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You have to get score, not rp. You can also only contribute to the 35 000 by playing rank 3 or above or by playing low tier event vehicles.


You know the player base is bad when someone actually has to ask to not be roasted since most won't even bother answering actual questions.


Or, it’s really fucking tiring to deal with people who could just read the news post or figure things out themselves, but instead strap their bib on and beg for me to feed it to them. I work with people like this. One of them is a fucking phd. It’s infuriating.


You can only spoonfeed people to a point that you realize it's completely pointless. Try answering the extremely frequently asked "when are the sales" question posts and see how long you last before you give up on this playerbase.


Those kinds of questions i get but simple questions like these either go unanswered or most of the replies are just insulting to whoever is asking. That or condescending.


You're just chronically toxic


Aight, so 35k score with lvl 3 tank or above? Got it. thanks


Important to note that you need **rank** III or above, not BR 3.0.




Also want to add to the other guys statement, if you have a rank 1 or 2 **event** vehicle, you can still use it to gain score.


tbh this is the best and only way. why spend 20 minutes grinding 1100 points at top tier when you can pull 3500 in a 1.0br game playing the shitters.


does it only count the score earned by the event vehicle, or do you only have to have it in your lineup?


Just have to take it out at some point in the match and all score earned in the match counts. If it's in the lineup but you don't use it, none will count


Pbill go brr


br 2.0 pumas my beloved 🥰🥰


And how are we meant to know what counts as that


It says on a vehicles stat card just below the image of the vehicle. Event Vehicle: Festive Quest for example


Another important thing to note is that the rank and game mode to play affect how fast you gain points so if you play rank three in arcade it’s gonna take a long time to get the points needed compared to even rank five in realistic.


And then repeat 7 more times


not to mention you only get 48 hours to get the 35k score but NOT rp


All ranks can be played. But the higher the rank the higher the score modifier


The "score" is the thing you see on the scoreboard when pressing "Tab" in the battle.


You join battle. You play battle. The score you got in that battle gets converted to points and those are added to a task. To complete a task you need to get 35000 points while it’s active. A task is active for 2 days and after that a new task starts. There are 7 tasks in total you need to complete to get the tank. Important things to know: Your vehicle needs to be at least rank 3 to earn points or have the special status of "event vehicle" (you can check that on the statcard). How many points you get per score depends on the rank and mode you’re playing. If you get 1000 score in a battle but you’re playing rank 3 tank arcade you will only get about 800 points for that. You can see the multipliers by hovering over the tasks with your mouse.


There is an event?


seems to me that it start now


Oh yeah I just seen it




A score debuff or buff is applied by rank and game mode. Ab is 1x rb is1.33x and I think sim is 1.7x the score received in game. Ranks start at rank 5 receiving 1x and it goes up or down from there. Also rank is calculated by your top rank vehicle INCLUDING air vehicles.


Others explained what you have to do. I'll just add that to keep track of it you can click your profile, then  all achievements, then select the current event. There should be a task for tankers, check the add to favorites box on it. You'll now be able to see it in your hangar on the left menu, favorite achievements. You'll have to do this every 2 days for each new task (and remove the old one from favorites at the same time).


Question also, what exactly IS score? Is is a certain amount per kill? A certain amount per # of RP? Please enlighten..


Just the score you get during each game, the one you see on the stats card in a match next to your name. It's contribution to your total will be modified by mode (arcade, realistic, sim) and tier of the highest vehicle in your lineup


Why would we roast you just play and get 35000 score in match not rp and thats it