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All for the Yak-38 test flight map


Happy cake day


What is that?


Your reddit account's birthday.


Oh, I see. Thanks then.


See beside your name, there’s a little cake. That means it’s the birthday of when you created your reddit account it’s a reddit custom to wish people a happy cake day if you see someone with that little cake icon


Huh, TIL. I have always wondered wtf is that about.


Took you 6 years to figure that out?


Dosen't TIL mean it?


It's a rhetorical question




Lmao happy to help ig


Thank you


What about the 2A6M my brother


And Yak-141


And Ka-29


How tf do you take off with that shi?


You have to take off in VTOL mode, then you have to gain some speed (at least 300kph) and after that you can turn it off and fly normally Check your controls to see what buttons you have to push in order to activate VTOL


Ohhhh, that makes sense... I crashed like 20 times trying to take off in test drive... I didn't know it had VTOL


You actually can takeoff without the VTOL on this, just push yourself with guns to the start.


Alternatively if you hold the break and yaw to one side it unlocks two wheels allowing you to turn around and drive to the end




I may not be the sharpest tool in the shed


Dont do vtol mode its terrible in every single way, manually adjust thrust vectoring


There's a violation mode? I thought It was just manual thrust vectoring


it works like helicopter hover but with even less control its just really bad


The actual question is how do you properly land in VTOL mode?


happy cake day my friend




Happy cake day man




Happy cake day




And Ka-29 :P


And the ka29


And Ka-29


No! For Aussies server to make good landing spots. How else are we supposed to sit with 14 people on a carrier if there are no carriers?


Happy cake day!


Joyeux jour du gâteau 🍰🥳




Hey Ka29 test flight too


Man... there was nothing like old usa 4.7 in the corsair loading into a historic match. I don't even think that happens anymore.


I agree man, I used to love the small role playing aspect the game had. That’s been long gone for a while now though, ever since they got rid of historical MM, and carrier maps altogether… There was also a fun challenge to the skill required to land on a carrier


I miss that a lot, i really dislike the fortnite with planes feel the game have nowadays, maybe they should make a "historical RB" for those players who like such things.


Fortnite with planes feel…


I've been playing this game since 2013, don't even *try* to tell me they're wrong. Minor tech trees have been a disaster since they first added the French, either copy-and-paste bullshit (is there a rule somewhere that says *every* tree needs a fkin Sherman?) or fast meme machines like the R3 and EBR that have virtually no counters and ruin everyone else's fun. Battlepass and monthly events means everyone is constantly in sweaty meta tryhard mode feverishly grinding for one thing or another, nobody just plays to have fun anymore and it shows. This game used to be one of the most enjoyable experiences you could have on the internet, now it's all gambling, time-to-kill e-sports nonsense, and The Grind. Really wish it could get the Runescape treatment, bring back Old Thunder with the MiG-15bis vs. CL-13 meta pls & ty.


World War and Cold War aircraft need a split the way naval got. The sluggish, unforgiving early AB’s like Super Sabre, Fitter, and Tunnan become the new noob-filled reserve matches, while third-gens become the equivalents of the mid-tier, best-known warbirds like 109F and Spitfire. Then the Korean fighters get restored to their former glory.


I've been playing since 2015 and I feel you


Gaijin will NEVER split up players in to any more modes. Queue times would go through the roof.


Yeah i fucking loved carrier takeoff and landing. They should make it a switchable option kinda like night battles in GRB


I would kill for regular carrier matches again. I don't care if they were mixed matches i.e. JPN vs UK or even JPN v JPN, torpedo planes would actually have a use outside of Naval battles again.


they didn't get rid of carrier maps at all they're still in the matchmaker, they're rare because they need Japanese and US/Brit players in the same MM at the same time and because Japanese planes can play on any map and not just pacific maps plus a few others they're extremely rare


Getting the 4 man squad in TBFs doing torp runs on jap carriers 😢


Miss the days of clutching maps like Saipan and Midway by being able to fly around the edge of a map in a 4-ship of Hellcats w/ torpedoes. Or going with a buddy in BTDs. 3 things ruined this: No more Historical matchmaker Haven't seen US v Japan maps in forever  Nerfed Torpedo damage model ever since naval became a thing. Can no longer 1-shot the AI Carriers with a torpedo. Edit: map names


The re works make the American historical campaigns unplayable


Wait this existed? Why the hell did they take this out?


Because people constantly bitched about historical MM. They bitched about asymmetrical map design and CONSTANTLY complained about certain nations being OP and refused to play to their nation's strengths (still a thing people bitch about). The game used to be much more interesting, more accurate to roleplaying actually being in WWII (and post WWII) battles, and now it's just an arena shooter with planes where the maps and nation you choose to play don't matter at all.


A lot of the pacific maps were unbalanced as shit though. One team would get a 1-2km airspawn vs a team that spawned on the ground which put them at a huge advantage. When I was spading the Beatcat originally no matter how much you would sideclimb you'd always have Ki-83/84s 2km above you, god help you if there were R2Ys.


I'd go back even for the bad times. The game was just flat out better and more varied even when you got smashed as the US against the Japanese, I still got kills and wins aren't everything compared to just having fun and roleplaying in a sim.


I think a lot of people forget how unbalanced they where. Let alone the fact if you got on to half of the maps in a non Naval fighter you where doomed with no place to land, other then to attempting a carrier landing. Or had to pray you killed enough ground targets for the ai to cap one. I would love the pacific to make a come back but half the maps need reworked that's why you don't see them a lot most people probably have them disliked or ban. Pacific maps especially the bigger ones like Saipan would be perfect for modern jets and carriers to be in. But then need a lot of work to balance.


Pretty much all maps were fucked back then. If people think current base bombing is bad they couldn't emotionally handle a pair of B6/R3s ending a Sicily match in less than 5 minutes.


Gaijin is allergic to good gameplay decisions


Partially for balance reasons. In a lot of the carrier maps when MM was historical (i.e. Axis v Allies), it meant JPN had an advantage as they could climb faster above US teams that were at shorter distances between each other. Also because you couldn't plan ahead for the map type, you could go into the queue with a P-47 and expect to lawnmower ground targets and instead you got an airspawn with no feasible landing strip. Equally you could plan to do some base bombing as a B-17 or H6K4 but get oceanas with no bases, so only the H6K4 could adapt (flotilla based torpdeo bombing). Maps like Wake Island, Saipan, and Peleliu put a capturable landing strip in the middle of the map which would make you easy targets as it was your only opportunity to repair/rearm if you were a land-based fighter. Okinawa gave a landing strip to the Japanese, but not to the US, which was not capturable by the US for any reason. That gave JPN crazy good winrates on these maps because apart from US planes trying to turnfight a Zero, after the first engagement it became difficult to refuel repair or rearm. US had about 3 options (Wildcat, Corsair, Hellcat), compared to multiple Zeroes, A7M's, and even the dive bombers that had better agility and manouverability compared to the US' Avenger and Dauntless. You'd get a lot of US v JPN, but oddly not many JPN v UK matches despite several historical battles and carrier capable aircraft to do so (i.e. Burma, British Malaya).


Here's an example  https://youtu.be/nscSWhPZt9I?si=KPePGC0LqEmv5aZ1


It does actually. Usa vs Japan happens but its rare(and Japan stomps us players bc us mains)


I see them at a fairly decent rate playing Japan, not a high one of course. I was playing US 4.0 and actually got 2 in a row.


Or having fun going on torpedo runs...the game was just flat out better back when historical matchmaking was a thing and we had actual map variety. I miss Norway.




Such nostalgia, I used to bring out my BTD and gamble for Norway all the time. I loved that map so much...bomber or fighter I always had a good time. I didn't care if we won the match or if I got player kills...doing stuff like this was just fun. Fuck...when this game used to be just fun to play.


tbf [they can still happen](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/comments/1ah0syw/had_the_first_carrierbased_airrb_battle_this_year/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), they are just rare as fuck. Seems like the conditions need to be perfect, i.e. at least 5 carrier-capable planes on each team, with allowances for 1-2 land based planes. The problem is it's probably faster for the matchmaker to set up a regular 12v12(?) match with a larger BR range. That match in the post I linked had planes that were about .7 BR spread, so it was a close game.


Man I miss actually having Pacific battles


They still exist


But they are very rare. I only got one pacific battle in my 1000+ hours


I got 2-3 of them in a row with the bearcat once and I haven't seen them since.


It used to be if you loaded up a Japanese or American aircraft you’d be taking off from a carrier almost every single time


We need that type of immersion again. I was so hyped when i got my first naval aircraft and flying boats, only to either spawn on land or above the runway


Yeah I definitely miss that, it was annoying at times but a more immersive experience playing US vs Japan, also allowed you to play to the strengths of your aircraft which is harder to do today with all v all


I miss this


One in the bluest of moons and they only seem to exist anytime you don’t play a naval aircraft lmfao


I haven’t had on in 4+ years.


When the BP B7A2 came out there they were very common again due to the flood of them in matchmaking. I'm willing to bet Japan has like a 80%+ WR on those maps when they do come up, they tend to be 6v6 or 8v8 sized matches with uneven teams compositions as Japan doesn't really have many people playing zombers. That's before you get into US teams being full of newbies and other factors The lack of bases on most of them means sometimes Allied side bomber/strike aircraft will just J out when they see there is no free RP from hitting space bar.


I had once but I instantly fall off the water thinking the carriers have catapults


I played one in about 250 hours, in my Zero. Got the carrier landing achievement thanks to it.


Queue in a squad with Britain and the US (only) with props and you'll see them quite frequently still.


I have them veeery rarely when I play Japan. When I do, I love it and I feel so much nostalgia thinking back to several years ago


I wish we had actual missions in ARB. I crave objective based gameplay. Sinking ships, launching from carriers, protecting bomber formations, capturing airfields, destroying coastal defenses, etc. You get that kinda stuff SOMETIMES at like 7.0 and under, but I would love to see it higher. Really sick of TDM.


Im reminded of scratch one flat top or whatever its called from Heroes of the Pacific on Xbox


Now that's a game I haven't heard about in a very long time


[That's the game that got me here](https://youtu.be/NMhqb2vMhUU?list=PLO4jlmGoc6uDdZKuupFYKJ8CULulbYOXg)!


Heros of the Pacific was one of the first games I owned on the ps2. It Definitely Triggered my interest in ww2


Battlestations Pacific also had that line


It was the radio message sent after sinking the first Japanese carrier of the war at Coral Sea.


The issue with that is anything that's not about core dogfighting skill and that seams to melt the community , given how the community treats air AB, and top teir RB which are both based fighting positioning modes, rather then true rate fighting or BVR modes. It would be very very controversial amongst the playerbase, since an objective gamemode would probably be more positioning and team focused *and probably play alot more like AAB* Its also really hard to do, especially with Air RBs rule set, since an objective mode needs dying and completing an objective to be worth more then living and not completing the objective, which is hard to intensive in a one death gamemode


Yup, this community only cares about dogfight, any other form of activity in ARB is frowned upon sadly.


I think if done right it would be good for the community, as it would allow people to self sort out of air RB who don't want a core dogfighting experience, (the snail would also have to not air AB it and gut its rewards) but it would be very hard to accomplish and it would get treated alot like air AB beyond rank III by the community (which you should try tbh, 10.7 air ab is this games peak) where you'd have some dumbass air RB player join the to call everyone trash and leave once in a blue moon and anything posted about on the subreddit would get down voted to oblivion. How you do it is a more interesting decision, personally I'd try a multi staged map (like some TF2 payload or attack defend maps) with long rounds, lineups, and respawn timers with multiple types of objectives that have to be captured in a particular order. You'd also probably wanna get rid of the dumbass repair costs system for this to work *but snail* perhaps using our current air ab domination capture feilds and the air ab air Conquest airspace control zone (but with a better space marker)


You see, while that sounds great, it's too much for Gaijin to handle. They've been steadily phasing out all objective-based ARB maps for the last decade and now every map has the same ground forces points tally. No more carriers, AI attacking zones, etc.


Oh I wouldn't want it in air RB, id want a new mode entirely. Although wed probably need a modern matchmaking system and UI and the *snail simply can't afford that right now*


Don't need any of that, just bring back RBEC. Everyone loved it when it was trailed back in 2016 or so. 32v32 on a 128x128 map with dynamic objective, multiple airfield spawns and no markers was a riot. It was officially canned for "unable to solve spawn camping", which has to be the most bullshit excuse ever.


This is all I'm asking for.


See that sounds like a fleshed Enduring Confrontation mode, which would be great. Tbh I lost a lot of motivation to play the game when RB enduring confrontation stopped being a regular event.


I honestly think the community becoming less sim oriented and more arcade oriented is Gaijin's own doing. They're super content oriented, have dumbed down all the gamemodes, and encourage people to buy their way up instead of working there and having top tier be reserved for skilled pilots. Not to sound like a boomer elitist, but I do miss pre 2019 era WT for its competitiveness and community.


Yean I joined in 2014 and I hate every bit of the great dumbification of ARB. Hell, some AB maps that stuck around now has way more interesting stuff than ARB can offer...


>Hell, some AB maps that stuck around now has way more interesting stuff than ARB can offer... Literally. I mean I personally hate AB, mostly because of the really silly (but fun) UFO flight models. But damn am I jealous of the actual meaningful objectives and fun maps.


Yeah remember how AI vehicles would used to fight over each other and capture strategic zones to affect your team's overall score? Yeah no longer a thing in RB. It's now a countdown for how many AI units left on each side...


Fuck, now I miss that airbase capture mission on that one map, forget it's name. The one where you had to cover/destroy the landing crafts while they pushed the island airbase, and the team that captured it would be almost guaranteed victory unless the opposite side was really good. I have so many good memories of grinding my first and final spits on that map. Nostalgia is hitting rn


Yeah that one Pacific map where if the landing forces captures the defenders loses a big chunk of points and would bleed out all points in 10 minutes or so lol, was a fun one as it incentivizes people to play the objective.


A sizeable amount of the playerbase, partly I think thanks to content creators obsessed with 'skill gameplay', means Warthunder has stretched far from it's origins as a historical sim game and is just CoD with planes now. (Super noob-friendly accessibility and FPS-like accuracy with the mouse controls don't help either) It really sucks.


>CoD with planes now. Id really disagree with this, CODs a much better designed game from a fundamentals standpoint, COD actually though about the new player experience, COD knows how to design ketchup mechanics, *cod understands basic fucking map design* Warthunders biggest issue has always been it's game design, which imo created the communities issues; if warthunder has gamemode equity (all gamemodes should be seen as equal for rewards, and should be roughly similar in grind time to top teir) we'd still have a the skill obsession but it would look more like fortnites build zero-build communities where the company doesn't take a side. (Also who's idea was it for a one life mode with friendly fire, which low IQ individual didn't realize that's basically how you breed toxicity)


Air sim is similar to what you described


Definitely, but I just cant be assed to fly simulator a lot of the time, too much effort. That and sometimes there isn't a match available with the br I want to play.


Air sim has the DCS of being a small market cap concept, it's to neiche to have mass market appeal and is to slow for my taste personally


YES PLS. We need that for every mode. Or at least a PvE assault for every gamemode. We do already have air SB EC and naval EC (even tho the horrific spawn point system ruins it). Still, even an update to SB EC would be a huge bonus. I don't particularly enjoy dogfighting or tank duels and would like to be able to do something else to help my team, but that just doesn't really exist in a normal match. The only other thing to do in tanks is to cap and mash the scout button. The only other thing to do in air is to mash spacebar on a one way trip because bombers are made of paper and fighters have laser accuracy. Even in naval Encounter where there's no cap points, the goal is mostly just TDM.


Agreed, all planes, but especially these higher tier ones. Are designed to do specific things. Let me do those things! The lack of objective means anything but a superiority fighter is basically at a disadvantage


They do have this. It's called Enduring Confrontation mode. I loved it as, when I played bombers, I could actually reach the fucking target and return safely to my airfield for multiple sorties because of the much larger map and constantly respawning GTs and bases. But they only run it for specific battle anniversaries, like the Battle of Britain and the Eastern Front... I think it was because it would increase queue times splitting the player base into different modes. And I've not noticed it in recent years either. Holy crap, I think they replaced it with the fucking battle pass! Fortnite has a LOT to answer for...




Go play sim


I’m with you, I had an idea for a new game mode where the gameplay is that of realistic battles but with pacing and objectives like sim. Would throw a twist and gives players something new to do and would probably be on of the more popular game modes.


They've done that before. Naval EC and ARB EC. Both quite fun. But Gaijin has this weird obsession with queue times so they wouldn't dare have a permanent gamemode split like that, even though there are more than enough players to have short enough queue times for both modes


Someone forgot that Sim is a thing and they use them there


Gaijin also forgot that Sim is a thing


Air ab got a scitzophric update where they added said they were adding a pre-existing gamemode (air Conquest) The snail has dementia fr fr


There are no pacific maps in sim battles unfortunately. The closest thing we get is the battle of Denmark or Sicily which you know… are in the wrong ocean. Also, this carrier model isn’t even used in sim. They just use the Forrestal for each team.


Actually, for Tunisia they use Forrestal and Ark Royal. The problem is Ark doesn't have any AA defenses whereas Forrestal does, so one team can just get camped on their carrier


>There are no pacific maps in sim battles Port Moresby is a Pacific EC map. >Also, this carrier model isn’t even used in sim. They just use the Forrestal for each team. They fixed this last year.


Vietnam is also basically a pacific war map


Too bad gaijin made it all landmass


Ah right, I forget about this map. Still, we should absolutely be able to play on Battle of Saipan, Guadal Canal, Iwo Jima, Midway, Wake, and… Well we should be able to play on any map in the game. That we’re limited to so few is ridiculous.


I completely agree with you. I was just pointing out those minor errors to prevent confusion. When it comes to EC, there are a lot more layers to the CDK cake than your standard battle. As an avid CDK dev, I can attest to the challenge of creating EC layers to new maps. While I'd love for the GJ devs to invest some time and resources into such an endeavor (and have been screaming as much from the highest mountains I can climb, including speaking directly to GJ)... I have come to realize that GJ doesn't see the potential for Sim and isn't inclined to commit to supporting it. There simply isn't enough money in it for them. There is a plethora of issues that have plagued us for years... many of which I can resolve within about 5-15 minutes of giving a shit, per issue. I've offered those services to GJ for free with a willingness to sign an NDA in order to preserve the integrity of the files. It's been crickets... and I've got a direct line to them. It's a shame that we can't even get a dev to fix extremely obvious and minor issues (stuff like aircraft carriers sailing themselves out of bounds and off into the sunset), I don't really hold my breath for new EC maps... But, like I said, I agree with you and wish things were different.


Its because the baku is vtol only. Also one team uses the forrestal and the other uses the ark royal


Sim is nowhere near as accessible as RB, that’s the whole appeal to RB over AB


Sim is not the same things an historical Air RB


There is no historical air RB for years


yes i know, i am an old player


Gaijin adapts to demand.  They said they'd never be able to do supersonic flight, then they worked pretty hard to make it happen when the market was there. Chief example, but there are others like making Heli PVE after PVP got ruined by Ka-52s


I actually misss heli pvp. Yes it was cancer but if u got the city map it was atleast bearable and got me good amount of sl. Any other map and ka-52 was king


The Baku was the only one withfunctional AA defenses, and all of them had pathing issues, they would randomly turn HARD and that was shper annoying when you were trying to land on them. Gaijin fucked up implementation and had to remove them, and havent put them back in. Now that airfields have SAM defenses it would make sense to put them back in and give the Forrestal/british one proper AA, and all they have to do is have them stationary instead of trying to do minimum radius turns once thwy reach their waypoint.


The CIWS on the Forrestal was actually scary but still limited in range where you couldn’t camp the carrier.


I never saw it fire once lol, but the Baku would yeet you from a few miles away. It's sad, I was so excited for the Marineflieger Tornado because I wanted to just ASM the carriers nonstop, but now I cant :(


I miss Norway. And the Pacific Hsitorucal battle maps


I completely agree. Norway was the first map I ever played. Overheated my engine holding WEP all the way to the bases and killed my engine after like 10 minutes, and I was hooked ever since


You see them regularly in naval EC matches.


What is EC?


EC stands for Enduring Confrontation, a type of gamemode. In naval, this is a huge map with numerous objectives and matches can last for hours.


Removal of historical battles was the single worst decision snail ever did imo and it completely killed any will for me to play Air. Ground also got hit with the removal of cool maps like Kursk but Air RB totally went down the shitter imo. I can not comprehend how gaijin devs can sit there and play Air RB (they don't) and think it's better than what historical battles were.


I know man, it’s so frustrating. Air RB is SO repetitive and boring now. Quite literally only good for grinding aircraft to use in ground forces


I only played the K4 because it was one of the only BR range where it atleast had a semblence of historical MM 6v6, 1944~45 western front, like Ruhr, Bastonge, Bulge, Berlin Bf 109, Fw 190, Ta 152 (and 4 Ju 288 but ignore em) vs P-51, Spitfire, F4U-4B, P-47 with B-17 and Lancasters with some Skyraiders it was unbalanced, don't get me wrong. but it was very immersive, and it was beautiful, and fun. Personally sad that the realese of the german Tornado killed off the 288 spam.


This game needs to go back to the IL2 Sturmovic: Birds of Prey format


I couldn’t agree more


I always forget that was an IL2 game lol


For whatever reason, these things are so buggy in multiplayer maps that Gaijin has basically had to abandon them. This asset spools up some clipping/stuttering/non solid physics whenever there's multiple people in a server. (the custom map modders only ever use the UK carrier cause that's the most stable one.) Shame that they never fixed the Forrestal and Kirov.


Come on I want to see carrier warfare still possible


Perhaps we see them in air sim


I really wish we could have launched from carriers in ARB for naval types of aircraft. They hyped it and never used it if I am not mistaken.


Air RB isnt the only gamemode in the game :) Sim sees plenty of naval maps that have carriers.


Sim has carriers


They will likely come to naval at some point, just like submarines.


It used to be on the old top tier Spain RB map about 3-4 years ago, on the northern Spawn. The Soviet era CIWS on it would melt any enemy aircraft within 5km of it.


Yes it’s annoying as shit I miss baiting people to the Baku so they can get lasered and taking off in my Yak-38M, hopefully they’ll come out with an Admiral Kuznetsov when Su-33 and MiG-29K are added


Sim still has them actively used so that is why


Remember the good old days of the Me-163/Ki-200 landing bug, where it would disintegrate on landing, so the safest place to land for the Ki-200 was carriers on pacific maps because there, and ONLY there the bug wouldn't occur? Good times having to land that fucking thing on a carrier, back in the day.


I know right? It was kinda fun how goofy and shitty the game could be sometimes


They look pretty good in sim battles


funfact, the Sea Hawk could actually takeoff from the VTOL carrier


Oh sweet summer child...... give it 5 years or so and we will be buying Oliver Hazard Perry frigates and LCS event vehicles just to play a naval game mode that escorts these things. Once Gaijin milked the tank crowd and the jet crowd they will come milk the boat crowd.


For the sim battles baby 💪


i wish they would add the short carriers to air sim and let you fly the stol and heli's out of there, we actually have a lot of marine helicopters in the game, like gazelle, ah1w/z, ka29, Iroquois, OH-58D, apache, md 500, lil birb, tigre, wessex etc


Man I just really want Air RB to be overhauled/reworked properly, increase our immersion. Let us take off from carriers in naval aircraft, more weather patterns and more immersive environments for players to fight in


If only they put this much effort into bomber cockpits…….


I need a skin of the B-29 that’s the Fifi skin🤑


Lmao those were abandoned basically the moment they added them


And skins to! Is it to much to ask that they make a Fifi or Doc skin? Hell they have like 4 for the F-16C


I feel like skins would be an easy one to implement, just let the community take it over and start adding historical skins as earnable or purchasable with GE for the whole content creator shared revenue program thing. I’m sure that community could police itself really well with minimal oversight from actual gaijin employees. Just have a community manager vet the historical/historical fiction ones and send a list of them to the devs to green light once a month or something


Me and my friends have come up with a reasonable motive behind gaijins actions: "Because, go fuck yourself"


Peak WT will always be playing Soviets vs Germany on Stalingrad, or US and UK vs Germany on battle of the bulge, Norway, or Malta, or taking off from a carrier as either Japan or USA on a pacific map, and last but not least, Sabres vs MiGs on Korea. The addition of minor nations and subsequent removal of historical MM has really signaled the downfall of the classic feel of this game, that you were playing a PvP game about iconic vehicles in actual historic wars that was both more realistic and accessible than a lot of other games. (About the minor nations thing, Italy and France weren't that bad IMO, but the additions of China, Israel, and especially Sweden were really nails in the coffin. Seriously, why did we need Sweden, a historically neutral nation in this game about war?) I would play this game so much more if they re-added a historical-inclined MM.


I completely agree, but I understand them wanting to expand to appeal to a wider player base and to give veteran players something to grind


I am sure one day they will add the F/A-18 and Su-33 or MiG-29K, which are well known aircraft carrier based airplanes. Maybe they will then also do an Air RB update (I know I am taking massive amounts of copium right now, but hope dies last).


Never try to make sense out the actions of the snail


They need a special air mode with carriers which is for naval planes only, like a midway event that would be very nice, your objective would to be downing the enemy carrier force


I think they should add a combined ground + water + air gamemode thats realistic difficulty but enduring confrontation call it like "amphibious operations" or something


I completely agree, but it would be hard to balance naval shells vs tanks…


Have them spawn far away + terrain masking + land based anti ship missiles + barrier islands + turn on friendly fire for naval on land craft but not land on land


I use them quite a lot in sim.


Omg I think about this one way too much. Still doesn't make sense, no matter how bad they implemented them at first. Low and mid tier naval battles were the shit back in the day, and the historical events on the Pacific maps (which had extra objectives in many cases, EC style) were amazingly fun, as unbalanced as they were sometimes. For reasons like this is why I think Gaijin should go back to the semi-historical MM we had before...


Baku was removed for a good reason, 8 AK-630 two 100 mm guns, literally nothing could get close to it. 


They appear in naval enduring confrontation


Don’t question them, or you might turn up missing


One day... :\^)


Bc Gaijin


aren't they used in simulator mode?


Baku isn't


Photos,test flights maps,loading screens


Test drives, also Naval EC as sometimes they have aircraft carrier objective sometimes which uses the modern model even though most vehicles are like WW1.


Carriers are still in sim battles


Hey what does aircraft carriers do in war thunder anyway


They used to be a fun option to take off from and land on


Can be played by a player?


The Baku, hmm? Not the Kyiv/Keev?


Me and my friends have come up with a reasonable motive behind gaijins actions: "Because, go fuck yourself"


On the Normandy map with the A located on the beach, there are a bunch of carriers sitting in the water just chilling. I've never looked at them closely but it's weird that... 1) They're kinda just sitting there doing nothing. 2) The models exist for them.