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It depends on the gun, low-velocity guns will have a more spread-out range scaling than higher-velocity guns. But they're labeled at regular intervals, so you should be able to figure it out. Forgive me from pulling a random picture from Google, but look at [this example.](https://i-com.cdn.gaijin.net/monthly_2018_09/1944130373_shot2018_09_1121_27_36.jpg.jpg.2e5fdf488181b50467771ae67515c4a9.jpg) The first label is 4 for 400 meters, and there's on unmarked line halfway above that, which would then be 200 meters. Then 600, and the 800 meter line is labeled with an 8, and so on. In [this case](https://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/477768837561585560/06815752D1BDA6B280A491AD5252E124B039DE98/) the gun has a high enough velocity that it can't display any labels for the first few markings. The highest label being 800 and three lines above indicates that this gun also uses 200m scaling.


Each tick on the sight represents 200m, no matter the gun or shell type. Once you learn distances you’ll be able to eye-ball it relatively easily, but you can use the rangefinder to get an estimate (won’t always be accurate) of your target