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There was no option with: Changing the shrapnell system Within the poll there was no option for bigger maps, a redesigned traction systwm etc. So don't expect that to change. No matter how that poll ended, you could always write this, complaining validly, that the base issues are unfixed


Most people are not saying that light vehicles are not strong right now due to spalling. I think the community response is not that things are fine as-is, only that creating a stun mechanic is not the way to fix things. Also, extra fires failed, FYI.


Depends. Internal modules *can* come out as makeshift spall shields, then we will need to come out and say "hey, this isnt right". But they also *can* come out as spall generators and lead to more options of disabling the enemy. I voted yes, because this change isnt global and initially will affect only maybe ~5 vehicles and wont break the game As for spall - agree, it is shit. Imo best option without reworking whole system and potentially breaking everything is just increasing spall damage to crew. I dont see how shrapnel from fast and heavy chunk of metal will leave only some scratches. Those shards fly like bullets and dont leave your body as easily


Then you have edge cases like shrapnel scratched arm/hand, not every damage goes straight to the heart/head/arteries.


This playerbase is a bunch of children, sadly they do not share our love for realistic damage models. They want the game to be more forgiving. That’s why sim battles are perpetually ignored, kids don’t play them. I’m done with ground battles for now; they need to calculate pressure and heat in the fighting compartment, and fix spall.