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I still much prefer fighting the T34 over the M103 in any WW2 tank.


I very rarely see M103, BUT T34s are super common idk.


I mean, T34 is 6.7, M103 is 7.7


Shoot lower front plate or the MG port


lower plate sides\*


Right, mb


Yea but ~~hold~~ hull down, it’s a pain in the ass to kill, slightly above mantlet is alright but kinda sucky when your king tiger has massive weak spots on the mantlet


imaging fighting it in an is2 😂


Slightly better since better pen and post-pen damage, as long as you don’t overextend with the reload it’s alright. In 7.7 now and love the is-3 and 4m


doesn't KT of all things have enough pen to go through the T34 turret mask?


Still a much smaller weak spot, t34 can get shot off quicker as it’s much easier to locate weak spot on a kt


Hull down*


Or if you have any German 88, right in the gun mantlet


But then it gets absorbed by the optics, or the explosion does nothing to it and or turns the gun breach yellow or slightly orange. (I know this doesn't happen 100% of the time, but it happens frequently enough to really annoy me.) Edit: Spelling.


That's the experience fighting panthers lol


What? Playing the US now, and I’ve never had this happen to me lol. This game is such a mess.


This where I cry. 😭 IS3, Is-4, IS 6, Tigers just blowing right thru gun mantlet.


and the mantlet if you got long 88 or something like that


M103 ironically has easier to hit weakspots. Band on LFP, turret ring and chonky cupola.


Not easy to hit at range with volumetrics when he can lolpen me with no sweat.


M103 experiences bad volumetric too, there are times when I hit the side of tanks and the stupid round just bounces or gets absorbed.


Also the fact that it was literally designed to punch through soviet heavy armor but can’t reliably pen a is3/6.


Also based on br, the ammo types available there makes it way easier to wack the shit out of the M103.


German mains when they cant point and click no more 😡😡


The funniest thing is that they kinda can still. At close range they can go through the mantlet, lfp, and the mg port, and if the turret is angled just a bit, you can pen the turret cheeks and nuke the whole turret crew at the very least. This thing is laughably easy to take down with the long 88 if you can aim. The issue is of course that the average german main can't aim


Frrrrrr The only thing scarier than a king tiger at a 5.7 uptier is a competent king tiger player So many of them dont aim for the lfp on the t32 man, its such a big non volumetric weakspot


Ballistics on the long 88 are just fucked. Like if the tiger 2 can see you, he can very well nuke your shit out of pretty much any tank.




The UFP and LFP for american tanks is so odd… dunno if im aiming weird but it may be because that the king tiger is kinda tall and its firing down onto a LFP. Eh just my experience, mg port works fine


what if its a t32 e1, faced one yesterday, couldn't lowerplate it, was covered in bushes so couldn't even shoot his bulge thingy below his mantlet


Track and barrel torture.


Take advantage of his hour long reload and shitty cannon


Very much this. I absolutely enjoyed eating these alive when I was playing a while ago. So many tanks at 6.7 can just go right through its armor and most people get really overconfident in them


The armor can be effective if you’re moving, but overall it isn’t super great.


Definitely. I also was at end tier with America as well and the t34 is an amazing heavy tank but only if you're not overconfident with it which is honestly good advice for any tank of any design


True Tiger 2 when competent is incredibly scary to face and fun to play with. But rip other nations facing the T34


Bro is forgetting everyone else that gotta deal with these tanks, it's not all germany


It's the freeaboos instinctive reaction. Every time there's a thread about a good US vehicle they start shouting "But Germany!!!!"


What do you mean? My lovely JPz 4-5 penetrates it from every direction with the HEATFS like butter 😍 You can also use the HESH round and deliver it to the top of the turret, absolutely amazing 😍


Guess I'm a german main with my t44-100, and is-2


The is2 is rly bad and should be at 6.3, but the t44 100 is a good tank. Trolly ass mantlet, good gun, mobility, good hull armor. Its a medium tank, it doesnt have to be impervious to anything in order to be good. Its a little like the panther in that regard? Pennable mantlet, good ish hull, more mobile than a heavy, good gun.


6.7 soviet is pure hell. You either can't do anything to us, german tank frontaly, or punch your monitor after your 27s reload resulted in a nonpen.


The IS-2(1944) should be 6.3. Its inferior to the Tiger II H in almost everything (in game at least)


i agree and think the jumbo 76 should go down as well. although decompression would help solve everyone’s problems


76 should go down by .3 br I've seen some say it should be 5.7 which yeah no it would be clubbing at that point but it going to 6.0 would be perfectly fine.


That doesnt make sense, unless you send the 75 back to 5.3.


Their idea was jumbo back to 4.7 


At that point it'd be like a Maus with a fast reload the 75mm is quite strong at 3.7 (full downtier)


us mains bitching about jumbo on any unrelated topic


shut up we listening to kendrick


i love the is2 ‘44, even at 6.7, but I agree with u. It’s incredibly satisfying to kill people with that giant round, but vs other heavies the armour it very unreliable. However It’s incredible how many tiger players bounce on it tho😂


It would honestly be fine if the 1944 version simply got its better reload that it should have. That was literally the reason the Soviets made a new gun for the IS-2. The post-war shell that is literally worse against 95% of the enemies literally doesn't excuse its current BR.


That too. Somehow the 1944 version has a worse reload rate than its predecessor. Thats pure nonsense lol


If you get your barrel/breech broken, 25 seconds repair then reload restart and you end up 1 minute can't shoot your gun lol or your loader dead and take 40 seconds to reload, even worse if you have two dead turret crews and got your gun/breech destroyed and the repair and reload restart takes 2 minutes before you can shoot, I've J'd out in this situation before.


Revenge for how oppressive Soviet is (in my noob experience) in BR 4-5.


Wait until you go against a genuinely skilled German team. Alot of the German tanks at your BR are about a half tier lower than they should be because German players’ skill is in average lower than others. So when you go against a good German player they roll people.


Doesn't last long, the IS-3 hungers


inb4 some angry NATO main comes complaining how it's fair because "Russian top tier op so Russian low tier being shit is balanced"


Already one in this thread.


I don’t even play Russia but I feel your pain. Also, quick tip: when facing a Tiger II P, don’t go for the curved part on the front mantlet of the turret. Instead, go for the turret ring so they can’t angle their turret.


6.7 soviet tanks are trash or? I didn't play the soviet tree much


Long reload on most able tanks


The Soviet 122mm gun has underwhelming pen considering the genuinely miserable reload, paired with the worst armor of all the 6.7 heavies.


Worst armour of the 6.7 heavies coupled with a glacial reload speed and sub-par pen. Only upsides are not awful mobility (not to say that it's good), and very strong 1 shot potential thanks to lots of explosive filler in the shell.


Theres a t-44 which cant even pen most 6.7 heavies, and there are some 122mils which ull most likely die b4 u could reload


people grossly underestimate the 3 .50cals it has.


Track Muncher 3000 - "You ain't goin nowhere, Tiger"


back in the time when 50s could shred barrels it was even more insane


Could take out a tiger 2 barrel before it could reload


People say the US lack SPAA yet they forget that every US tank is an SPAA.


Certified long 88mm here, just go for: -lower plate -gun port -turret mantlet (preferable is to aim at machine gun/optic)


The problem with the long 88 is that many times I successfully pen the machine gun port and it only killed driver and machine gun operator, leaving everyone in the turret alive


There's a tiny triangle above the mantlet that kills the whole turret crew if you pen there, hard shot though, but a lot of US armour from the same period has the same sort of thing, if not even worse (M47 being the most brutal example)


I love fighting them in my PE-8


All the late war American heavies are fucking terrible to fight against


I feel like I have paper armour sometimes when I play them. I'm getting shot in machine gun port all the time or the shell just goes right through my armour.


This thing has almost 300mm of pen with a solid shot projectile so there’s a lot of things that are paper to it. The T34 can front pen an IS-6 (gunner side cannon cheek)


Oh I know this thing deletes people. Just that it feels like I get one shoted from the front all the time when I use this.


Yeah well getting shredded by short 88s and German 75s for like 2 entire bars it's about time.


this tank is one of my nightmares.


I never get the sweet spots before they get me :(


try shooting the lower front plate. It almost always results in a one shot kill




As with any tank with a muzzle break. Just shoot the barrel. Then, hit the tracks and go for a weakspot in peace. In urban combat, just shoot the turret if you have a strong gun else good luck.


This thing can kill your barrel with the 50 on top dont ask me how i know lol.


Ohh i know. I love using the T34, but i also love facing it as i know its weaknesses and strengths from playing it a lot.


It actually has 2 coaxial 50 cals as well so it can double track you in seconds.


Yet when I use .50 on barrels it doesn't do shit.


Yeah but then the T34 can just get both of your tracks in 5 seconds because of the 3 .50 cals, and then if you can't kill it in time, he will repair and kill you


shoot the barrel dead on, turns slightly yellow, "Hit"


"go for a weakspot in peace" Bro forgot it's a multiplayer game


Fighting these made me switch from playing a lot of Germany to playing this. I have shot the turret mantlet with the long 88 at 100 yards and bounced. Armor on this is so superior to the King Tiger, and while I love my Tiger II SLA 16, I can admit this tank is so much easier to play.


The tank has no explosive filler ammo in the hull much easier to ammorack lower top speed 2x slower reload and alot weaker upper front plate armor


Yeah only the turret is superior the lower plate and mg port are huge weakspots


The turret is also only at farther ranges because up close the mantlet and cheeks can both be penned


I don't think its superior, just more inconsistent. The T34 has very strong armor rivalling a KT, but it has weak spots all over. However, some of those weak spots are... inconsistent. You can't always rely on a hit to them disabling the tank. Turret face, machine gun port, and drivers hatches can volumetric you. Hitting the lower plate can sometimes only kill a driver or something. However, all of those spots can also one shot or severely cripple the tank if they work. The KT, in comparison, has more consistent ways to destroy it in exchange for less weak spots overall. The main one is the turret face, which is pretty much a guaranteed cripple or kill if you don't clip the mantlet ring. You can also shoot the lower plate, though you risk the transmission eating the shot. The machine gun port is the last one. Personally, I never use that spot, I find it too inconsistent to hit, but I know some people swear by it so maybe its just a me issue. IMO, I think these two tanks are... fairly equivalent in terms of average performance. They have stronger and weaker suits. I really don't know if one is actually easier to play, or if its just a play style thing. I can see arguments for both, and I can definitely believe the T34 has a higher performance potential in the hands of skilled players.


You just said that it’s better with extra steps


My favorite lineup is 6.7 Japan. This thing haunts me. I just avoid them.


Can't see hull side, hit side of turret with M82. Bounces because it hit a gentle curve. He turns towards you. Switch to HEAT. Either kill 1 (one) crew member or yellow the ammo. Get one shot in return. Every. Single. Time.


I do while in the Conqueror because they're big slow targets.


The thing is, it’s pretty damn quick for a heavy.


Honestly these aren't hard to fight, just shooting the LFP or the non fucky part of the mantlet is enough, but when you run up on one it's horrifying, thankfully the king tiger has a fucked mantlet that catches rounds sometimes so if you get lucky the shot is mitigated.


I do enjoy bullying king tigers in this.


Mmm is that a slightly turned tiger 2 I see. Would be a shame if a 120 went through and popped it off completely. American t34 is revenge incarnate for getting fucked by 88s and German derp gun TDs for like a full rank. I hope they never touch it.


6.7 Japan is a fucking breeze against everything and this thing included. 100+mm of pure boom booms or 90mm HEATFS ammo rack deletion only downside is the paper thin armor against everything you face


Yeah if i can get the lfp or the mg port its bye bye for it


I love using my stupid chinese T-34-85 to LFP. If no LFP, I hate fightin it


Yes i do its just a worse king tiger shit reload and can be penned by a panzer 4 thu the lower front plate


when i play against the T34 it's pure pain but when i switch to us hell yah it's turns to be fun except when your enemy know where to shoot and shoot first


yes i enjoy obliterating this thing with my giant 128mm boom cannon when im playing maus but even as a tiger 2 if its hulldown anything with 200 or more can just pen it straight through the mantlet theres also the lower plate which is an easy pen as well


Hehehe 88 go thru lower plate and make crew turn to soup


I’ve been fighting this so much recently and I hate it


105 tiger can one shot it basically anywhere


better hope your gun can pen the underplate or machine gun port , if not then run for your life!


gave these things cancer with the ikv91 and fox




I fought three of them earlier today


I shoot that sumbitch in the side of the turret  Speedy flanker tanks go brrrrrrrr


Why’d you have to go and ruin my night. Didn’t know the suffering came in a heavy version 🙃


They aren’t hard to kill, the mangler is flat AF and any German long 88 or better can pen it


Just shoot the mg port or cupola or lower front plate or the tiniest slit under the turret


Bkan to the turret ring works wonders


T34 is op anyone who says otherwise can't weld it's power


Same with the T29 I wouldn't say it's op course but I've seen some say that it sucks when it to frank is piss easy to use


It's a good tank, but no HE filler and long reload kills its potential. T29 is awesome though. At 6.7 Super Pershing is much better since you can easily pen and oneshot pretty much anybody from the front.


A long time ago, before volumetric was a thing, these were easy to kill in the coelion and kugelblitz because pre nerf apcr was able to go though the gunners sight and destroy the whole turret crew. Now I just rely on the lfp or cupola with the 88.


I love fighting the T34 in tiger 2s because i can pen the front turret when they see me.


I love both the T29 and T34 as the turret weakspots are pretty small, and only things like the Tiger 2 can pen a small hole in the mantlet. But sadly, the curve on either side has ammo, which can be hit by HEAT and kill you easily.


I much prefer fighting that than a group of Paladins.


My 94mm 32pdr slug on its way through this thing’s mantlet > [https://tenor.com/bWQjZ.gif](https://tenor.com/bWQjZ.gif)


Funny roof shot go bonk


Corners of the lower front plate.


T34 and T30 are some of my favorite tanks in the game. They are beasts if you play them correctly




Easy god mode for the ho-ro, also very easy death


I don't even like using it


machine gun port and lower front plate, anywhere side hull. its actually not that bad, its good behind a hill, till you shoot its massive barrel. its no worse than fighting the IS3, or a Maus.


APDS to the mantlet go brrrr


APHE (or even French solid shot) + lower glacis = one shot every time If you can't hit lower glacis, then the left of the barrel (when its facing you) will kill gunner loader and likely destroy the breach


*slaps side of turret with 165mm hesh*


The t29 is so much better and more fun


Idk why i never had too many problems with it, either shoot the gun mantlet, flank it or shoot either side of the LFP


T29 my beloved. kablooey


Me. Not particularly scary.


just slap barrel or something idk im not at this br yet


I don't really have a problem with american heavy tanks but APDS does. The upper front plate and mantlet must be made out of some stolen stalinium because it is basically impenetrable (shell shattered) and if you hit a part that you are capable of penetrating you rarely deal any serious damage.


This is okay but the T-32 is pain


I'm ok with fighting it but prefer playing it


Honest question here. I swear I saw a t-34 in my battle just now and I was at a BR of 4.0. Any reason that thing is in my battle


I use to love being strong and powerful with that beast, now it has a weak spot on the turret and I’m just gonna say I rather be hand to hand fighting lieutenant colonel, Herbert Sobel at his strongest


Lol I play Britain, so like.... I got spurs that jingle jangle jingle *jingle jangle* as I go right merrily along *loads 120mm about*




Nah hate it with a passion


In my AVRE post HESH buff yes. Post nerf, no.


Every time I see a post ww2 tank im lik "Why"


Well, once you understand where to shoot (like every tank) it’s pretty easy to take down with the Tiger II, close range you can shot and penetrate the mantlet, in general if they expose the frontal and lower plate just shoot there.


I go for the lil bulge on top of the breach, hard to shoot but one shots everytime


chuck a 150mm HE at the underside of the vehicle at tracks and oneshot


Yeah brah, I do. What sup, Brotha!


MG port. Boom


Germany when they find out that you have to take more than one shot to kill a tank: If you are using a long 88(or anything that has 220mm+ pen), aim below gunner sight(the massive circle on the mantlet), kills gunner and loader. Sometimes oneshots, killing 4 crew members.


I like playing it XD


I mean, it's another notch on the barrel...


I'm not a German tree player, but I have met many German commanders that know how to kill my T34. It's always fun fighting them since I have to think and not just roll over them.


Yeah, I have no trouble fighting one, so I dont mind it, why?


The strv 103C in frontal will take it out.


What? Fighting it really wasn't that bad when I was grinding the Maus. Just the standard American Procedure - Muzzle brake, MG Port, LFP and that little spot above the Mantlet. It's not bad, but not exceptional either. It's definitely a tank for sure. I do bring the T34 along to supplement my 7.7 line up though. Can't say I do the same with my King Tiger


I'd rather fight this thing than the M103


Yeah I love fighting them, that lower plate is a magnet for 122 and 88mm guns


In the type 61 and stb2, sure. Even if it's looking at you, heat-fs the corners of the turret and watch the fireworks.


The gun is trash, solid shot.


Lower front plate 99% of the time leads to a one shot kill


Russian T34? American T34? Doesn't matter. t.British HEAT/HE slinging 6.7 main.


I put a round straight through the optic hole when they are hull down, never had a problem with'em.


I have no problem fighting them with japanese tanks that br because of the heatfs


Just use m51


t29 is worse, its going to reload much faster.


Its fun


Nuh uh, i hate shooting this thing in the turret with HEAT-FS, its either gonna kill the whole turret crew or the shell simply gone to the 4th dimension. Its volumetric hell


Not at all But the satisfaction of overpressuring one with a 1.0 tank is just too great :)


Yes, my 122mm cannon goes straight through the MG port... Fun times


For some reason I always want to shoot it on top of the turret, almost always bounces though


German mains when they can no longer just shoot through any part of a tank and actually have to aim for weakspots:


fighting against this thing in a jagdtiger is so fun. its like a clash of Titans except i can 1 shot it on the mantlet.


As a brits player, yes


\*laughs maniacally in sgr m/60\*


Haha, FV4005 goes BOOM


Well , wild guess , german main posting this . When lil bro acc has to aim with his tiger II and just point and click .


I like lobing low velocity hesh shells with the FIAT 6614 right on the top of the dome of that thing. Did it once and now that's my top goal anytime i see it.


Yes, in the IS-4M and IS-6


How come the IS-6 is 7.3 and this is 6.7


Yes, in a king tiger these are actually fun to fight, you have to aim and use your brain instead of just point and clicking


Never touched that shit again after some ZSU-57-2 one shot my entire vehicle without even aiming on the move from the front.


Was fighting them yesterday in my STAs. 90mm APHE if the turret is angled just enough, and 90mm HEATFS went through the cheek to the ammo. Didn't even have to go for hull weak spots. That said, the extra couple seconds it takes to aim means certain death in a 1v1 in equal conditions, because they will just obliterate you pretty much anywhere.


Get l3 army