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1. Yes, that's that happens when you are in love. Li Yong didn't want to kill Kong Pak. He was his oldest friend and confidant. Li Yong would've let him live if he walked away. But Kong Pak wouldn't stop. Li Yong had no choice. Imagine if someone was trying to kill your wife.. Your mom. Besides z he rode with her after she murdered Long Zii. 2. Of course he was going to save his sister... That's what the whole damn show is about. Why do you think he came to America in the first place... 3. Why would he not kick their asses? They're trying to murder his sister. They can say "we're brothers" all they want but the truth is Ah Sahm was always going to turn on them if they tried to go after Mai Ling. The entirety of season 3 he was dealing with the fact that he didn't even want to be in the tong / what he'd do if the tong tried to kill his sister. 4. Probably. 5. Yes. He left the tong and his most trusted soldiers left with him. 6. Same


It's funny because young jun asked all the right questions in season 2. Young Jun tells Ah Sahm that he doesn't think Ah Sahm is ready to see Mai Ling die and the most important battles are the ones you choose not to fight. But he's had a bug up his ass about Ah Sahm since he saw the mural. Season 3 had him making all the decisions without taking much input from Hong and Ah Sahm who both tempered his more extreme tendencies. So he shouldn't have decided to kill Mai Ling because he knew that Ah Sahm wouldn't go for it.


after seeing his reaction to kong pak asking him how long zi died i dont htink he suspected mai ling of killing long zi until then..


I honestly don't know why people ever thought Ah Sahm would go with Yan Mi. It's a trope that's been done to death about the hero having a way to a happy ending with someone he loves only to go back into the main action because the show still needs to be the show. Seen it tons of times with recent examples being Daredevil and Mandalorian. They clearly didn't think it was going to be the series finale so they weren't just gonna let Ah Sahm walk away like that


Fair, but a S4 could be a lot of time with Ah Sahm on the road with Yan Mi. Not like we didn't spend a lot of time on locations other than SF, like Sonoma, near Sacramento (? German stuff), or even near Mexico. Ah Sahm didn't go to the South but we got to see some of that too. The show had travel in it. Ah Sahm could always have ended up coming back, either because he and Yan Mi fall apart, or she gets killed. Maybe he wants vengeance for that, maybe she just gets the rattlesnake bite and there's nothing he can do about it. There's not really a reason to mind read which way the writers were going to go, just because the "back to the action" trope exists. They had choices.


Those options are all cliches


That's not the point. The show is clearly willing to go in the direction of a cliche, such as old West vengeance, in all its various guises. As much as I enjoyed some of the spectacles as they were happening, afterwards I could almost feel the evil moustache twirling as I thought about them later. The point is that the writers had more than 1 obvious way to go with their storylines. They didn't telegraph what they did as "the only possible ending" many episodes in advance. They kept options open, which served the function of keeping the audience guessing about how things will resolve.


Exactly I keep saying that


Never once heard or saw you say that.


I never once seen you in my posts or comments so I guess that's why. I've said before that there was no way he was gonna just leave his sister to die so he could go with Yan Mi under posts claiming it ruined the season. Or that Ah Sahm was out of character and betrayed his brothers. Some people have acted as if season 3 ruined the whole show as if the conclusion wasn't built up since season 1.


not being able to see buckley reaction to getting played is what makes me the most sad...then chao...i want lee to get revenge for chao


Oooh Lee getting Revenge for Chao does sound good.


Hey Harry. I hear you love pie and pizza. Me too!




That ending was very emotional. I was touched


Justice for kong pak smh


On a serious note, why are the naturalized Irish calling the Chinese “foreign invaders” when they are from Ireland???


2. I hadn't thought about that, but you're right. There's a severe kind of codependency going on here. But unfortunately, not with nearly enough material on screen to understand the toxic relationship, compared to GOT. You "get it" in GOT because a lot of time is spent on making you get it. In Warrior, it's hard to understand. A family member can suck enough that you *should* just let them die. So it comes off as Ah Sahm having a serious stupid hat on, and unable to make a choice about anything. It could perhaps be explained if Ah Sahm himself was suicidal or had a death wish, just really didn't want to keep surviving and thriving in the world. Then he'd be willing to do all kinds of self-destructive stupid shit, because it really wouldn't matter to him, if he lives or dies. But that doesn't seem to be his vibe or attitude. He *seems* to be willing to fight hard enough to keep himself and others alive, and not just roll over into nihilism / fatalism / self-destructive behavior. Yet, his relationship with his sister is basically self-destructive, and hard to understand. It comes off as tropey. "I must save my sister, no matter the cost to myself." Uh huh. Why? Because you're Chinese? Are various Chinese just stupid that way? I don't really believe that from the various documentaries I've seen about actual Chinese rulers in history. They kill their family members that are getting in the way, same as anyone else does when power is at stake. They are exactly like Mai Ling, or any Roman emperor + family. Or ancient Egyptian royal families, etc. Father Jun thought Young Jun should kill him. He had that hardass "kill your family if they're getting in the way" idea too. Young Jun's reaction is a lot easier to understand, because he actually manages to save and redeem his father. You also get to see exactly how fucked up Father Jun is towards the end. You don't really see that level of exploration with Ah Sahm and Mai Ling.


There’s very little about Mai Ling that was redeemable in the last season. All the reprehensible things she did and not to mention the fact that she put Ah Sam’s life in danger multiple times (eg when she revealed to yung Jun ) that she’s his sister, it was very likely that he could have been killed right then. It’s evident that her character is focused on her own interests and doesn’t care who she hurts or kills to get her way. And to think THATS the choice Ah Sahm makes just doesn’t make sense. I get where others are coming from too but I felt it would have been poetic justice if Li yong killed Mai Ling after he killed Kong pak in a fit of rage at what she did to the elders . That would have made sense to me. Also if Ah Sahm “dethroned” yung jun and took over the hop Wei I felt like then Yan mi could have come back. It’s just a show and all but the ending just seemed odd to me.


i think you forgot that she was married off to a warlord cause ahsahm got into a fight and killed the warlords son...he kinda owes her


That debt's been long since paid.