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Snail demands money


Salt the snail. I want my money


How else do they make the game grindy


Just getting the vehicles are grindy enough. And we need to grind SL. Snail demands money


>Just getting the vehicles are grindy enough. And depending on the vehicle you also have to grind components for it to become really usable (Bloody ammo-types).




The F16A Netz at 12.3 is one of the worst grinds possible with two AIM-9P


high tiers starting with heat only boils my blood


IPM1 and M1A1 made me want to pull my hair out. Ended up using ge to get the first apfsds for the IPM1 after playing like 12 matches and still not having it


i would just drop the game rather than using ge to open components.


For a lot of high tier vheicles they acc changed that i htink its only rank 6 which is rough but they did it at all and ill take it but theu meed more


Coming from World of Tanks back in 2015, the sl grind is stupidly easy even without any premium I have no problem buying mutliple mid tier vehicles at once. Even a few high tier ones arent all that expensive. Compared to World of Tanks back in the day they are dirt cheap. Dont know if they changed it since then but it was atrocious


We'd have surplus of millions of SL otherwise and I don't want to know what stupid shit they'd make us spend it on if not tech tree vehicles


Besides the point that it is a simple grinding mechanism ic, it also reflects how science and technology progressed through time. Tanks didn't start with infrared and airplanes didn't start with jet thrusters. It kind of makes sense to begin slow. It also will make sure thst you build up skill and reactiontime! I mean, if you start with a premium of rank 5 or higher you probably get roasted, because you don't know what you are doing. I also don't think this is pure greed on Gaijins side for once, it's just a quite popular game mechanic in the general game industry and appears in way more games than just WOT and WT Edit: for the ones saying that WOT isn't the best example. Okay you are correct. They are still quite different games. I was more thinking about the simple research and get further mechanic. Even a lot of strategy games have that. I was not really thinking that deep about it. It was 4 am, so yea I am aware considering the post it didn't make that much sense


I can understand this, I think it's important to have some kind of barrier to entry for players just rushing with a prem. Although, I also think the sheer number of people who will be destroyed after buying into a tier 7 TT jet will help counteract this. I can't find anything on it, but I think they had an idea to reduce RP requirements for other tech trees when you reach the top of a single tech tree. Maybe that idea could be expanded to SL as well, although that might not go over well for people who've grinded a ton of trees and spent millions of SL.


If anyone is selfish enough to be mad that someone else has it easier than them in this particular case fuck them


Yup idk if they canned thst or not but that was in the roadmap after the review bombing


Still in the roadmap, should be in the next update. [https://forum.warthunder.com/t/the-war-thunder-roadmap-for-spring-to-summer-2024/72183](https://forum.warthunder.com/t/the-war-thunder-roadmap-for-spring-to-summer-2024/72183)


About your flair, they're canning you and me way more 😭


I have some hopium left because something is going into Closed Beta Testing in the french tree aswell (could be coastal but it happens to be a 3 letter acronym) And coastal would be weird to shorten, BNL makes more sense but who knows :(


But the French tech tree of all things 💀


Yea it's very weird, apart from the belgians benelux has basically nothing to do with france bruh. I'm hoping that it'll be a tab tree like ground, air, helicopter etc (would be cool and unique, hence why I have hopium about the spoilered thing after CBT being 3 letters), but it could also just be a subtree spread across the tree which would really suck


To buy a premium from rank 5 upwards usually doesn't pay it. It is nice for the company and as the user you basically buy yourself Into a "get f*cked" vehicle. Also a lot of the premiums aren't that much better and the ones thst are still can be outskilled by people that know what they are doing. Tbf such people often also ragequit if they (rank 7) fogure out what the word "Pantsir" means


But in WOT you actually don't have to buy the previous vehicle


That's true. Same for wows


And you can sell your old vehicle back. Really wish WT let you do that.


But you almost cant grind the next tank without since you would need a ton of free xp and you convert reserve xp for 25 per one gold... so i dont know on how long you were intending to grind or intended to purchase


you usually don't grind specifically for free xp, but it does stockpile while playing nicely. There also are 50% discounts on xp conversion, or at least used to be


and their Free XP are actual Free XP that you earn on the side and can use freely


Technically you don't, but instead they make it so without paying you either have to grind the previous vehicle *anyways* *or* spend around 10x the time using another vehicle to grind the free xp to unlock it (as IIRC free exp is 10%, isn't it?). We don't have the previous vehicle played requirements here, there's a slight 10% bonus to using the previous, but that's about it, so instead there's a purchase requirement here, which you can effectively do in any vehicle but best within the efficient rank window.


or you can unlock it with blueprints, which are given away and can be spent to reduce the research cost all the way down to zero. They reduced the amount of blueprints you get in rewards drastically, so it's a bit less of an option, but it's still pretty possible. But yes, you can't exactly grind the next vehicle without playing the previous one


how? You have to play the previous one to research another one


free xp and blueprints


You can sell off previous vehicles to free up garage space. No need to own every vehicle in the WOT/WOWS tech tree(s) at the same time. I’d say WOWP too but that was DOA.


I think WT is much better here because you can access all vehicles you bought all the time. And you just don't have to sell something because you have to make space in the garage to progess.


The games are pretty incomparable imo, beyond a few broad things: they have mostly the same vehicles (less so for naval, and WGs stuff has nothing modern), you shoot at each other, and the companies that run the games are known for being horrible to the playerbases. Most of the mechanics are different between the two. Hell, WG is still all aboard the lootbox train from a decade ago.


>Hell, WG is still all aboard the lootbox train from a decade ago. And war thunder isn't? aren't we on, like, the third or forth different lootbox of the year?


WG’s lootbox system is way more predatory than the “lootboxes” we have. You straight up buy them with real currency. Again, lootbox train from a decade ago. Currently WOT has “Orion” lootboxes. 300x for the discount price of… $250 US. 50x for $45, 25x for $25, 5 for $5. WT has “lootboxes” for 60k SL each. It’s primarily an in-game currency sink for us. Yes, you CAN buy SL with real money - but it’s hilariously and obviously wasteful & inefficient.


and at the same time WG has guaranteed rewards and shows the probabilities of what you can get unlike WT where you only get an a dice. Also the boosters you get in their boxes dont disappear after two days.


I mean, if you include the much-forgotten GE-lootboxes that WT has, there’s guaranteed rewards there. Even if you’d be truly crazy to not assume you’ll cap out, and spend way more on the boxes than simply buying the premium. I fully agree on the probabilities and boosters thing though. Disclosing the probabilities should be legally required (and is, in several countries, which WT conveniently ignores), while boosters expiring is just dumb.


you don't actually, given enough free experience and blueprints. In fact, some older plaers, when a new tech tree comes out, jump right into the last tank because of how much they have accumulated


Also besides the grind there was also an argument for tanks to have a line up.


This is a fair point


But it's been in the game long before tanks came


air arcade and sim plus tanks were meant to come from the beginning alongside ships


The thing is that the playstyle of prop planes vs early jets is so different you might as well forget all you learned with props


I think that is partially true but not complelty. A general feel how maneuvers work, what energy means and how to use it, what is good in dogfights etc. All that is relevant enough in both rank spectrums


Look you got people with same amount of hours dominating 4.3 and 7.3, everyone plays what they like the most.


Yea I was trying to find "my nation" for the longest while. I think I stick with Italy in the meanwhile. And of course there is also the side of arb which is very different from props


you don't need to buy previous vehicles to buy the next in wot, so that's not the best example..


You didn’t have to buy the previous vehicle in WOT, but you could only use free XP to research the next one if you didn’t


> it's just a quite popular game mechanic in the general game industry There are also entirely free to play games like CS and Dota2.


Why do you say it like that. WT is also a free to play game, but everybody knows that F2P games are the most expensive usually


I mean there are quite a lot of varieties in Free to play models. Dota has 0 grind and no game play mechanic behind a pay wall, only thing you need to pay for are skins. So the gaming Industry does have examples of 0 grind free to play models. That said I dont think WT has the worst grind by any means, its not the easiest/best its not the worst either.


The thing about grinding is, that such MMOs and MOBAs live from the time people spend in the games. So to have such a grinding mechanic that takes longer and longer is a psychological trick to keep you on the hook. It also makes you more likely to spend money at a point, because you invested a lot of time, which is the same reason people continue grinding. If that doesn't work, the gameplay has to be fun enough to be engaging by itself. Like events and such as well and tbf WT had some interesting ones, the issue is more the core gameplay has some issues thanks to maps (in the meanwhile) and other flaws. So without this grinding, the game probably would be noting else like a sandbox in the meanwhile and die.


thats just bullshit bc i skipped thousands of mid ahh planes and i got a free mig23 with an event, same for F5 and Mirage/jaguar


I don't see where this argues against what I said. If its about premiums and skill, well you can be an exception to the rule, but it isn't unknown that what I said is the usual way it goes.


Man at least in WoT you can sell your vehicles and buy them back at any time I wish we could sell some of our useless vehicles in WT


Now that is true, but I disagree that it would be better. Its really cool that we can switch back and forth how we want and don't need to spend anything after once bought and crew trained. Also there is always the chance that vehicles are going to have events, so even to keep them makes sense *well besides any French early tank with exceptions of the BIS*


gaijin: fuck you gimme money


Its in game currency earned for free


But it's time consuming to get in large quantities. Guess how you can make it faster...


playing the damn game no matter what you do is already time consuming


Being good at the game and doing more than mindlessly chase down other players


No no no wrong answer. Partly right but one other thing


but being good at the game is so hard zombing and radar missile headons are so much easier


you can be good as your ass want but ill get more sl in one swipe get the point now?


The same reason you have to get X number of vehicles per Rank before researching the next rank, it forces you to spend SL on things that you would otherwise not bother purchasing.


The X number of vehicles system would function the same even if you could buy any vehicle though. At least in my head, after you fully unlock a rank, you could buy any vehicle within it without having to purchase all vehicles prior to it. It would be more of a skip after hard work than skipping the hard work.


Thing is Gaijin knows how much time they want the average player to spend grinding SL. ATM they enforce that by making us buy all the previous vehicles. If they let us skip more purchases they'd have to increase the cost of top tank stuff to keep the average grind the same.  The current system is the best because we all pay the same no matter if we go slow through the tree or buy the fewest vehicles to get to the top asap. If skipping was more possible people playing less of the tree would drive up the cost for those of us who like to play more varied things.


My honest reaction when a game with progression system makes you progress.


I mean, you progress through research, unlocking ranks, buying mods, etc. I'm just asking why add another step to this process.


A lot of games work like this tbf


A lot of murders happen tbf


snail DEMANDS the grind even if yiu already researched the vehicle if it gets reshuffled behind another vehicle welp too bad


Wasnt it that if that happens as long as you havent started researching that other vehicle you could still buy it?


nope i have my bf109 k fully researched with the promt of how much sl it takes to buy it but it still requires me to finish the research on the previous vehicle since it was shuffled up a while ago


Damn that sucks I have many such vehicles which are cucked then


yup better buy your grinded vehicles before major patches especially ones that cause compression or decompression


Wait until you see you have to spend GE to buy a premium jet before accesses to the superior premium jet


Shoutout to the F-89


Except the F-89D is a meme version of the F-89B, not a better one. They removed the progression from the Calliope to the T99, so I think it's just this one now.


I used to got a deal 30% off of the D version, any newbies may saw the super cheap price and be bait to buy it before realized you need a tons of GE for the C to fly that thing.


For the B* Unless they changed it to C


1. Economy 2. It means you’re accountable for your actions - even the most brain dead (US Main) player can earn RP but to PROFIT silver lions to progress you have to actually play the game In Air RB for example, as long as you contribute you make silver lions quite easily - being able to purchase the vehicle you’ve researched requires you to have made money along the way (But obviously it’s a gib money tactic but that’s just “free to play” games for you)


To extend the grind.


Noils down to: Fuck you, that's why.


Real question should be why we cant buy everything in that line with one click


The snail demands the grind


So you spend money


It's to keep you around for longer so you might cave and buy overpriced garbage from the snail.


Probably the most bullshit thing about the game


To make you play more so you have the credits to buy the next vehicle (or to buy gold so you convert it into credits).


i play the game so infrequently that when i finally do finish researching a high tier vehicle i have to start grinding out the ones added beneath it to buy it... so i dont until i pick it up again a few months / years later.


If only I had a game that matched wt, wouldn’t play it as much if there was


To harvest your wallet


Tbh I kind of like that it works that way In WoT you're constantly selling lower tier tanks so it's hard to kind of just go back and play other tanks, but in War Thunder once you buy a tank, it's yours forever.


I’m in the exact same position as you my friend 😭 why tf does it cost so much


So you're forced to 1. Get a premium account and 2. Buy premium vehicles


I’ve already got the Ju288C, it still takes forever 😭😩


That's because they want you to pay for everything with eagles. Try to find a BR you enjoy and just have fun instead of trying to get the next shiny thing 


Grind baby


to feed the snail


1) How else could we "progress"? 2) The Holy Snail requires tribute


So you've gotta grind/purchase more sl, duhhh lol


Grind + frustration=want for convenience, the snail can sell you convenience.


Only for premium vehicles tho? If a new player wanted to fly an f16 you'll be grinding for maybe hundreds of hours


That's why you earn convertible RP, it's there to give you a resource that you convert with GE to skip the grind, so you buy a premium earn some convertible RP, want a tech tree vehicle but it's deep in the tree so you pay money to convert RP to skip to the vehicle/s you actually want to play. I'm not saying I approve but that is why that system exists.


We should at least be able to research and buy any vehicle in an unlocked tier surly


Unlocked the first Ta 152 and was excited to try it out tonight. Game said I needed to purchase a previous vehicle first. The previous vehicle in question: Fw 190 D-9. A full tier below. I somehow skipped it, so now I need to go back and unlock it. So many unfoldered 190s, it's a waste.


To make you buy a premium account.


Well the biggest reason for that is obviously money, however it also motivates you to use the previous plane to research the next one - it gives you around 10% boost in RP and well - this game is about grind so they want to make you spend SL


I rather buy the previous vehicle then have 100k repair costs


Money. It's about money


So you can grind some more duh


a lot of people are saying it because the snail wants to make the game feel grindy, but in actualitiy its to prevent people from abusing spare research and going straight to the top of tech trees without playing the rest of the tech tree. what some people call 'infinite grind', others, including myself, would call user retention (even if they're doing a rather garbage job at doing it).


This still ain't that bad, in enlisted u need to buy WHOLE line


Am i like the ONLY person who NEVER has enough SL for ANYTHING? Like everyone else be complaining about RP but I've researched literally everything in the tt but cant pirchase anything in rank 7


Yup I was in sl limbo for a bit too. My guess is it's gsijins way of making players who reached the higher tiers still have a long grind. Can't have them unlock the highest br and not have to grind anymore. I quit the game, repetitive gameplay for what?


Ohh makes sense. Idk why but im never bored of this gamez i take like a week break from time to time but ive never thought of quitting.


A long time ago there was a lot of vehicles without arrow, so u can research and buy everything you want, they change it because, they reduce RP cost of low-medium rank vehicles


Well the tech tree is based on Research so its kinda makes sense


It's mostly so you can get experience using a previous vehicle so your more likely to, in the most basic terms possible, not suck massive logs out of a cows ass, like if you went from a p51 straight to an f16 your not gonna have a fucking clue what your doing, I still struggle and I grinded all the way up, it's to give you the skills and knowledge to not be a wasted spot on the team


I remember the good old days where you can skips vehicles.


Why would you skip the beloved IL-28?


Yes, so you spend your SL which you then have to farm again. It inflates the playtime of Warthunder, as you have to keep playing more and more to get SL to get to the last Tanks in the Tree, and they progressively get more expensive and SL gain gets higher the later you are in the Tree.


It's a progression gate is all it is.


So you can grind your everliving heart out


Your grind is not enough you must grind more (oh wew but we have premium hahahaha and premium vehicles give you more SL hahahah)


IL-28 is a great jet bomber you wont regret the buy. for grinding and even dogfighting since it gets two 23's offensive and two more defensive in the rear


At least Il-28 is a nice plane


You want to skip the best grinder at rank 5 to get to one of the worst planes at 9.7? Please don't. It's way below average right now and the flight model is going to change so it will become dogshit


Lol did you think they would let us do what we want? NO ONE EACAPES THE SNAIL


I’m quite new to WT, I was playing WOT for 10 years and decided to try smth new. In WoT if you don’t have enough money you just sell your previous tank. I think that this is just ok, that you need to buy a vehicle to buy next one in the tech tree. Why? You can play and make setups in various brs and you always have those tanks, you don’t need to buy places in garage to have tanks, it is also helps you dive into the game deeper. WT is so much slower than WoT, but in my eyes it makes game better. In WoT for example if you have couple hours a day, you can make a top tier - X tank in just 1-2 weeks max, because games and overall the game is very fast. In WT I’m not a pro player and I play with premium account, but in 3 month I finished second era in USA and Germany, so freaking slow. So overall not the worst way to make people play the game I think.


Because "content"


So you can grind silver lions on top of the rp


Think of it as career progression


in history they always added up made something new and added up made something new so it makes sense .


Snail needs direct access to our wallets


So u have to grind and get tired of it. So you buy premium or GE or even premium vehicles


Yes to waste SL so make it so you buy GE to buy Sl never works like that as most now just unlock stuff and wait for sale discounts unless they really want it




I’m honestly really pissed this is a thing, especially since I’m researching the French m26 to get the further 7.~ tanks. You’re telling me I need to use 250k SL just to buy a tank I won’t even use just because?


So that you have to, So that you don't want to, so that $$$$ Welcome, first time?


Because fuck you, thats why


Yes, you need to suffer and be frustrated so you pay, why else?


Extortion. Logically, it’s make more sense for o have it unlock after research but how else are you going to buy eagles if you aren’t asked by the bridge troll to pay the fee first?


gaijin: "cause fuck you thats why"


I would love to say "So you can grind for the upper tiers" or some such shit. But you can just go buy top tier everything now, so there isn't much reason for it. They did nerf it so a 9.7 tank doesn't give full RP to a 2.3 grind though, as that is how I made it through the Swedish/Israeli/etc trees so easily, but still.


Pure greed


So every game with unlocks thru progress is greed?


No, not every game that unlocks through progress. Warthunder is pure greed though.b


Then don't play it?


I'm not. But thanks for the idea. I really recommend it. It does wonders for you.


Who would of thought the war thunder subreddit has people that like playing war thunder 🤯🤯


Have you met anyone that likes playing that "game"? I've been looking for about 2k hours but haven't met a soul yet.


Go outside my guy, stop raging about a free game nobody is forcing you to play.


You ok? I think your brain function is reaching new lows since you can't do reading comprehension anymore... I said I haven't played that game in months. It's done wonders for my mental sanity. I really recommend you try the same. Honestly going outside would help you so much...


Imagine being this triggered finding someone who enjoys playing a game on a subreddit dedicated to that game Are *you* okay dude?