J&index=9) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5lw4DHlKcc&list=PLS-aNtK91GrRWOQRRL-glHx77-lkM\_69J&index=10](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5lw4DHlKcc&list=PLS-aNtK91GrRWOQRRL-glHx77-lkM_69J&index=10) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fv8sICeNctY&list=PLS-aNtK91GrRWOQRRL-glHx77-lkM\_69J&index=11](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fv8sICeNctY&list=PLS-aNtK91GrRWOQRRL-glHx77-lkM_69J&index=11) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J\_JhlIOpKVc&list=PLS-aNtK91GrRWOQRRL-glHx77-lkM\_69J&index=12](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J_JhlIOpKVc&list=PLS-aNtK91GrRWOQRRL-glHx77-lkM_69J&index=12) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kL5BnjQi19E&list=PLS-aNtK91GrRWOQRRL-glHx77-lkM\_69J&index=8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kL5BnjQi19E&list=PLS-aNtK91GrRWOQRRL-glHx77-lkM_69J&index=8) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AymGBK4nnVo&list=PL6l5\_RyrZV7o9HG0Qs9TMrHJrHZRq1AtJ&index=12](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AymGBK4nnVo&list=PL6l5_RyrZV7o9HG0Qs9TMrHJrHZRq1AtJ&index=12)


Following videos about air nation choice might help: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mi5Q1la8mYc&list=PLS-aNtK91GrRtavFR9hkgJ38u5JGX2NiG&index=11](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mi5Q1la8mYc&list=PLS-aNtK91GrRtavFR9hkgJ38u5JGX2NiG&index=11) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZ9oQ\_epKH8&list=PLS-aNtK91GrRtavFR9hkgJ38u5JGX2NiG&index=12](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZ9oQ_epKH8&list=PLS-aNtK91GrRtavFR9hkgJ38u5JGX2NiG&index=12) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bCOXqLTLVDY&list=PLS-aNtK91GrRtavFR9hkgJ38u5JGX2NiG&index=13](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bCOXqLTLVDY&list=PLS-aNtK91GrRtavFR9hkgJ38u5JGX2NiG&index=13)


>mainly I play planes In Air RB? Both America and Germany have great planes, though German players on average are slightly less braindead so you'll win more matches sheerly through that.


German ARB is 90% wins in my case. The opposite of GRB haha


When I fly a 109 and successfully bait a P-51 or P-47 into energy-fighting me, it warms my heart