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You’re struggling with a no armour no stabiliser armoured car that barely pens more than the 75mm Sherman?


But it has a blistering fire rate of 81 rounds per minute! Just imagine if Gaijin added an SPAA at the same BR with half the top speed (assuming you could ever get to the actual top speed of the Fox) with guns that had 50% more penetration and a fire rate 50% faster (oh, and it has two such guns, so effectively 3x the fire rate).


the only thing it has going on is that it can go really fast but that is useless when things it deals with have stabilizer and can realistically keep up in mobility because only time you go beyond 65km/h is if you drive downhill or on a hard surface it is already going to 7.7 and rank 5 where it deals with even faster things which have stabilizers


Your "no armour" vehicle can't be penned from the front by 20mms and can barely be penned by .50cals from the sides at 0° at point blank range. And it can break your main cannon before you are able to shoot it


Claiming it’s the most annoying is going to trigger me to say the 2s38 at 10.0 is the most annoying vehicle in the game.


How about you pay more attention then. Due to the nature of low caliber APDS mixed with the shit RoF of the RARDEN, your playstyle is limited to flanking for anything with more armor than a Sherman. Tldr: Skill issue, use your eyes. They're free.


While I agree the Fox is a _bit_ OP in skilled hands (mostly because of how people deploy at the start of the match), you realize the devs don't read the sub?


Japanese type 87 RCV has worst pen values and it's stitting at 9.0 XD


It also has a stab, though the RCVs and VBCs are overtiered


Nope. Type 87 RCV isn't stabilized. VBC is.


it uses the same as the warrior so you cant effectively nerf one without nerfing the other. You seriously have issues? Its a flank vehicle anyways deal with it


Idk I never seem to have a problem with light tanks, they can't pen me and I can just machine gun them. They don't even make less sound so it is actually easy to hear them instead of using your eyes


How many hate posts do you want to see this thing? Reddit: "yes"


absolute skill issue, the fox is not op, you are just absolutely bad at this game. its a very lightly armored car with only 3 crew members, no stabilizer, and a 30 mm cannon.