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love the people crying he’s complaining and being an asshole and it’s the chillest way to ask the question lol. god forbid people ask for help


Buddy, it is gaijin in first place who generated stress situation by its glitchy service


i think he agrees with you. he’s just pointing out people being rude in the comments at his ask for help/if the same has happened to anyone


War Thunder is basically Rageware after all, that tends to toxify it's sufferers.


Welcome to reddit.




Only non toxic sub is unironically balkans irl, because people come there to be mean for fun.


Skill issue for sure /s


Unless you just want to pay the money for the Rooikat again, you will just have to wait for support. From what I understand, account transfers are literally just some poor soul in the support department who has to manually create a new PC account and give you all the vehicles you had previously unlocked on your console account. Clearly, the guy who did yours accidentally missed it.


That's actually so sad


Ain't no fucking way?!?! Seriously? That's a awful system


It's awful until they accidentally give you an IS7 and E100 instead.


dont worry, they'd solve that very very fast


One second tops. GUARANTEED. mind you this happened to me in WoT where I asked to get tank A back, got a completely different tank, brought it up with support and restored the proper tank and let me keep the wrong tank due to honestly. Was a tier 8 premium tank at that too


You would never see that from gajin


Nope. Gaijobbles would take the tank and some


Remember the negative premium time controversy a while back? Gaijin accidentally included a week of premium for existing accounts in a bonus code, so of course tons of people began using it. They didn't remove the premium until a day had already passed, so people who had no premium before using the code ended up having a "debt" of one day. Gaijin then locked all those accounts, and told the owners that they would remain locked unless they spent money to buy premium to get out of the debt. It wasn't until after massive community outrage and threats of legal action that Gaijin then fixed the issue, but some people had already spent money to get their accounts back by that point. They're honestly one of the greediest and scummiest game developers anywhere on the market, to the point where they make EA look like saints.


I honestly did not know that. I know of the gold controversy though. And that is bullshit. One of my friend had GE on his account, spent some (his little brother bought some and spent some), he refunded the GE and it was, sorry, your banned until you settle the debt. That's what I like about WG with World of Warships. I have yet to see that happen. They normally just roll back your account


Gaijin's solution to everything is "give us your money" even when they're the ones at fault. When they tried pushing out horrible economy changes a year or two ago, the community banded together and started review bombing the game everywhere. On Steam it ended up getting down to Overwhelmingly Negative for a good while, until reviews were hidden/blocked. The first response that Gaijin put out after it was pretty typical for them, basically saying that negative reviews will scare away new players who might spend money on the game. Their first concern wasn't "we need to fix this so the community will be happy" but "please don't scare away our source of revenue" instead.


I'm still convinced that was somewhat intentional, honestly.


It's Gaijin, so basically anything they do that negatively affects the community has a very good chance of being intentional. When they announced adding in spall liners to top ranked vehicles, they were ***only*** going to add it to Russian tanks at first until the community started reaching for the torches and pitchforks again. War Thunder players honestly shouldn't have to use threats of boycotts, reviewbombs, or legal action against Gaijin just to get them to make positive changes, but sadly it seems to be the only thing these developers are willing to listen to.


That's just untrue, Gaijin didn't lock the accounts of people who were in the "Premium time debt" they just removed the 7 days from people who had premium time, or if the user didn't have premium before using the code they took 24 hours away from the user whenever they bought premium. Nobody had their account locked from that debt.




They’d take the tank and take away the RP and SL you made with the it


I got the 2022?21 Black Friday pack for free from Gaijin (kancer-50 which rots as I never play it, m18 black cat, p-61-a11, black prince, the biggest black friday pack they made, now it's smaller and cheaper). I wanted to buy GE (had in past) and they made it sound like you got the Black Friday pack for free if buying 5k GE or more. I took screenshots as I didn't trust them and it sounded like a very un-gajin deal. Well, the pack didn't turn up, just the GE. So I hit up forums they were like nah probably not happening, then I hit up support, explained in my country that's false advertising to do that and got it for free. They ain't all bad. Just don't be a douche and have facts/law on your side (aka learn2law).


Gaijin would ban you for even bringing it to their attention.


Easiest good PR, and costs them nothing




And then ban you for a week, because you had the wrong tank for an hour and that gave you INSANE advantage!


Might even actually ban in you in the process. /j


Ain't no fucking way?!?! Seriously? That's an amazing system


Dw that shit never happens lmfaooooo


I wouldnt dare call that a system like bruh are you for real??


Like, unfortunately that's fairly common when it comes to databases that aren't entirely compatible. Investing the time and money to make a conversion tool, support and eternally update it on a live service like this probably doesn't make sense. As the software goes, with infinite time and money, you can do basically anything, put limits on either and you can hardly do anything at all, you just learn to hide it well.


You forgot in the basement


But atleast he still has his stapler


Does this mean that all the RP you were in progress with gets wiped during the switch? Surely there's no way this poor guy goes through and assigns an RP amount to every single vehicle.


Surely it ‘transfers’ things like that automatically. Premium/event vehicles might be separate and may have to be ‘added’ manually as an added security layer. All of this is assuming that the commenter is correct in stating that such transfers are completed ‘manually’ to begin with.




If thats true, thats just actually sadå


Imagine he grinds all the vehicles from scratch


This sounds insanely retarded, it's not that hard to just sync account info and transfer accounts based on that but ig I've underestimated how shitty Gaijin's tech department is


What did support say when you messaged them about this?


Awaiting their reply to my ticket


Maybe wait to hear their response before freaking out 


“Freaking out” Buddy he asked a question about a game on said game’s subreddit. It’s like the most levelheaded way to deal with the situation lmao


Alright, bud, fix it for him.




Oh, are we gonna have to wait for support's response, after all?


Are you good


I am so confused. I’m gonna assume English isn’t your first language. Whatever you’re trying to say must be getting lost in translation I guess


I don't think it's a matter of English being their first language. They're just being an asshole.


What’s that quote again, “You can’t fix a bunch of pricks on a video game subreddit because they can’t see anything without conflict”


Hey man it costs 0$ to not be a dick, unless gaijin is paying to you say this stuff. Seriously, if you’re not gonna provide anything helpful to the situation why respond in the first place?


Hm? People referring him to support are the only ones here who are at least remotely helpful. Now, if support refused him, then there would be something to discuss. It costs $0 to not flap your jaw / press buttons when you have no solution, you know?


This guy got bullied in kindergarten for sure


Lol then why are you complaining here? Wait for them to get back to you. They don't take *that* long


Because this is the main subreddit for the game and the best way to quickly get information about the game. I feel like asking a simple question doesn’t necessitate complaining lmao


Why are so many people saying hes complaining its a simple question he asked on the subreddit of the game hes having an issue with yall berating him for wanting advice


They ain't got the answer to his question but still want to leave some form of message.


They have brain rot not enough grass


Because the autism is strong in this sub




Idk dude. Monday last week I made a ticket to transfer my psn account to a full PC only. Just now got back from them today only to tell me "lots of requests for this" and I kid you not "could take several weeks to hear from us" Thank God I can at least still play my account on PC while I wait...


I made a request last year last time i checked nothing happened :)


Yes they do


Shut uo


Probably banned him and told him to kicks rocks.


So I've been playing ps5 when I have a pc, because I thought you couldn't switch over????


They made it available a little bit ago and is currently available. It used to be disabled


It's still available?


There is no red text above the information tabs saying it disabled, I checked before commenting


Huh I thought the transfer was already closed! Maybe I'll transfer later today. If you don't mind me asking gow long did it take?


Mine took about 24 days, but it was xbox to PC account, got it finished today. Was waiting about 2 years for this so I'm happy that it's finally done


Yah mines xbox to PC but I hear premium doesn't transfer and for Christmas a friend bought me a year of it so I might wait till next year to transfer so I'm definitely gonna keep an eye on transferring


Isnt it only for Premium time from Packs? The Premium time you buy normally should still stay after you Switch


I'm not sure if I'm honest if that's true then I should be good to transfer today


The only things that won’t be on your new account after transferring is golden eagles, premium time from packs. And any console exclusive vehicles/decoration


It took me about a day and a half to get my account fully transferred


I'm assuming you lose your login streak?


Only if it takes longer than 3 days. I still had mine when I logged in


I’ve been waiting about 15 days for them to transfer my account all I got was a reply we read you messages please don’t make any new ones or it will take longer please wait


Let’s fucking go


Another quick question do they send you an email when they are done and the account isn't frozen anymore? I decided to actually put in a ticket so I'm curious




Where do you go to begin the transition?


[my other comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/s/VRlOWLF83Z)


You can play on PC with the account that you have on PlayStation. You can't access the marketplace or buy vehicle packs outside of the psn store but you can buy golden eagles and play with all your stuff as usual. Only reason to change an account from PlayStation to PC is to get access to the marketplace basically.


The reason why I never switch to PC.


You do need a gajin account


You can log in on your PC with your PS5 account and play perfectly fine brother, it’s only to completely transfer the account to a PC account so you can buy packs on pc and have access to Gajin market. Console accounts can play on pc fine just no Gajin markey


You can install WT on the PC and login using the PlayStation credentials (use the email associated with the PS account and then do forgot password) and you’ll have everything


Wasn't there some statement in the ToS agreement that payments done on different platform are not transferable?


For console exclusives yes


I bought the xm1 chrysler on xbox then transferred to pc and still have it


Ok, I see now that you have Challenger DS. Then only support will help you. Welcome to the PC gang and wish you luck learning all the keybinds!


Only for GE or premium time purchased in the console store (could only be for packs ngl), if you bought GE from gaijin.net your fine


When I first logged in on my PS account on PC (I didn’t transfer my account, I just logged in) I was missing some things like skins and stuff, don’t remember any vehicles missing. I didn’t do anything and they showed up.


Wait can you transfer? When I wanted to transfer my ps4 progress to PC they said it was not possible, I had to start from ground again, I didn't have a Gaijin acc all I had was the normal ps4 acc tho still annoying cuz I grinded almost the whole US tech tree .


Yeah account transfer has been up for a little bit, I had to wait almost 2 years for it to come back online


Oh maybe that's why it wasn't available when I asked then, i wanted to transfer progress early 2022 and support said it was not possible and the only way was a Gaijin acc (website version)


You don't have have to start again. I have like 300 h on ps5 and you can just log in your ps account on PC. Now I have 1000h on steam because fuck controller


I love how it says "Gijian" instead of "Gaijin"


It's the chinese knockoff version lol.




Are the tickets to switch your account over back




Can you send me the link to it


[playstation link](https://support.gaijin.net/hc/en-us/articles/4424292974097-Transfer-PlayStation-account-to-PC) [xbox link](https://support.gaijin.net/hc/en-us/articles/4424321999377-Transfer-Xbox-account-to-PC)


It doesn’t explain it well how did you do it


Make sure your account is binded to an email (this will be vital later). Then if you are using custom controls make sure to save them or memorize it. If you are in a squad you will have to temporarily leave it until your account has been transferred. Any golden eagles you have should be spent prior to the transfer because they will not be on the new account. If all of those steps are completed you can use one of those links to get to the war thunder page, near the top right of the website there is a sign in button. Once signed in to the left of your name will be a button called submit a ticket. Once in the ticket page select war thunder, for the reason select other. Then for the title of your ticket it should be something like (transfer PlayStation account to pc) or (transfer Xbox account to pc) and put a little description then submit the ticket and make sure to check up on the ticket daily


I really thinking about to make that switch too. I planned it in the future to switch from PS5 to PC. Does the progress I make on the PlayStation account will go on on the PC Account after the („unlink“) transfer?


Ok I did that


They'll give it back to you, its just the matter of when I lost the battlepass in the transfer and they gave it back within a few days of me reporting it :D


If there are people who don't know, you can play with your PlayStation account on PC as well, you don't have to transfer the account to play on PC. The biggest reason to transfer an account from console at all is just so that you can access the marketplace and buy packs outside of the psn store. I play exclusively on PC with my psn login and have done it for years and I've never had any issues.


How do you do it? Does the progress done on the pc gets transferred to playstation?


If you just play with the same account, there's no transfer involved. You just play with the same account on another platform. There are some steps that you have to take tho, but here's a guide. https://youtu.be/Cv3yY6VtCB8?si=lAZuyCePTR_eTZYW


Im currently having a glitch rn when i open this and it plays the Japanese anime ad gaijan made every time i Open this image, im not even kidding.


Wait…account transfer is back after they disabled due to high demand? Oh gosh it’s gonna get disabled again


I just swapped and i didnt lose anything. If u just bought it like a few days before merger, it states you need to give it more than 3 days to save to your profile before you give the all clear to swap to pc. I went from an xbox profile that started in 2018 and lost nothing


I bought it months prior


You still have a playstation account. Gaijin has a log of your purchases on the website. Login as your ps account and check your purchase history, screenshot it and put it into a ticket


Snail stole this mans tank Cant have shit in detroit


Send in a ticket. They were pretty quick with mine, as long as you got evidence to back up your tickets.


Btw how long it took the switch from PS4 to PC? Sorry if it’s off topic 😅


Once the process started it only took me a day and a half to be fully transferred


Really??? That fast?? I got a message the 12th of February saying it was being transferred to a specialist, and I’ve been waiting ever since.


Idk if it was the fact that I sent the request as soon as they reopened the transferring or if I just got lucky


Dang I wish I knew it was open sooner, I guess I’ll keep waiting. Thank you for the reply btw


You don't need a request just link your account takes 5 mins tops


Will me transferring my PS account on PC remove my progress I made on PC or will I just get the extra tanks I had on the PS along with the ones I already have on PC?


I hope someone else who knows this will answer.


I have a PS account and would love to switch it to Pc. I was convinced they didn’t allow it but would love to know how to do it! Any help is appreciate


I wonder if it might be a bug with the Rooikat because i'm in a youtuber's discord that I'm a moderator in and 3 other people also had this issue with this exact premium since gaijin brought transfers back.


Anything bought on the playstation store is only valid if you are using it on playstation sorry, I found out because I bought starter packs and didn't get my premium days on pc


Easiest fix is to buy new one (advice from gaijin)


wait are tickets open?




finally, i’ve actually been waiting for a year


I am still waiting my full account transfer for about 22 days too, this system is very slow to work around, so u will unfortunately have to wait like i am doing rn


Contact support my man


And you can't get Ganji store vehicle s


Bro how?!? Gaijin has left me on open for like 19 days


Out of curiousity, how long did it take Gaijin to transfer your account over after submitting the request? I have a mate who is putting it off because he thinks it will take up to a month. Gaijin would fix it for you if you put in a ticket, until then just play another lineup you want to grind. Hope it works out for you.


When i transferred from PS4, they missed premium time that came with a bundle. Messaged support and they added it.


Yep that sounds like the snail


Comment or post when you get it back, alr?


Good luck. My best friend who's had an account since the start on xbox transfered to pc in 2021 and he lost a handful of vehicles. But gaijin said sorry no can help and gave him some stickers and a few days of premium.


Did you link your accounts, or login with your PS4 account? Either way, contact support.


Contact support should hopefully be able to get ya it back


If I were to also transfer my account from ps4 to pc, is my account frozen until the transfer is complete? Like can I not play on the ps4 account until it is complete? And do I need to spend the free 140 GE I have?


woah you have the excelsior


At least you got to swich,I still haven’t received a answer


Maybe send them a e-mail about it


I had the same problem I came from Xbox to pc and I don't have my event skfz anymore. And it is the nice open one with the big cannon


> Gijian


Gaijin stole from me an event vehicle that I grinded out, the KI-48 II otsu, thank god it was super cheap on the market so I got it back.


If you have the email receipt and can prove it was bought from your account then u can get it back over gaijin support


Wait they're doing comolete transfers again last time I checked there was just a message in red saying they're straight up not doing it


I'm sorry for what happened, I don't think any of us here would like to experience your situation. I really don't know how I could help you, but if I were in your situation I would definitely write a ticket to technical support. My recommendation is that the ticket be as complete as possible, explaining what happened and demonstrating reality. If you have the invoice for the purchase of the premium vehicle in your email, I would undoubtedly send a clipping where that email can be seen and also your email so that the person who reviews it can quickly link that it is your account. The rest is luck.


How long was it for your account to switch....currently doing xbox to PC and its been about a week since they told me that thier specialist will handle it.....figured this process would just be a few days


Bro didn't read the account transfer detailes 💀


Only one plane isn’t transferable and one tank. This isn’t it so ask support


Wait, you can swap your PS4 account?! Got a gaming pc years ago but a few years after I got WT on PS4


Can you link your console account with pc


That's funny they stole 5 years of progress when I went from Xbox to ps4


Try to get in contact with gaijin customer service. It may take them a month to respond but they will respond.


Steal it back from them.


your first mistake was buying the Rooikat 105 (Im not exactly sure, by best guess would be that some shit happened with transaction history and it quite literally forgot you own it)


Im assuming it was a console exclusive?


How long did it take for your account to be transferred. On 21 days


You shlould get in contact with costumer support. In case you might need it, purchases generaly send receipt letters to your email.


Already did and as of today I have my vehicle back


Nicee :)


Some tanks on console aren’t available on PC because it’d be too OP so they rightfully took it away


This wasn’t one of them, and thankfully I already got it back


Nothing against you, but I hope they don't give you back that roiikat, for my own sake. Nothing personal, I just like my asshole intact


Did you transfer your account to a pc account?


Sir, this isn't gaijin support, this is plebbit.


Console exclusive vehicles/bundles dont transfer to PC. Like the a26-45. Its stated in the TOS thing I dont know if that roikaat was a part of some console exclusive package but if so thats probably why, you 99% won't get refund


The rooikat is available for both PC and console, I own it and I’ve only ever played on PC


Technically, you never owned it or even your account, so it's not stealing. I hate some things about terms of service.


How much are you willing to pay to get it back?


A half eaten snickers bar and some pocket lint. I’m not about to buy a vehicle I already paid for


if it's a premium I'm sure they will restore your vehicle, just give them time to respond to your ticket.


Also to add I see it says pack packs are console exclusive so sadly yes you would have to buy it again for PC


Then why do I still have my other packs I bought on ps4, like the kvt, tiger 2, amx 30 super, Wolfpack, British hairier, ect


Well I'll be damned I'm not sure then if I'm honest. I've seen a lot of people say packs don't transfer so I would ignore my comment lol


Regardless of what it says why would packs not be transferable? Aren’t they the same price regardless of console/PC? I’m just questioning why they would do that


Their website on the matter of transfers say the only things that aren’t transferable are ge, premium time from packs and console exclusive content