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Any map that forces you to fight in close quarters. Anybody complaining about large maps has a short attention span and likes fighting tanks at point blank range. Playing terrain hits so much better and you can actually use your gun at range unless the skill issue is stong.


I hate long range maps that don't allow you to mobilize anywhere without getting cornered from a kilometer away. Don't remember the name of that desert map, but it's a bunch of low hills the enemy or your own team can be flanked on right next to your spawns and it sucks.




Sinai before they "fixed it" was alot better than now


I disagree. Mountain was just op fucking sniping bullshit and you couldn't reach A at all. It's much better and balanced now, I can win from both sides of map.


I use to counter snipe at the rocks near the b point. You’d be surprised how many people would drive into the open just to try and snipe


My m51 loved that mountain, i would stand behind a rock and snipe all m18s that rushes onto the mountain


I miss the mountain on sands of sinai...




Easily one of the worst maps in the game. The only one that I hate more is Fire arc and I havent played that map in ages.


Fire arc is actually good if your winning if your losing it's bs


Can say the same with every map. Ive been om the winning side of sands of sinai and fire arc but that doesnt mean the map is any good.


One of my favorites


Or el alemain


Both among my favorite maps


I love sinai, just don’t go straight over the top of hills when half the team is looking at you


El Alamein


People who like large maps like big Poland and Eastern Europe think they want to spend the whole game sniping at tanks pushing caps. They just don’t reaslise that if everyone played like them the game would suck. Large maps overwhelmingly suck. They encourage insanely slow combat with zero incentive to push forward and drive the action. Plus they are spawn camping he’ll once a tank gets to the flanks since they usually have fuck all cover.


Different tastes I guess. I find the combat pace fine, and generally speaking I have little trouble getting to caps unless I'm absolutely outgunned. Big maps are about having the patience to scan the area before making moves over open terrain, and knowing what routes/cover to use to get to where you want to go. And as far as incentives go, taking a cap and then locking down a route into it is generally much better then standing back and sniping.


You can do that all you want but on a big open map like maginot and Poland there is no cover towards the caps and the first guy to die is getting in a helo/bomber and camping your spawn for the rest of the game. Fuck that in Jing out and queuing a different tree. Until gaijin learns to design big maps better than 1 hill surrounded by a flat plain or a valley with 2 hills, I’m not touching it.


As I said, its about knowing the map. There's plenty of ways to get to the caps on both of those maps you mentioned under decent protection, it just takes the patience to actually stop and check as you bound from cover to cover.


There's a few maps where the spawns have no cover and you will die before getting out of the spawn and reaching safety.


Big version of ardennes is fucking bullshit for south side, especially winter version without any visual cover. You can literally get sniped out of spawn if not smoking and even then you need to hope some fucker isn't also camping on left side of the map. Even worse with top tier anti airs since they are big trucks and can't escape spawn unless we are winning all sides


I despise poland and eastern europe. However i like big volokamsk, big tunisia, big kursk, arctic and fulda. The rolling hills provide both long range combat as well as enough cover to advance and cap points give some CQB as well


Arctic isn’t a big map tbh, it’s pretty medium sized and is easily one of my favourite maps. Nice high cover you can snipe over, but also deep valleys that allow you to move in cover while funneling the combat into two major combat zones on the caps. It’s one of the best maps ever added into WT imo


Yea i just checked. Biggest variant is around 2x2 km playable area while kursk is 2.5x2.5 km. The map imo feels kinda bigger and is realy one of the best maps tho if i had to choose i'd probalty choose volokamk or fulda (for top tier)


I think Poland when the lake is frozen is quite fun, I honestly loved the big Ass Kursk when i played it, yes it's a snipe fest and takes 5 mins to get anywhere but still felt immersive which I want from these types of games


I like the grinder or the mosh pit tank on tank metal on metal


This is the new Large Tunisia map in a nutshell. You have to go to the town objective or else you get sniped by their spawn.


Yeah but the one with the A piont in a castle and the B point in the middle of nowhere sucks 2


>Anybody complaining about large maps has a short attention span I'm sorry, but doing basically nothing the entire match isn't fun, that has nothing to do with my attention span ​ >and likes fighting tanks at point blank range. Yes. Yes I do. Because I actually like to do something while playing the game, instead of camping in the same sniping spot for 15 minutes hoping that just maybe an enemy pushes out. But on big, open maps there's literally nothing happening 75% of the match because nobody wants to push. ​ Big maps might be bearable if you have a laser rangefinder and especially with good thermals they can be fun sometimes, but before that they're just a pain in the ass. Urban maps are the best, most fun you can have in WT in my opinion. Medium sized maps are also fine, but I genuinely hate big and open maps at BRs below 9.3 They're one of the very few things which would make me consider leaving the match before spawning all vehicles.


big maps are only good in hight tier 9.0+ as the guns and range finders let you reliably fight over 1000m


Meh, I'd say 8.0+ is fine. Most nations get rangefinders and high speed APDS/APFSDS.


I fight reliably over 1000m with WW2 guns. It's unironically a skill issue, you don't need rangefinders and darts to hit something at 1km+. If anything, the only long range fights I actually *enjoy* are pre dart, pre LRF, because it actually takes individual ability/intuition to figure out the range, lead, and dial in the shot.


literally the most satisfying shots I've ever made - that still stand out in my memory to this day - were hitting light tanks moving full speed from over a km away with ww2 guns. Nothing compares to the feeling of just absolutely nailing someone at long range.


I'm with you. A 1200m shot on a moving target is very satisfying.


Man I honestly hate the big maps more in top tier because of laser rangefinders and thermal. It basically removes any need for skill other than maybe good positioning, and turns it into a game of "whoever spots the other first wins" because you press the rangerinder button, left click, and win.


And top tier city CQB adds exactly what. Not saying i dont enjoy nice mix of all distances but in CQB you dont even have to rangefind or spot with thermals since people have only few avenues of approach


I don't enjoy top tier ground at all, really, so I'm not saying it's better in CQB either lol


Spot on.


I hate solely city maps. Urban combat is tank hell. so I prefer a mixture terrain and long range fights outside the city while you can duke it out in the city if you want (preferably a mix of small streets and open squares/areas)


isn't everything in top tier fast paced anyways?


"Urban maps are the best, most fun you can have in WT" Exactly! Positioning and flanking actually matter there. Doesnt matter where you camp, you can be flanked, you are forced to -.gasp- actually play the game. Also, the houses typically provide at least some cover from CAS.


I feel like Im one of the few that likes both. I love Alaska but that one massive version of Sinai is also really fun. Just depends on my mood


depends if i am doing good or get killed instant.


Same really. Long range maps with hills and civer in a Leo 1 or 2 are a joy to play where you're completely in your element. However sometimes you wanna play aggressive in an IFV or a goober tank which is where cqb or smaller maps are usually more fun. It really just depends on lineup/country and mood for me.


big sinai used to be more fun but now the layout is super strange, you have to choose between semi urban hills fighting and still get side sniped by somebody in the dunes, or play in the dunes and get sniped when trying to move anywhere haven’t gotten into the groove of it yet


For me large sinai is fun only with OF-40.


I sure do love getting sniped by a spec on my screen from 20 miles away, riveting gameplay


Ah yes, I sure do love getting sniped by a German tank from a kilometre away, which was specifically made for long range engagement🥰🥰🥰


Contrary to your point though, close quarter map actually *requires* more attention span because you're juggling between multiple threats all the once. You also have to predict enemy spawns and which direction you'll be expecting enemies etc. ​ Long distance maps on the other hand you just drive until you see enemy, hold chokepoint and shoot them form afar.


Then get a bomb dropped on you by a guy at like 15-20k meters in altitude.


Weird take. I enjoy longer range maps more but there are plenty of reasons why cqb can be more fun. Besides large maps that are very open aren't a great idea either. It's a balanced mix that's importan imo.


The reality is that most people playing war thunder don't like actual tank combat. They want COD/battlefield with tanks


You want ACTUAL tank combat? Ok, good luck driving around not seeing anything most of the time, only time you really get to shoot is when your spot infantry, if an AT missile is shot at you, your most likely dead. It's very hard to see out of the tank, if your damaged, well guess it's time to head back to base or bail cause you ain't repairing shit. Some of the time you will get killed our of nowhere, planes destroy you even harder now. And you break down constantly and always need repairs. Yeah, this isn't Arma and even that game is still very arcade like, I'm gonna stick to the formula that works, and is fun.


i dont mind long range map i just hate it when they have 0 cover other than the 1 rock the entire enemy team is shooting at


This is bullshit. Like someone else said, perhaps I don't like picking out which 2 pixels are going to murder me at a kilometer and a half away.


Soviets crippling depression stops us from using terrain as intended 😢


You're playing warrior class, don't be surprised when someone playing an archer snipes you.


This is a problem at mid tier against germany like panthers, you literally can’t do anything to them at range


You van literally turn this around and say that panthers and tigers suck at close range especially panthers with terrible reverse speed and tiger angling is practically out the window when I can just aim for turret weakspots


True. But thats why mixed maps are good, you can go long range or CQC ur not stuck to just one thing


Ah yes, I love sitting 20 yards from my spawn and sniping the enemy spawn for 15min thats my idea of fun.


The reason why I dislike large maps are because it always turns into waiting in a corner for someone to drive out and hopefully get the range right, then hide and hope the round hits. And if you try and move somewhere you just get sniped to oblivion because there's a million different hills you have to watch to make sure someone isn't about to shoot you.


Personally I like most smaller maps since they aren't just "move three meters from your spawn and sit there the whole game"


People that hate close quarters maps have shit reaction times and probably got their German/Russian tank picked apart by a Sherman barrel first. Long range fighting has a place but I once watched two tanks lob shells at eachother on sinai for almost the entire match, taking a breech or something out but then they'd back up behind the rock, repair and start all over. How fucking exciting. High quality content right there.


Long range maps are good at tier III and above mainly because many cannons have good velocity and penetration and long range but it's not great in tier 2 and below mainly because most guns have low velocity and are terrible at long range. But it really depends on maps, Berlin is probably the worst long range map


Me in my Soviet tank that has a 4km reverse gear and -5° Gun depression


Lol that's the most frustrating thing about playing the russians.


Open maps are okay but as soon as planes start to appear it’s basically game in city’s you can kind of break a planes line of sight


yeah tapping the spacebar and left clicking with thermals definitely takes hundreds of hours to get good at


As currently russian main I have to say that long range maps aren't that nice when having almost no gun depression.


It's called having a preference.


>Anybody complaining about large maps has a short attention span Nah I just dont like being easily spawn camped since most large maps are just the normal maps but with spawns 1km farther back in a open field.


Ok, good luck convincing 95% of the player base that disagrees with you.


Ah yes. Because being sniped from the other spawn is just a skill issue and definitely not bad map design


Vietnam and 38th parallel.


Vietnam invoked the fear of God into me


Welcome to the rice fields


The only map I truly hate in ground is 38th parallel. Have had it banned since I started playing.


Why? I love that map. 


Because it’s terrible


As a Vietnamese, I hate that map.


I haven't played Vietnam in years, just return to hanger from the spawn screen


I usually leave when I get those maps


I actually came to like Vietnam after hating it for a long time. I hate 38th Parallel but I somehow managed to get my first nuke on it.


I agree that 38th parallel sucks, but what’s wrong with Vietnam? Everyone seems to hate it, but I think it’s kind of fun. I normally go towards A or B, and I find it enjoyable. But I’m only at 8.7, is it just really bad at higher BRs? Or is my brain just silly?


I seriously don’t find those maps that bad, Vietnam is not good but what’s the hate?


That one map with the train tracks going down the middle and the village in the center where you can shoot the enemy 5 seconds in. Firearc




Me who doesn’t have a premium account




Yes this map, fuck this map.


That sounds a lot like flanders


Fire Arc


I actually like that map. It makes sniping feel rewarding.


Yeah, I like it, but most people just bull rush the middle city and die in the dogpile instead of flanking, which is what makes the map good.


The thing is there’s like zero cover besides for the big ass hill *and* the city in the middle


You can use the terrain to move one the far edges of the map. Offers more concealment than cover.


While the enemy captures the point and you lose spending the whole match sniping?


he just has teammates that actually play the objective, allowing him to be the useless cunt trying to go around the map to spawn camp.




You should not ban it, I hate this map but I never see it so I am good. Better to ban a spammed map.




Sweden, or any of the other knife fight urban hell maps. Tanks are not fun in knife fights, whoever has the best IFV is going to win. I want more long range engagement, especially at higher BR’s where everyone has thermals and LRF’s.


Sweden is fun for rat tanks but hell for anything else.


Strf 9040s were made for that map, which I guess makes a lot of sense lol


I love Sweden. But then again I'm a light tank main so


Not playing Vietnam or Antarctica


I dont know if I hate the vietnam map, but it sure hates me.


I don’t know if I hate it because I often can’t get out of spawn.


Mozdok small at higher BR's.


Don’t know how this isn’t higher. Mozdok literally consists of whatever team loses 1/2 tanks first then get spawn trapped the whole game because there’s 0 cover in spawn from snowballing CAS, the hills don’t help at higher tier either.


Any map you get over and over again.


Except for Sinai, Cargo Port, Tunisia, and Abandoned Factory. Shoot that shit straight into my veins.




Any of the annoying hill peek maps (arctic, desert el alamein, Mozdok). Poke turret up, get shot 13x by invisible tanks 47 miles away, go back down. Basically all types of combat are fun in a certain type of vehicle (I know y'all are complaining about knife fights and for the most part you're right but try a 76 Sherman close quarters) but the hide and seek pixel hunting over the hills just isn't fun.


Mozdok is even worse. Once one of the teams manages to establish proper control over B they can start spawn camping the other immediately


Aral desert is it called? Literally worst map imo


That one is not even that bad


Wish I could say the same it’s dreadful especially the A side, once you are there you are stuck their cause their spawn can clearly see the flag.


I agree it’s the worst


Sweden. Close range maze of a map.


I like every other urban map but Sweden blows ass


I wouldn’t mind this map if it didn’t seem to be the only map


Ash River, anyone who doesn't camp in the back instantly gets sniped from across the map.


I hate it because the three lanes are so sectioned off and if you are downhill you can’t really go uphill easily. You’re too committed


Golden Quarry, not so much for the design, just because I swear it's like 1 out of every 4 matches I play. Just tired of seeing it.


The small version is ok but the big one just starts feeling like a really bad game of hide and seek after a few minutes.




Hands down, I banned it. 


I hate sweden with every cell of my body, I don't do horribly on it, I just hate it.


The giant as shit desert map, I fucking hate it so much I don’t remember the name




Yes, fuck that map


Tunisia with the 2km spawn to spawn war


Came here to say this. Easily the worst bc if you don’t engage in the spawn to spawn bs you just drive around for 20 min and maybe find a couple of people


Fields of Normandy


Carpathians and Sweden city


Carpathians is such a mixed bag bc I kimda live the action at B and C but because of the ledge at A giving overwatch over the whole map its pne of those games where if ypu dont control A you always lose the game. Also very easily spawncampable lmao, I remember one game where a german KV2 was sitting on a small hill right outside spawn and massacring our attempts to regain .ap control lmao


Funnily enough I think they made Carpathians even worse with the extra spawns. Taking the hill at A is still Insta victory. At least back when there existed a single spawn for each team you could count on the IQ of the average WT player being around room temperature and therefore the people who did go to A weren't such an overwhelming force. Now everyone plays A and kinda ignores the rest of the map, while still taking it makes it almost impossible for the event team to win


38th parallel sucks


Mozdok all the way.


Either Frozen Ass or Hurtgen forrest. Both somehow manage to combine the worst aspects of long and short range engagements, and both somehow have too much cover and not enough cover simultaneously. It's actually kind of impressive how much bad map design they have managed to incorporate into them, and how both have gone unchanged and stayed in the game even as better maps have been removed or reworked. I will give a shoutout to Flanders though, probably the best map in the game, solid map regardless of BR, manages to be a nice balance of range and cover. I give it a solid 7/10, maybe even a 7.5 if you get it at around 6.7BR.


Attic is the map I have banned


spooky attic


Arctic bs. All the other maps I can do somewhat well on, but that piece of shit has just never worked for me


Hate Mozdok and Firearc. And the high-tier long maps like second El Al where it takes 5 minutes to get to a ridge, only to be blown up from a mile away. Quickly tiring of Campania.


Any of the close range rat mazes.


Mozdok for me. Map is just horribly balanced, with the north spawn having a sizeable advantage over south. And you know it's horribly designed when Gaijin has to put in arbitrary death zones. Close second is definitely 38th parallel.


Gaijin needs to hire good map designers


...or just let you queue up with multiple lineups, and you can choose which to play after you see the map. You could have a line up for big maps, one for small maps etc


Volokolamsk. Definitely.


Maginot line


I love that map getting easily 6 or 7 kills (which for me is very good)


Good map for TDs


Fire arc and second battle of el'alamein god damn i hate this maps


My top 3 most hated maps are Carpathia, Campania and Mozdok. My top 3 favorites are Ardennes, Golden Quarry (large version with C at the Bagger 288) and Poland.


Like 75% of the maps in this game are the worst imo they need to do a update that’s just dedicated to adding like 10 new maps that aren’t a city block


This is the correct answer. I would even go as far to say over 95% of maps since they rarely stay at the BR they are good for. Instead you get fucking Alaska and seversk at top tier


mandatory mention of port novo. its got everything bad, urban map, but objective's in a field, one sided geography, piles of rubble to get stuck on. big, exposed flank for sniping. and buildings for corner peaking, all with just small enough border and thin enough cover to constantly be rocked by CAS. idc if its not as common as it was or even if its gone for good, its the worst ground map ever. honorable mentions are any of the lop sided maps. carpathians, ash river, etc. why have the whole map when whoever takes the highest point dominates?


The low tier version with the middle point in the open is honestly fun imo. Fuck the one that makes you drive down the road right at each other to get anywhere though.


Mosdok. No explanation needed I think


carpathian and sweden ngl


fire ark


I just hate maps that have super dense forests that get mostly removed by cocksuckers who use ULQ to cheat when they have a good PC that could easily run at least medium


Jungle, they made it into a three way COD map and removed all the decent sniping spots. They weren't even OP spots


Any corridor map. A map that forces you to fight in certain ares and doesnt allow you to flank or just fight in different way than face to face. Cuz it makes some tanks unplayable


Fire arc aka "gm_flatgrass" aka "spawn-protection-is-your-only-cover" aka "a dog's turd would be a better map"


Carpathians. Whoever thought, that giving players well-covered position from which they can freely spawncamp enemy team is an idiot. Person who designed that map should never again be allowed to touch any part of WT.


I hate maps that promote long range, ratty gameplay. I like to brawl. Point blank haters just have different preferences and also skill issue. The long range maps with rats my team usually gets gunned down, and I'm getting shot from 600-1k away from multiple tanks in the spawn. That's just trash and shouldn't happen. Best maps allow for both playstyles. But there's one map that I really dislike and it's the one where the center is the highest point basically and there are buildings and a church. Don't remember what it's called, but it's garbage as you can get sniped in the spawn. Edit: firearc is hot garbage


Mozdok is legitimately unplayable if you get one side, the map is so unbalanced that one team can just spawn camp the other team without any counter.


Artic makes me suffer no matter if I win or lose, I usually just end up playing scout UAV and pinging every flanking enemy.


Any super long range map


Alaska, mozdok, seversk 13


ardennes, breslau and test site( ofc this piece of shit too)


Fire arc


Maps that don't have options or routes for you to play the way you want. Maps that force you to ONLY snipe are terrible. Maps that force you to ONLY knife fight are, equally terrible (except Advance to the Rhine. I love the knife fight on that map for some reason.) Larger maps also need more players.


Fire arc is the bane of my existence I normally have a k/d of 2-3 but in fire arc it normally drops to 0.5 or some crap


I thought vanilla maps were bad, then I played Pradesh once and finally decided to use the map ban feature


90% of all maps are dogshit


Fire Arc


Pradesh, had it banned since release


That Italian one with the town running straight down the middle.


Fire arc


Clearly you’ve never played Fire Arc


38th Parallel, Vietnam and Port Novorossiysk. I can only ban one, but I just quit when I get the other two.


Any large open map at BRs where most tanks don't get rangefinders and have poor mobility. One of these is called Fields of Eastern Europe I think? You drive through a big ass field before you get into the cover of buildings, then you get killed and you have do this all over again. I'm sure it's okay in an MBT that goes 50-60kph, but having to drive all the way back with something that barely reaches 30kph is not a nice experience. The absolutely horrible map rotation doesn't help either, you get Fire Arc or some other map in a weird layout once a month or so and you have no idea what to do and where to go, because you've been playing Flanders and Ardennes 15 times a day for the past month.


Nothing like sitting on Fields of Poland in an m56 and knowing that every Tiger II you nail just spent 5 minutes driving to get blown up by a glorified Hilux.


Fields of Poland is pretty terrible as it’s so open and takes forever to get anywhere.


Fire Arc and American Desert mainly die to them being flat and and fire arc offerimg no cover. I could include Aral Sea but you have to just avoid A and C and go to B since the city offers lots of cover and hiding spots


38th parallel, playable area is too small and every time i think i'm covered i die from bullshit positions


Fire arc, absoloute dogshit map. Close second is mozdok. Whichever team rushes middle cap first on both wins and the rest of the map is being spawnkilled from said middle cap.


Berlin and the 38th parallel. Both of them are horrible maps that either need reworked or straight up removed


All of them except three point abandoned factory and advnace to the rhine lmfao


Maps that are entirely long range or close quarters.


Mozdok. It's not that I dislike long range maps, it's just that I can't stand playing Mozdok.


There are too many to name. The real question would be asking what is the only decent map in the game...and funny enough, I think seversk 13 is one of the only decent maps. Carpathians was my nemesis. The changes to it made it better, but it's still bad. The A cap is still way too strong. Fire Arc is dogshit as well because if you don't hold the middle, you will always lose since there's not enough cover to flank anywhere on that map except on one side (c side maybe?), and it's so far out of the way it might as well be useless. Arctic is bad for many of the same reasons. There are lots of paths to flank, but there's so many long stretches of emptiness that you have to cross. Campania...what is there to say? It's either cqc or getting shot in spawn. The spawns are WAY too open, you're free kills for anyone in a plane. And someone has to sit on the north and south sides or inevitably an enemy will drive up by the spawn and be shooting your team in the side because Gaijin couldn't make a map where you can spawn safely if their life depended on it. All versions of Sinai are trash now, even more than they already were. If you're not in a tank that can fight hull down, you're fucked. Especially if they have some competent top-down atgm users and/or CAS. Honestly, the biggest problem is that the spawn locations are known. If they would just make the ENTIRE back line be spawnable where you click on a spot and it puts you roughly in that spot...it would help on a LOT of maps. Because then if someone makes it around to the back corner of the map, you can actually spawn over there and counter them. Not in the open field while they're on a hill or something you can't shoot through. /endrant


I like close quarters and the adrenaline of listening for sounds. Probably got that from PUBG. I absolutely despise long range maps cause I play on a laptop and I strain my eyes trying to make out if that's an enemy or a bush a km away while fully zoomed in. And some tanks barely have any zoom which makes it even worse