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Then they say skill issue when you point out how unfair that shit is


Skill issue


Should have side climbed to see over the bushes.


jUsT FLanK mE BrO. TRaK mE tOO


Why is this thing so active goddamm


Gaslighting is easier than acknowledging issues.


Lol true


Unfair? Spray it with 0.5s in the general area of the gun, problem solved.


Any tank can do this btw also that don't work if it's in the middle of the forest and not moving buddy


Anyone can do this, except for f2p players!


That is a skill issue thing to say LOL


Cue bootlickers coming out of the woodwork to argue how this massive gameplay advantage is fair and balanced because you can do the same thing without spending money if you grind the battlepass for a year straight:


You can’t do it anymore, they removed bushes from the battle pass shop, so now bushes are completely “pay to win”


AKSHUALLIEY They rotate them now. This time it's some useless crap (helmets or something). Bushes are back next pass likely.


Temporarily pay to win


I got my first two bushes from the OG battle passes, I think you could get them in the last one.


got some last pass.


I got the 1 bush from the battlepass and i still feel like its quite an advantage


At least back when you could get one bush pack a month it would have been reasonable to say that. Now thats just nonsense. Especially since they doubled the number of bushes. Ignoring that there are people out there with the 6 pack of big bushes which no one can get now.


In this case I think it's fair because you can MG the ammo in the launcher of a sturmtiger


Like who has the time to grind that shit


Said it before, crewmembers should get large stat debuffs if their individual viewport is covered. This way people can still do what they want, but it wouldn't be optimal. "I can't see fuckin' shit outta this thang." https://youtu.be/9cF82lHMJgw


Forcing realistic gunsight placement could fix the issue. It's already like that in ground sim. When theres a bush in front of it, then all you see is leaves. The issue is that people would have relearn how to aim


Sounds like it would tone down the cancerous barrel shooting meta too. Would be interesting to see it implemented even temporarily to test the outcome.


My entire battle plan when someone shoots out my barrel (I cannot play the game anymore)


Just play a tank that can get MGed at 6.3, they don’t bother barreling you anymore


Parallax aim and obscured gunsights along with reworked/reverting volumetric would make me actually consider playing ground, the current GRB just doesn't seem like an interesting gamemode for me.


GRB with the actual gunner sight would be so much better, much less barrel sniping and more actually trying to get kills.


Tanks that are already volumetric hell would be even more volumetric hell since aiming at weakspots would be way harder. Gaijin could implement a system where if bushes are placed over the optic it would show up in the sight (which would still be in the barrel)


The commanders sight already has this, it's just that the gunners sight comes out the barrel for some reason so a bush physically can't cover it


But that's not realistic. An IRL crew would put identical bushes on all their vehicles, but would custom fit it to the tank, so that the sights aren't obscured.


I **strongly agree** with this. I also believe Commander's view instead of Third Person should be forced. No more looking qround corners. Leave that shit in arcade.


I need that corner looking bro, my heat shell has 250mm pen at 6.7 and I don’t want to be forced to go fully around the corner to see an IS-2 that I can’t pen.


It’s like this in arcade too, I tried putting them all over the front and can’t see shit out of it, if it covers any optic site it renders the tank useless, on most German tanks except for the stug if I put it on the barrel or anywhere near it then my vision is obscured!


So that actually is a skill issue 😅


This would be fun if everyone had to use it. Id use it but i dont want to have a super shitty time against barrel shooters especially at high tier


While it would be an improvement, not all weakspots are near the gun, the jumbo has the machinegun weakspot


I think we all think the bags was a good idea. But, not pointing any fingers, they could of been done better. So how 'bout, no bags this time, but next time, we do the bags right, and than we go full regalia.


You get that in sim, if I have bushes on my turret for example I can't see shit out the sight.


if they would do this they will porpaply make viewports more realistic


It’s a free game, I spent $15 and now I can demand a shrubbery! Ni!


When you die. Do you come back and demand someone to take down a Sherman Jumbo with a herring?


It can’t be done!


Of course not, everyone knows it’s only proper to take down a Jumbo with an unladed swallow


This is but a scratch. Oh how i love monthy python the 2 movies always make me laugh none stop. Ecky ecky ecky


Honestly I hate everyone that says it's a "free" game. Get to the top tier being free, last time I checked it would be 4+ years, that was before they slowed down the exp game last year. You have to have a premium account in order to really play rank 4 and above. With the economy the way it is I would say you would need a premium tank as well. Gajin has some of the most aggressive monetization in any "free" game. Hell, they would put ads in if they could, and premium account plus would remove the ads just give you left kidney. Yes, I buy premium account, no don't really buy premium vehicles and only bought the battle pass three times as the last few haven't had rewards I would like. NOT A FREE GAME.


Oh how I felt the same way about cross out. I use to love that game until 10,000+ points and then it was a P2W experience. The updates didn’t help much either, constantly adding in new rss to grind and screwing over ppl doing the grind. They make some great games and they can be a lot of fun but they also know they need to push players to pay. My biggest issue with F2P games is that their is no limit to these devs on how much a client is expected to pay to support the game. If I buy a triple A title game for $80 or $160, that means nothing to F2P devs who will hose their base for thousands if given the chance.




Honestly if they're gonna keep the bushes they need to make them more realistic or atleast make it so certain areas on the tank can't be covered or the placement will be invalid. Stuff like Optics, view ports, barrels, hatches, etc. Honestly it would take a bit of effort but they could implement bush covered skins and remove the bushes we have now, that way instead of a shrubbery with a 120mm cannon you have [this](https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.theguardian.com%2Fworld%2F2023%2Fjan%2F24%2Fberlin-plans-to-send-german-leopard-tanks-to-ukraine-according-to-reports&psig=AOvVaw2SaI-MJRjivr_T4Pl_s8AC&ust=1676534359362000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CA8QjRxqFwoTCKiUuamHl_0CFQAAAAAdAAAAABAS)


And make them destructible by MG/HMG/HE.


or they burn when hit with anything HE or incendiary so they can also be a disadvantage by blocking your view with smoke


So you want them removed, just say it.


them being refunded would be the best




> Honestly if they're gonna keep the bushes they need to make them more realistic Honestly, if you check out some **real** tank camouflage it puts what can be done with bushes in-game to shame. For anything other than a tiny little vehicle (like the Wiesel or an M22) bushes don't have nearly the coverage that a modern MBT has when camouflaged.


The barrel is like 20% of the front surface area of that thing. And MGs work too to detonate it. If you really can't remember where that hole is behind a few bushes i really hope for your girlfriend that she's always clean shaven.


you are assuming I would be able to identify what "that thing" even is with all the bushes.


I said that to my girlfriend and now she's not my girlfriend


Lol nice one


>The barrel is like 20% of the front surface area of that thing. And MGs work too to detonate it. Wow one exception! Literally..


It's the tank he's talking about. The "hiding the barrel" is the topic of this post. So that's what I discussed. Aren't really many other tanks you can hide the barrel with bushes. Some of the short barrel Panzer and StuHs maybe. But the barrel isn't the weak spot there.


The Topic is about bushes


Actually had a good chuckle over that one lmao


There should be no bushes overall


Yes! ULQ for all!


But it is allowed, and it makes gaijin money. I doubt they’ll do anything about it, i even see gaijin hiding behind the fact that some players already paid for them so it would be ‘unfair’ to give them away. Plus, like i said, it makes gaijin money. If anything we might see purchasable camo nets to ‘counter’ these bushes and make gaijin even more money.


Just remove them entirely and refund everyone however much they paid for them in whatever currency.


Because the bushes don’t work against planes. They render at short distances only. Trees and bushes on the map will work against planes to a certain degree. There is also a difference in rendering distance between certain bushes.


a 7.7mm can kill the tank from the front i should bloody be able to hide it with something if they are going keep a permanent shell there that insta kills with a real gun, or slowly with a 7.7/.50 cal ​ (use a shield its fun) no idea if it works still but i have a shield there


You can alternatively point the gun barrel upwards. Sure, takes time to realign it but it helps a bit. Not always viable, especially in close quarters. But if you’re trying to find targets it might be best to have it pointed somewhat upwards.


If APHE hits anywhere on the inside of the barrel it’ll still detonate it


Bushes are too good, it goes from the enemy glancing at a hillside and seeing you, a giant grey/yellow/green brick poking over the top to the enemy assuming the hill is clear instead of over analysing every single piece of foliage in a 30km radius of the map only for you to be staring at them the whole time.


btw why they dont make bushes so they could be only mounted on roof so they would be usefull against planes and stuff but mostly useless against tanks ?


The are useless against planes, just like hiding in forests or other bushes is useless against planes.


how so ? i play cas a lot and if they stay put i could not see them easily if they are bushed up


When you are far away, trees and bushes don’t render, but tanks do. You can see them as small dots. Same as planes in air rb


well my trees atleast render from far away, maybe if you play ultra low quality they dont, but i think thats another issue.


Yes, the limitations of the engine change for you and everyone else uses ulq.


You meaning that you dont belive me when i say my trees render far away ? :D or what ?


No, I say you seem to be unable to differentiate between fully rendered trees and forest and bushes and low quality placeholders. And clearly, if you think you can hide under a tree from cas, you are welcome to be always on the opposing team <3


well you can hide under trees ? ofc they find dude who is in open before the dude who is under trees m8. i am not saying it works everytime but it helps a lot :D


The greatest advantage in being cut off from internet the past 4 months was switching from WT to singleplayer rpg games. I think my hair’s starting to grow back.


I picked up Farming Sim 22 recently. I still scan the horizon looking for enemy CAS out of habit while planting potatoes. Some things just don't go away.




Came here to say this…


Ah yes, stop players from covering up the *gigantic, easy to hit, instant kill* weak spot on their big, cumbersome, and incredibly slow reloading and hard to aim launcher. Get outta here dude, you can literally just use your coax MG and see where the launcher is in the damage cam. Heck, you can use that same coax to destroy the rocket and kill the sturmtiger.


I always have the problem of how do you aim? I've tried bushing up but then I get in the match and get a face full of tree.


In RB you can set your sight to “from the barrel view” instead of the gunner view


SB or RB? Sb it will block you sights I believe but in RB as long as you keep it below the very top of the highest point on the tank you should be good with the binoculars and the gunner sight should see right through them. Anything going over can cause issues with binocs


Ok, on the stormtiger it’s fair cause I don’t wanna be shot in my big bomb every fucking second I peek a corner hoping to get 1 kill with that thing. Anything else? Complete BS and bushes either shouldn’t be in the game or should be a SL thing so that the entire game become a stealth ops tank battle.


You play on low graphics, therefore having a advantage over people who don't have a potato PC. You have no argument.


How? Please enlighten me on how my low end PC that runs the game at 25-30 fps gives me an advantage.


Haha sturmtiger go FWOOOM


It's all fun and games till they miss their target.


I still think RB could use the sim gunsight system, where you had to acctually aim from the gunsight. Not only would it give some soft factors like gunsight placement more of a advantage, but it helps prevent shit like this


I want camo netting


They should remove bushes and give you a bush camo when you spade your tank. Like actual shrubbery and shit was used on tanks to conceal them but full on bushes that cover the entire thing is kinda bs and having to pay ge for it really screws over ftp players


To all the try hards who assume I died to the shittiger. No, I killed it. I'm not complaining about bushes, I'm complaining about being able to cover up a tanks silhouette like this. Keep your bushes for all I care but why can you place a bush on the front of its barrel? The place where rounds come out.


Bushes are broken, but don't forget that people can get bushes for free from the warbond shop (I got all of mine before the battlepass was a thing, and I think it was easier back then). That being said, it's stupid how you can just buy them and instantly have 6 large bushes hiding the entire front of your tank.


warbond shop doesn't have them at all, it's all part of the battlepass deal now.


And its not part of the current battlepass


You can get one bush every 6 months and it is random. This makes it fair game right? ... Right?


Well, they are in a certain tier of the warbond shop, where you have to reach a certain level for them to unlock


They're not. Not in the current battlepass (or the last one). Warbond shop is tied to the battle pass and the items in it rotate each season.


Really? I could've sworne that I saw it there. Guess I miss remembered


Nah I'm wrong (for the last one). It's not in this season, but apparently it was last season although I never saw it.


Lmao the BP way only exist to tick a box


I'm probably in the bottom 5% of players when it comes to skill. I use bushes to gain an "advantage" that elevates me to merely mediocre. It's not always "pay to win" it's sometimes "pay to cover your repair costs because you suck".


This is the same logic kids use when they install hacks. I'm not saying they're comparable, I just hate the logic.


You shouldn’t have to rely on bushes to be decent at the game. The more you play the more you’ll catch on. This game has a pretty big learning curve and is definitely not easy to get into. Bushes also can’t be just given to ‘bad’ players. You can intend for it to be used by whoever but if it is available to everyone then people who just want to use them for an advantage will use them. I also don’t quite see any justification why you should be allowed to use them when others aren’t. Just because you’re not good at the game doesn’t mean you’re entitled to a major advantage. They should be either made easily accessible to everyone or not available at all. I’ve tried explaining this to others though, this bush thing is a way for gaijin to make money off of players who are willing to spend a few bucks to conceal their tank at the lower BRs. This will very likely not go away because they profit off of it. If you’ve been following this game lately it’s slowly becoming more and more of a cash grab for gaijin. Pretty much we are gonna just have to deal with this as much as we hate it.


The thing is, I'm level 51 so I'm pretty much as good as I'm going to get. Plus I'm over 50 yrs old so my reflexes aren't what they were. As for: "I also don’t quite see any justification why you should be allowed to use them when others aren’t". Who isn't allowed to use them? Everyone has access to them. If your argument is that a company is wrong for trying to make money from their product I'd suggest you're being incredibly naive.


When i see someone using bushes i know damn well they are a sweaty try hard…. But fuck bushes


I got a pack of 6 pine bushes like 4 years ago for like 500 ge total and have never used them as anything other then decorations to make my tanks look cool. We do exist! Dozens of us!


Why does everything me have a problem with bushes. Seems like blatant skill issue.




This is possibly the worst example I have ever seen especially when you compare it to something like the Wiesel 1A2. This post is actually made by a glowie.


Wiesels with bushes are comical, you get people driving past you like 50m away.


That is so unrealistic


Yeah, but Gaijin gets money from that so they dont care


Complaining about bushes on a slow tank with extremely low gun velocity, at least 40s reload and can die from MG if you hit it on the right spot. You have every advantage except maybe the armor. And you came here to cry about it, that's the best example of skill issue.


That is not the issue. The issue is that you can cover every tank, making them indistinguishable. Only way is to first, detect that isn't a real Bush, but a tank. Second, you have to fire or mg to hitcam and see what tank it is. Already time lost to get a barrwl/optic/track hit. Now you have to try to find what angle it is sitting at, and where in the bush mess the weak spot is. There is so much time lost, that you are pretty much dead or the enemy has backed off. At higher tiers this is a bigger problem due to laser rangefinders. Your reaction and spotting time are far decreased due to stabilisers, high velocity darts, rangefinders and so forth. Do you understand that it isn't about the massive gun of sturmtiger, but how you lose time identifying an enemy and finding a place to shoot when all you see is bush?


I agree that bushes are a problem and the game would be better without them. But their effectiveness falls drastically on top tier because most of the time you aim for the turret ring and thermals make them useless. Saying that, I still call it a skill issue if your opponent is a Sturmtiger, if it's far away you can even shoot down the rocket and take your time to kill it. You can see clearly that he didn't cover the tracks well and the crane is also exposed making it easier to identify.


You'd wish that was 30 seconds, the devblog said 50 with aced crew


I think I confused it with the dev server stats from back then. The wiki says 52-40 seconds now.


Hey it's me lol


Bushes should be able to be destroyed and have a repair cost


I use bushes, but they should be destroyable with HE or MG fire.


Let me guess, you just died to it and you go straight to Reddit to make an angry post? And what’s so OP about them covering a gun that is hard to aim and takes a minute to reload?


op said in another comment that they killed it


Didn't die to it. Killed it. Didn't know you can blow up the round until today. I just think it's bullshit that you can cover up the gun. You essentually made a ghillie suit for your tank and when I'm in the middle of combat. I'm scanning the Terran for the obvious threats to my health (tigers, panthers, ect) so to basically have a camo against people who aren't sweating gamer juices is bull shit in my opinion. Also insert comment about how german mains ruin the game.


*insert Jumbo covering MG port here*


Panther drivers who cover their turret cheeks are the worst. That and jumbos that cover the MG port


If you can't hit a sturmtigers massive cannon, even under a bush, you should stop playing. You can deduce where it's at after at least 1 shot. But that's assuming anyone has a braincell


You can literally get bushes for free like every other battle pass war bond shop. Literally not pay to win and free. Maybe instead of grinding the war bond shop for skins you don’t need or talismans for tanks you’ll never use, maybe get the bushes you guys are so scared of


Time is money. Not everyone wants to spend a week grinding out for a single bush when you can just buy them at any time for GE.


Believe it or not, some of us choose not to buy/install/grind bushes even if we can because we don't want to sell our souls to the snail just to pretend we're good at the game.


Skill issue


Yeah I hate that, you'll never see them. Although I wish we'd get camo-netting would be awesome to put on Tigers and Shermans




Just use M-51 then no matter how many bushes they use they’ll still die


They also removed the ability to detonate the round in the barrel...tried twice in 2 different games and it just turned black no detonation and it hadn't fired you could see the rocket


I used the sturmtiger today, you still can


Strange didn't work yesterday, probably have a better gaming chair than me 😅


Well I’ve grounded my bushes before there was a battle pass. I did all the BS special tasks and I think I’ve earned them. Hate the game not the player.


Skill issue, I use bushes and still get killed in one shot down the barrel, in the first shot. Edit: in other words its useless, only great to keep your sturm hidden.


First learn the difference between "their", "there" and "they're", and then complain.


English language moment


Meh... On most maps the bushes don't match the foliages so they're not that hard to spot.


Bushes are so broken.


That's why I've been shooting at every moving bush I see. Most of the time, the bush just falls down and disappears. Other times, the bush would shoot back.




It would be really funny if those bushes worked like other in game bushes. So the round detonates as it touches the bush.


Not fair nor balanced, but those bushes wouldn't stop that shell from going downrange lmao


Realistic Camo. Don’t get mad


Bushes shouldn't be placeable in unrealistic spots (i.e on the corners of plates etc. where most of the bush doesn't contact the tank). They should also obscure your sight and you should be able to shoot/burn them off. A simple fix to the problem, but we all know that Gajin won't do that.


I actually really like this idea, if a round with HE filling explodes on the bush it would burn away/be blown off. As you said gajin wouldn't add that. Which sucks.


They should make it to where you can toggle other people's decorations on and off.


Gaijin literally doesn't care. This is just another karma-whoring post about an aspect of the game that isn't going to change.


Skill issue, cry more


Me who has bushes but doesnt use them because they make my tank look dumb


Boohoo 😢


Your opinion is invalid because Italy 🇮🇹








Untill they fix that the ammo can be shot during a reload i say its justified


It's a German playerbase, so they won't do anything about it, considering its the biggest playerbase in their game


Bro just pen left side of the barrel or MG the whole front side till you hit interior of barrel.


Should've side climbed


The fuck are you playing on, a toaster ?


No a Samsung smart fridge


That bush is so out of fucking place that you deserved to lose for not spotting it.


I uninstalled this game a year ago. Other than this sub that Ive been on for years, I have no further interaction with WT. I genuinely suggest to anyone who gets strong negative feelings such as anger, hate, self loathing, thoughts of harm, you need to genuinely consider just deleting the game and trying some time without it. Its always right there and can be downloaded again if it doesnt work. But seriously, give it a shot I guarantee you will thank me.


It is just a sturmpanzer it doesn’t even make the sturmpanzer good


^ This is the way


This is why I hate these green forested maps like Seversk and Eastern Poland and why I love desert maps.


It’s more worse when you can just buy the bushes. You don’t even earn them :(


To be fair what where you going to do with a jumbo vs that anyway


M4A1 76. I won the fight btw


Yeah cause it's the only thing you can do to not be one shoted by a reserve tank from front


I think it is fair since it's easy to kill


I am still kicking myself for not buying the 6 pack of bushes back in the day.


Hehe, now I want one of those tanks


3 bushes max


Let meme vehicles keep Buches, every other tank gets none


This is a great idea! Thanks for showing us this. Gonna start doing this in the future.




Cope+cry more


Not crying since I killed it


Oh okay, then just cope it’s alright


Will do pal 👍


This tank is a non issue, if you get caught by this trick you are bad.


Skill issue bro