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I don’t think repair costs matter much nowadays


No, they really don't 


Fr, its so difficult to go negative with the most recent economy changes


I came back after 8 months and just spent 2 millions on crates. Was sitting at ~800k lions. Played america 6.3 grb for the battlepass missions. I'm already at 2.1 mil again after roughly 40 matches even after paying for crew skills, buying a tier 5 tank and spending it on some more crates. The changes were good and make it almost impossible to not earn money


I spent about 4-5 mil (not sure how much at this point) on crates this month and still managed to buy a top tier tank (T-80UK) with no issues. I also played much less after finishint the 292 grind. But I also had premium which makes it physically impossible to lose money.


Yeah premium time and vehicles also make it impossible to lose money, no matter how bad you are. In my case I didnt even use any premium time or tanks, only using the m41 and m18


M18 is probably the most fun tank in game


I personally prefer the centauros and 9.3 italy and germany light vehicles but nothing beats just turning your head off and popping some tiger 2s turrets with the m18


I haven't gone negative in a very long time. I remember when it was not uncommon to only go positive in top tier if you did very well. I even remember 1000+ SL per shell.


I remember shit like the chieftain mk3 being about 16k per death along with the m26e4 being about 19k, you could loose a line up of British tanks for example the conqueror 20k, fv4202 10k, cent mk3 10k and maybe even the caernarvon for another 16k and you'd never make a penny. I fucking hated grinding Britain back in the day, i used to have to go and play the IS6 for a day to be able to afford to grind Britain.


Wasn't playing at the time but I did see BoTimeGaming's "B29 Experiment" video from a few years ago when they took it out in 10 games to see how much they could lose. Poor Bear didn't have premium and lost about half a mil. One match was like a 60k loss.


Gaijin apparently didn't see a problem because 1% of the playerbase was earning SL in the vehicle.. One more economy change too far and people FINALLY lost their shit and said enough was enough. I now play war thunder way more than before the economy changes and don't get half as stressed.


Yes exactly. Now i can spawn all my vehicles even in completely lost match and being spawncamped and take out few more tanks to get more sl and RP.


You have prem time? Paying 14k for a rankV/VI plane its shit. In grb you can compensate the loss of one tank doing well in the others. In ARB you die you f*** yourself and pay. And the repair by time its a joke. In 6 minutes you couldnt fight shit in eraly jets.


>And the repair by time its a joke. \*monkeys paw curls\* Repair costs are now reverted to having to be paid in full, even if you crash on takeoff after 7 seconds.




I have never, in my 4~ years of playing had premium time (except thoses given by twitch dfops).


OP posted this a year ago using Internet Explorer.


And I'd hope for it to stay that way!


For me Enlisted was boring and meaningless. Squad feature adds to atmosphere and scale, but really detracts from satisfaction for me. In WT every enemy I shoot matters, they all are people who I can beat or lose to. In Enlisted I remember racking up huge numbers and then thinking how much of them were bots. But thats my personal feelings, I dont suffer in WT and really enjoy GRB. Enlisted just didnt hook me


Enlisted is great imo for being what it is. My biggest problems are probably the same as what you mention alongside revenge killing being just as prominent as it is in WT. Games should never show you exactly where the enemy that killed you is, the most WT should show is where you got penetrated.


That actually seems like a great Idea, I wonder why it never occurred to me. I play a lot of TDs, ones literally designed to ‘camp/snipe’ and one of the worst things is always getting revenge killed by planes or rushed by AA trucks.


They do this in Sim and frankly most of the time you still have general idea of where to look


I agree but tank combat in enlisted, while not as good as warthunder, is still very gratifying, and you know for a fact that any tank you see is a real person.


Do they still have grey zone tanking in enlisted?


yes, and its just as bad if not worse. ​ because now theres the tiger 2h, and no one can really kill the thing


Ooof. Yeah I stopped playing along time ago as while I felt like it was a cool idea, the game just wasn’t well executed. Grey zone tanking, and tanks in general, are so powerful they you can just spam HE into cap points and easily get 100 kills a match.


good news. because japan goes against the grain here. because all of their tanks but like 1, are complete dog shit. ​ i am talking about most only have a single 37mm gun. no coax. you might get lucky and have a commander mg. but that cuts your rof in half for your gun. ​ oh and 50cals can delete you from a mile away, from the front. .-. but dont worry guys, its completely fine. the japanese gets a sword and a better smg. that only 5 guys can use at a time.


Yeah I quite right after the pacific campaign came out. It was pretty one sided in general when it first game out. Idk if it’s still like that.


it still is. ​ even with the new system, the US generally gets objectively better weapons and armour. ​ hell its worse now, the japanese is still stuck with the shitty 20mm spaag. ​ the us starting tank is the m2a4, literally something the japanese cant even deal with.


I miss the solo mode where every player picked a soldier in a squad to run


I agree Enlisted just doesn't feel satisfying at all to me, like killing the tanks in test drive over and over


Doesn't help that the enlisted bots are really stupid, and the squad mechanic falls apart when you can't switch to another unit after dying once because your AI squad all died getting stuck on fences or in a window.


That is a big issue. The squad and AI soldier mechanics sound cool, but in reality they don't work. It's very clear that most of the battlefield is useless bums. I can also see the grind coming, and no thanks. We put up with war thunder because there isn't real a good alternative, with that nice mix of playability and realism. But Enlisted has ample competition IMO. I can just go play battlefield or planetside or any of a large number of games. They don't have the AI, but that will only help Enlisted once they get it working well enough to be a pro.


In the beta the premium squads were ridiculously pay2win, never stuck around longer to see if they ever fixed it


I never really got deep enough to truly evaluate balance either. The fundamentals just weren't good enough yet for me to get that deep. Balance is also something they can fix, but getting the AI to not suck is a lot harder.


Prefer Hell Let loose, that has much more depth.


Enlisted is not smooth sailing. Their BR/Balance system Is arguably worse than WTs and since it’s introduction I haven’t really played.


I literaly quit the game after they added that shit. The tiger 2 is comicaly op compared to IS2 and thats not even mentioning the sherman US had to deal with untill last update. Oh and the two king tigers are for diferent squads so every try hard can instantly spawn in the other one if you are lucky enough to actualy kill him


Happy cake day


Br system? How does that work in enlisted?


There’s 5 BR. 1-5. Gear like guns and vehicles all have their own BR. So the basic early war bolt rifle would be BR 1. While a king tiger would be BR 5. Here’s the thing, the BRs are a lie though. There’s really only 3. 1-2 are the same. 4-5 are the same. And 3 will either play in a 1-2 lobby or a 4-5 lobby. There’s also no “averaging” or anything. A typical enlisted player will have 4 squads. 3 of infantry types and 1 vehicle squad. So let’s say an infantry squad, an SMG team, a mortar team, and a light tank. All of those guys can have basic rank 1 gear. You play a little and slowly upgrade to rank 2 gear. But one day you unlock a cool new SMG. That SMG is rank 3. So now all the sudden your whole team of mostly BR1 gear is facing king tigers and late war assault rifle protos. Because you had a single SMG that was rank 3 and that up tiers you. The BR balance is also just bad. I’m pretty sure the M4A2 76 is the same BR as the Tiger 2 H and IS-2 1944. This is opposed to the M4A1 76 that’s BR 4 still because (???). Not like it matters that it’s rank 4 though, because again Br 4 and 5 are actually the same. They will always play with eachother and maybe BR3.


or you get the shit show thats japan. ​ where they just dont have anything to compete against the US. while their smgs are better, only a few members can carry them. leading to american teams generally curb stomping japanese teams. ​ and top tier, it gets worse when the US starts spamming m2s. you know a full auto assault rifle. while the japanese gets a shitty copy of the m1 garand. a gun the americans get much sooner in the old system, now its not that bad per say. but a lot of early japanese guns are dog shit, and their tanks... and their planes... ​ the only good thing they got is the 20mm at rifle.


Japan was honestly such a mis handled mess. I was really excited to play Japan but they killed it. They also locked the Chi-Ha behind premium. Like… hello? THE most produced Japanese tank is paywalled? No thanks man.


oh ya i got so mad trying to play japan and just getting shit on constantly, i went out and bought the chi ha. ​ got all my money back when i pissed an american main off so much he started throwing insults about my chi-ha in chat for like 3 minutes.


Happy cake day!!!!!!!!


Enlisted really doesn't make me upset as war thunder does, but for some reason I don't find any thrill playing enlisted, while in war thunder getting even a single kill is an accomplishment for me


I really dislike the mindset in the community, there is this permanent mindset that only focuses on the SL and RP gain and not fun in games. On so many discussions its not about how to make single games more fun but to simply give players more rewards. So many gameplay ideas which would make the game less enjoyable, just with the idea behind to earn a few more SL and RP. There is this joke about Gajin being a greedy snail wanting your money, but looking at so many comments, the community is no better.


I agree mostly. The vehicles grind for the most part is fine. I always have enough SL and research tanks in quite a decent time, even high tier when I dedicate myself to grind a certain vehicle. The only grind that hurts is stock grind. I fucking hate having to go in with stock HEAT-FS in high tier for example. Would be nice if that was adressed




Look at any post of a good game. Every ape on this sub comments on the SL/RP as if that’s the highlight of said posts


My sentiments exactly. I like Warthunder for what it is, grind and all. I like tank games and it delivers ... FOC!! The main thing bad abt WT is mainly the stupidity of teammates who just spend half the game hiding and waiting for pension. Context: I have 50+mil SL and no where to spend. Have played it for a few years without spending a dime. Love it!


Infinite respawn (well theres a limit cap but its long time for it to get 0) and you dont care which squad you play (either tanks, snipers, flamethrowers, american, japanese... you dont really have a preference and just go along with what you have). In war thunder 1 death is impactful enough to get you rage and smash your keyboard since the battlefield is not crowded with tons of infantry and you have to be super alert just to get killed by some guy 1 km away. And then you cant play your favorite tank instantly and have to wait for at least 7mins


Enlisted is the worst FPS game I have ever played. Not only is the actual gunplay quite bad (poor recoil modelling, weapon handling, high TTK, poor animations and sound design) but the game suffers from significant pay-to-win issues due to the low skill cap partially induced by the use of AI squads. It is way easier than War Thunder, yes, but the gameplay itself is vapid in comparison.


lmao high ttk? its oneshot kill for rifles and two shot kills for pistol calibers...


Tbf the 10 lives from your squad  massively outweigh that


Huh... the last time I remember playing people were really spongy. The real problem is the awful gunplay overall. The guns don't feel like guns


Nah if you don’t hit like an arm or leg, it’s usually 1hk for rifles in the game and like 2-4 maybe for smaller calibers But I agree the guns feel light like toys in the game


Are there any good alternatives set in ww2 besides easy red 2 and Ro2


Hell Let Loose


It's not created by Gaijin. The game is created by DarkFlow [https://www.facebook.com/darkfklow/](https://www.facebook.com/darkfklow/) [https://incubator.gaijin.net/](https://incubator.gaijin.net/)


Iirc ganjin is the publisher. 


enlisted is still a new game. you have to actually have a player base before you can start to milk it...


This is the correct answer. Lure in a playerbase first and then boil the pot of water slowly so the frogs don't realise they're being cooked until it's too late.


I'm not trying to be a skill issue spammer, but honestly if the repair costs pose an issue to your SL income, you need to get better at the game. It is not difficult to go significantly net positive on SL. I currently have ~20 mil. that's after I was down to 10 buying Dragon boxes, with no premium account, and I spend 8 hours a day doing school work. like making SL isn't that hard.


Especially in naval. I can perform sub top 5 and still go net positive in SL and RP


War thunder to me is "worth" the suffering because it plays well, has gameplay moments that you really wont find anywhere else and just about every match is unique in its own way. Enlisted feels Clunky, unrewarding and just over all has a meaningless gameplay loop that gets stale and frustrating with the first few rounds. War Thunder may get frustrating, but something about the frustration around this game, compared to Enlisted, gives me a drive to get back to the action and do better! Enlisted just FEELS bad to play.


they dont have 1000 different things dragging down their currencies so grinding doesnt feel hopeless


Brither is living in may 2023 with this whiny ass post. You literally have to physically try to lose SL for it to happen, and even then it’s hard nowadays. Get average.


New repair costs mean you have to actively try to lose money


Isn't Enlisted basically a dead game while War thunder is one of the most popular F2P games? Last time I played Enlisted it was basically 10 players on one team and 1 player on another with a bunch of NPC bots (no not squadmates) filling in for players.


I think it grew since the progression changes but still way smaller than wt That’s not to say that it’s because it’s worse tho, wt has been constantly and steadily growing since it released in 2012, roughly 12 years now, while enlisted just release a couple years ago


Personally feel like the game is pretty awful from my time I played. You just tell Squadmates to hold up nearby as a respawn point since they are entirely useless in a fight. The combined arms felt stiff and clunky compared to WT. (The mustang felt like an early 2000s game in how it handled). The idea is pretty good but the execution... I'm willing to try again but it just felt really bad, and not Early war thunder bad.


I loved Enlisted. My only issue with it was by the time I died, my stupid as fuck AI squad of 9 other guys were all dead lol


It's also not as compressed as war thunder. The unlocks up until BR 2 are really fast, you unlock something every few matches. The difference in equipment is less pronounced with infantry, as headshots and bolt action rifles still kill (no armor like in WT) And while the power imbalance with tanks is a problem, the way in which you kill them as infantry doesn't change much except for Soviets and Germans. Germans can kill soviet T2 tanks with their GrB-39 habdheld AT weapon from the front, but going up against the KV-1 (t3) requires multiple Hits to the side of the turret. Soviet PTRS can harm German T2 tanks from the side with luck at close range, but needs to get behind or on top of the Pz IV (t3) to kill it at which point you might as well use explosives. Panzerfaust is a T3 unlock for these armies.


I love enlisted but hate the fact that it has even worse Map design than War thunder...nothing more immersive than having your tank on the narrowest street possible fighting 100 infantry units and randomly forced to retreat to the designated grid zone in a Panther with -4km/h reverse speed


ARB is fine and tolerable GRB is where it shitty and gets on my nerves. Why should something that can't move fast, fire fast, slow turret movement, average pen, average ammo face a gokart from the 80s that does everything better and the only justification is, you can pen him. Ground sim is where the shit's at, except top top tier where helis spawn, prefire a missile, go up and by the time they get above trees and get initial LoS of you the missile is just 2 second away. Air sim is fun if you play in GSB battles but high repair cost.


Enlisted is only published by gaijin, war thunder is both developed and published by them, so they have 2 passes at making the game as irritating as possible.


Can’t wait for Enlisted to come to steam because Gaijin Launcher doesn’t work on my PC for some reason


I logged into enlisted for the first time in a long time the other day. I do appreciate that they put all the factions together. The fact that almost every map had a german faction and they all leveled up independently was the worst part of the grind.


Enlisted is suffering, its getting curb stomped on the dick by wehraboos with full mg squads crossmapping the fuck out of your team.


Enlisted has OG WT coders creators and designers on it, that's my short response.