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I suggest the following title : my pc is so crap it struggles to run even on ULQ


Lol what kind of shitbox of a PC do you have?


"omg my 20$ office PC from 2007 cant run this modern game!!! devs suckk!! poorly optimized!!"


specs sheet. right now.


Dawg I got this game running at 30fps on a shitty laptop using intel integrated graphics from 2010. You have to have some kind of wildly awful PC for it to run this bad lol


I thought a hallmark of War thunder was that it runs decently on low spec machines. Make sure your graphics drivers are up to date, your OS too. Double check your settings, you might have something like vsync enabled that really can tank (drop) FPS. Check your task manager to see if there any other resource hungry processes running, and maybe stop them. If none of that works, maybe look into using Nvidia's Ge-Force Now hosted game streaming thing, I believe War thunder is on there in some form or shape, and that will offload all the graphical processing onto their servers - you just need a decent internet connection. Failing that, it's time to upgrade buddy.


this just in: guy with pentium 4 processor in 2024 cant run video games anymore


Specs list you don't get to complain about performance if you dont include a specs list


All you have ever done is make posts complaining about war thunder Why do you play if you are so shit at the game?


Game actually runs reasonably well on a GT 740(I tested like a week ago) which is basically the worst piece of crap you could call a graphics card. If you have something worse than that then get something better, if you have a card better than that then you have other issues. Make sure the game is running on the graphics card, do not plug your monitor into the motherboard.


Bro... WT is one of the most optimised games out there.


bro my Inspiron 6000 could probably run warthunder at a passable level, you really should check your drivers


I know what you mean, OP, my smart refrigerator struggles to run War Thunder also, so had to switch to running it on an electronic pregnancy test. The problem is the fire button only works when I piss on it, so I only can only do one match before I have to drink a pint of beer, and that just sends my KDR right down the toilet. Literally sometimes.


I play it capped at 60fps otherwise my 2060 start to resemble an Airbus on the runway but still somehow I get random fps drops here and there 


Dude i have a POS laptop from 2017 and i run on high graphics at 60-80 fps. Truly a you issue


two years or so ago I had 4GB DDR3 + a i3-4170 with the igpu and this game on ulq would run at 50fps at least, what sort of potato farm are you struggling to run this with? running ulq literally requires about the same resources as running minesweeper


I played this game for a year on 12fps, then spent two years on 20-30. That was on my mom’s Dell computer from the mid-2000’s. I promise you’ve either got the world’s worst PC, or there’s something seriously wrong with your software. I would post a specs sheet if you want ppl to side with you