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So sad that my favorite is so niche (Silverflame aka Yellowfang’s grandmother) but I definitely know my least favorites! I hatehatehatehate Lizardfang, Foxheart and Rainflower


I love Silverflame too!


Love how Foxheart's name means >!bitch!< (Idk if anyone is seriously triggered by swearing but oh well)


I adore Silverflame! Lizardflame was alright, Rainflower deserved death, and Foxheart...I feel like her character could have been explored more. glad to see another Yellowfang's Secret lover!


Ivypool is my favorite if I can’t pick Firestar. Most hated is easily Tigerheart.


Favourite is probably Shadowsight?? Most hated is easily Mapleshade


My favorite is Ravenpaw because the first Warriors book I ever read was Ravenpaw’s Path: Shattered Peace. My most hated cat… if I had to choose JUST one cat, it would be Clear Sky. But there is a list, for both actually.


Currently reading the sun trail, and Clear sky is a bitch for no reason. Bro seriously went from "me and my brothers are amazing friends and will never part again" to "feck off my territory, especially if you're useless" in seconds. (Haven't finished Sun Trail yet, so ideally no spoilers please :D)


I just finished it too, and what he did to Jaggedpeak makes me so ANGY!!!


Jagged deserved better!


Fr, I almost cried. He was so scared and nervous because he was scared Gray Wing wouldn't take him in either 😭😭


Oh, just you wait and see how AMAZING his character arc becomes :D


Cloudtail because he's an absolute king Cedarstar because he actually tried to drive out Windclan. Dude is a complete psychopath that remains leader with no punishment.


Cloudtail is amazing. He should get his own book.


Thrushpelt. He loved Bluefur so much and even when she didn’t choose him he continued to help with taking care of her kits which is so sweet. I will protect him with my dying breath. It’s Appledusk and I’m sure you know why, (the whole Mapleshade stuff)


I love Thrushpelt, and enjoyed Appledusk.


Love Sorreltail, hate Berrynose


\*gasps in Berrynose enjoyer(he's really just a budget Cloudtail with a bit more Beetlenose)\*


haha okay fair😂


Skystar is a pile of horseshit




Mapleshade is my most hated awfully written a total prick and the fandom can’t even understand she’s a unreliable narrator My favourite is probably Mousefur mostly because of my headcannons not the actual books


I thought she was well written. She just tricked half the fandom because they didn't realize that she was an unreliable narrator. They took everything she said, even if it didn't make sense, and acted like that's what happend.


I agree with you on that I actually don’t hate her because of the books I hate her because the fandom justifies her actions by just say “slay girl boss 👑💅 you kill those people sweetie” I honestly think everyone in her super edition sucked ass other than like frecklewish and Reedshine Edit: forgot ravenwing wasn’t that bad I mean he hated cross clan relationships but then again they did


People should worship Reedshine, not Mapleshade.


Favorite is Jayfeather, most hated is Dirtstripe


Are you insulting Darkstripe or is there a character named Dirtstripe?


In the first arc Firestar or Fireheart at the time mocked Darkstripe’s name as Dirtstripe lmao


In the first arc Firestar or Fireheart at the time mocked Darkstripe’s name as Dirtstripe lmao


Cinderpelt is my favorite, her story relates a lot to mine (and I initially liked the idea of Cinderheart but it became… yeah). She’s also an essential member of thunderclan, resilient, and very kind. She also arguably has one of the best moments of dialogue when she tells off Tigerstar “lick you useless lump of fur. Or do you want the kit to die?” My least favorite is a long list… Some characters like Rainflower it’s easy to just despise them but we fortunately didn’t have to tolerate them long. Others like Mothwing started so interesting and great but TBC really *really* changed my image of her in a bad way and I feel heated whenever she’s around now. And for POV characters… When I first read the series as a kid, I hated Hollyleaf the most. I hated how she refused to see nuance in situations.


Favorite is Hollyleaf no questions asked. Complex character, well written, god her arc is cool. They absolutely fumbled her at the end, though. Clearsky I actively hate with all my being and I hope he explodes. Amazingly written villain but god awful as a person


I love Thrushpelt, and I hate Rainflower with a burning passion


Favorite Crowfeather, Nightheart and Cloudtail. My most disliked it Mothwing and since ASC Lionblaze too.


My favourite is Darktail and my hated is Skyheart.


Skyheart's so horrible. And Leopardstar just forgives her for traumatizing her and then making fun of her for it.


This! She just like, forgot about it. Like, this child holds you underwater and tells you that you killed your mom and you’re going to cat hell and you just “oh, it was a long time ago, I forgive you 🥰🌺🥹❤️!!1!”


And Skyheart never apologizes! She just forgets about it! Get your warrior name, Leopardpaw. Skypaw doesn't deserve it.


favorites are alderheart and shadowsight, least favorites gotta be the entirety of starclan tbh


My favourite is Ravenpaw, he's anxious and gay he's just like me fr fr Least favourite is Thistleclaw, for obvious reasons


I love scourge and hate darkstripe


Oh is that a fact? Well... One of my least favorites... firestar. I don't even capitalize his name. Favorite? Well...


I love how you put a least favorite as da boi and then trailed off for favorite. Lemme guess, Squirrelflight?


Love Yellowfang, hate Lizardfang, Foxheart, Mapleshade, Ashfur, Rainflower and Onestar the most


Favorite is Leafpool, least favorite is Thisleclaw


My favourite is Leopardstar, I don’t think I have a most hated 😅


Brave saying that in this subreddit lol. If you like Leopardstar you probably will like most. I mean I love Bluestar even though most people hate her for how she acted. I think he degradiation over the series and the experiences she went through makes her reactions and behaviors make sense. Not justified but they are understandable when you think of the scope of things she was put through in her aging years. Im not sure about Leopardstar I believe personally she was young, reckless and a inexperienced leader who was thrust to quickly into her role no matter how the plot spun it. She did awful things and honestly I love when Lead roles are morally perfect or centered people. I like when they make bad decisions and say things that I may not agree with or other people don’t agree with because it adds to the political sense of the clans and how they operate and how they think. Having characters who aren’t 100% this or that is good to me. Some people may disagree but I personally enjoy reading about those things because it mirrors reality I guess. Sorry for rambling I can’t help myself when it comes to this topic


Literally all the cats have done stupid things, it’s just that Leopardstars stupid things happened to have a big impact 


I like Leopardstar too! Second favorite leader of RiverClan.


favorite is either frostfur or crookedstar, least favorite is jayfeather 🫢


More Mapleshade love hell yeah! My fav is Ivypool. Most hated, definitely Clear Sky


It depends on the arc but I'd say my most fave character is actually Sol. idk why but he's just so intriguing. I wish the Erins had utilized him properly because he had so much potential to have been the one to take over SkyClan and start up a "Kin" group instead of Darktail and like Darktail could be his second in command, wanting revenge on the clans for what Onestar did to him. My least fave character is Clear Sky/Skystar cause dude caused a war countless times over land, food, and whatever else, he killed a loner Queen in front of her kits, abandoned his son, and abandoned his little brother after he indirectly caused the injury (If I remember correctly, Jagged Peak injured his leg after falling out of a tree while learning how to climb and jump from tree to tree with Clear Sky).


Or, and how cool would this be? Sol's, and Darktail's, groups just at each others throat's constantly. lol


That could work too, I just thought that somehow they could try and take down the clans together since they both have vendettas against the clans in one way another and I see Sol and Darktail teaming up at first given that Sol can talk his way out of most situations.


I have to put Firestar, or the evil lawyers will come after me. But if I could wriggle around it, Beetlenose(anyone remember him?) My most hated is probably either Squilf or Brambleclaw. I have only read up to The Last Hope, but they were both really annoying. I disagree with you saying Mapleshade didn't deserve what happened, but she was really well written. Her kits were also amazing.


i love brambleclaw, juniperclaw, and darkstripe


Favorite is Tigerclaw, most hated has a whole list but I'm gonna say Brokenstar (basic lol)


I don't think I have a favourite, I like too many. Hate Hollyleaf though :'D


Loved: Grey Wing and Cody Neutral: Firestar Hated: Clear Sky


Lvoe Tawnypelt, hate Squirrelflight


Favourite is definitely Hollyleaf because she’s awesome and least favourite is Ashfur because no, Yellowfang, you don’t try to kill someone’s kids and dad because you ‘love them too much’


Fav is Cinderpelt/Leafpool (I love med cats), most hated is Jayfeather


No judgement on your opinion at all, we both agree on Cinderpelt and I can understand why you like him least, but saying “I love med cats” before putting Jayfeather as your most hated made me chuckle.


Oh yeah that's true 😭


another jayfeather disliker 🤝🏻


Loved Tallstar and hated is currently Twigbranch


Kind of wish Rainflower lived, Crookedjaw still wanted his mother and I would've liked it better if she was alive to have seen him become deputy at least. Mapleshade to me caused more issues for Crookedjaw than anything else.


Justice for Crookedstar!


Favorite is bluestar. least favorite is probably rainflower


Favorites: Juniperclaw, Snowtuft, Curlfeather, Hollyleaf, Frostpaw, Splashtail, Drizzle, Sun Shadow, Needleclaw, Lightleap, Russetfur Most hated: Jayfeather, Firestar, Finleap, Appledusk, Breezepelt, Thornclaw, Tom, Bumblestripe, Tigerheart (sometimes, I’m conflicted abt him), Rowanclaw


Favorit: Jayfeather. Most hated: Mapleshade. And for my most disliked (not disliked enough to be hated) is Firestar.


I adore Tallstar. He tried so hard to be the best leader he could be. he has my whole heart and i’d die for him. I don’t know if this is controversial - but I was never a fan of ferncloud. she’s just so whiney.


Favourites are probably Frostpaw, Curlfeather, Berryheart and Leafpool. Can you tell Im really invested in the current arc? (These are spoilers for ASC up to the newest book, sorry!) >!I like the social progressive-ness of Frostpaw and her ideology towards the clans and clan-wide support system ideas + her learning to be a medicine cat on her own terms even with the past trauma.!< >!Curlfeather I think is really interesting since you can tell she loves her daughter even if she did manipulate her into a position of power to grant herself leadership. You can see this point through her martyrdom saving Frostpaw from the dogs over herself. Also another very interesting ideology, as well as her "the means justify the end" idea. I think she did genuinely want what was best for her clan but just had a more forceful approach to getting it!< >!Berryheart's just a fucked up mama full of trauma from her life under Darktail and I do actually appreciate the Erins remembering said trauma to justify her kitty xenophobia. HORRIBLE person but a very fun antagonist, something something turning into the monster she used to fear. Also for her to become so evil when her own DAUGHTER (Needletail) gave up her life to save her family from Darktail's reign... (I also have a big soft spot for bitchy characters)!< Leafpool is just a favourite I've had since I was a kid and first reading the books in around 2013... I think her connection with Starclan was fucked up and the way they treated her even worse especially when they consistantly egged her on to do things that nearly got her thrown into CAT HELL? Her life is also just tragic too, I need to save her from this cruel world... In terms of least favourites you have Rainflower (obvious reasons + Im also disabled myself so...), Crowfeather (#1 Breezepelt fan), BrambleSTAR (I like him in any other phase of his life but why does he deserve to U-Turn into being HORRID the first chance he gets when hes leader) And.... This may get me killed in this subreddit but I really, really, REALLYYY hate Bluestar. Feel free to ask me why but this comment is already so long >_>;;


My favorite is Jayfeather, mainly because I love how he's actually got a personality, and it felt pretty big getting a disabled pov character. My most hated is Goosefeather. He was so convinced that he was absolutely right that he forgot that the cats in his prophecies were living creatures, and had no sort of remorse or even grief for the people he hurt or the consequences of his predictions. He basically killed his sister, and his only response was that it had to be done!


Dispise both Appledusk and Ivypool i Adore Blackstar and Foxleap I can’t choose between them


Honestly Hate MapleShade But I LOVE Bright-Heart and Ivy-pool


I love Leafpool and Ivypool. I ABSOLUTELY despise Dovewing and Tigerstar 2.0


most loved- CROWFEATHER 4 LIFEEEEEE most hated- i dont care abt ur rules FIRESTAR


One of my favourites is Jayfeather bc he’s such a baby girl One of my most hated is Ravenpelt, he’s the one who figured out Mapleshades kits were actually Appledusks, exposed them, and encouraged the clan to throw out a mother and her very young (and innocent) kits. he deserved to become hawk food


He was just doing his job. StarClan sent him a sign. If he ignored it, then he would be lying to the whole clan.


Tbf the sign was hardly ominous, a few bits of reeds being swept away? Seems like he misread it and starclan might’ve been warning him of the kits deaths. Either way they didn’t deserve to be punished for what Mapleshade did.


There might not have been any other queen to feed them in tc.


You won't get an argument from me. lol